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Lisa, not sure when u r getting 2gether 2day, be prepared for the possibility that bone cancer is metastic disease-that may be the reason no specific location has been shared. I sure hope not, but want u 2 be aware of possibilities. I know u r scared, thank God u have ur DQ mom settled out of the house and do have the ability 2 turn to the family who has given u so much love over the years. They will need u and u will b there 4 them in just the right way--that is ur special gift. We kick ass girls are here for u and your family and sorry that times r so tough right now. Luv, hugs and prayers from all of us to all of you. Kim


You have survived the DQ, with love and grace, and you will survive this two. I have the utmost confidence in you. Scared, sure, cancer is scary, and so is the ending of a life. But, as I shared earlier on this thread, and on your wall, good can come out of it, and in your case, I believe it will. Facing the possible decline, and impending death of a loved one is never easy, nor is facing one's own decline and death, but both come to all of us. I am surprised that death, and the surrounding experiences, and feedlings, are not talked about more on this site.

You are great, girl! Do your thing! Planning ahead, making meals etc. is one way you cope with this, and it is a good way. Food is basic.

Wishing you well. You and your amazing fam. are in my prayers, it will work out!

Much love

Thinking of you, hope you made it through this tough day. Feeling bad for you all Sending more love, hugs and prayers to you and Doug and family.

Well kimbee, looks like you are right. The cancer is metastic. That's why we weren't being given the where the location of the bone cancer was centered. So this is streaming thru his body and can settle in any one or more of his organs if it hasn't already. My sil called from Alabama a bit ago. She wanted to make sure we understand where it stands. She said he is in stage 3. She wanted to discuss the possibility that this chemo may not work. Good grief. I thought I was a planner. She has been thinking of all the what ifs. All the way to his hospital bed, if needed down the road, will need to go in the living room. Hopefully Tuesday all the question marks will be answered. So I'm going from here and hit the net. I need to start reading everything I can about this metastic cancer. Hopefully maybe someone has some knowledge here.

Lisa, i am so sorry to hear this horrible news.... all I can think of is how grateful I am this is a loving family... How is Doug handling all this? Please let him know we are praying for everyone.... my heart hurts for all of you, and special prayers for you fil.... hugs across the miles to all of you..

Hi Lisa: I'm not sure if you were asking if anyone here, meaning on the thread has some knowledge about metastatic cancer, but I spent 23 years working with children who had life threatening and terminal illnesses. Most of them were cancer patients.

What I can tell you is that cancer starts in a certain part of the body; the primary cancer site. Obviously, it will grow and in time spread. When it leaves its primary site and goes into another part of the body, it is said to have metastasized. Various cancers can travel to the bone, the most "common" being breast and lung, but I think prostate and maybe thyroid too.

When a person has breast cancer and it has spread to the bone, it is still called breast cancer, but after spreading to the bone, it is referred to as metastatic breast cancer, or breast cancer with metastasis. This is because protocols (cancer treatments) are designed to treat the primary site. If you have breast cancer that has spread to the bone, you are still dealing with a cancer unique to the breast, even if it is now in the bone. So it is important to know the primary site of the cancer in order to treat it.

On Tuesday, you will get more specific information about FIL and that will help answer a lot of the questions that all of you have.

Two good sites are cancer dot org and cancer dot gov. I'm sure there are others, but those are two I use to refer to.

I'm praying for your family and sending buckets of love, Cattails.

Lisa, I am so sorry. Cat pointed out THE best sources for info. Be sure to view NCI's site in full format (not mobile-as on ipad). Mobile version less comprehensive. Might want to have someone take notes of key points when u see the doc, or just after, it will be a lot to take in. Reading up ahead of time will
help you be better able to comprehend some of what you are being told. Don't forget to catch a little rest when you can-long road ahead. Sending comfort and love to you, Doug and family. Kim

((((((((Lisa))))))))) I am so very sorry too. Your pil, and you and Doug, and other family have a rough road ahead. Mil showing signs of possible dementia, will only complicate things, and the stress may exacerbate whatever cndition she has. Though, in a previous post, I may have sounded very casual about disease and dying, I don't mean to downplay what you are your family are going through. I know very well the emotional roller coaster ride you are on, and will be on for some time.
You wrote earlier that you had had several losses in the past few years. You may experience "multiple loss", as our family did. Each loss has to be fully grieved, and when losses come one after another in a relatively short period of time, you don't have time to finish grieving for one before another one hits. The impact of the losses accumulate, and can create "complicated" grief, with prolonged stress, sense of loss and other symptoms. It is quite a hurdle to overcome.
As always, take time to look after you, to nourish yourself in all ways. It is OK -even good - to take breaks from the sadness and stress. I thought the comedies were a great idea. Men and women tend to grieve differently, but it sounds like you and Doug are excellent support for one another. It is part of what makes you such a wonderful couple.
My heart goes out to you all. I pray for peace, and comfort for your pil, and that the DQ doesn't do her thing in the middle of this, as would be typical of a narcissist. That is all you need! Even if she does, I suspect you will have a little different perspective now.
A scripture which I have found helpful in times of trouble is Ecclesiastes 7:14 -
"When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider this:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, no one can discover
anything about their future"

Truly, we don't know what will come next..

I know people have different beliefs. I hope I have not offended anyone by quoting scripture.
Much love and hugs

Joan. You are such a wise and lovely person. You in no way could offend anyone.

Lisa: Don't forget to visit your Aunt Rae. She loves you and it would be a lovely respite for you. Have you had any calls about your mom?

I'll be praying for you, Doug and the entire family tomorrow and after.

Love and Hugs, Cattails

Night Lisa, I hope things go as ok as they can tomorrow, I'll be thinking about you. Know we care, Love, Kim

Lisa I am so sorry about your news and I hope the cancer doc be willing to answe all questions you need answering -as a nurse it always was helpful to have one member talk often to the doc and that person relate what is going on to the rest -you would know who that would be best to do this-of course if someone runs into the doc on rounds stc they could also ask questions -if the doc knows he has just one person getting updates it makes it easier all round-Lisa you know you are in the sisterhood of kick ass ladies and we love ane will be there for you.

I applaud jeannegibbs direct advice and absolutely agree that you need to give yourself permission to put your needs first. Taking the emotion out of situations and dealing with them honestly and factually can help lower the guard of the other person. Keep in mind your mom is sick emotionally, physically and probably spiritually. She is still mom - and it's okay to say, "mom, I have felt bitter and angry over the year but I still love you and I am going to do what I feel is best for you and best for myself and my family". You did the right thing by reaching out. We are all in this together. I will pray for your entire family.

Sandy, I sent you a message on your wall and then realized your icon appears to be the cover of a book U have written? If promotion is your goal, this thread is probably not the place to start. This thread is all about love and support for Lisa and her family. Kimbee

Kimbee - definitely not my intention. I will change my icon.

(((((((((((Lisa, Doug and family))))))))) prayers for strength and peace

Hi girls. Busy morning. Better informed. We did not get the consultation with dr because he's on vacation. So everyone went back to work and mil and I stayed. And you know what? I got to thinking nope. They are going to talk to me. I went to the desk and told nurse I want to speak to oncology dr and head nurse. They were so kind to me. I explained that I brought him for his first chemo treatment and all of his children and wife have no idea if we are losing him. For short he has MGUS. This is asymptomatic premalignant clonal disorder. He has all these cancer cells running thru his blood to all parts of his body looking for somewhere to attach themselves to. It's also referred to as lymphoplasmacytic proliferative disorder. These cells has increased from 1% to 4%, in a very short time. The treatment for this is normally chemo once every 2 to 3 weeks. These cells have advanced rapidly so they are going after them aggressively by doing the chemo every week. Have any attached and gone active? They don't know yet. He's very high risk for that happening. He did very well this first time. They gave him large dose of benadryl for precaution for reaction, and Tylenol for chills. I've called all the kids and told them word for word how it was explained to me. Thank goodness I remembered my notebook. So much to remember. Thank you so much for the prayers. Please keep them coming.

Lisa, you and your family will be in my thoughts as I have lost 2 brothers to cancer.
This is not an easy time for the family. Just keep remembering your notebook.
God Bless.

sounds like they are on top of it, Lisa. Good for you for insisting on getting information.
The word "premalignant" cmforts me. I did a little reading and apparently, from what I saw, the chance of it going malignant is small, but it is better to tackle it earlier instead of later, just in case, and the increased numbers from 1 % to 4% in a short period of time are a concern. I wonder how long he has had it. Apparently it is more common on older men, and more likely to cause problems the longer they have it.

Let us know how he does with the chemo, and also how mil, Doug, sil and you are. I know as long as there is something to do, a person carries on, and you are very much a "doer", but when the spaces between the activities come, the feelings tend to emerge

Prayers for all continue - carrying you in my heart

Hi Lisa: I hate it when you are expecting a consult and then they tell you the doc's on vacation. I'm so glad you spoke up and at least got some information.

So this is not a metastasis. Sounds like a disease of the cells that normally travel through the bone....made in the bone marrow?..... the cells are changing and can become cancerous. His body is producing a high amount of these mutant cells and they want to take an aggressive approach to stopping the spread and the progression of cell change. I'm hoping they are still pre-malignant. I'm sure you will have more specifics in time. Hopefully, you will get that consult soon.

I'm praying for your sweet FIL and hope he gets through the chemo treatment ok. Praying for your MIL too.

Love and prayers to all of you, Cattails

Hey gals, you remember the incident at the bank when I went into a fit of laughter and everyone looked at me like I was deranged? Well we are sitting in the room,nurse comes in to administer more chemo and my mil stands up and introduces herself to her. Nurse comes in 30 minutes later to release more chemo in iv. Mil stands up and introduces herself. Nurse comes back in and for the third time mil introduces herself. The stunned look on the girls face. That was it. I had to leave the room and go to the end of the hall. So once again at the tackiest moment ever I go into a fit of the giggles. I felt so bad. So guilty. We are keeping a log now of every occurrence and discussing with each other. I couldn't call Doug or sil for fear that I would laugh. So my sil left their house 20 minutes ago and called me. I thought she was crying when in fact she was having her own fit of the giggles. She could barely get out mom has cataracts. So that in turn got me going and I told her about nurse. I'm sitting here thinking what is wrong with us? Doug thinks we've lost our mind. Not a dam thing funny about any of it. And it's not funny. She is so loved by us both. But I have to tell you, that laughter felt so great!!! I guess we've spent a whole week with sadness and fear it was a relief that we are facing cataracts. And she says no she WILL NOT go to the dr. Too much happening with fil. That's always her reasoning. Sil from Alabama will be here in 2 weeks to visit. She has spoke to them all. They are going to show a united front and sit mil down and tell her enough is enough. U are going to the dr. My feelings are she's going to feel ganged up on. But I know they will do this with their love coming thru. Waiting for her to see reason will be an endless wait. Fil, bless his heart, knows what plans are in the works and he is so relieved. Love you all bunches!! Lisa

Lisa, I too am one to see humor at the most inopportune times. My sister and I were waiting for people at the funeral home after my mom died.... Dad insisted we be there to greet people.... Her and I started reminiscing about mom, she was a character, and something set us off, the funeral director finally came to check on us, he thought we were hysterical with grief.... when he saw that we were laughing, he smiled... he totally understood that it is times like these, when we are wondering if we will ever smile again because of such intense sadness, that the 'sillies' start... so that is a good thing... and thank you for sharing this with us... one of the reasons I love this thread, it is REAL, has been from the very begining.... and wanted to suggest you change your name from Survived2 to
GETERDONE.... The next crisis I have, I want you in my corner..... hugs and love to you......

Well Ladee and Lisa, I too have been thinking Lisa you are the one I'd want in my corner in ANY tragedy or crisis--so Ladee nailed it--GETERDONE would be perfect! Lisa you rock girl, or as your niece (or was it Jen?) would say-YOU kick ass! Cat and Joan, thanks for sharing your research and expertise. I am so glad lisa started her thread and we have all becom friends. Lisa, glad you were able to get some more info today. I get silly when I'm tired too-and have had to leave a room more than a few times. It can be such a needed release, no matter how awkward at the moment! Hope you all get some rest in the next few days. Love, hugs and more prayers, Kim

Lisa: Thank God for comic relief. I can relate. My husband's father passed away at age 64. It was a devastating time. After the funeral service he was cremated. My husband later picked up his ashes and brought them home. MIL and all of the family was together. My FIL's name was Jack. When Warren walked in, everyone had a solemn expression on their faces, but my husband's announcement that he now had Jack-in-the-box broke the spell and sent everyone into laughter. Breaking that tension is like rain coming to scorched earth. It's a gift from God.

Lisa, have you heard anything from or about your mom lately?

Sending you lots of love, prayers and some good giggles when you need them.


OMG Cat, that is a priceless story.... Love it.... and liked your description of rain on a scorched earth.... I have to laugh or I would be doing hard time somewhere.... it is definitely a gift from God... thanks for sharing that.... loved it.

(((((((Lisa))))))) that is hilarious - I could picture it happening. I have cataracts too, but I can still recognize people.
The ex's cousins lost one of their brothers. Once they got the urn, they drove around town with it, saying "Kenny, do you remember the time when we..." and recalled a lot of antics they had done. When my Gordie was in a coma in hospital in his last few days, his dad said to him -"we know you had some debt, Gordie, but you didn't have to go this far to get out of it ( no he didn't hurt himself, it was an assault, but the comment still worked). Though he didn't respond much, we told the old stories - "Gordie so you remember when..." and found out from his best friend that it was them who (accidentally) started the fire in the bush when they were 8. Oh dear!!!
Laughter is great and you have a tremendous sense of humour.

I have a strange situation with mother I have to address, so I likely will be on the road tomorrow to see her, and her doctor. It appears that something is wrong, and I hope it is not what I suspect. My laptop comes with me, so I will be in touch.

Lisa, as I was reading your comments about your mil getting up and introducing herself several times, I started laughing so hard tears were coming down. My dad just looked at me as if I was crazy. I can't comment about cancer ...too scary for me so I avoid thinking about it. I'm glad you're all united and uplifting each other. Take care.
Emjo- hope whatever is wrong is not as bad as what's in our imagination. My thoughts are on both of you.

Thanks for the laugh, Lisa! I've been having a crappy few weeks, so I've been lurking around reading comments without much to say, myself. Kids tell me I've been a "Debbie Downer". So, when I read about mil introducing herself 3 times to the same nurse, I did laugh out loud. Ahhh... it felt good. Now, maybe I can snap out of my funk. Debbie Downer, indeed!

Judy, been missing you, sorry u have been in a funk-feel better ;-))

Cat: I have heard nothing from mom. As Doug said, something's up with that. Could be she playing a waiting game to see if I call. Friday will be a full week since social worker back from vacation. Doug will wait to call then to see if she has been able to make her see reason that she needs that guardian. Hopefully she'll keep reminding herself how badly she despises me and her life will only be better without me in it. And how weird that that just makes perfect sense to me. I have already had so many days that no thought of her has popped in my head. I did one night have a nitemare that she and my two sisters were chasing me thru the cemetary. Holy cow. Don't think I've jumped outta bed that quick in years. Had all the dogs barking thinking momma ready to play.

As they say Lisa, "No news is good news."

We got dad to settled this morning at the nursing home. We were able to get him on the same floor as Karen, the charge nurse, (our son’s girlfriend) and also Christie, who is another nurse manager on the same floor who I just loved when my dad was in rehab. Christie and Karen had requested him. The room on their floor opened yesterday, and we were able to secure it for dad.

My dad has a bed by the window, looking out onto the courtyard. Christie and Karen gave him a nice welcome; lots of hugs. My dad loves a pretty face for sure. He shares a room, but his room mate is a younger man, probably in his 40’s. They share the same first names.
I took some of his clothes and staff is marking his name on everything….at least they said they would. I have more to take and will do so tomorrow. We have a much better mattress, which we purchased for him when he arrived with us, so that will be going down along with the air filled roho cushion, a $400.00 item we bought for his chair because when he came here he had the beginnings of a bed sore on his butt. We will also check into buying the air-filled pressure pad that Hospice let us use. It goes on top of his mattress. You can’t get one in NH unless you have bed sores. Of course, these prevent bed sores by redistributing weight. Prevention is worth a pound of cure, so we will check into buying that for him

I’m taking him to his doc tomorrow for a 9:30am appointment. Going to do blood work and just an over all check up so we can have a base line and see if he needs to address any other concerns to NH. I think my dad will come through the exam fine. His blood pressure today was 118 over 70 and he has regained some strength on the right side.

I met up with Becky on the way out. She is the gal at the front desk and if ever there was a kind soul, it is she. She wanted to talk to me for a minute and told me (in the softest voice and the kindest way) that she could see the toll caring for my dad had taken on me. I know I look and feel like shit, but for me it’s a gradual daily change. For Becky, it had been 9 months since she last saw me. She wanted to tell me that I was one of her favorite people, a very loving daughter and that I was doing the right thing for me and Warren. She’s been through this too with her parents and is probably my age. She gave me the name of a place in Cannon Beach, Or., that she loves and said it was a great place to enjoy. She will be leaving the NH effective Aug. 1st and wanted to say good bye. I will sure miss her, but I have her new # at her next job. It’s a management position and a great step for her.

I thought it would take me a few days to do it, but I got the bug to call the company that rented us the bed for dad and also the wheelchair. Boom, they called back around 4:30pm and showed up 10 minutes later to pick the equipment up. In the meantime, Hospice called about paying a visit and so I explained to them that dad was in nursing care. They were very understanding and will call tomorrow to pick up their loaners. I’ll call Soroptomist (sp) and make arrangements to return what we borrowed from them.

I’m doing laundry now, bedding, blankets and clothes from this morning. My poor washer and dryer have been going non-stop for 9 months. We brought them up with us when we moved, so hoping they have a few more years to give us with a lighter work load.

Karen and Christie took my dad via wheelchair up to the nurses station. He got lots of hugs from staff that knew him before. They put my dad behind the desk. I told him, "Ok dad, now you are in charge. If anyone comes up, you answer their questions." He just cracked up.

As I left, I could smell lunch and knew he would be eating soon. I was so grateful that someone else was doing lunch for him and dinner and breakfast tomorrow.

It has been a long road, lots of years. I know it's not over, but at least now I feel like I am walking on pavement and not uphill on a loose gravel slope.

Yesterday was terrible, today was the day I dreaded. This evening feels lighter. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but we will deal with it.

Setting up hubby for a colonoscopy (sp) to be sure nothing serious with the two bouts of diverticulitis that he has experienced in the last 4 months. Time to start focusing on us.

Love to all of you, Cattails

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