Sue Maxwell, MSW developed the Memory Care Clinic at Lee Memorial Health System. The Memory Care clinic provides evaluation, diagnosis and treatment services, as well as family counseling and community outreach for people affected by memory loss.
Since Dad died, Mom's okay during the day, but very lonely at night. Any advice?
Is it bad if the patient is taken away from the caregiver an told the caregiver just left them?
How do you handle taking care of someone who is 91 and work a nine hour day also?
I find it challenging to keep my patience with my Mom. Any advice?
What can I do when my siblings are against me regarding my Mom's care?
Mom has declined over the past year living with me. What is the next step?
Mom refused to stay at nursing home after begging to go. How much do we owe our parents?
What to do about a parent who refuses to see a doctor?
How do I maintain a relationship with a caregiver who's father rules over him and only lets us see each other...
My Mom has become angry and takes it out on my wife. Any advice?
How do you not feel resentful to older sister who isn't much help in caring for our mom?
Feeling guilty about Mom in nursing home, Dad still at home and lonely. Any advice?
I have found caregivers napping when my Mom's asleep. Should I be upset by this?
My elderly father is getting so mean. Any advice?
Taking my Mom to a nursing home. How do I cope?
How do you handle adult 'temper tantrums'?
How do I handle death topic?
Mom is never happy. How can I get her to go to respite?
Feels like there isn't enough time in the day to keep up w/ two households worth of errands, appointments, dai...
Why is my Mom getting crankier day by day?