
I send each and every one of you love and support. It’s important to do the best that we can during these trying circumstances. We have to hang in there for a bit longer.

Below are examples of acts of kindness and the good things that are being done.

I just heard that ‘Mall of America’ is reopening, not for shopping but to have a spot for the Red Cross to collect blood.

It is so good to see the kindness of individuals or organizations helping in this crisis. So I thank the Red Cross.

In my state Drew Brees is donating $5 million for the relief effort to all in need in regard to this virus.

His restaurant, Walk Ons is serving free food to our unemployed hospitality workers. Geaux Drew! We love you so much! You are a blessing to our Nola Saints team and our community.

One of our Louisiana high school teachers wrote a beautiful letter to his students telling them that he understood how they were feeling. Hoda interviewed him. Hoda used to live and work here!

So many of his students were asking him questions and were genuinely concerned about what was happening. This teacher took the time to address their concerns. Good for him!

So, what good things are happening in your area? Please share. There are lots of good things to share in my state in spite of the heartaches.

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Please share as many uplifting stories that you would like to. I don’t know about any of you but I need to hear some good news.

I heard in Buffalo New York every day at 5pm some neighbors run outside and start dancing. They have music outside and it showed on David Muir world news tonight that people of all ages, young and old, men and women all come together outside with a boom box playing music and each neighbor was dancing in their own driveway waving to each other. It looked liked so much fun.

Sweet! We do need to keep our spirits up. Music and dancing sounds great!

Thanks for sharing, Elaine.

Everyone please keep the uplifting stories coming! It’s good to have balance. Sure, there are concerns everywhere but we need to be grateful for the good things going on too.

NYC Teacher's Union has agreed to forgo the scheduled Spring Break; my colleagues (I'm retired) will continue to provide daily teaching, support and clinical services. I'm so proud of my union!


Isn’t that wonderful? It lifts our spirits to hear these things. Exactly what is needed! I would be proud too. Support is so important during all of this.

During this time of isolation we feel less alone when others are offering support.

I saw something today where a teenager was having trouble with her math work and emailed the teacher. The teacher came to her house, and on the front porch with a whiteboard explained it to her while she stood behind the front glass door. It touched my heart to see that.


Hats off to that teacher! 😊 I love it!

What a coincidence! Yesterday, I wanted to share something positive and did a search on ‘gratefulness’. Didn’t find an active thread... Except now, I can’t remember what I wanted to share! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Thanks for starting this thread.


You’ll remember it. When you do, check back in! 😊

There have been 193,750 people who have RECOVERED from the virus as of today.

I spoke to my daughter this evening,,not a daily text session but an actual phone call. I have not seen her in 2 weeks, we live a whole 12 miles apart. Mostly we text daily as I work in a hospital and its hard to talk, but I was off today. It was wonderful to hear her voice, and she was on speaker phone so mom and hubs got to talk to her also. I can't wait until I can hug her again,, or my mom who lives with me for that matter!

I have a wonderful update to something I posted earlier this year.....I don’t expect anyone to remember but early in the year, I had posted that a dear friend was re-connected with his now 18 year old daughter. His ex-wife who is bat sh*% crazy, had taken her and fled to her home country (Spain) when the child was 7 years old. Our friend spent years and a lot of money trying to establish visitation rights to no avail. The mother wouldn’t let the child have contact with her dad either.he tried but the girl wouldn’t have anything to do with him. So anyway, the girl is now 18 and had been living with her aunt because...she could no longer tolerate her mother. She called her dad and they had been talking on the phone. Turns out she refused contact with him for all those years because she was afraid of her mother. Anyway.....He was overjoyed. It was long over due. And his parents missed her as well, she’s the only blood grandchild (they do have a step grandchild that they love very much). I can recall our friends mother saying, more than once, that they would likely never get to see her again.

So the update is......Last Thursday, she arrived in the US and is now staying with her dad! I don’t know how long she is here for or if it’s permanent but she is here! I can only imagine how happy they all are. I cried happy tears myself.


What a beautiful update. I am happy for the entire family. Your friend must be on cloud nine! They have a lot of catching up to do. It’s a shame this coronavirus is here and they can’t be together but at least they get to speak on the phone. I bet it feels like a miracle for all of them. Thanks for sharing.


Me too. It is so good to hear our girls on the phone, isn’t it?


😁 Yay! Yay! Yay! Say it again! We need to hear about healing. You made my day!!!

I live in a town of about 13,000. A resident saw on FB where a town, in another state, was putting Teddy Bears in windows. Then the parents drove their children around to count the bears. This resident started a FB Group called "Going On A Bear Hunt". People all over our Township are putting out Bears of some kind or a stuffed animal. Kids have counted over 200 bears. We were on Channel 10 News out of Philly. We post our addresses to the group to help them find the bears. Other Townships are picking up on it.

Now, its Easter Eggs.


That is the sweetest thing. You know, it’s smart too. Kids need to be children. They need diversions. This has to be disturbing to them because they don’t understand it like an adult would.

My children are grown. I don’t have grandchildren. My heart goes out to people who have young children and grandchildren. That’s hard.

Our Ogden museum is doing a ‘virtual’ museum visit because the curator believes art is healing. So wonderful!

I love their exhibits. I will have to check it out. Anyone else’s museums doing virtual exhibits?

A seven year old that had a tumor removed when he was four wanted to help out the nurses and doctors at the hospital that saved his life so he made them mask. Isn’t that sweet?

Dolly Parton donated a million dollars to Vanderbilt University to go towards helping with the coronavirus. Dolly is lovely!

Taylor Swift made a generous donation to help towards relief efforts also.

Carnival Cruise line told Trump, “We can match those big Navy hospital ships with some fully staffed cruise ships.”

GM & Ford said, “Hold our cars, watch this; we can make ventilators where we were making cars by next week.”

Construction companies said, “Here are some masks for the medical staff & doctors.”

Restaurants & schools said, “We’ve got kitchens & staff; we can feed the kids.”

NFL & NBA players are writing checks to pay the arena staff during postponed seasons.

Churches are holding online services & taking care of their members & community.

Women & children are making homemade masks & handing out snacks to truckers.

Breweries are making sanitizer out of the left-over ingredients.

We thought we couldn’t live without sports, going to beaches, restaurants, or a bar. Instead, we’re ordering take-out to help keep businesses alive.

What they didn’t count on was America saying, “Hold my beer, watch this.”

I think we have awakened a sleeping giant. The power of community.

Stop letting the media freak you out. Do your own research. Knowledge is power. But know for every hateful person you cross, there ten more kind ones.

Do your part. Be kind. And watch what our world can do!

I just saw on YouTube a plane from Moscow, Russia, arrived in JFK Airport delivering medical supplies. It's heartwarming that despite their political views, Russia still sends.

By the way, did you also know that after the 911 attack, that Russia also sent to the US a monument (statue?) in memory for those who died? I never knew this until I saw it on YouTube video.

I decided to sew masks also. Found a great pattern on CNNhealth.

Yoda and book,

Good stuff. 💗

Hi need help with mom, in my state and city, some people are setting up tables on the sidewalk with necessities for others to take or donate to. Others are offering to make grocery store runs for those who are sick or compromised.

im a grocery store worker so I’m personally busy with working to provide lunches and dinners for other workers from the deli.


Very nice to hear about people shopping for others in need.

Thank you for working in these trying times. What’s the vibe out there in the stores for workers? Are you are working extra hours?

A few of our stores have closed because the workers became infected and they closed to do thorough cleaning.

I hope you and your coworkers stay safe. We appreciate your working so hard 💗.

Take care.

NHWM, most are concerned, some have the old Idaho thinking that if it’s not the Idaho way, they won’t comply. A few teens who worked in the Starbucks quit because their parents forbid them to continue working. Understandable. I’m in the deli, we have slowed down but yes, I was working extra hours the first 2 weeks of the panic shopping. We have hired extras just to help stock the center store for necessities. We have seniors hours Monday and Wednesday 6-7am. There have been some store with confirmed cases. The smaller businesses will shut down for cleaning, however, larger chain stores have not. They say the store has been cleaned more than once since the employee last worked. They may have night crews that work since they are a larger chain. So far we have not had an employee test positive. Hoping and praying everyone stays safe.


I wish you well. I appreciate everyone in the community who works so hard in these difficult circumstances.

Update....there are now 262,351 recoveries from the virus! 😚

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