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PLY, A new baby how nice I haven't seen a new baby in our family for 15 years.
Marylynne we are all so sensitive at times I am getting tougher as the years go by and I don't feel bad about it which kinda bothers me.
Sha I am hoping for the best for you.
Donna glad you are getting your wheels back but sorry for the passenger you have to take along.
Cindi Cheer Up we do have some things to be thankful for :)
Well here has been my last couple of days, I have an Aunt my Dad's sister who lives alone is 89 and has bad legs. She has one son, who just a couple of weeks ago had to padlock the basement door so she wouldn't go downstairs because she had just came home from having leg surgery on her veins. My other Aunt, another sister had called her on Sunday three times no answer, so she called the son and he went to check her and she had fallen and couldn't get up. Tuesday night her goes to his mother's feeds her dinner and puts her to bed and goes home, goes to work the next morning for a couple of hours and then goes to check on her, he couldn't rouse her from bed and find the bed full of blood she had a gastrointestinal bleed. She is currently in intensive care. He was planning on putting her in assisted living after the fall but you have to be able to walk so if she recovers she will be going to a nursing home. She liked taking those Goody's headache powders for about 60 years and I know what we have told her that aspirin can erode the stomach lining.
The other thing is a cousin of mine just had surgery for a brain anurisium it was ready to burst, I already lost one cousin from the same thing, they run on my Dad's side thats what his mother died from, so now I am making an appointment for a physical and to get an MRI to see if I have one. Maybe they will find my head empty.
I still can't get Dad to eat that much I told him to tell me when he

lots of things going on with your family. All the sisters are up there in age. Sad to hear of their declining health, surguries, bleeding internally. Hell as we age. Good idea about getting checked out. Aneurysms scare me. Keep doing your best for dad. Got a phone call from my dad's hemotologist. Had called regarding the results of his blood test. Her calling me makes me anxious. I was out so she is going to call back tomorrow night. I wonder if his protein levels are up and the blood cancer is worse.

Still feeling a bit low but better then earlier.

Take care night

I hope you were able to get the results of your Dad's bd. work and things are not bad-it can be scary when you get a call and are not at home to receive it. We do need to lean on God sometimes it helps me to picture him holding me in his hands, how did your sister manage that day with out her caregiver? Tell us how your needle biospy went-I hope you did not have to wait long for the results-our Medical group now tries to get the results soon to us-I got to meet with the radiologist right after the ultersound and even the tech who took me to his office told me the results were within normal limitsthis group has grown so big but is so much more pt. friendly then the hospital across the street from them, I will be thinking of you more around the date of your brothers' death. I was feeling so sick yesterday with headaches and musle and joint pain but had told the husband I would go to see him and I knew if I did not-God forbid- of course even when I told him how I felt he asked me to stop at Walmarts for him-while there I picked up some yarn-I going to start crocheting baby blankets for a pregancy crisis group our church is helping support-they encourage the girls and women not to abort the babies and then help them with supplies and such. Right now it is very painful for me to do needle work-hopefully the doc will put me on some meds to help with the pain I was hoping that with cooler weather it would be better-I might have Lymns disease it is very common here in the north east. I was wondering those who have Moms that are pia's would it be possible for them to go into local schools and read to the younger kids -our senoirs do that and even help kids who are having problems with their reading one on one-maybe if they did something for others they would feel better about themselves- also it might tire them out so they would go to bed ealier and get out of your hair- a win win situation. My husband is planning a slew of MD visits when he comes home-I shot that idea down quick in order for us to get home care help he has to be homebound which does not include unnessarry doc visits. His hearing comes and goes and only last year I took him to a hearing specialist and was told he really did not need a hearing aide and guess what- he hearing was good- so good he could hear me mumble something I did not want him to hear. Now he wants to go through the whole nine yards again -I said not so fast get the reports from last year- and he is going yto do it instead of being a slug except when he wants to do something dangerous. Everything falls on me all of a suden he can't do the bills because he can't see-but let his toast be too light in color and he knows it. Decor what a horror you are going through with all your relatives and do make that appointment for the MRI. Everytime someone running for office stops by or calls I tell them they need to help us caregivers out-one I talked to is going to report that witch from Adult Protective Services that came to my house and gave me such a hard time.


Judy, you and I also have something in common. Aneurysms in the family. I have had migraines since I am a young girl and will not have a cat scan or mri in fear I will have an inoperable one. I don't want to know I'm going to die, just let it happen.

We are preparing here to leave for Hurricane Gustavo. Hurricane Hannah is right behind it. Have to pack up the old people. My mom has been giving me so much trouble. She is all of a sudden getting sick every day around 4:00 p.m. She swears she has a major infection in her body. Took her to the urologist today and she has no infection. After about 6:00 p.m. she perks up and becomes her same old smart ass self.

Austin, my mom would no sooner volunteer to read to children than cut off her right arm. Not only that she would scare them to death with her meaness. I wish my mom was like you are. You are such a nice person and you give back to your community. My mom is so negative and nasty. She just don't know any other way. And, if I hear her say one more time that SHE HAS BEEN TAKING CARE OF MY DADDY 21 YEARS! I will die. She acts like she has carried him on her back for that long. She never takes into consideration all that I helped her with, she did everything on her own. Totally independent and don't drive. Figure that one out.

Austin glad your ultrasound was normal hope that Sha's is the same. Praying for you.

Cindi, me and you and Donna have to hang in there with our horrible mothers. I told my daughter if I disappear for a while, tell my Mom, husband and oldest daughter they have full responsibility for me leaving.

Wish me luck with the storm. Tell it to go West Go West.



I will be praying for you as you pack up to get in a safer area- I will never complain again about snow and ice storms.

Hi Girls,
My biopsy was done Friday and it went very well. It was very painless and I kind of had the feeling that everything was going to turn out OK just by the atmosphere in the room, but I won't know for sure until nSept. 8. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes.
Marylynne, you might not read this until after the storm but my daughter's ship (and others) has been placed on standby if needed because of the hurricane. Good luck honey, be safe and I'll be praying you are well and don't have damage.
Girls, You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Hope today is a good deserve it.

I just wanted to say what a gift this website is!!! My husband and I moved in with my parents in Dec 07.. My mother had a stroke in Nov last year, and then dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a month later. We packed up, terminated our lease and moved in with them to care for them both. Dad passed away in March of this year, but mom is suffering from vascular dementia from the stroke. I can't tell you how familiar I am with all of your stories. She too sits in her chair all day long, feels sorry for herself and LOVES to play the victim. She also pouts- all the time- even for something as small as not getting the right brand of lemon pie!! The stress is tremendous!! I'm looking for a job right now- pt- just to get me out of the house occasionally. My mom acts all excited about the possibility, and then when I'm gone to work, makes me feel bad for not being home with her. Also, FORGET about being able to go anywhere for the weekend, or god forbid, for a week vacation. Everything is a cut down or a reminder that we (my husband and I) will never be good enough. But when my brother comes over on sunday for his weekly half an hour visit (he can't stand it for any longer than that) HE is the hero...

I don't think there is anything more stressful in this life than what we are all going through. If I had it to do over again, I would have rethought my choice to move in here. I too knew that if my dad passed away before her, my life would be over- I've read that several times in previous posts. I'm sooo glad I found this forum and know that I'm not alone. I'm lucky in that I have a wonderful, supportive, patient husband who is behind me 100 percent all the time..but it's no good for a marriage either.. I wonder how long we both can stand it...

Welcome Krnflakgrl, Sorry to hear about your father I bet he was a nice man, most of us here that still have our fathers have nice ones and our mothers are mean and verbally abusive. I know how you feel about trying to have time to yourself, it is almost impossible, my mother doesn't drive so I can at least go and do the shopping without her, she does act pissed off if I do take the time to do something fun like go with friends on their boat. I realize that she is stuck here but that is her choice she can change it anytime. She too had a stroke a year ago and has become very slow.
My dad is 95 and has minor problems, mostly with eating and and going to the bathroom. I had to buy adult diapers which he hasn't had to have until now.
When we went on vacation we hired some home health people to come in that my be an option for you so you can get away.
Do you have any children? I have two teenage sons, which will have no fond memories to share about grandma. I am an only child so I am the only one to be the caregiver though I hear siblings don't help anyway. Keep us posted anytime we are here for you excuse our hatefulness at times but we just express how we feel, oxoxoxo judy

Marylynne, I hope you can still read this I hope you are safe from the storm I am sorry you have to leave but it is best I hope that you and your family can return to a home that is in one piece good luck my dear friend. oxoxox Judy

Thanks so much Decor426!!! It's so great to know that this forum is here. No, my husband and I don't have any children. Neither one of us actually wanted any. I'm glad that we made that decision, I can't imagine raising children AND dealing with this!! I just signed to volunteer at an animal shelter (I'm an animal lover) to get me out of the house, and I'm hoping to land a pet sitting job in the next few days. I'm passionate about animal welfare, and thought it would be a nice balance to what I'm dealing with at home. As for dad, he was really great!! and funny!! although the cancer made him very angry at the end, he was never like that in life. I can't imagine how he put up with my controlling mother all those years (49)..when I need a break I picture him shaking his head saying (you know Jen, your mom just doesn't get it!!) and it makes me laugh...:)

thanks again!!!!

Welcome aboard-you will be happy with this site and find warm supporting people-I am fairly new and before we could figure out why I could not connect I was able to read others postings and stoped feeling sorry for myself at once. I am getting ready to have my husband come home from his latest stay at rehab at a nursing home and have been working hard to get rid of clutter while I am alone. I look forward to connecting with you.
Marylyn -hope you are doing ok and you and your family will be able to get home soon- a group of firemen from this area left to go down there to assist where needed. Everyone have as good a weekend as you can you are all in my heart.

Jen, Wecome to our forum. We are happy to have you. You will find everyone here supportive and non judgemental. We vent, we share, we understand. We reach out to one another, we comfort.
I'm sorry about the loss of your beloved Dad. I'm sure he was a saint. He sounds like my Dad, who is now 87 and in a nursing home with dementia. Mom, 84, lives with me. How lucky can a girl get? She is difficult at times, has a very sharp tongue and is never happy...sound familiar? But on the up side, she is healthy and does do everything for herself. By all means, she shouldn't even be living with me, she's well enough to be on her own, but I have always felt she wanted to live with me because she's so frigging afraid she's going to miss something. I am divorced, my only child, a daughter, is in the Navy. I have 3 useless brothers, so you might as well say I'm an only child. But I'm luckier than many least I get to go out and I go on vacation.
Again, welcome and I hope we can make you feel better when you visit. Good luck with your job. I love animals too. I have to babysit my daughter's 2 cats and a snake while she is away.
Marylynne, if you can read this...the Navy is on the way!!!
I talked to my daughter today and her ship is leaving Monday to provide aide to any hurricane victims. God Bless our Military.
Hope you are all having a good weekend.
Love you all,

Wow this is a first for me.. I thought I was the only one! My husband and I moved in with my mom in Feb 2007 when she was diag with breast cancer then fell then her diabetetes went out of control! We are still her and I feel like a slave and prisoner here, even though I work full time! My mom doesn't like my husband and wants all my attention every minute I am home. I am running raggeded! But when I read all the other postings I don't have half the problems that some of you do. I feel ashamed for all that I think... My mom as some others have written, is mean, demanding, and controlling. She isn't really sick, just can't control her medicine and now her eye sight is bad because of the diabetetise. So now I feel I have to stay with her bacause she can't see. well anyway thanks for letting me "air " that. If anyone cares to respond I'll watch for a note....

welcome aboard- you are at the right place-I also thought my life sucked until I read what others are going through-one lady lost her home in Katria as well as her family and now had to evactuate the home she and her parents are in-I am ashemed of myself for all my whinning I use to do. Everyone here is so suppotive and warm and feel each others pain- I myself am doing better now because I reaached the point of no return and said enough-I told my best friend from high school-almost 50 yrs. ago-I am going to become the b---- he has always accused me of-he has embarresed me and verbably abused me so much in public-when he comes home from rehab for the 10th time in last few years- I am not going out in public with him if I can avoid it . He said if you don't go to church with me people will think there is a problem-hello duh I found out people were feeling sorry for me and said if he treats her like that in church I wonder how he treats her at home, the physical abuse stopped years ago because he was reported concerning our kids but the verbal abuse continued which is the one same thing almost all of us on this site have to daily basis-I know the slave feeling- husband said he did not understand about his treatment to me in public- the sad part is he really does not get it- which our 18 yr old grand-daughter told him when she was about 4 yrs. old. Anyway I am thrilled you are here all of us give and get much support.

Went out of town for the day with husband. Went to a bachelor/bachelorette party last night. Sister stayed with parents both times. Blew a fuse at husband yesterday and knew I had to go. Apologized to husband regarding my over-reacting to a situation that I was angry at him but all my stress came out too. Cried in shower thinking what to do so decided to take off. Have to do better not to let the stess build up. Mother complained when I was gone I heard.
Wasn't sure sister could handle it but she did fine it seems.
WElcome to the new girls here.
Hi and hugs to all of my other friends here.
Marylynne we are thinking and praying for you. It is all too much.
Exhausted going to bed


Good morning everyone. welcome to krn and mimi. Austin, i feel for you, is there anyway that you can put him in a nursing home and leave him? give yourself a little peace of mind?
cindi, glad you got out and sounds like sister is doing a lot better. maybe you will be able to depend on her a little now.
Sharon, glad the biopsy was ok. Judy, good to see that you are doing ok with dad. of course like everyone else here, your mom is another story.
my mother has decided that we need a new a/c. i told her that i was not buying one this late in the year, tha we would wait til next spring, when i was a little better off finanacially. still reeling here over car repairs that soared to nearly $1000. she doesnt want to buy it with her money since it is my house.she talks about it constantly. but yesterday had to take her to a funeral, and day before that took her to walmart, of course. and of course she will want to go somewhere today. i am sick and tired of messing with her. wish there was someone else to take care of her for a while, but no one will because she is so mean and hateful. marylynne thinking of you and hoping you are to all, Donna

Hi ladies
Cindi-I am glad you got away for a while.Marlynne hope you are ok- you are on mind and inmy heart.

Just going to WalMart is painful for me. Our WalMart is being renovated, and that is a huge change for anyone that can't stand change, so Mom sits in the car and "waits" til I go and get her 'stuff" and of course she has to sit where she can see everybody and remember she is blind! but we can't park facing the sun too hot! oh my no! So you see a WalMart trip is painful. But of course she has to go as soon as the car starts she wants the front seat, kinda like the kids calling for the it first. I really am not a bitter person just angry at Mom for not allowing me some freedom and space. I read this back and I sound like a teenager writting in her diary. Could this be a time capsule stuck on the wronk year and I can't wake up? NO I just have an elderly Mom who needs my care and I am dealing with it. Thank you for allowing me to vent as I don't have anyone who really understands this. I voice to my hubby but he is very angry and just wants out of this house. He knows we can't leave her like this, as my two brothers won't help and there is no one else. So here we are.
I will continue to read your other comments nice to see others have some similar issues and some advice that may help thanks.

I know what you mean I have to park in a conjested spot at the malls so the husband can see people even though I the excersie of walking to keep osteoporis under control- oh I forgot it is all ABOUT HIM- silly me. Thank GOD your hubby understands you need to be there for your Mom. Keep in touch dear lady. I have to get back to cleaning out closets before HE comes back home on Sat. I hired help for next week because medicare will probabaly not give me any help for the first few weeks and I will not be dumped on again. I had a bad fall myself today- if anything happens to me he will up a creek. They are going to send a male aide this time which is good because hubby does not ask aides to do much then expects me to do it all-he will have a hissyfit for sure. Good luck and as Carol says put on the emotioal shield every day-the bible says the armour of God.

Thanks Austin, an armour of God. I know what that is. I am so glad you said that. You bring me back to reality. You be careful. Stay healthy but not for him for you. God grants wishes annd blesses those who do good. I will add you to my pray list.

i am glad that we have some new people to share our daily chores with.
MIMI my dad can't see either that is why we moved in together 6 and a half years ago. Its like hell living with my mother, she verbally abuses my Dad and constantly reminds him of his faults. It doesn't help in the healing process for him and it makes me so aggravated, she is the expert on everything so I have gotten to the point that I don't even say anything if I disagree with the topic. It puts a wall up because she expects me to argue and I refuse.
Austin wishing you luck with hubby I hope he has changed some and can be somewhat of a help not a hindrance.
Cindi sorry you had to blow your top, I do that too sometimes, like last week I did with my oldest son.
Donna don't you love the possession thing my parents are like that. They each pay for their own things.
Dad believes he's dying today he didn't get up til lunchtime. Yeah he finally had a BM on saturday, I had to give him the suppository, words can't describe how it is to have to see your father's private parts. Where was my mother you ask? She yelled at him all day Friday and refused to give him the suppository.
Did get some leisure time yesterday went out on our friends boat, hubby and I we had a beautiful day! Dad said he missed me when I got home, I told him I deserve to go and have fun. School starts tomorrow I have to take my son to school that means up at 6:15am yuck!!!! oxoxoxoxo to all my friends, Judy

Hi everybody. Just wanted to say Hi and wish everybody well. I am having a good day and just wanted to express that!

sorry to say my night was not good Dad fell again around 4 am My husband had to pick him up. He hurt his hand. I don't know what I am going to do with him. I know I need to get him followed up from the lithotripsy and then I may have to put him in a nursing home.
I told my mom that if he goes in a nursing home she is going to be checked top to bottom, her hearing is going and she totally denies it, her teeth are bad and won't do anything. If she doesn't comply I won't take care of her. Judy

Hi MiMi, I'm not sure I welcomed you yet, so, Welcome! You will find this forum a great source of comfort and unity.
Judy, I have a strong feeling your Dad is headed for a nursing home. When my Dad started falling more frequently we had him evaluated at the hospital and it was determined he was not a good candidate to stay home anymore. It's not an easy thing to do but in the long run, it's for his own good. And for me it was more of a blessing because now my mother had no one to bitch at and belittle. My house was much quieter and less stressful. If he lives home any longer he's bound to hurt himself badly, maybe even break a hip. Once he's in a home maybe Mom will be a little more compliant....let's hope! God Bless honey. I hope everything turns out for the best.
Love to all,

sorry to hear this. Unless you want to order a hospital bed and resort to changing diapers..Good for insisting on your mom too. Hard dilemma. I feel for you.

Sha, Donna, Marylynne, Cathy wherever you are, Miak, Maria, Mimi welcome, Austin sending you all hugs today.

As for me I'm in low spirits today is the 3rd anniversary of son's death. Have a candle burning for him all day into night..will take lots of flowers over and pray with family including his kids over gravesite..then out to dinner in his memory places he liked to eat. Went to mass this am that was dedicated to him. I want to eat, drink (but I don't like alcohol much) or find some hunk and have a torrid get out of these feelings..sad huh?

Send me love girls I need it..
Bye for now

Cindi, I'm reaching out and sending you the biggest, tightest hug. My prayers are with you on this sad anniversary. No words will make the hurt go away. All I can say is; always remember the best times, remember the things he loved, remember he loved you. Enjoy being with your family tonight, savor every moment, say a prayer for him at the table, make a speach about him, talk about him. He is with you every minute, a part of him is still here. And, allow yourself to cry...
God Bless Honey....Love you.
Love to all my friends here.

Judy, so sorry to hear of dads falling again. It is so sad to see them become so dependent. It would be best if dad had to go to nh to send mom with him. I am sure that would make a big hit with her.
Cindi, my heart goes out to you in your day of darkness. No one can really help, but know that i am always here, all of us are, when you need to talk.
On the home front, mom is asking me why she doesnt ever get her checks anymore. I told her that she had them direct deposited, and has done so for several years, she said i have always got my checks. I didnt argue, just left it alone. some day my work will be done and i can have a life outside this house and this aggravation, day after day... i hope. I need to get things done, go to the store, would like to shop for myself, and a lot of other things, but, then there is her. i cannot take her everywhere i go, so i just dont go. 'Don and i are going out for a while tonight, she is going to have a fit, of course. resentment resentment. how i resent her. then there are times when i feel sorry for her that she has no friends, and has no life outside of telling me and my son how sorry we are. DONT EVER MAKE YOUR BLOOD RELATIVES YOUR WHOLE LIFE. you will grow old and they will not be there for you. friends will. luv to all of you. Marylynne missing you and wondering how you are doing. Love, "Donna

Cindy, I know how you feel. You are in my thoughts.

Hey girls I am back,

It was an awful experience. Was in a roach motel for several days with no electricity. Mom and dad made me sleep in their room because they may fall in the dark. Had to sleep on two chairs and get up with my dad every time he had to urinate. Of course, could have been in a better place if Mom could have taken a longer ride. She pisses me off.

Hi to all the new girls and welcome.

I got stuck in an elevator by myself in the motel when the lights went out. I panicked. Got out by sheer luck that the lights went back on for 2 seconds.

We got back home and everything was fine but had no electricity or phone, etc. Today my mom did the ultimate in evil. Her and my dad was fighting this morning over the bathroom. My dad beat her in there before she could get in. My dad was bathing in the sink and she was so hateful that she made him drain his water, put on his dirty clothes that he took off and hid his razor so he couldn't use it. She hit him. I didn't see it, but she did. I told her that if he tells his nurse or physical therapist, she will go to jail. She even threatened to cut his throat.

She says things out of hatefulness that she doesn't mean, but he takes it literally and he is scared. He cried this morning. I went and hugged him and told him to tell the nurse or therapist. If they put her away, I will take care of him alone. I'm sure he won't tell, because he loves her so. What is there to love? I hate her. I really mean I hate her.

My precious little dog got bit by a brown recluse spider and had to be hospitalized today. I believe she got bit in the roach motel. I am so very upset, I don't think I can handle this any more. My aunt told me to get rid of my Mom. I am so confused and don't kow what to do. I need to seek help from a social worker.

Will get back with you girls soon. Glad Sha and Austin that your biopsies were fine. Say so prayers for me for strength to handle this situation.


Marylynne, I am glad that u are back home. Though by what u are saying, it is not very good. Hope everything turns to the better.

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