Over the span of two decades, author, columnist, consultant and speaker Carol Bradley Bursack cared for a neighbor and six elderly family members. Her experiences inspired her to pen "Minding Our Elders: Caregivers Share Their Personal Stories," a portable support group book for caregivers.


Many of us dive into caregiving with full hearts and little forethought. Doing some honest soul searching can help you sort out your priorities, set goals for your loved one’s care and establish your own boundaries.

Father's Day is a great time to remember who your dad used to be before age-related changes set in. Sometimes you forget how vibrant and caring he was, but the truth is he’s still that person on the inside—and he always will be.

Things that may seem “clearer” to you in hindsight can still be distorted by difficult emotions—especially when it comes to a major life event like caregiving. Are your reflections on your time as a caregiver healthy, or are they doing you a disservice?

Hospitalization of a senior sometimes causes a rapid cognitive decline known as hospital delirium. Although people with dementia are more prone, it can affect seniors who don't have a prior dementia diagnosis and has potentially serious consequences.

What happens when the person you care for dies and caregiving ends? For a family caregiver, relief after the death of a care recipient is a common yet conflicting occurrence.

Learn how to adapt cherished traditions and discover ideas for new customs that will keep the holiday season festive (yet simple) for you and your aging loved one.

Family caregivers tend to put their own needs last, including doctor’s appointments. But, delaying checkups and screenings like mammograms jeopardizes not only your health but also that of your care recipient.

The holidays should be merry and bright, but many elders feel increasingly isolated and unhappy this time of year. Use these tips to brighten up an aging loved one’s winter season.

The start of a new year is an excellent time for honest reflection. If caregiving has taken a toll on your emotions and health, it’s time to make some changes. What will you do differently this year to ensure your own well-being while caring for others?

Writing in a journal about your thoughts, feelings and goals can help you make positive changes in your attitude, your health, your care plan and your life.

The death of one parent often exposes the care needs of the surviving spouse. Unfortunately for many adult children, the funeral of one parent becomes a time for planning for the long-term care of the surviving parent.

Seniors may mislead their doctors due to fear, denial or a phenomenon called “showtiming.” Fortunately, there are some tips that caregivers can use to ensure doctors are well-informed while their loved ones’ dignity remains intact.

When a senior has dementia, celebrating holidays, birthdays and other special occasions becomes increasingly complicated. I found that, especially on Valentine's Day, helping my parents honor their years of love and marriage did serve a purpose.

In situations where seniors’ adult children aren’t willing or able to assist with their care, grandchildren are rising to the occasion. These younger caregivers face countless challenges, but there are resources available to help them navigate this role.

Placing a parent in a skilled nursing facility is often a distressing decision. Use these tips to move past the guilt and stop second-guessing your long-term care decision.

Time management is never easy for family caregivers, but for those who are caring for more than one person, balancing it all can seem impossible. Use these tips to prioritize seniors’ needs, find respite care and avoid caregiver burnout.

A person with Alzheimer's disease faces a life-altering and ultimately terminal disease. However, Alzheimer's caregivers might have it worse than Alzheimer's patients.

Most adult children do what they can to help out when Mom and Dad’s needs increase, but is giving up work to care for elderly parents wise?

Breaking the news that a loved one is going on hospice care can be a hard conversation to have with your family. If it’s up to you to inform a loved one that he or she would be more comfortable under hospice care there are steps you can take to get you through this difficult transition.

Celebrate the spirit of Mother's Day by realizing that the sainted ideal of motherhood is a myth. No one is perfect, and gaining insight into your mother's childhood may inspire you to move on with your own life.

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