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Welcome home! Feeling renewed.....that's awesome! Glad you didn't answer the phone and had a good father's day :)

When I got the note that you had posted something new, Lisa, I thought, "I've missed her and everyone else, too!". I'm so glad you had a great time. You deserve it.

Missed you, glad you had a great time. Welcome home. Missed all of the rest of you too!

Let the phone calls begin. Heeheehee. Lisa I'm having some serious problems call me. So I called Doug at the office and told him the messages. He told me to let him give her a call. If she dosen't mention these "serious problems" to him , then it's just more of her crap trying to pull me in. He's just gonna say he just called to touch base and see how she's adjusting. Personally, I think it has something to do with her meetings with detectives. One message was she has no change to go do her laundry. One message was she can't get the handle on her new shark vacumn cleaner. It all comes back to the stupid thing. She wants me to come clean her apartment, she wants me to come get her laundry and do it. I know what she wants and it's not happening. So I'll wait for Doug to call me back. She is perfectly capable of doing all of these things.

It's not my's not my's not my problem. Calm your heart rate down. You're doing great. She can live in squalor and filthy clothes if she chooses not to find any other help. Take a deep breath. Maybe Doug won't even get around to calling her for a few hours. That'd be fine.
Your post does make me think, however, if there is SOMETHING that would be "serious" enough to warrant your intervention? I gently invite you to consider if that's the case, and if so, to know in advance what it might be. If there is some part of you that actively considers, "Is THIS 'serious' enough?" every time you hear from her, that is a part of you that is still on alert. If you know: Coma, verified by a third party, is serious enough and nothing else (for example), then you won't be doing the automatic sorting ("do I go or not?") that each call seems to trigger.

It might be that you make a blanket rule that for, say, 90 days, NOTHING is "serious" enough to respond to, so that she learns two quit asking. Or whatever time frame seems long enough to really help you (each) grown stronger wings. Or maybe you know exactly what category of thing will be sufficient to warrant you heading back. But, maybe, give this some thought. Define some clear boundaries, and move forward from there.

She's not my problem....She's not my problem....she's not my problem...remember JeanneGibbs's mantra!

I'm back. Doug called. No answer. As soon as we hung up the phone rings. It was Jane the social worker. Mom pushed her button. They called ems. She's at the hospital. Same drill. Can't breathe. She needed to warn me that mom refused to take her purse and that means if they release her she'll have to have transportation home. If they keep her? She has no gowns, house coat, no glasses. Jane had time set aside today to meet with her, and when she sets up meetings with their tenants it's mandatory for them to meet. Her last meeting mom was very negative and she told me mom blames me for everything wrong in her life right now. If I hadn't thrown her out her money would still be in the bank, and she wouldn't have to throw her grandson in jail. Jane told me she is better understanding moms personality. Mom has made a number of friends and they've been having dinner together in the evenings. Every single word out of her mouth on my answering machine has been outright lies. Jane told me her goal is to keep counciling with her and hopefully things will calm down with her anger issues towards me. Ha. Told her good luck with that. 50 years worth of hate is a hard habit to break. So I ended the call thanking her for everything your doing to help her adjust and I would let her know if they keep her. Crap.

WHy isn't this Jane's problem to solve? Or the hospital social worker? Why must you show up? It sure sounds like she timed the crisis to avoid meeting with Jane.

I'd stay away. They can't make you take care of her. The hospital HAS CLOTHING. If you MUST get involved, drop off cab fare in the hospital social worker's office. Don't say hi, don't see her. Don't reset the clock here. So what, she's in the hospital? People can work themselves into a frenzy and end up in the hospital if they want to. She did and she did. IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM. IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM!
And send DOUG with the cab fare. Don't even step foot in the hospital.

PS And I beg you to not go into her apartment to retrieve the purse! She could accuse you of stealing then. Deliver the cab fare and get the hospital to say that it comes from a special fund people set up to help people like her, in situations like this one. Do not even let her know it was from you.
Okay. I think I'm done now. Except for wishing I could call and stop you from getting involved. ;-)

I agree with Jane B. Don't go to that apt, Ask the Social Worker to retrieve the needed information (her purse) and take it to the hospital for her. If you do
go to the apt PLEASE, PLEASE ask a police office to meet you there and be present when you enter and exit to verfy what you are taking. When you get to the hospital make sure someone is also present and can verify the release of the purse.

Hi Lisa: I was thinking that there have to be people staying at the home where your mom lives that have no family to help them. What happens when they go to the hospital? Your mom will be wearing a hospital gown if she is admitted and when she is released the hospital social worker can arrange for a cab to take her home. They are not going to put her on the curb and expect her to hitchhike home. So you don't even need to worry about cab fare.

Maybe you should consider making one phone call to Jane and tell her that you are not going to get involved. Put the ball back in her court. If your mom "refused" to take her purse then that's a clue. She REFUSED to take her purse., she didn't just forget it. Jane should have given it to the ems. What about her medical cards?

If you can find it in you to stay out of this, it will send a strong message to your mom. I know it's hard for you, but give this some thought. Your mom will be calling you constantly from the hospital. If you do not get involved she will get the surprise of her life and she will know you are serious.

Big hugs to you and lots of love, Cattails

I just called the cab company and explained to them about mom going by ems to hops. Told them if they release her I cannot get her home, and would it be possible to have them pick her up and call me when she is delivered and I would pay over the phone? Well guess what? They sure can. She said a lot of people do this with their parents dr appts when they are at work and can't transport them. I'm sure soon the call will be coming from the hospital. I will call Jane back.

I have to agree about not getting involved. If you had been hit by a bus yesterday, "they" - the hospital, the social worker, your mum would figure something out. Maybe I am too suspicious, (truly, I don't think so), but I see this as a ploy to re-engage you in your mum's business, and that she will keep doing it, until she learns that it is not going to produce the results that she wants. I call it "baiting" - throwing out to hook to see if you will bite. My position with my mother is that I do not feel obliged to respond to any thing that isn't life threatening, and even then, leave most of it to the professionals.This is not what I would do with a normal person, but she isn't normal. Mother went to ER recently, as she wasn't feeling well, and had spent a few days in bed. I got phone calls, from her from the hospital, and after a couple which were nonsense - like call the mayor to let him know how badly I am being treated, and find me somewhere else to live etc, I quit answering. She came home and in 3 days I got 20 emails, and ignored them. Example - the doctors told her to stop eating fried food and she asked me for advice. What can I say "Stop eating fried food"! Duh! Finally on the third day after 10 unanswered emails, she wrote and told me to ignore her emails as maybe her imagination was running wild. Lol - always has to be in control! Earlier on, I did write that I spent many days in bed with the systemic candiasis, and with chronic fatigue, and I didn't go to the hospital, or fuss about it, but when I felt better, I picked myself up, and got on with life, doing the best I could. The message was that she isn't the only one with health problems,as she thinks she is. It seems they do things that they know aren't good for them, in order to get attention. She wanted fried food right after her gall bladder operation too, and ended up going to the ER for that. I vowed then I would never look after her again - but let non family do it. They can hack it better than I can.
She created her problem - let her solve it. I know that sounds tough, and it is - tough love as you would give to an out-of-control teenager, only she is an out of control senior. The more you give in to her, the more she will demand.
My two cents - hope it helps.
Another mantra - I will do what is good for me!
I know it isn't easy, but it gets easier with practice and as you see that they can manage without your involvement.
Take care - (((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

I just got off the phone with Jane. I told her if mom is released she will need to go to her apt and bring her purse to her to pay the cab that will be bringing her home and she can walk without the walker to get to her apt, but if she feels the need she can bring that to her too. I informed her that the calls I told her about these last two weeks were a ploy to get me there and I think this is the same. If it's a different diagnosis ( which I doubt) then my husband and I will proceed from there.

Doug had a thought about this trip to hospital too. She has an $1125.00 coming to her from the last hospital stay. If she can get herself admitted again then of course she'll get another $1125.00. He seems to think she's trying to replace the money that was stolen so she doesn't have to send the grandson to jail. Hmmm, it just possible with her.

That's interesting that she would care about sending the grandson to jail. I wonder if she would care about sending you to jail. Regardless of the diagnosis, if she's admitted or sent home, it can be handled without your involvement.

You and Doug have a little time to think this through. JaneB had mentioned earlier that it would be good for you to give thought to under what circumstances, if any, you want to be involved with your mom. If she is admitted, then hospital staff will take care of her.

I guess I'm asking if you want to be at her side when she passes away. I doubt she would have any kind words for you at that moment. I'm thinking ahead, like JaneB suggested and trying to imagine circumstance that require your involvement or circumstances that would cause you to "want" to see or be with your mom.

These are difficult issues, but you will need to face them at some point. Something to consider and you can come to conclusions in your own time.

At this particular moment, I doubt she is dying. Sending you lots of hugs, Cattails

Cat: I have gone over that scenario so many times in my mind. So let me explain. When the first sister died (suicide) I received the call from mom that the police and ems were at my sisters house. She knew she was dead, but she kept that to herself. Doug and I pulled up at the same time as the M.E. Surprise. The other sister and one son were there. And how embarrassing that the cops knew both sisters. The gist of it is I was the one they came to for the info. Doug and I watched her being carried out. the m.e. Took us in the house along with the sis and son. They were thrown out because they actually started looking for the stash of drugs she had. So I had to ask the coroner to help me get the drugs out because they would be back. So they called a car with the dog. The dog found the dope, and the 2 detectives helped me fill a 30 gallon garbage bag of prescription drugs.(pain Meds) and cat, thru this all I felt nothing. No sadness, no pity. She got one last stab at me. She mentioned how happy Lisa will be that I'm dead. So yes, I had to be questioned. It was considered a crime scene. The 2nd sister? Same story. Never a tear. Went thru the motions. Took care of my niece and her daughters. Just did our best to get them thru. Never a tear shed. So many, many times I've asked myself what in the hell is wrong with me. So moms deathbed? I think it will be the biggest drama she can make it. She will spew hate and vulgarities at me. I don't know what this makes me, but I hope it's quick. I hope it's in her sleep. I so want to go to that Jane and ask her please talk to her about her wishes for her passing. Have her turn that ins policy over to Christian charities so she can be buried thru there. I know they do it thru their chapel. And by some twist of fate she leaves that policy in my name, I'll do my duty. I'll see that she's buried. So those are my wishes. I've never said this out loud to anyone except Doug and I discussing it. I pray that I haven't offended any of you my friends. I'm not unfeeling. I have so much love in my heart. But when you have been nothing but beat and verbally beaten down, feelings die. Mine for her died many years ago. Love, love, love, and some more love to everyone!

((((((((((((((((Hugs, Lisa))))))))))))))))))) I understand totally and you haven't offended me at all. If I don't make it to my mother's deathbed, I will have no regrets. And truthfully, I don't think she would care - not really. She has made a thing about wanting to have both her daughters with her when the time comes, but I see that more as a control issue, and how she will look to others. Like you and so many others here, years and years of my life have been damaged by her illness. I am working to make what I have left better than what I started with. Like you, I will do my duty, and see that her wishes are carried out one way or another. Thankfully she has signed a DNR. Supposedly she has willed what is left to be split between my sis and I. Whatever! I am not looking for anything. Feelings do die after extended abuse. I felt my family was gone when my dad died, about 35 years ago.
I hung on to the unattainable expectations, and the impossible dream far too long. I am glad you are leaving them behind now, and have years ahead of you without the garbage you have experienced in the past.
more (((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))

Lisa, you have the greatest idea of asking Jane to feel this out. Christian Charities are the greatest for dealing with families that for many reasons remove themselves. You have been through so much, I don't think anyone would blame you for stepping back as you have. You have a beautiful family and be thankful your own daughters will never experience this with you as they have grown up in such a loving home. Let your heart lead you so that you can carry on with you life and not look back.

Jeez, Lisa. A few blissful days away, and whammo, you get it when you get back. I bet Doug is right about your mother trying to replace the stolen money. I just keep thinking that you need to disconnect the phone and ignore anything and everything coming from your mother. I think it'd be great for your mom to have her burial arranged through Christian charities, and I'd definitely ask Jane about it. Kudos to you for calling the cab company and Jane to arrange for Mom's return trip from the hospital. Smart move. Don't get sucked back into that whirlpool! What a roller coaster ride you've been on. Ups and downs and crazy turns.

Nurse from hospital just called me. "there's been a drastic change in her lung x-rays from 2 months ago". we will be admitting her. I ask are you trying to tell me she's dying? Well of course I'm not telling you that. You will need to speak with the dr. Ok, can you put him on the phone? He's with a patient. I told her if you look in her records she visits your hospital 5 times a year. And it's due to complications with her copd due to her smoking. Now if it's otherwise this time I need you to tell me or have that dr to get her permission to call and tell me exactly what his diagnosis is. If not, tell her I'll try to call this evening when she's in her room. She's in good hands.

Hi Lisa: Thanks for explaining your history with your sister's suicide. I don't think you are the least bit unfeeling. I think you just understand that certain people in your family can not be reached emotionally and their only desire is to say hurtful things. What is there to look forward to in a relationship with them and what is there to miss in their passing. About the only normal thing to feel would be pity for their twisted lives.

Your mom's medical situation requires that she be admitted and that's what is being done. As you said, she is in good hands. Whatever you do, make sure you are doing it because you "want" to, not because you are concerned about how you will look to the hospital staff or to Jane.

This might be a good time to remind Jane that you don't want to be involved with your mom's life (if that's how you feel) and ask if she can pursue a state guardianship for her. Ask if she has ever done that before and if she knows the process.

It might be something that you could look into also. I'm not saying you have to do this right now, but read up a bit on the process or talk to the people you know in the court system or the Adult Protective Services. While your mom can claim to be in her right mind, some of the problems she has had, for example, being scammed by her nephew, not once, but twice in the past few months might tell a different story. One could argue that she is a threat to her own well being.

A guardianship might bring you some additional closure and it would definitely give Jane someone else to call. Having said all of that, what would Jane be doing if your mom had no family?

I think as you go through this episode of "How the World Turns Around Mother" you will be more clear about what you want the next hospitalization to be handled as it pertains to your involvement.

Sending you white light and lots of support. Love and Hugs too, Cattails

Cat, that is exactly what I'm trying to do. Her statement to me this morning about her counciling mom and working on her anger issues toward me. I meant it when I said it's hard to erase 50 years of hate. Is she just not getting what I'm telling her? I'm going to talk with Doug tonite. One more time I am going to sit in front of her and make my intentions clear. Even Doug and Jen are puzzled. This time I'm taking Doug with me. I don't believe there is anything different with this er visit. I also asked the nurse who called if she was being admitted to the heart and lung unit. No. Is she being admitted to intensive care? No. So that implys no danger. If I'm wrong? Ok I'll deal with that later. But I can tell you this. She couldn't get me there any other way, and I know her. She thinks when she gets out that apartment will be spic and span, her laundry will be done. She in for a rude awakening. I'm stronger now. I'm not going to dissolve into tears with her abuse. Any contact will be on my terms, if any contact at all. And yes, I'm sure I'm the buzz at the emergency room once again. But this time? I don't have to deal with their contempt. This does have me upset and angry. But I'm breathing this time. I'm going into my proactive mode. Watch out drs. Watch out Jane. I will not walk away assuming my intentions are clear. They will be very clear this time. Now look girls, they done gone and pissed me off. ;)))))

Good for you Lisa. And you know we are with you every step of the way. You are going to get through this, just like you have everything else. The curve balls will keep coming, but you are so much better and stronger at throwing them back.

Taking Doug with you to meet with Jane is absolutely brilliant. See, you are getting so much better and smarter at this. If you chose to talk to your mom, don't feel embarrassed to tell us. Whatever you do, you will evaluate and re-evaluate and move on.

Yep, the apt will be just the way she left it. Good. She can hire a housekeeper if she needs one, a paid slave to do her laundry, etc. That works. It just isn't going to be you.

Keep your chin up and soldier on. Love, Cattails

Don't worry. I would tell any of you if I felt I need to talk to mom. I know this site is all about support and all you KICK ASS GIRLS are the most amazing support group to me and so many others. Wrapping my arms around each and everyone of you!!!!

Lisa I am facing something similar with my mother. She went to to ER, was admitted to hospital, and sent home a couple of days later. They didn't find any basis for her complaints. Same old, same old... So she went to her doctor yesterday, and now emails me that he told her that her stomach could kill her anyday, or she could live a long time - at least, she says, that is what she understood he said, and also he told her that in another province people could be euthanized, but not here, (what's that about?????) ,and would I email a cousin (who she has offended so he is not contacting her) and tell him, and so on. As far as I am concerned, it is all about getting attention. Nothing I can do about her stomach, or any of her other complaints, or to repair the relationship she has wrecked with my cousin who has been very helpful to her.Nothing I am going to do about it either. I thought about phoning her doctor, but that is what she wants - attention, attention, being the center of my universe. I have to travel to her city Friday to see a specialist, and she would rather I spent my time fussing about her, than looking after myself. Not going there. I have been set up before, and am not going there this time.
Don't get sucked in - she will work hard to achieve that, and it takes effort on your part to resist it. What if she is worse? Nothing you can do about it. She will die one day, most probably before you - that is natural. Nothing you can do about that either. It comes to us all, but the way there does not have to be one narcissistic crisis after another. For them it will be, I take it all with a pound of salt, and ignore most of it.
(((((((((((((hugs))))))))))) look after you, keep your peace...

Good for u emjo. I've been sitting here and my minds just racing. This is actually the first time I haven't ran to the hospital for 2 years. Each time she Felt sick I would tell her get dressed and I'll take you to emergency room if it was at night. Nope. Always wanted me to call 911. I refused and would make her call them herself. Her reasoning? She wasn't sitting in any waiting room. and she never once would call the dr and get an appt. I would do it and she would laugh and say I guess you ll have to carry me out. I'm not going and she never would. Always came back to the money. And surprisingly I'm not feeling any tug to get up and drive to that hospital. I have contacted the other grandchildren and let them know. I always do. My niece who still struggling with her guilt over her mothers suicide texted me back she hopes it's for a heart transplant, because she needs one. And it hit me. I once told her years ago she was going to die a lonely old woman because over the years she has been so cruel to us all. The only one she would even want there is the nephew. My nephew, her grandson. Look how true that statement was. So emjo, we should all make ourselves our #1 priority. And it's so refreshing to hear from some on here that although it's hard, they love their mom. I'm going to be a mom like theirs. And when Jen decides it's time to give me some grandchildren, (I'm threatening to put a hole in her birth control pills..snicker snicker snort snort) I'm going to hold them close to my heart and just love each and every one of them.

and good for you too, Lisa, for not going there. I like your niece's comment about the heart transplant.
Yes, you had her number a long time ago - you were right about the nephew.
We do need to look after ourselves first. It gets easier with practice.)
Grandchildren are a huge blessing,and need grandmotherly love. My daughter has some of my mother in her -that is another story - but my granddaughter is a sweetie. Glad to see that those genes missed her. Hope you get lots of beautiful grandchildren to love!

Lisa I am very proud of you-how pissed off she must be -not being able to control you-I bet if feels good to you-it did for me when the husband did not have the power to rule my life and even if you were to go to see her in the hospital she might shut you out like the husband did when he was dieing-come around for everyone but me-he had to punish me once more. You are absolutly doing the right thing-I am so proud of you of how far you have come since you started this discussion-I think it was in APRIL-you are in the group of kiss ass girls.

One of the many reasons I love this thread and follow it is because it shows that when we make a choice, we still have to have support, it shows the problems after the choice, and the follow up required... none of this has been easy for you Lisa, but it's getting easier..... am so proud of you for not playing the game... as I've share before, you are in the process of 'unlearning' to not jump when she says are setting an awesome example for anyone coming behind you with the same or similiar situations to keep on keepin on... to ask for help, to let others know what is going on..... we are all learning from each other and that is so powerful... the good kind of power... the power to stand up and say MY TURN, lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way ( I want this on my tombstone, by the way)..... Just not enough words to express how proud we all are of you...... and you will get those grandangels, and how blessed they will be... hugs, love, respect.

What a great point ladee! It's not a linear path, and support is so important. This really should be a book, and it will empower so many others, as they just go from comment to comment.
Lisa, I'm so relieved you didn't end up there. My though is that it doesn't matter what her diagnosis is. You can't change it. You can't help her. Let it go. Why do you have to have an answer? Even a terminal diagnosis won't mean she can or will change. Nor will it mean her time here really is short. Can you be okay never seeing her again? Know what would be okay by you, and say no to everything else. Focus elsewhere.
When is the redecoration project, for example? sending love to this magnificent community.

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