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Go Lisa, clap clap, Go Lisa, clap clap, Go Lisa, clap clap....... love and hugs.... LI tea is waiting at the finish line....

... it's almost over ... it's almost over ... it's almost over ...


Lisa: Hope things went ok today. Thinking of you. Cattails

Thanks cat, things went great today. Niece and I went in at 9:30, had place done by noon. Doug and nephew came at 12:30 and put her computer desk together, furniture moved, computer and tv up and running. The best part of the day? My niece and nephew were able to tell her exactly how they have felt the way she's treated them their whole lives. They spoke very calmly. Almost quietly? And told her the only reason they are here? Aunt Lisa. The very grandchildren who never asked you or expected anything from you. And your granddaughter Jen who gave up her time to move you in one afternoon and put the bed together your sleeping in. I let them have their say. my niece offered to pick her up next Saturday and take her to her brothers house. She will call the police to meet them there to get the rest of her things. I told her she docent need to do that. She said aunt Lisa you've been cleaning up this families messes for years. We'll take this one. Don't know quite what I think about it

You have shown them true courage and stamina, they love and respect you... kids watch, not always listen... so they watched what you put up with, and how you put a stop to it... they are very proud of you, and another blessing, they'll take it from here... you are free. God bless you Lisa, what an awesome woman you are...

Hi Lisa: Glad to hear from you and happy things were accomplished. I get a little confused in the nieces and nephews area. I want to see if I have this right. Your niece is the sister of the evil nephew? And she is offering to take your mom to his house next Saturday to see if your mom can reclaim any of her missing belongings that he picked up from your place and was supposed to deliver to her new abode? Let me know if I have this straight.

By the way, what was your mom's reaction to their comments about how she has treated them all their lives?

I also want to make a comment about my previous post regarding your mom going to a warmer climate. It was just a knee jerk reaction to the oblivious poster who preceded me. I thought it was funny and didn't think it would offend you or those who have been involved in this thread from the beginning.

Nevertheless, let me tell you what I really think about God's forgiveness. I don't know why some people are born into this world with a mental defect that allows them to torment and warp the poor children that have to endure their sickness. It's sad to think that their mental defects can be genetically transmitted to some of their offspring, obviously you are not one of them, and that the treatment those same offspring receive from that parent reinforces the negative DNA. And it gets passed down, through reinforcement by cruel bad behavior and some genetic weaknesses.

In the end, however, I have to believe that God can see someone who has been given to many flaws and that he can feel some mercy for them. It's not for me to judge which climate she will ultimately end up in. My comment was just a flip reaction and not heart felt.

I am always relieved to know that I am not God. I figure all of this shit is his problem. That's why he gets the big bucks.

Just wanted to offer that clarification. My weird sense of humor just got the best of me.

FYI, I'm not sure your evil nephew has any of your mom's stuff. I think he probably already hocked it, so I'm with you and not sure of the benefit of a Saturday visit.

Love you, Lisa. Hugs, Cattails

Cattails, I loved your knee-jerk. I had a whole raving response typed up to the oblivious poster and then deleted it and figured I'd let a veteran handle it, or ignore it. And, there you were, making me laugh and snort root beer up my nose (that burns like hell, btw). Lisa, I'm so glad you posted about your day. Your neice and nephew sound like great people. I hope they feel better after telling your mom how they feel. Sounds like it could be cathartic. I'm interested in her reaction too. So..what's your plan? Are you done? Finally?! Time for LI ice tea? Or 2? Or 5?

Cat, in no way have you offended me. I surely hope everyone else isn't offended. I've told my mother to her face I bet she has to feel those flames already licking at her ass because she sure has a lot to answer to once she crosses to the other side. Like you I have to believe god is all forgiving. So don't stop with the "knee jerk" reactions. They make me smile and others too. And the niece? Yes he is her brother. And I'm trying my best to discourage her from feeling she had to fix their wrongdoings. Look at the road I have traveled my whole adult life. I could not bear for her to travel the same. She got away! She's a single mom who is doing a remarkable job raising her three daughters. She needs to keep herself distant from the messes that this family creates. As for mom? She just shrugged her shoulders and told them she never claimed to be perfect. She's sorry they felt any hurt. She left it at that. I haven't really spoke with my niece about the answer she got. And like you, I believe moms belongings will never get back to her. She needs to accept that and move on.

Lisa, thanks for your post. I'm so glad I didn't offend you. I hope your niece will appreciate how lucky she is to be on the fringes. It's great for her to be supportive of you. We all are and you deserve it. On the other hand, she may feel the need to address her brother in front of your mom to prove something. It will fall on deaf ears no doubt on both sides. Plus, she is just giving attention to your mom and setting herself up to be the next bug in the spider web. Maybe you can talk to her, but if she thinks she knows what she is doing, then give her the space to learn her own lesson. Hopefully, she is a fast learner.

Judy: I so love your sense of humor and the way you express it. Thanks for laughing with me.

No one has heard from Rebecca. I guess we can only wait and hope for a post. She has not posted to anyone, so I don't know what is going on with her. I pray she is ok as I know you all do.

Tomorrow is Sunday. Lisa you are free to just be with your family I hope. Next time you hug your MIL, please tell her I am hugging her too.

I know this is not the end of the saga. Keep us posted, Lisa. The worst is over for sure, but there will be some bumps and we are waiting to hear about them.

Love to everyone, Cattails.

Hi Elisa. I just found this website yesterday. Although our situation is different, I was captivated with your on-going story - from the beginning. I take care of 2 bedridden parents and really need as much sleep as I can get. But I was so hooked on this thread, I had to literally force myself to quit at 1:00am this morning because I will be constantly getting up throughout the night to suction mom's trache. Then start my day at 6:00am to change their pampers, feed them, do laundry, wash last night's dinner's dishes at the same time hear all day from my dad a lot of negativity. There's only 2 of us physically taking care of parents out of 8 siblings but I'm the only one who's staying at home with them. My oldest sister babysits the parents from Monday-Friday while I work (full time, with alternate Saturdays) Yeah, I'm a bad daughter.

Anyway, I was hooked on your story because, I've gone through the anger, despair, depressions, etc...and I'm still where I am - Square 1. Yet, you took this treatment for 2 years and STARTED doing something about it. I was captivated. And envious. And wished that I too have "alternate" family to lean on or to turn to.
I'm so glad for you. I also grew from a very dysfunctional family. No hugs or kisses, etc.

My family has told me that I can't move out because I will be abandoning the parents and I can get in trouble. One family member keeps nagging me to get POA. I absolutely refuse. I have been taking care of mom since I was age 23. I'm now 46. I refuse to have any legal responsibility for them. Once I have POA, my family can tell me that it's not THEIR problem but mine since I have POA. I may be a pushover but I'm no fool. Like cattail and others, I don't think you should get one either.

About counseling, I think you should get one. I went to my 1st caregiving respite meeting. Even though it was movie day, I came out of it much lighter. It's really different when you spend time with people who knows what you're going through vs. your family. I will admit, that I find deep down how resentful I am that my other 6 siblings are not doing more to help. Okay, one brother called me this morning and will be giving me $300 month to help find a caregiver so that I can get weekends off. I texted all about therapist and will be emailing them the details. The caregiving respite program is also paying for me to have a one-to-one counseling with a therapist. I had that one meeting and he opened my eyes. The advice these people are giving almost sounds like the steps I will be doing with the help of my therapist. He noted that I have problem saying NO. And that is so true. He noted that I have 7 sisters/brothers - one for each day of the week. If they can't do their day (being from another state, etc..), then they will just have to pay for someone to cover their share. I've thought if that really comes down to my learning to say NO MORE. Just like you did. Boy, I don't think I can go as fast as you did! But, just with that one counseling, I felt empowered. Then, I find this thread, and it's giving me hope. I'm still struggling with the "exercise" homework from the therapist. Failing miserably. I have one month to get all 6 down before then. These are exercises to help me handle my anger, resentment and stress.

I too hope your niece is not sucked in. Or fooled into believing she can help them. Like you said, you can't help someone who doesn't believe they need changing because they are ALWAYS right. I can't remember who was the one who said to just smile and say "you're right." She hasn't met my father. Admitting they're right will just get them to be worse than before. I argue and refuse to give in. If he's wrong, he's wrong. Because once you agree, it escalates the problem. She must have grown up with a "normal" life..which is very rare, in my mind.

Sorry for the long letter. I just wanted to let you know Elisa that I was encouraged with your story. :) thank you!!!

bookworm84, your response is exactly why so many of us are so engrossed in this thread, and why Lisa is our hero. Because she is living proof you can say No and the sky doesn't fall in. And this is an awesome message for so many, many unhappy caregivers.

I'm glad you posted here, and I'll bet Lisa will be glad, too. Now how about starting a thread of your own? We'd love to encourage you to do your therapy homework, and cheer you on with your successes along the way. And you are right, Lisa did this is a remarkably short time. Don't set that as your stndard. But know that you can make your own life better, bit by bit.

Please start a new thread. We'll be there for you, too!

Bookworm: I posted on your wall and told you we would all be here to help your though the situation you are in. Way too much for one person to handle and I can't imagine what the past years have been like for you.

You are new here, so let me just point out that you can go to the very top of this page and you will see Caregiver Forum. Click on that an a pull down menu with offer you the option to post a question. Post your question, as Lisa did.

I will be watching for it as everyone else will too. We will be there to help you any way we can. Love and Best wishes, Cattails

Hi Lisa and all u other awesome caregivers! I have had family company 4 2weeks and too busy b4 that, so I have totally missed my time here. One day I got caught caught up to date, but got interrupted as I entered 1st letter! What a lot that has gone on... Lisa, let me say it again: YOU ROCK!!. The bank story, heeelarious! The social worker story, sad. She's bound to be inexperienced & told 2 always get a family POA if can. Glad ur not going there-def let co. Have at it. Heads up 2 those grandkids not 2 be talked into poa either!
All the love & support here is wonderful. I've missed all u kick ass ladies! Lisa, put on the super family capes w the LI TEAS. Cheers! Kimbee

And luv that u reached out 2 MIL 4 that hug-new behavior-way better than avoiding support...rockin' it girl!

EESH! I didn't want to "jump in" in the middle of this thread, so went back & read from beginning to end... Who needs sleep, anyway? I can't believe it took me 5 1/2 hours to absorb all of this (& it's now about 8:30 AM, so...) Bottom line is LISA YOU ROCK GIRL! Stand your ground, feel proud of yourself, and start your real life! I love my Mom with all my heart, she lives with me, and she always tried to be a good Mom to the best of her ability and with what she thought was right, but even she made some horrid errors. At least she was well-intentioned. My Dad was another story, but that's for another day. Anyway, what started me down this thought-path are the memories of how hard it's been EVER to stand up to my Mom when she starts pulling the guilt-trip crap or micromanagement of my life she's really good at. I suppose it might be easier, actually, to stand up to (or against?) her if she was hateful, because I got pretty skillful at that in dealing with my Dad. If I'd had your Mom, I'd have told her to calm down, but she'd better not try to bite me when she ran out from under the house or I'd call the pound... (Oops! Too mean? There was a previous post about 200 back where cattails used the infamous "B" word, so I wouldn't want to get reported or flamed for making the same mistake!) So, my new friends, just reading peoples' stories on this site has somehow lifted some of the stress off my back, and I'm finding myself more patient with my Mom when she gets petty, stubborn, repeats herself, etc. I'm thanking all the "powers that be" (I'm not religious - gave up hoping for that a long time ago) that my biggest stress is handling the idea that Mom won't be with me forever, regardless of the challenges and restrictions that involves. Thank you all...

Bookworm: when you start your own thread, would you also please make a note on *this* thread that you have done so .... I will catch yours too. I don't monitor the overall forum, so might miss it otherwise.

Cattails: I thought your response was HILARIOUS!! and DEAD ON. I know that the poster to whom you responded meant well, but *my* knee-jerk response goes to folks who want to talk about a "higher power" and just expect things to turn out magically without doing any work to get there. I guess, the Lord helps those who help themselves would apply here. Spiritual belief is personal and varied, not everyone believes the same and it can be tricky. To be clear, I was more put off by the previous post than by yours--and not just because she obviously hadn't read the whole thread.

RE: the she will have to accept that she won't get her things back. Has anyone talked to her about the consequences of her faulty actions to give him her debit card, etc? Or is she still blaming others for that fiasco?

Well eldest, as for moms clothes and commode seat? To heck with it. She's a grown ass woman who can dial the phone and add the theft of her items to the theft charges. Like I informed my niece, there's nothing that makes her happier than shopping qvc. So have at it. No more of the neighbors thinking myself or my daughters have the bow chicka bow wow going on with the ups man. I looked at yesterday's mail this morning and darned if her debit card didn't come and 7 of the 100.00 charges that were transferred from savings to checking. You just know the mailman knows those are overdraft statements. Maybe he'll offer me some free stamps. Heeheeheehee. This is hilarious. She sat on the porch weeks ago smoking her cigarette waiting for him to get a change of address form and told the man I was throwing her out. I just thought of that. I too posted on bookworms page. I so hope she stays.

... and the postman probably thought, "It's about time! What took her so long."

Hi Lisa and All. I will start a new thread as soon as I can think. At the moment, I'm so stressed that I'm taking each day on automatic. Getting these really awful stress headaches and am so tired of popping Excedrin. I keep worrying that these pills will damage my liver. So, I just wanted you all to know that I will do a new thread...when I'm not so exhausted that I can't even think of anything.

FYI, emailed my uh, lack of progress report to therapist. Like you all, he says that I can do it with practice. That I have what it takes to be successful. Maybe, I will do the new thread on how to do these darn exercises when you're too tired and impatient to do it Slowly and not shortcut to the end. If I'm not too tired when I get home, after preparing dinner and feeding parent, I will try to do it tonight.

Bookworm keep with this thread until you feel ready to start another-we have all been with Lisa from the beginning and she was a wonder how well she was able to turn around a bad situation abd make great strides and your therapist is right each kid should take one day of the week or pay towards help for that day-you might mention to the sibs that placement is one solution and see where that goes-it is not fair to give up your life to caregiving.

Bookworm, I'm looking forward to your thread. The ladies here on Lisa's thread are not only knowledgable but are very funny when the need is there. I have had tears in my eyes for Lisa but also for the comments of others. Please don't wait to long to post as the group can and will help you through this. God Bless

I wasn't planning to start a thread since I had difficulty thinking. Unfortunately, I woke up this morning with a depression. It just hit me all of a sudden...Correction, I started crying all the sudden and didn't know I was crying non-stop for 10 minutes. I don't cry. We were raised not to cry or Else. So, when I cry for no reason - then I'm almost hitting rock-bottom on depression. I posted the question under Burnout. I tried earlier to do the thread but I started tearing and I can't do that at work. Once I cry, it's quite difficult to stop. Have to go now. Gotta go and figure out what's for dinner, then change pampers, then...By the way, thanks cattail. I had to backtrack to find your instructions on posting questions. later!

I also was not to cry when I was a child-if I did my mother would say stop crying or I will give you something to cry about-which was another beating of course-and she thinks she was a good mother.

Bookworm: How old are your parents? You've given us some info on their medical conditions, can you give us more?


Lisa: Did you have a calm Sunday?

Good morning everyone. I just read Karens burnout question. What concerns me is this therapist of hers has not recommended state agencies to help have mom and dad moved to have round the clock care and get her out of this nightmare. Now I know how you felt when you said you wished you could be here to help me thru my ordeal.

Hi cat, my Sunday was great! Yesterday I had to take her the debit card and a microwave. She called the 1-800 # and activated it. Then turned around and told me here, you just keep this and I'll just call and tell you when I need something. I calmly turned around and put it on her computer desk. No mom. Your first trip to the grocery is scheduled for this wed at 12. That made her angry. How the hell do you expect me to get groceries to the fifth floor. Beth pulled the two bags with handles out of the box and I showed her how to sit them on her walker. Very easy. She went to the bedroom and closed the door. we left. Haven't heard from her. She called several times Sunday and I answered one that morning, and one that evening.

Lisa: I'm so glad you are not her POA. Have a good week and stay in touch. Hugs, Cattails

Hi Lisa. I enjoy hearing your updates. As an avid reader, when I read yours and everyone's comments, I can visualize it in my head. Seriously, maybe one day, you might want to print this out and make it sort of like a journal. Perhaps title it, "United We Conquered." Uh, but I wouldn't let your mom see it.

Okay to answer your questions, dad is age 83 and mom is 79. I live in Guam. We do have a hospice that costs about $4000/month several years ago.

Private caregivers cost about $10/hour. Most of my family refuses to pay because it's too expensive. (Why pay when they have a Free caregiver - me.) Yet, they all eat out, go to parties and take trips. But, no money to pay for a caregiver. Over the weekend, I had text everyone that if each one pay $275.00/month (which is about $140 a payday), then I can get weekends off from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Only 2 responded that they will give $300. I think that's what triggered my depression.

Can I ask you guys a question? I've never done therapy before. When I was telling the therapist all I've tried to do to get my family to help and still no help from them, I concluded, "My family doesn't care about me." He responded Very Loudly with Emphasis, "Of Course They Don't Care For You!" Was he saying that to see my reaction? Was I suppose to deny it and say something to refute it? Because if he did, it didn't work. All it did was reinforce to me that even a stranger agreed that I'm nothing to my family. This therapy thing is sure confusing.

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