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smeshque: Indeed, i know what you mean. Horrible day for me as well. So sorry for you.

Big Hug Ll- The SON will come out tomorrow. 😊 Hang in there.

Duct tape....!!!!! Wish I could wear it every day over my mouth!
But short of that, the only effective solution is to address the heart. What comes out of our mouths is what is in our hearts. So the more we meditate and focus on our contentment in surrender to His will and plan for our lives, the less problem we should have with our mouths.
Praying for the peace that passes understanding for all these precious care givers in Christ; as we let our requests be known to Him with thanksgiving and allow His peace to guard our hearts in Christ Jesus.

Phil 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

shaking: Thank you for your wonderful words!

Indy: Yes, I try to be very careful with my mouth; I just am not a hurtful person. But generally, even I receive a slight from a person, I react by giving them a kiss on the cheek when the person is a relative. I don't act the same way as them because God teaches us not to.
Btw, that is a favorite scripture verse of mine. Thank you for posting it.

Smeshque: Oh, thank you! It was a better day and I hope that your day was pleasant.

Indy- you are so right. So right. Something we all need to be aware of and strive to have a better heart, so our mouth pours out good things.

LL- So happy you had a better day. Mine was too.

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Smeshque: Oh, praise God that your day was a better one! Oh, that is a powerful and indeed helpful scripture verse. Here are 2 that I found most beneficial:

Proverbs 15:1 

"A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

Proverbs 15:4

"A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit."

LL- Thank you for the verses. Hope your day went well.
It is tough as a human sometimes, to give a soft answer to turn away wrath. Sometimes its as our tongues have a mind of its own. I said something today that I wished I didn't say, out of frustration. But I asked forgiveness, from whom I said it to and the Lord.
But, Oh if I could just use my right to remain silent, then maybe that would train this tongue of mine, to be kind.
It was a beautiful thing today. The couple we visit on Tues/Thurs, she has Alheimers.
Today we were sitting there and just out of the blue she said, "It just came to my mind, about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."
It was such a beautiful thing to hear her say. Most of the time she talks about things that no one understands what she is saying. But, that was so clear and to the point, it was lovely.

Smeshque: We are mere mortal humans and as such, we are not perfect, though we may strive to be. God knows that and that's why he sent his son to earth to take away the sins of the world. (I'm not implying that you sinned; please understand that.)  I'm sure that you couldn't have said anything hurtful; as I've come to know you, it's just not in your nature or character. It is difficult to not get angry or upset on occasion.

Isn't that spectacular that you received that reaction from the person you visit each Tues. and Thurs. afternoons! I've known Alzheimer's friends myself and you do receive the random act of clarity from time to time.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

John 3:16 

Thank you LL for your encouragement. In my perfectionist mind, I forget to remind myself that I am only human. And that I will never be perfect. If I could be perfect or anyone for that matter, we would have no need of a perfect Saviour. And Hallelujah what a Saviour.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”
Isaiah 55:8

Smeshque: I used to be so much of a perfectionist, that if my ice cube trays were not totally filled up, it would upset me. I stopped that as I know POTUS is not coming to visit any time soon if at all! I just cleaned a little, using a broom; it is not perfection, but I don't care because care because I have more important things to accomplish.

1 Peter 3:21

"Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you--not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience--through the resurrection of Jesus Christ."

LL- I am still a little OCD. Much better than I use to be, but still.
I fight frustration a lot when I am not able to do things the way my mind says should be done. But I am growing spiritually, praise God, and am getting better at several things I have issues with. Baby steps.
Today I was thinking how caregiving is kinda like singing next to a tone deaf person. So, they overpower you with their voice and you cannot hear your own tone. So you either stop singing or sing softer so that you can continue singing. Or you could be hateful and ask them to stop singing, so that you could sing louder.
Well, When you mesh lives together. One person lives this way and the other that. One person wants things this way and the other that. One person likes this and the other like that. And so on. So we have a choice. We either stop our own life to accommodate the LO. Creating misery and frustration and resentment. Or, we live softer. Compromising where our life is not high priority, but we humble ourselves and keep parts of ourselves that don't hinder care but allow us to remain us as best we can, so we can continue living and loving. Or we can be hateful and Not sacrifice anything of ourselves for LO, But selfishly hold on to our lives as we like and not willing to budge or compromise, because we feel its unfair or it's "our" time, and just await their ceasing.

I don't know if my ramble made any sense.

“For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.”
Hebrews 6:10

Smeshque: Spot on accurate! Sometimes when I think my house may be messy, I see others with a hoarding disease and I say "My house is a palace." No, not really; I am not that naive. At my age, there just aren't enough hours in the day and sweeping a floor or dusting will always need to be repeated and repeated and repeated. It is clean ENOUGH. So I say "Llamalover47, do other important things like looking at my eye machine so that my vision does not worsen because my vision is of paramount importance. Or write to Smeshque because my new-found friend may need a word or two."
Today I know I will tire easily as I as never up to see the morning light and dislike it a lot, but I must be up to drive shortly. Like last night, I folded my laundry, but I did not put it away. I just moved it to another room from off the sofa so that my husband can lie on the sofa after I bring him back from surgery. Did I worry about it? I cannot, though I used to. I bathed and got it bed for a few fast winks. What is really great is that my hubby is one of 39 first cousins, and everyone is praying on Social Media for the 2 undergoing surgery! All on one group private message!! Our Heavenly Physician is bound to hear the prayers with SO MANY praying!!

Dear smeshque, you tied that scripture verse in perfectly! You are perfectly and wonderfully made, saith the Lord, thy God!

Thank you to anyone that was praying for the safe return of the missing girl. They have found her. Praise God!

LL-I hope you will be getting some rest, I know you have had quite the busy day and it will continue a few more.

“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
John 3:17

Sometimes as a caregiver, we may feel unnoticed, unappreciated, and maybe even unloved.
I was thinking how being a caregiver is like being an Andrew.
Let me explain.
Peter and Andrew were apostles of Jesus. They were brothers.
Andrew found out that the Messiah (Jesus) was there and he went and fetched Peter and brought him to Jesus. John 1:40-42
Now in scripture you can read so much about Peter and the things that Peter did. He wrote many books of the Bible, he did many great things in the name of Jesus. And he was one of the most notable of the apostles.
Now in scripture we do not hear much about Andrew.Namely, that he was Simon Peters brother and one of the apostles.
So he did not get much recognition. We have no idea the things that he did. We just don't know much about this Andrew. It would seem that Andrew is not noticed as much as Peter, or Appreciated as much as Peter, or Loved as much as Peter.
But here is what is significant about Andrew. We would know nothing about Peter without Andrew. If it were not for Andrew, willingly and unselfishly and lovingly bringing Peter to Jesus, We would not know Peter.
So Andrew is very important and vital.
Just like caregivers, we may go unnoticed, feel unappreciated, and even sometimes unloved. But we play a very important and vital role in our Loved ones life.
We are Andrews.

Smeshque: Oh, Praise HIM that the little girl named Sinai has been found! Oh, that just makes my night! Wonderful!
Yes, indeed I'd had some tiring days, but I rallied and got everything done. Thank you for thinking of me, dear Smeasque!

Philippians 2:9-11 English Standard Version (ESV)

9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Smeshque: That is a wonderful analogy about caregivers being akin to Andrew. Of course, as mere mortals, we desire to at least be recognized as caregivers and what we do and have do for our loved ones. We would move Heaven and Earth for them, if we could, though we cannot, as we are not GOD.

LL- sometimes as mere mortals, we forget that is what we are, mere mortals.
I am glad you got all things accomplished and are reviving I hope.
Thank you for the verse. Don't you wish that everyone knew and loved Jesus simply for what He did and continues to do for us.
One day though all will know HIM.
I have had a dilemma all day, and finally with much prayer and contemplation, I have received my answer. So now my Spirit is at ease and I am going to try and relax. A long next 3 days ahead of me. My Mom seems to be forgetting more and more, but I cannot discern yet if it is a lack of rest or too much going on for her, or what. I am paying close attention to it. There is days that it is better than others and some days, my heart hurts that she is struggling. But, God is with that woman for certain, and He will get her through and me too. I thank the Lord each and everyday of the time I have with her. Even though some days are more difficult than others, I wouldn't change it for the world. I just keep the following verse in my mind.
May God bless you.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Smeshque: Yes, mere mortals are we. Wow, it is so hard for me to try to catch up, but I'm plugging away as I don't just do this. I am sorry that you will have those hard 3 days and I am so sorry that your mom seems to be declining. We will also do Father's Day early, but I was glad that I got ready early for that. Some people ask me why I do that~~there is the answer. I have heard of flooding in Oklahoma and I hope you weren't affected.
A lovely verse. Sorry to not write more but playing catch up on my full plate.

There was quite a bit of flooding here. But, we are on a hill so it doesn't a
affect us much. The roads however were pretty bad for a bit around us. Our neighbor is on lower ground and he gets flooded almost every year. I never understood why they didn't build on higher ground, guess he didn't know.
I hope you get caught up.
Had a great time with my Mom today. I was able to be cheerful and make her laugh. Such a blessing.

Psalms 34:4 - I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

Smeshque: Oh, I am so very relieved that you didn't get flooded. I actually did not have time to watch a forecast of the Oklahoma area flooding, but my husband mentioned it and I was concerned for your safety.
Yes, I am caught up and now I'm going to compose a short poem for a friend who had, in a round about way, asked me if I could. So that will not really take that long at all.
I am so glad that your mother had a blessed, good and happy day! That means so much to elders.

Oh, what lovely scripture! Praise HIM!

2. Philippians 4:19  "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus."

LL- I appreciate your concern.
I hope your poem writing goes well.
So glad you are caught up.

Thank you as well for the soul food.

Smeshque: Yes, the poem is written for the friend, but I just need  her to accept my social media friend request. Now I am getting weary from another long day.
I hope that you've gotten some restorative rest.

Ll- Hope you get rest. Today we had 2 good sermons. One on living your baptism. How some get baptized washing away their sins and carry on living a sinful life, never conforming to Christ. But how when we are baptized, washing away our sins, it should be reflected in our lives daily. As in how we live (ceasing from sin), how we should serve the church, and love it more than family, being that it is the body of Christ. I think it is heartbreaking that their are so many sincere people that do not believe baptism is necessary for salvation, that it is just an option, but the scripture is clear on the matter.
The second on fellowship, Fellowship with God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and with one another, as well as who not to have fellowship with.

If it was not for my faith and belief in our resurrected Saviour, the struggles of caregiving would be quite overwhelming and I could just not do it on my own. I have been so worried about my Mom lately. And if I did not have God to give my concerns to, I just could not do it.
I pray every night for all these caregivers on here. Every night.

For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. 1 Peter 3:17

Smeshque: I am glad that you had good sermons. Something at my church happened involving the senior pastor and it was very uncharacteristic of a man of the cloth. I am disturbed by it. There is a school also at the church, grades K-12. It had no computer education whatsoever until a friend did everything to get it up and running out of her own finances. She and her husband tithed by auto deduction from their financial account, too. She even offered to teach a coding class for free (formerly the school charged for it) and even bought out of pocket incentives and prizes for kids. The pastor sulked! I am not very happy at all about that and neither are many of my friends.
I pray that your dear mom gets better and you can worry less.
Oh, what lovely soul food.

LL- I am very sorry for the things going on with your church. Just keep praying on the matter.

I can't help but feel like the water boy. You know the one that brings the team water to keep them hydrated. No one knows his name and he gets no fame nor fortune, he is just there to keep the players hydrated so they can play the game, get the fame and the fortune and they probably don't even know his name.
Sometimes things in life don't feel so good. But if it was perfect here, there would be no need of a Saviour and Heaven. Both to look forward to spending eternity with and in.

Mark 10:30
But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.

Smeshque: Thank you for that about the senior man of the cloth at my church. I hope that I am wrong about all of it. I will see. Yes, your analogy of the "unrecognized" water boy as it relates to caregiving is a good one. Oftentimes, we humans feel that we are that water boy, but we are not meant to be perfect, else, as you said, there would be no need for Christ, our Saviour. Keep your chin up, smeshque, because you are deserving of much appreciation (oftentimes, I felt like a behind-the-scenes person when I was away from my home and family and pets providing care for my mother, but yet somehow I rallied.) So, too, will you.
Oh, such lovely scripture you give tonight!

3. Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?

7. Isaiah 43:1 But now this is what the LORD says, the one who created you, Jacob, the one who formed you, Israel: “Do not be afraid, because I’ve redeemed you. I’ve called you by name; you are mine.

LL- The soul food is very nutritious. He has the hairs on our head numbered. Today has been such a nice day for me of feeling God's love. It has been such a struggle for me the last few weeks, and today God gave me some relief. And I believe my Mom had a good day today too. She is such a sweet lady, and I am blessed to be able to be with her.
Just like your sweet heart.

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 1 John 3:1

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10

Smeshque: Oh, I am so glad that you had a good day and I know that your mom is a pleasant lady, just like you. Oh, thank you for saying that I am sweet. I may try. That is pleasing to the heart and soul scripture verses!

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