K. Gabriel Heiser, J.D., is an attorney with over 25 years of experience in elder law and estate planning. He is the author of "How to Protect Your Family's Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets," an annually updated practical guide for the layperson.



Can someone explain what the 5-year "look back" period for Medicaid is?

I am an attorney with 25 years' experience doing Medicaid planning. My book "How to Protect Your Family's Assets from... see more


My mom's trust states that when she can no longer take care of herself, I will have POA. Should we find an at...

I think you may be confusing the POA (Power of Attorney) with a trust document. I think possibly you mean that the trust names you as the... see more


Can I delegate POA to some else?

Typically, the named agent under a Power of Attorney can NOT delegate his/her authority and powers to someone else, absent specific... see more


In Texas there is a "look-back" clause of 5 years after a house is deeded to children. Can we now sell her hom...

It's not the current value of the house that matters, it's the value at the time of the gift (that is, when she signed the deed... see more


In Texas there is a "look-back" clause of 5 years after a house is deeded to children. Can we now sell her hom...

If you sell the house, someone with legal authority to sign for your mother will also have to sign the deed on her behalf, because she is... see more


Can Medicaid take your parent's home to pay for nursing care if the caregiver is joint owner?

A living trust offers no protection from Medicaid eligibility and indeed can convert an exempt asset (such as the home) into one that... see more


I am confused about Medicare, Medicaid and Private Insurance benefits. Where do I start?

If the house was transferred at least 5 years before your mother applies for Medicaid, then she will immediately be eligible, assuming she... see more


Can Medicaid take your parent's home to pay for nursing care if the caregiver is joint owner?

For Medicaid purposes, a house cannot be in a living trust without it losing its exempt status. You need to confirm this with an attorney... see more


Will my mother still be eligible for Medicaid if I claim her on my taxes?

As Jon Beyrer indicated above, the mere claiming of a parent as a tax deduction will have no effect on the parent's eligibility for... see more


How can I find a local Medicaid adviser?

I actually discuss how to find a qualified elder law attorney with Medicaid experience in my book "How to Protect Your Family's... see more


Is there a cap for bills paid out of pocket?

You are also correct in that once she enters a facility, virtually all of her income must be paid over to the facility, and Medicaid will... see more


Is there a cap for bills paid out of pocket?

I believe the income limit is currently $2,094 (in most states) not $1,999. Perhaps you're thinking of the ASSET limit, which is indeed... see more


Is there a cap for bills paid out of pocket?

A person in a nursing home or assisted living facility who qualifies for Medicaid must pay over almost all of their income to the facility... see more


Comparison of Medigap plans and Part D plans-where can I go for help?

The federal government's Medicare Plan Finder can help you sort this out: https://www.medicare.gov/find-a-plan/questions/home.aspx Good... see more


Can Medicaid take your parent's home to pay for nursing care if the caregiver is joint owner?

Like other states, Louisiana is under an obligation to seek recoupment of its Medicaid payments by filing a claim against the estate of the... see more


How long should it take a lawyer to make up a new will, a Power of Attorney directive, and a health care proxy...

Having been an estate planning and elder law attorney for 25 years, and having drafted hundreds of wills, trusts, and powers of attorney... see more


How long does a Purple Heart veteran receive VA benefits?

The federal government has posted some very helpful information on a veteran's access to nursing home and other health care assistance... see more


Can my mother get Medicare and Medicaid at the same time?

Yes, people who receive both Medicare and Medicaid are called "Dual Eligibles." The federal government has information online... see more


If I am on a joint checking account with my mother, how does the money in her checking account affect her elig...

I AM an elder law attorney and the answer is this: If a person applies for Medicaid has a joint account, ALL the money is deemed owned by... see more


My mother doesn't qualify for Medicaid. How can we get help for her care?

As an elder law attorney I might be biased, but...I would say that the cost of an elder law attorney who specializes in Medicaid planning... see more

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