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Hey cat? Time to start enjoying those 10 acres !!!!!

Cattails -it sounds like things went well for you-the people there seem to be kind-that is so important-it will be so much easier for you now-I hope they have some activities that he will enjoy.

Ditto what Lisa said-bet it is lovely there now! The receptionists validation was a nice bonus yesterday. Have a good day. Love, Kim

Just came from PIL house. Talked on phone with mil last night checking on fil. I mentioned to her Beth and I made chicken and dumplings. Rolled out the dumplings instead of biscuits. She said oh, if you have enough I know fil would love some. That's his favorite. So I told her I would bring some over this morning. Well, I get there and she starts fussing at me for bringing them, she is perfectly capable of feeding her husband. She was getting in a state, so I gently reminded her we spoke last night and she asked me to bring them. Normally I just go with it, but I wasn't leaving there with those dumplings. They are BOTH of their favorites. Fil was feeling constipated yesterday and he knows during these treatments any OTC drugs are a no no without approval and in most cases something can be called in. He has since been relieved and come to find out after talking to him mil was wanting him to take OTC. So I think she was in a mood. So depressing. We have all made plates for them that only need to be popped in microwave. So when Doug went after work yesterday I had him make sure fil knows meals are ready for them in fridge and freezer. He shared with me this morning he's feeling really tired. They said that is one of the effects of this type of chemo. Thanks for listening.

Jeez, a lot goes on here! Cattails, I'm so relieved for you. It sounds like yesterday couldn't have gone any better, considering the task at hand - and although it probably ripped your heart out, the people there sound like they made it as easy as they could. Thanks for the update, and in such good story form... I was almost disappointed when I'd read the whole post, wishing there was more. I hope you slept well last night and are enjoying a peaceful cup of coffee this morning with Warren. Lisa, with your mother - it does sound like the calm before the storm, doesn't it? I said "uh-oh" out loud while I was reading. How awful that peace and quiet from her has a sinister quality! I spent the day with Mom yesterday. Again. My daughter is in town and I haven't been able to spend much time at all with her and I'm so resentful. I catch little bits of time with her between the old people drama and needs, and at night, I'm just frikkin exhausted. I don't know how you caregivers do it all. I don't do nearly at all what you guys do and I'm whipped and pissed off at the day's end. I'm hoping today is quiet. Daughter leaves Saturday morning, and I'd really just like to have the time to go for a pedicure together.. or lunch...something besides leaving her without a car at home while I go tend to appointments or emergencies, and I'm booked up all day Friday again. I told my husband a few months ago that I'll take him out and then kill myself before I do this to our kids. He laughed, but I could see him giving me that hairy eyeball look, like "oh, shit, I think she's serious!". And.... I was! Ha! Putting a smile on my face today. My brother says it could always be worse, no matter what it is, and I'm going to keep that in mind. And maybe ignore the phone.

Judy, just a thought. With your daughter in town, why don't you approach your sibs and tell them you are taking A FULL DAY OFF! go get that manicure, pedicure. Go to dinner. Spend all that free time with her. All of us who work have vacation days, personal days. Tell bro he's just gonna have to suck it up and do this for you!! Please don't miss this special time with your daughter. Remember? We are the KICK ASS GIRLS!! you can do this. Lisa

Haha! Thanks, Lisa. One brother works and the other is a quadriplegic, so no help today. But, its okay. I've got an appointment for my 14 year old today in the afternoon, but this morning, its salon time and I need it! I just decided that if Mom calls, I'm just going to tell her that I've got to have a kid day and I'm not bending. She'll get it. My brother's aide is close by today if Mom truly needs something, and if its an emergency, they need to dial 911 and not me. If I don't get my eyebrows done soon, people are going to start calling me "sir". No wonder I haven't needed to wear my sunglasses lately... I'm like a frikkin wolfman. So, eyebrows and tootsies with my sweet princessgirl. The old people are going to do without me today! Thanks for the atta-girl, Lisa! I've been in a funk long enough.

Have a blast Judy!!! My problem is the hair on the upper lip. Heehee. I bought the strips you use at home. Only did it once. It said pull upwards. Well I did and bloodied my own dam nose. So I make my trips to the salon too. Doug and the girls laughed hysterically. Heck, I cracked myself up. Have a great day!

OMG! I just went to Cattails wall to post her a message - and he's left her one too! I just don't feel special anymore!

I have not been in touch due to illness, but it is so nice to know that things are still brewing and life is not dull. The next time I have to be in the hospital, I am insisting on my laptop! I have missed all of you! I will read and catch up with the news. Rebecca

I'm hurt he didn't leave all of us one. :)

Oh my goodness - did you all report him?

Rebecca good to see you back. I will post of my day on the dysfun fam thread.

Lisa, hope the pils will eat those wonderful meals that have been prepared for them.
A little amusement -
There were a couple of bright spots in the day, not the least of which is that a young man from the west coast, covered in tattooes, tried to pick me up in the hotel dining room. He was eyeing every female in the room, but actually started a conversation with me. I so wanted to tell him I was old enough to be his grandmother. I don't know why this keeps happening to me! :p

ladies, it is never too late

Emjo, you go girl!!!!!

Lisa u r so kind and funny!

Hi Rebecca! So glad to hear from you! I'm sorry you've been sick! Hope things have been calm with the sibs?

Joan: You are just a hot mama and the guys go for you. Not such a bad place to be in. Tell us your secret. TELL US NOW!!!

Rebecca: I've been wondering where you have been. I actually thought you just wanted to fade away and not be so active on the thread. I've missed you and hope you are feeling better. Tell us what happened. We want to know!!

Judy: You are just a crazy woman and you make me laugh and laugh and laugh. Thank you so much.

Hard day for me, but it will get better.

Thank God I have all of you to share, cry and laugh with.

Love and Love and Love, Cattails.

Austin: Sending you lots of love and glad you are back. Missed you tool. Cattails

I went to bed thinking about sylvester. It didn't make sense that a caregiver would talk the way he does to another caregiver. I know I came into late, I didn't see anything on his profile page. But as a character on one of the cop shows I love to watch said, "the absence of evidence is evidence". I have concluded that he must be a family member of a caregiver that is mad that he has to do the caregiving since you "kick a-- girls" got hold of her and made her strong enough to get out from under. Someone like Ohio's husband or someone else brother. They didn't want to care for the someone and their excuses don't work anymore.
I know I should be a mystery writer. I have quite the imagination. It just doesn't make sense any other way to me. He's angry at the wrong people to be a caregiver.

It looks like Sly is the male Amber Jane-I thought he was serious about not posting the sisterhood of kick ass ladies will have to go after him-might not be worth our time and energy.

thx gals - cat I wish I knew - I would bottle it and be a millionaire. When I was young i did't have a clue
actually it is all part of me, after 15 years on my own after marriage breakup and not even having a coffee with anyone in all that time, deciding that I wanted to get back into the game. That was about 5 yrs ago. My daughter looked at me one day and said "Mum, you have a bod, you should show it off more... and it was all downhill from there. She coached me a little on dressing differently - narrow leg jeans and camis and all that, I did some heavy thinking about how to be a hot grandma, but still keep my boundaries in the place that I want them, if you get my drift, and voila - it worked. You wouldn't believe the action that started coming my way. I had more attention at 70, that I had at 25. I went on dating sites, got two proposals (marriage and lots of the other kind, not that they got anywhere, but attention is nice) and after weeding through a bunch, I found Gary.

Cat, it is all in the head, the attitude, and you have to like yourself, and believe in yourself, and BE yourself. The youngest was 23, and in town, and he really pursued me. Nice young man. I told him to find someone his own age, marry her and have some babies.,,

by the way - part of being yourself is recognizing your boundaries - with guys, with your parents, your job, whatever - like what you are doing in placing your dad and looking after you and your husband - It is the right thing, cat, every bit as much as it was the right thing for lisa to get the DQ out of the house. even though the circumstances are very different
caregiving is a place you can lose yourself, and lots on here are struggling with that - finding yourself starts with honesty, and accepting yourself, your strengths and also your limitations, and lovng yourself, and, when you do, it spills over to others and gives life -

Lisa, you are one that gives life in a major way - all the " kick-ass" girls do. - that's what makes us "kick-ass"!!!!

mrsribit - go for it, if you have that in you - has anyone heard any moore from ohio?

austin ur right - probably not worth it

Interesting thought-ohio's husband? Well then: let us pray (for BOTH of them)!!! I don't think the computer/phone/tablet would have survived his rath upon discovery of the K-A-W sisterhood...

Well, it has taken me 2 days, 2 days!, to read from the beginning of this thread, and I am just blown away by the outpouring of love and support, and the desire to protect Lisa, not only from her own mother, but from anyone who couldn't support her journey into her new, joyful life.

Lisa, I had wondered what had given you such a different, stronger spirit than the rest of the women in your life, and then you confided that you had a different father. Aha! I am sorry that you did not have the opportunity to know him, but you obviously got your strength of spirit from him.

I have eagerly read your rebirthing journey, that's the way I see this, from that toxic woman. All these people here have encouraged you to "push" and "breathe" your way through the pain of seperating yourself from the DQ, and re-introducing yourself to your family. Your kids have seen their Mom try to do her best to love an unlovable person, and they have learned that admitting that you have had enough is not a weakness, but a strength!! You deserve all the love your family has to offer, all the love these "Kick Ass Women" have to offer, and all the love that is waiting "out there" for you.

I am sorry that your PIL's are having their medical issues. But they sound managable with proper therapies.

Could you talk to your MIL about her issues, eyes and mind, by gently telling her how much her husband needs her to be healthy so they can get through this trying time and onto enjoying any new 'additions' that might be coming to the family, and to be able to enjoy the next 20 years of their life surrounded by such loving people.

Your Doug is awesome!! Jen is fiercesome! (She gets that from you both) and Beth, though she is gentle soul, is no ones fool!! She had DQ figured out as soon as she moved in! lol.

The universe knew you were ready to start your journey of getting the DQ out of your life so you could be free to give your love and efforts to those who truly need it, will appreciate it, and return your love tenfold. I've seen this saying "God sometimes takes us into troubled waters, not to Drown us, but to Cleanse us"

Stay strong .. NOT MY PROBLEM DQ!

I do think counseling would be a help to you, your childhood was not your fault, and you will need guidance to work through emotions you may not remember, or think you have firmly hidden away.

I hope I haven't offended you with my comments, I feel honored to have read all 921 pages of your story. ((hugs)) and love, love, love from me


Karen, what an awesome comment. Read it and loved it.
Sly's post is gone from my wall today. Bummer. It made me crack up every time I looked at it.
Dang it, Lisa, you mentioned something about dumplings the other day and I can't get the thought out of my head - just thought I'd let you know that I WOKE up thinking about dumplings!

Judy: Looks like my bird flew away too. Not there anymore. Sylvester must have been off his meds again yesterday or maybe he lives in a sweltering state and his ac blew a fuse causing him to fall to the ground with a grand mal seizure which he interpreted as another sign from God;

You ladies are priceless...Cattails you and your wisdom can usually always bring out a smile. Have a great week-end.

Hi Karen! I'm impressed and honored you took the time to read this thread. It has been a roller coaster. And such wonderful friendships that have been born. I love everything you have said. And hon, we have poured out our endless love to my mil. She's simply not budging. So we all are in agreement it's tuff love time. It's getting even scarier with fil having to carry the load with his health issues. Mil called me this morning asking if I thought these treatments could cause him to be tired. Of course they will. Main side effect is extreme fatigue. So I went over and gently suggest we read the side effects again and after sat it by her chair in den and told my fil to gently coax her to read it each time she forgets like it's the first time and have her read it out loud to him. Oldest sil comes in next Friday so family meeting. And girls, Doug is in such denial. She's fine leave her be. But he's accepting this more just in the last week. He's had to be there more these last few days. I see the torment on his face when he walks in. This family is strong and we will get done what needs to be. All of the cousins are more brothers and sisters than cousins. That's simply how they were raised.

We just sat tonight and discussed mom. We all still feel like we're holding our breath. We've all admitted our heart skips a beat every time the phone rings. No luck getting hold of social worker today. Yes cat, no news is good news. Just know it's gonna be one big stink bomb when it rings. Buts it's ok. We went to hell and lived to tell about it. I hope everyone is having a great evening. Love to all of you, lisa

Thank you for the kind comments. I have missed all of you. My siblings became uglier and uglier and my COPD kicked in with a serious drop in oxygen levels. I am home and feel so much better just hearing from all of you. You all give me the desire to be strong and kick back. Take care. Rebecca

Grrrrrrrrrr! Rebecca I wish we could be there to help you with those sibs. We chose to live our lives on our terms and they just always have to be there with their bitterness and jealousies. have you had time to have the attorney send letters to them? Or maybe you don't feel comfortable doing this? I pray you find a solution. When it affects your health it's time to make those choices. Know I'm thinking of you everyday and sending prayers your way. Lisa

I talked to our attorney, and he gently explained that the town gossips had already spread the news, in my favor, and there was no need for a letter. My solution has been to set them free from having a relationship with me. I put it in writing in the most loving way I could and then told my mother the direct truth. She and I have decided to let them solve this if they want to do so. I plan on loving my mother as best as I can considering her issues, will expect her to be ugly to me for a week after a sibling's visit, and will create my own family starting with the group we have here. Thank you for the prayers. Cattail, Austin,Lisa and everyone else, thank you for the kind thoughts. My doctors have told me to stay away from the sibling situation. They believe that they create some of the breathing issues I have. I agree totally!!I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Rebecca

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