Why are we updating AgingCare? In short, keeping our website up to date is the most important thing we can do to support family caregivers. We know change is difficult, so this redesign is not a decision we came to lightly. AgingCare is proud to have built a base of over 3,000 articles; 500,000 questions; and over 2 million users each month. The best way to stay the most actively used caregiving resource in the market is to better reflect our brand and values throughout our site. Our company has evolved and grown, and we want our site to reflect that. Our core values guided our new design. AgingCare’s purpose is to partner with caregivers in finding answers, resources, and support. We are excited to launch a redesign that focuses on that purpose.
Once you are logged in to your AgingCare account, the ability to toggle back and forth between the New AgingCare and Classic AgingCare will appear below the header. We encourage you to try it. AgingCare has a whole new look. Although we know it will take some adjustment, we truly believe we’ve made some great improvements.
Better Topic Navigation: Topic Tags have been introduced to more specifically identify and organize content. Tags can be found on articles, questions, and comments. Each tag can be clicked to navigate directly to all content identified with that topic.
Content List (Caregiving Glossary): Navigation to caregiving topics is available through the use of the individual tags, the new grey topic bar, the drop down menu button, or by browsing the caregiving glossary found in the footer.
Functions in the New Navigation Header: The Menu button provides access to the Caregiver Forum, caregiver resources, and a topic list. The AgingCare logo always acts as a return to the home page. The question mark icon is a quick jump to the Caregiver Forum. The search bar is always present to search AgingCare by keyword.
Your avatar (circle in the top right) provides dropdown access to your profile, newsfeed, activity, settings and logout. You can customize your avatar or add your favorite picture by going to Profile and clicking on the camera button to upload a picture. Once you have logged in, your avatar becomes the access point for your member tools.
Profile: Your public profile is the view other members see when they click your username.
Newsfeed: Your news feed lets you easily see new activity by members and elder care experts on the articles, discussions and questions that you are following.
Activity: Your activity page lets you easily see all of the posts you have made on articles, questions, and discussions as well as the messages you have sent.
Settings: Your settings is where you make changes to your account, including what you would like other member’s to be able to see on your public profile.
Logout: A more convenient location to log out of the site after use.
The Caregiver Forum functions in the same way it always has. Questions and discussions are presented by default in the most recent order and can still be sorted by recent and popular. We’ve added new features to the forum’s functionality.
"Needs answers" is a separate slider and sort function so that once logged in, our most dedicated members can easily find other members in need of advice.
"Closed topic" is now presented on any question or discussion that has been inactive for 180 days. The question/discussion will be closed to new answers or comments. The threads will remain fully available to read for past advice and informational purposes.
"Reply" is a feature that allows a member to reply directly to another member regarding an answer they have provided. This feature is intended to allow answers to the original question to stay on topic while still allowing interaction between members participating in direct “conversation.”
The entire AgingCare team has been working hard on these changes, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and feedback as we iron out the details. After some initial adjustment, we hope you will find the new design as exciting as we do. Feel free to use the link to leave feedback to let us know your thoughts.
seems like “a place for mom” is allowed to spam us with advertisements for their services. It’s a shame these ads are posted by posters with the “expert” designation.
Never mind, "other" option is for where they are living. Passed s not an option.
Ah ha, now I see why this is happening. Profile asks for a date of birth. Well, the writer puts in their own date of birth instead of the person for whom they are caring. Same with asking for a first name. Does the website what the writer's first name, or the name of the person for whom they are caring.
Also, need to add mother-in-law and father-in-law as a choice to the list of people one is caring.
When someone joins they can't post until they give some background.
Age of loved one would help. Dementia/ALZ or not. Age related is not Dementia.
A way of contacting you to stop a post. We can report a reply but not the original post.
It was said when we went to the new format that the old posts would stay up for the info but you would stop them from being posted to. There are a few still coming up recently that have thousands of posts.
But I do like this website format better then the new & improved one of a few months ago. This is more like the old tried and true format that I know and love.
Many often hit results are so old they are not even open to a additional posts any longer.
Everything is too small to see. It seems there's too much stuff squished in on the screen at once. It's terrible to tap on these small options, even using my stylis.
My screen is 6". The very top has the website. Below that has the AC header, below that has one question with a bit of the next question next to it. Horizontally of course. Below that has the answer bubble an the profile pic and name of the first or last commenter. I know that order can be changed. Under that is a another horizontal scrolling bar with topics, some articles and advertising.
Mind you this is only halfway down my screen. So all this is on a 3x2.5 screen. I don't even remember what the bottom half of the screen consists of.
My point is, there is way too much going on, when a smartphone is used. So how in the world was this geared towards these devices?
There is barely any contrast. Seeing anything is a horrible strain.
I'm going back in to see what the bottom 3" has going on.
I doubt these issues will be changed, but I had to explain my struggles with it.
At least it's given me a chance to exercise while I read.
But that light turquoise print is too hard on the eyes; it's beautiful, reminds me of a tropical, sea, but it's not appropriate for reading, especially against the glare of far too much white space.
I'm still switching between old and new to get the best features from each.
Something weird that I've noticed is that my spell check is very inconsistent on the new site 🤔
He was experienced in website development (unpaid) and continues to be a self-taught techie.
Wondering if I will have to beg him....
I use to be really good at diving into a new website and learning every corner of it, but as I get older, I just cannot focus like I use to :(
Thanks for your recent comments and questions regarding the move toward the new AgingCare. We are on track to transition to the new site soon, and as we go we have been making updates to include your feedback. We anticipated making the full transition to the new site this week, so we disabled the "toggle" to the preview site. Many of you have requested we bring it back, so we are working right now on reinstating that feature while we finish the transition. Each week ends with updates to address issues you all have found. It is really important to continue to let us know if you find any "bugs" related to our updates. Until the toggle can be pushed back into production the new site is alive and well at
See you there soon ;-)
You might have just had the last word on the new website.
But the offer to visit the new website has been removed.
Where'd it go?
1 When you read the list of topics on the forum page from left to right the last question/comment is always cut in half, first missing the right side and then the left so reading it is a pita
2 The news feed doesn't tell you how many new comments there have been so you need to visit each thread to check that you aren't missing something.
I'm still clinging to the old site. But good question cwillie, I, too, wonder when the old site will be no longer.
Does anybody know how much longer it will be until the old site is closed down?
I appreciate the ability to sort the responses.
I like being able to reply to a specific response.
I'm totally glad that very old threads are available to read but closed to comments.
I'm happy that the Search feature is obvious.
I'm using the new format all the time now, except sometimes going to the old format to see if there is data "about" a new poster that isn't showing up in the new format yet. Sometimes there is. I assume (hope) this will be remedied when there are no longer 2 versions of the site.
I would also like a "former caregiver" designation. AND I would like to know what country a poster is in. Giving advice about Medicaid to someone in India is a waste of their time and ours!
Thanks for the updates!
about an hour ago
I was just posting a message on Dori's wall. I was staring at the HUG avatars. Wouldn't it be great if the AC people can come up with an avatar that has a cartoon figure or an animal snoozing with the 'zzzzz' written around it? Then we can send exhausted caregivers this Sleeping Hug that we wish they would get the zzzzs (sleeps)?