I lost my keys, where are my keys, I can’t find the box of cereal, and what the hell did I do with the milk?? Omg am I going crazy? I have to get to my parents house to help and I can’t find anything anymore, I MUST be losing my mind! Wait I found my wallet that I didn’t even know I lost!?!? Why is my wallet on the kitchen table, and I can’t find my pants, oh wait I’m wearing my pants!! Ok I need to try to relax because if I don’t find my keys I can’t get to my parents to care-give!!! Taking a step back and desperately trying to think at 3am I slowly analyzed things because I’m in a panic. I opened my cabinets and holy man there’s the milk!! I found the milk!!! Ok let me open the refrigerator once, hey I found the box of cereal!! Now I just NEED my keys where are my keys?!?! Wait a second something is jingling in my pants, it’s my keys!!! I found my keys!! LOL I’m not losing my mind!! Now I can get to my parents to help out!!!
——the daily life of a caregiver lol
I hope this helps some of you at least laugh when you think your overwhelmed :)
Cuz I've had those moments also!
Last week was really overscheduled 4me, & each time I rushed out the door, I found myself checking to make sure I was wearing pants!
(God, please let me be wearing pants, cuz I just locked the door behind me). Whew! Yes, pants on...(next time check when I'm still in the house).
P.S. Yes, I'm ok, I think
The light in there is not good enough to read anything, and I can never find my reading glasses.