Guided by the goal of ensuring that family caregivers have the knowledge they need to care for their loved ones, her work has appeared in numerous online and print publications, and she was recently named one of Media Industry News’ "RisingStars in Media."


Aging parents are often resistant to receiving assistance from their grown children—even (and sometimes especially) when they desperately need it. Researchers shed light on why convincing an older adult to accept help can be so tricky.

Caregivers can be hit especially hard by mid-life regret because of the life-altering decisions they have to make, both for themselves and their loved ones.

From silent films to Blu-Ray players, Kitty Hawk to the Mars Rover missions, two World Wars and the literal invention of sliced bread—Besse Cooper, the world's oldest living person, was alive for them all.

Some traditional holiday dishes can be problematic or entirely off-limits for loved ones with special dietary needs. Use these tips to plan a flavorful and healthful meal that everyone can enjoy.

One of the most frustrating and debilitating forms of pain is chronic pain. Chronic pain can last for years and is hard to treat. Understanding the mind-body connection can help people cope with chronic pain.

Although PTSD is commonly associated with survivors of disasters, the emotional strain of caregiving can have serious and unexpected long-term effects on a caregiver’s mental health.

Harsh winter weather can be especially damaging to sensitive older skin. Use these six tips to prevent dry skin, cracking, itching and eczema.

Stroke side effects range from the familiar--speech problems and partial paralysis--to the surprising. Discover 4 lesser-known stroke side effects.

Are you destined to age the same way your parent has? Caregivers have a heightened awareness of the physical and mental declines that accompany aging. How can you ensure successful aging?

He's survived two different types of cancer and toured while suffering from two collapsed lungs and pneumonia. Now, singer/songwriter Bobby Womack faces a new challenge: Alzheimer's disease.

Taking medication to manage high blood pressure may provide protection against Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

A mini stroke, also known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA), can seem like a minor incident at first, but the long-term effects of TIAs can be very serious for people of all ages.

There are many benefits associated with expressing gratitude for the people who help make our day-to-day lives easier and happier. Use this list of thoughtful gestures to show your appreciation in a meaningful way.

Jodie Foster pays tribute to her mom with dementia during her Lifetime Achievement Award acceptance speech at the Golden Globe Awards.

Mediterranean diet foods such as olive oil, salmon and spinach offer a variety of health benefits to people of all ages.

Providing healthful post-hospital care for seniors can prevent unnecessary re-hospitalization. Discover 5 tips for effective care following a hospital discharge.

Dear Abby advice columnist, Pauline Phillips, has passed away from Alzheimer's. Her children carry on her legacy of advice and Alzheimer's advocacy.

For people with osteoporosis, an exercise program can help prevent further bone loss. Here are 5 characteristics of an effective exercise program.

What if there was something you could do to simultaneously reduce your stress and slow down the mental decline of your loved one with dementia?

Edythe Kirchmaier used the occasion of her 105th birthday to help turn her desire for a better, healthier world, into a reality.

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