Ralph S. Robbins, CFP©, is a licensed Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and an Accredited VA Claims Agent specializing in Eldercare Financial Planning. He works everyday helping families in crisis find creative ways to fund long-term care expenses and deal with family financial issues.



My family thinks since I have POA that all duties regarding moms care are mine. Is this true?

A Power of Attorney permits you to handle financial and contractual matters. If you are also Health Care Surrogate you are permitted to... see more


Mom has a joint account with my brother. Most of the funds are his. Would Medicaid be able to take that money?

Unless your brother can prove funds originated from him the agency will consider the account 100% hers. Joint accounts are never a good... see more


My 80 yr old dad has DPOA for my sister to act on his behalf. Does our step mom have any say at all in his car...

HI Denise... Just to be clear, is it your step mother that your father did not trust? I wanted to be clear on what the desired result is... see more


What if dad goes to nursing home and files for Medicaid and still owes money on his mortgage will the nursing...

See this link:


Can a Health Care Proxy/Power of Attorney prevent me from visiting my dying Mother in Law?

POA and/or Health Care Surrogacy does NOT give the holder the power to prevent visitation. You and your husband need simply visit with the... see more


Both inlaws in nursing home, mother-in-law died, how much can my father in law have in the bank in the state o...

The answer to your question(s) depends on the answer to several unanswered questions: Is father-in-law (FIL) currently on Medicaid or is he... see more


My husband and I live on Social Security. He has no assets, I have a 401k from a previous job. Is my 401k sa...

In the State of Florida "Qualified Plans", such as IRA's and 401k's, are considered exempt assets with respect to... see more


Are my husband and I, who are becoming guardians for my MIL, financially responsible for her once her assets a...

Bayoubaby.... It is true that in LA the Medicaid waiver program does not assist with the cost of care in an ALF which is indeed... see more


Are my husband and I, who are becoming guardians for my MIL, financially responsible for her once her assets a...

Guardianship is a legal process whereby one party is deemed incompetent to handle their own affairs (the “ward”) and a court appoints... see more


In a joint bank account, what would be the spend down amount required for Medicaid?

I’m sorry to hear of your mom’s decline. When contemplating or anticipating application for Medicaid there are several important areas... see more



Can you convert a term life insurance policy into payments for long term care and is home health care covered?

Yes it is legit. However weigh your options. At its core, this is called a "viatical settlement" where you are essentially... see more


Mom is 99+ years old. Would Medicaid pay for assisted living or would she forced to enter full nursing facilit...

Contact the Area Agency on Aging in the county she resides to determine the availability of Medicaid benefits for assisted living.... see more


Can you convert a term life insurance policy into payments for long term care and is home health care covered?

The is no such thing as converting a life policy to a long-term care policy. One possibility, however, might be to sell the term policy... see more


I'm in process of getting dad Nursing home Medicaid. He's still home with mom, when he gets approved, what do...

You have not indicated what state you are in but generally speaking once he is approved you will receive a notice by mail. Certainly you... see more


Need Medicaid for assisted living but no longer own a home, it was given to my children in a living trust. How...

I will try to assist you but your facts are unclear. As background, a living trust (also known as an Revocable Living Trust) is, as... see more


Who is responsible for credit card debt, after my mom passes away?

The estate of the deceased is responsible for any debt incurred by the decedent.


Where do you find a notary public and witnesses for the POA?

If you need the notary to come to you do a search for "mobile notary". They exist. Witnesses you will have to find.

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