Guided by the goal of ensuring that family caregivers have the knowledge they need to care for their loved ones, her work has appeared in numerous online and print publications, and she was recently named one of Media Industry News’ "RisingStars in Media."


Seasonal allergies can be just as potent in the fall as they are in the spring. No matter when they strike, the symptoms are the same: nasal congestion, watery eyes, runny nose and irritated sinuses.

Only 3 percent of online pharmacies are safe to use, according to the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. The vast majority of web-based medication merchants fail to meet the U.S. standards for pharmaceutical quality and safety.

Many elderly Americans are turning to skilled nursing care during their last few months of life, despite the fact that some may be better served by seeking palliative care services, such as hospice.

What does it mean to “trust your instincts?” When is it appropriate to rely on intuition, and when is it not? Discover the benefits (and drawbacks) of going with your gut.

Evidence has surfaced indicating that basketball coaching legend Pat Summit may have been forcibly driven from her job because of an early-onset Alzheimer's diagnosis.

Everyone has an emotional calendar that influences how they feel about and approach certain times of the year. Awareness of these connections can allow you to break negative emotional patterns and develop and promote positive ones.

Eating is often difficult for a cancer-stricken senior. But the weakness and fatigue associated with not getting enough nutrients can give cancer the upper hand. Learn how to make sure your loved one is getting the food they need.

For a person diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, feelings of chaos and confusion are commonplace. People living with Alzheimer's offer caregivers their perspective on what it's like to live with the disease.

New research casts doubt on the effectiveness of two commonly-prescribed senior medications: beta blockers and anti-depressants.

Few seniors succeed in selecting the ideal Medicare prescription drug benefit plan (Part D). Seniors who find themselves in sub-optimal plans have the opportunity to save money during the annual Medicare Open Enrollment period.

Identity theft can do more than drain a senior's bank account—it may also impede their ability to access important medical care, says a new government report. Well over a quarter of a million Medicare beneficiaries have had their identities stolen over the past two years.

Over 90 percent of adults in assisted living enjoy residing in their communities. Discover what you can do to make sure your loved one falls into the percentage of pleased residents.

Nursing home workers who abuse elderly residents are more likely to have a criminal background. Nearly one out of every five nursing aides who were found guilty of abusing, neglecting or stealing from senior residents have pre-existing criminal records.

Use these tips to connect with the nurses caring for your loved one and show your appreciation and respect for their hard work.

While it's impossible to prevent breast cancer, there are steps women can take to protect themselves. Here are the five numbers every woman should know for breast cancer risk reduction.

The number of multi-generational households is likely to double over the next few years, according to a recent report. Adult children often struggle when deciding whether their elderly parent(s) should move in with them.

The mental changes that accompany Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia can dramatically alter a person's capacity for communication. Here are ten tips to for talking with a loved one who has Alzheimer's disease.

One of the more important decisions faced by seniors during Medicare Open Enrollment is whether or not to switch their Medicare Part D plan. There are resources that caregivers and seniors can use to help decide which plan best fits their prescription drug needs.

Seniors who eat high-sugar diets are nearly four times as likely to develop mild cognitive impairment, according to a recent study. The ever-strengthening link between diet and dementia highlights the importance of good nutrition for elders and cargivers.

Americans spend ten times longer searching for a new car than they do researching the right doctor. Part of the problem is that picking a quality doctor or hospital can be tricky. What can a caregiver do to find a reliable care provider?

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