
I will be 65 in a few months. My husband of 30+ years committed suicide in home basement. We had a paid off house in suburbs, but were behind in property taxes in NJ. Obtained reverse mortgage in 2008. My name was taken off of title and deed w/o knowledge. Later determined by fed. Govt. to be victim of predatory lending. 2 months after signing paper work my husband committed suicide. Because I was not 62 foreclosure was started against me. Lived in house for 30 yrs and worked all of adult life. Meanwhile I was left w/o support system. Returned to work not in my field. Daughter attended medical assistant school. New job was companion for 85 yr old woman close to home. Township turned off my water for 'not using enough water' Eventually we were forced to leave house because of lack of water.I moved into house of employer and paid most of my salery for rent. My daughter moved in with friends and began new job as MA. I was in retail adv. Design for newspaper w impeccible employment history.I looked young for age, physically fit, well educated, fashionable, outgoing. When my charge died at age 89 I needed to find a new home. My daughter rented an apt. In Philadelphia. I moved in w her. Both my husband and myself came from wealthy families. My husband was due to inherit large sum after step mother was deceased. In case of her outliving him the money would go to blood, bypassing spouses of my husband and his siblings spouses. When step mother died after husband inheritance was left to my daughter which was not considered a problem because we had agreed it would be split. When daughter received it, close to 1 million dollars, she told me she would give me only $50, 000. She would not discuss where she came up with arbitrary sum. I believe it was her new boyfriend who influenced her. I always gave my daughter finest clothes, toys, cars, etc, never used corporal punishment, was always a good and generous caring mother. To regain possession of my house I needed 30,000. She has never given me the 50, 000 as promised and eventually house and all of my possessions were seized without notice. Clothing, antiques, furniture, important papers, computers, everything.
In the 2and a half years living w her in a strange city my health has dramatically declined, I stay alone in a cheap white apt room totally isolated as daughter and new boyfriend will not talk to me. I don't have my car, I see no one, and have lost almost all of my hair due to stress, malnutrition and dehydration. My eyes have also deteriorated, untreated cataracts, vitreous detachment and mass on brain/orbit. Untreated broken ankle. Literally sit and lie on bed every day for over one year now. No walking, movement at all except to bathroom, kitchen. In the beginning, my daughter would buy food and I could at least cook nutritious meals. Now, she will order delivery for boyfriend and self only. I went through 12, 000 that I had managed to save in 3 years at last job. I was forced to relinquish all of it for rent and food. Finally I became elibible for widows benefits. 750 per month. Must use that for cabs to rare dr appts and mostly for food delivery. I usually eat one meal every 4 days. New boyfriend is only 25 while my daughter is 34. Its obvious that she is being used. I asked them to pick me up a few pieces of flounder, he said it was too expensive and that they are tired of supporting me. I told him that he doesn't support me but that my daughter supports him! They go on long extravagant vacations since neither of them choose to work. I long for my flowers and my birds at home and miss my husband so much. Also, my cats were left behind and I wonder what has become of them.
In first year here, my daughter who is bigger than me would attack me physically and literally throw me out of the apt
Because I said that I would call social services she has stopped laying hands on me but continues to verbally and financially abused me. Her new boyfriend is verbally abusive Calls me old woman and they tell me to Die in this room, and to go and live under a bridge. Everyday There are new packages arriving for my daughter of expensive clothing Hundreds and hundreds of pieces Meanwhile I am dressed in rags, old T-shirt w holes and pants that don't fit. When they tell me to leave If I don't like it here I say give me the money that you promised and I will leave. He tells me " You ain't getting s***" Neither one has a driver's license or job. My daughter has been convicted of several dui's, now uses cocaine and heroin that new boyfriend has introduced her to. They sleep all day, awake around 6pm and are up all night arguing, slamming doors, etc. I have no where to turn and have been threatened by bf not to even try to seek help. I am now unrecognizable and have aged 30 yrs. Near starvation every day, no fresh air, sun or exercise, I am dying. Have kept photos of my decline and of abuse on this phone. There is much more. What advice can u offer as I feel I would still be an asset to world if well & free. Please do not call authorites. Thank you for listening.

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How about you call 911 and have yourself taken to the ER for treatment of dehydration and malnutrition. Once there, hospital social services can assist.

Get up and get out, don't put it off, just do it. Go to a women's shelter if you have to. I can't see any way for you to be any worse off than you are living now. They can help you find housing and a new life away from your predatory family.

Lizzy, that is such a sad story. With all of your medical and vision issues, it seems unrealistic that you could even post on AC Forum, but you did. It is the weekend, but if you go to AC administration contact, maybe they can send help.

Everyone knows that if someone is using drugs in the home, they will be taken away by police. You are understandably afraid, but why is it that getting help is not better than the status quo? Your mind must be playing tricks on you.

There are people on here that if given enough contact information (use private messaging), they are mandated reporters and can send help to you. I suggest that you do contact AC forum, and let the consequences for the drug addicted fall where they may.

Or, you can become competent for a day and call 911. Or, call a taxi.

Good luck, am so sorry that I cannot help you myself. Babalou and Cwillie have given you good advice. Please be brave, continue to be brave. It no longer matters what you've had, owned before, or if there are holes in your t-shirts.
What are you waiting for? You go girl!!

You say they sleep until 6pm each day. NOW is your opportunity, just get out. Go to the police station, they will protect you until Adult Protective Services or some other agency can help you with everything you may need. What you daughter and BF are doing to you is against the law.

We do care, and would like to hear that you have gotten to safety. Please post back on here, will having you in our hearts and prayers.

You have stayed in your room for one year. You say "please do not call the authorities."

Without contact with the outside world, what do you suppose will change your situation? Divine intervention? If you can post on a forum, you can contact social services, your doctor, the nearest hospital, the police. You need help. Get help.

I think this might be a troll.

You may be right.

Babalouie....yeah and it was on Lifetime with Lindsay Wagner / Leigh Taylor Young / LesleyAnn Down / Valerie Perrine......

I just now received all of your comments. I appreciate every one. I am mentally strong by nature and it took me a very long time to compose original letter. I didn't expect anyone to answer. I wrote the letter with the help of reading glasses and the microphone on phone. I have only been in possession of phone for 2 yrs and not as adept as i should be. I didn't want to call police because of fear. My appearance is one of a homeless person and i know that people incl. authorities will judge me by that whether consciously or not. Someone mentioned am I waiting for divine intervention. ..maybe I have been. Mostly I am waiting for my daughter to recognize what has happened, to become her old self again and to see me again. She was is my little girl and I can't believe this is my reality. I reached out on this site as a last resort and for a reality check. I keep thinking that drugs couldn't change a person so much but maybe they really do. If I see a doctor I am afraid that my appearance will send me to a mental hospital. The doctor that knows me for 30 plus years would immediately help me because he knows me but he is in NJ. I tried to make an appt. at his new workplace last year but they wouldn't give me an appt because of new insurance laws. If I go to the hospital in NJ where he still has rounds and wait for him there I am sure that he would help me. He has taken care of my family for years and would be surprised and saddened by what has happened to my daughter. But he knows ME and would see how abused I am , he is an old fashioned doctor and very kind.
I do ask myself what is the purpose of staying alive if I can't live a meaningful life. If I put myself in the hands of police I could end up anywhere, even worse thann here. I want to contact a woman or I saw names mentioned in a reply. I think that I am probably in worse shape thsn I realize. But all of you have given me hope. As for the ones that mentioned I'm a troll that is not very nice.
As I am writing this and the hunger is hurting I just heard the boyfriend from the bedroom with my daughter discussing my widow benefits, how much my medicine costs, etc. And just now I heard them order food for themselves only. Now I feel anger because she knows I need food. Why do I stay? Because she used to be my daughter. To go without basics is to be demoralized. I don't have the energy to wash and dress to leave but if I can get a cab to nj, before my daughter turned on me she gave me this phone. She does continue to pay for it when she put it on the family plan with hers and I am afraid that she will stop paying for mine if she knows I get help and this is my only communication with outside world plus it has evidence of my decline and notes on subject. .professional s that don't know us in pa would take their word over mine simply because they have told me they know how to talk to police while I appear not with it. They are both healthy and well dressed and aer fast talkers. Tired now, wikk review answers again later. Elizabeth

Walk outside. Dial 911. You need an ambulance because you are malnourished and dehydrated.

Elizabeth, taking your explanation at face value, there are still options. If you were to contact the police and give them your old doctor's new contact details, for example, they could assess the situation with his input and contact APS for you.

But if you are afraid of 'ending up somewhere worse' - better the devil you know? - I cannot imagine where you think that might be. In any case I am sorry for your unhappiness, sorry for the trouble with your daughter, and wondering if perhaps both you and your daughter need help with finding ways to improve your living situation. Even allowing for your belief that she would be a persuasive liar, I would be interested to hear her take on what's going on.

If my daughter could be separated from the boyfriend, but he has not let the two of us speak together alone for a year. It's as if she has been brainwashed. She has not seen any of her friends, she was formerly very outgoing, we would lunch together and laugh. She used to care about her job and life but this boy clearly has something wrong with him. He hasn't any friends and when she wants to go out he vetoes it. She used to stand up for herself, but I hear him bully her, belittle her too. She seems overly dependant on him and thinks that she loves him. If authorities are involved she would be arrested for jumping bail on a court case because he told her not to appear. She doesn't know I know about this but they left court papers out in open. She has lost her father, her job, her career, house, friends. When I first moved in with her she worked, took it upon herself to feed the homeless, adopted 2 kittens but now is oblivious to everything except him. In spite of the way I have been neglected after she met him I would not want to see her in jail. He, however, has a strong criminal bent, is a liar and a thief besides drug addiction. I saw a shoplifting charge from a local store that he is ignoring. By the same token, do I sacrifice my life. I need nutrients, good food and water, and my heart medicine. Last Christmas after he had moved in I was told they weren't celebrating Christmas. But they went to his mother's and sister's house and my daughter bought gifts for all. I stayed in apt alone, ordered Chinese food. If I had been a bad mother I would expect this treatment. But I was the opposite, I've gone over it a million different ways but if I was at fault for anything it was for over indulgence. If I wasn't suffering from very real but treatable conditions that could be cured with regular meals, fresh air and exercise I would never be writing now. I have some medical knowledge and slow starvation is what I'm faced with and all of it's ramifications. I'm shutting down and when I'm gone I know that she will regret all of this.

This is a reply to my reaching out for help. After I read the comments of advice I wasn't feeling so alone. I was grateful that anyone even responded. But when I saw the comments about maybe I was a troll and someone responded with maybe you're right and cited a movie the more I thought about it the more upset I became. I may be in an abusive situation but I want to tell the individuals that wrote those things about me, talking about me like I wasn't even there that you were also abusive to me, especially considering my state of mind. This is not a joke to me and this is exactly why I haven't reached out to the authorities for help. I never should have written to strangers and I want to tell you that deliberate cruelty is unforgivable. Those of you who made those remarks added to my hurt and distrust of people. I would never have said those things to someone in pain. I'm sure that you'll titter and laugh at this response but please know that I'm not stupid and most of you wouldn't even be standing after everything I've been through. Even if you thought those things you had no right to say them to me! Because if you were wrong (and you were) did you consider the potential damage you would be doing? Unprofessional behavior and if I get out of this nightmare I will take this up with you again. You had no right to treat me this way!

Elizabeth, your situation is so extreme, only bringing in the authorities will help your situation. Your daughter is to far gone on drugs to see right from wrong. Do yourself a favor and call APS for help.

Well, we're not professionals. We're caregivers doing our best to help one another, based on our personal experiences and feelings. And I don't see that you can very well blame people if those feelings include a certain circumspection when it comes to narratives that don't quite seem to hold water.

Elizabeth you clearly are in an unhappy state, and it is a good thing that you are making contact with outsiders. But you must understand that we can only go on what you tell us, and when there are contradictions in your narrative - you're being isolated and starved and neglected, but then you're alone in the house with all modern means of communication and ordering Chinese food, for example? - then of course we are going to have doubts about what is really going on.

My guess is that your daughter has formed a relationship that you, for what may be extremely good reasons, profoundly disapprove of and are concerned about for her sake as well as your own. That makes sense as far as it goes. But you are not helpless, just facing very unpleasant decisions about how far to rock the boat. I'm sorry for your troubles. All I can say is that nothing will change unless and until you look at your own living situation and address it. You can get help to move out, help with healthcare, help with assessing your care needs as an older person. You are not alone, and many things can be done to improve how you're situated. What you can't do is dictate your daughter's choices. I hope that if she has got into a bad relationship then she will in future get out of it again; but meanwhile look to your own life and seek help with practical ways to live independently of your daughter. That is achievable; and if the consequences of calling attention to the household should include trouble for her and her boyfriend then on their heads be it. They don't constitute a good reason for you to sit alone in the dark.

Elizabeth, I thought you might be an Internet troll (someone who makes up extreme stories on sites like these) because you posted a long, heart wrenching tale and then seemed to disappear. I'm truly sorry if my speculation caused you pain.

Nothing is going to change until you take the first step. If you are waiting for your daughter to see the light, you might well expire first, and we don't want that to happen. We want you to get help, but you have to get it from outside. We here, we caregivers who are doing the best we can taking care of our loved ones, are NOT professionals in this business.

If you want someone to call a social service agency on your behalf, there may be a way to contact the administrator of this site and ask for this to be done. Without having yourself taken to the hospital for treatment of your ills, I don't know how you expect to survive this ordeal.

Other than sympathy, what do you want? You have a phone. You can call 911, or APS, or Catholic Charities, or your local Area Agency on Aging for help. It seems to me that calling the police couldn't possibly be worse than starving in a basement, but maybe you have a different world view.

I still don't understand why could can't go to an emergency room. How would that impact your daughter?

1 866 723 3014. Women Against Abuse, in Philadelphia. Call them. Please.

LIZZY, YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK! It is apparent to me that you may have moments or times of lucid thoughts between bordering on a psychosis. But I am not a doctor or nurse, and I see that 1) you are not going to be able to help yourself, and 2) you are going to argue yourself out of any suggestions that would help you. You will convince yourself why something cannot be done, why it won't work. This is not a criticism, just my assessment of your condition requiring an intervention.
I am not making any promises, but write back here on this public forum, trusting yourself that you are still intelligent enough, competent enough to discern that people's replies to you may or may not be helpful and that you should take what you want, and leave the rest, (In your case) ignore the rest. Take time to reconsider going to a hospital, requesting to have your former physician consulted on your case; with the possibility to be transferred back to your own area and under his care. (Or second best, under the care of someone he would refer you to) I do believe what you have told us here. Checking back later.

Lizzy, you must know, you must have considered already, if you have a self-protective bone in your body, or even a touch of paranoia (which you can use to help yourself), if you are aware that the boyfriend has possibly dosed you with drugs to keep in in a helpless state, dependent.
Does that sound like a possibility? Because that is what you have described he has done to your daughter.

How are you doing right now? Write back. There are some really helpful people that can help you on here. I like that you are able to write back, don't hold any criticism back, we can take it. This may take awhile to get you in a mental position to help yourself, or even to be able to call for help.

Ah, 65 in a few months, and Medicare qualified! I am liking your plan to return to the doctor who has helped you before.

Planning your escape, wash your face. Then, daily, wash your face. It may take a week or longer to clean yourself up so that you no longer appear as homeless
Take a few baby steps at a time. The goal would be to have clean hair. Later, a shower. Remember, these are your own requirements, for yourself to get help.
I understand you are weak. You can do this!

Have you washed your face today? How about heart meds, taken that? Or do you even have possession of them?
Will this type of support help you get up and get moving?

Elizabeth, waiting for's it going today?


Last thing you need is to be coddled. So I'm not going to shower you with phrases like "You poor thing, that's terrible;" or "How insensitive of them to treat you that way." Forget it.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but it seems that pretending to be vulnerable and utterly helpless somehow makes you feel better about your living situation and yourself.

In the time it took you to write your post you could've dialed for assistance. What's stopping you?

To Sendme, I just now read your comments. Yes, after 5 days I received heart pills and am taking them. I have a wrist monitor and with combination of 0 nutrients and heart pills for 5 days, my blood pressure was in stage 2, very high and with my arhythmia, wrong spelling, I had a reading of 113 pulse at rest w 155/112 blood pressure reading. After getting my pills, after only 1 ziac pill I was down to 126/84 and resting pulse at 68! I'm angry that I let this happen to me. But he had kept saying he would get them and in beginning he was. I have learned my lesson not to trust anything he says. Your baby steps comment was on target because yesterday I ordered a blt sandwich and a salad. Not the best food I should be eating but it was food and gave me strength to focus on getting out of situation as unscathed as possible. I wrote to Eddie & thanked both of you. I saw ur comment, assessment of my being gravely ill and knew that you detected something in my behavior. I welcome constructive feedback and realized that I had to do something quickly.I bathed, put on clean clothes. As regarding my telegen efflusiam, rapid shedding of hair (was diagnosed over a year ago by a dermatologist) it will grow back after stress is gone as continued severe stress causes this condition. But if I comb it or wash it , it falls out even more so the loss of my hair is hard to deal with. But your advice on washing it is correct because I was told by dermatologist that my scalp was infected and I have a spot on my head now which burns. I will buy hydrogen peroxide to apply after its washed. Have noticed that after it is cleaned the shedding stops. Maybe because the pores and hair follicles are clogged? I have already made up a list for supermarket including fresh fruit & vegetables, salmon, ensure, yogurts, water. Am going today by cab. It's no wonder that body and mind are breaking down after nearly 3 yrs of living this way in isolation, the total withholding of food & water is a new deprivation, though. Lastly, I hadn't tought that the boyfriend is drugging me but I have considered that he wants me out of the way, and yes dead. He has isolated my daughter from all of her friends ( i text and talk to them on phone as i was always like a second mom to her friends and they tell me that she doesn't contact them anymore but last week a buddy of hers from childhood was going to go out to dinner with her because it was his birthday Little did he know that the boyfriend would be tagging along. he does not let her out of his sight ever. Her friend slept over on couch and was promised a birthday breakfast Since I know him very well I came out of my room to speak with him We were speaking for about 2 hours, adult conversation , politics etc and at one point the boyfriend came out & told him my daughter wouldn't be able to go because she wasn't feeling well. We were still talking when we were interrupted by the boyfriend. Even though he delivered his message he remained in lr when he could have gone back to the bedroom But he didn't . He realized that I was speaking to him so he remained in living room until he was gone. I was not left alone with him after that. He ushered him outside and I didn't get a chance to tell him what was going on. Another incident was when I ran into my daughter in the kitchen and since I was out of toothpaste I asked her if I can borrow some. As soon as he heard me talking to her he dashed out of the bedroom and almost in a panic said what's going on! I thought that was odd but filed it away in my memory It was right after that that he volunteered to actually go to the drugstore and pick up my meds. When he came back I noticed there was a big tube of toothpaste that I hadn't asked for. I suppose this was to ensure I don't even speak to her at all. I don't trust him I believe that he would do harm to me So if there's opened soda or juice in the refrigerator I will not eat anything that comes from him. Anything that he makes I'm afraid to eat. Not that im offered anything. He might poison my food or drink I double check everything And have even taken to keeping food and water in my room when I have some. Hadn't thought that he might be giving me drugs only because he probably wouldn't want to waste it. But I am aware of possible poisoning and because of that I won't touch anything he offers me when he would offer me something The toothpaste incident Is the only reason that he went to the drugstore in the first place to get my med. This list had asked for yogurt but he didn't get me that but he somehow knew to buy toothpaste. But my daughter s behavior has become very docile, passive like mine and she speaks in a singsong voice now very small. He has possession of her checks and funds, credit card. She doesn't stand up for me or herself. He has total control over her. As her mother, I hesitate to leave her at his mercy, quite frankly. She would marry him in a heartbeat and then I would fear for her life.
So, that's my story. Neither one will speak to me after I told him to stop lying about me to Rachel. He said that I let one of our cats out because I broke the screen. I said why would I do that, he said, maybe u were angry. Totally baseless. Then I was accused of overfeeding the cats and leaving a cat can on the counter. Other lies but my daughter listens to him and is treating me like I had done something unforgivable. Meanwhile his only job for free rent, lavish gifts, sound equipment, drums, guitars, clothes and vacations is to clean the litter boxes. His way is to never clean it for a month, then buy new litter and dump box after a month. I suppose I'm not helping Rachel at all by staying because he has already successfully Isolated her from me. A very strange situation, and don't forget, he's only 25!
Anyway, your support and an organized list of things to do is very helpful since I am confused and frozen and have never had to deal with such an odd set of circumstances before.

Lizzy, I'm glad you're getting things a bit more together.

I'm a little curious as to how someone who is intent on isolating his girlfriend would then allow an old friend of hers to stay overnight for a birthday breakfast.

But actually that's only a detail and the important thing is how you get on. I hope that now you're able to start taking better care of yourself things will continue to improve. Please keep posting, best wishes.

So far, so good. Keep trying Lizzy. Thanks for answering here because then more people can help. I no longer think you are gravely disabled, but very vulnerable. In order to help your daughter, you will have to get out and help yourself first. When she sees how you escaped, she will think about it. She is much more able right now than you. Oxygen mask on mother first. You are right, the boyfriend sounds like a criminal. I don't know if confirmation of that is helpful to you or not, but your next question should be to yourself: Why am I still here? There will be no logical answer. So happy that you are able to clean up, eat food, and think better now.

To Country mouse, to answer why he would let old friend visit (not a minor point at all): I thought it strange also! Very strange. Then I thought: what does Mark (boyfriends name) want. Hmmm. After my daughter kicked out her first bf who she was engaged to for 5 years for this new con man, and who treated me very well he had left some belongings behind to pick up later. One was a couch. Ex fiancee picked up his couch recently. He had given my daughter notice that he was coming for his things a month ago. This was fine with my daughter, but Mark argued and screamed day before saying , tell him its not convenient, this is my house now, not his, he can talk to me not you, I'll kick his ---. Rachel was in middle of texting Chris and Mark was instructing her on what to say, no don't tell him that, say this etc. Anyway before Chris came over to get his stuff, I saw Mark in storage room going through Chris' stuff. We were on civil basis then (I was pretending to like him, thanked him profusely for every small thing he did like picking up a yogurt 4me, etc., playing it real dumb w him) He said to me, you know, Chris has a lotta valuable stuff here, I could take some and sell it, trick is to just take a little, not too obvious. Chris collects first edition comic books, artist supplies. I'll also add that Chris is a manager & works long hours, not the "I'm not slaving for the wage, man" quote from Mark. When Chris came back to pick things up he brought his new gf who Rachel is friendly with. When the guys were loading up his stuff, new gf came in to say hi to Rachel. She's assertive and walked right in, calling for Rachel who was playing opposum, finally after knocking on br door she came out but Mark came back in and ushered them both outside w them. Later that night, Chris called Rachel and was very upset that an expensive art book was missing, Mark got on phone and cursed him out saying he didn't take it.
Later that week, Mark had his mother buy them him (Rachel & Mark have developed into a third personality) a cheap futon from walmart to replace Chris' couch. The futon remained in the box for a week, I knew he was incapable of and too lazy to assemble it. So a month later, when I heard that her friend was coming for birthday, (daughter told me) I was curious. I figured it out and even wrote in my journal that Mark would use him to put futon up. Sure enough, after they came back from dinner, Rich the platonic friend was put to work assembling futon. He slept that night on it and was waiting to take them out to breakfast, I went into lr and saw Rich just sitting there. So I went in to see him. Dropped subtle hints in our conversation. Also, Mark had no intention of going back out for breakfast. Rich is her best friend and she used to have Sunday breakfast at diner every 2 weeks or so when she lived w Chris but not anymore. Rich had assembled the futon, now get out is basic scenario. Rachel never even came out to say goodbye and he has done so much for her. There are many red flags w Mark.
Last night after I finally ate and wrote to Eddie and Send I made my shopping list up for today. When I woke up Mark had already biked to store and even made a second trip, bringing back tons of cat food. I had been buying them cases through Amazon and last week Rachel texted me that she appreciated it. When I heard him complain that I was over feeding them, I texted my list and cat food was at top of list. It's so obvious that he wants Rachel totally dependent on him only. As soon as he found out that I was going to market, boy did that get him up and out and he bought so much cat food and proclaimed this to Rachel. The question from Country mouse was very important and not minor detail. I know that Rachel won't be seeing Rich again as long as he's with her.

To Send me: Yes your confirmation helps a lot. Yes, I am vulnerable but aware. I always lock my bedroom door now. I realized that I have to be in a position of strength to help Rachel which means to live elsewhere. I wrote in my journal this morning to wash face, wash hair and I did it! Not going to let this underbelly of society bring me down. Everybodies CONFIRMATION extremely to me. It tells me that I'm not crazy just stuck in a bad situation. Once I'm out of here I will contact Rachel's legions of friends, they might have ideas. Meanwhile, I know what I'm really up against and I'm smarter than he is. I hear my daughter's voice regressing and his constant murmuring and brainwashing voice day and night. Because of him my daughter is drug user, has given up on her nursing career, kindness is gone, love of life is gone. Mark's mother has been married 6 times, collects from string of ex husbands so there is family background for conning people there.
I know that I will prevail now, thanks to all three of you. Before this I had laid down to die. I'm playing the Massa Mark bit while I'm here. More dangerous to speak mind. He had Rachel turn my phone off Friday morning and that is a disaster. I called carrier and paid bill w number on file, probably my daughter's. She would never do this to me, otherwise, even if we had a spat. I could never afford it otherwise and is my only link to outside and keeps my mind active when I play knowledge games and text old acquaintances, see news and interact with people on group sites. I know I'm substituting this for live real interaction but must remain sane.
So when Mark came back from store I made a point to go into kitchen and praise him for his shopping. Must defuse not aggravate.
So my new job is to take care of myself and help Rachel later when I am able.
I listed steps that you gave me, Send, and I am following them. After the washing of my hair, I was tired and wasn't strong enough for market, will try to go tomorrow, but there is water and pasta now and I will make that now for me.
I am posting publicly because of your comment that I was posting privately before. I thought what is the difference and then considered that public posts would be of more value to this site. Confirmed by Send, for I wasn't sure.
Thanks to all, you provide a tremendous service.

Did my comment go through, I reread it and needed to edit word week to month and hit a button at top and said copied to clipboard, and it disappeared. Liz

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