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((((((((((((((lisa))))))))))) so kind of you to reach out to your sister's kids.They may not have made a difference even if they did pick up the phone. I wish they could let go of the guilt, too. Sounds like Doug is getting through to Jane slowly. It is tiring isn't it, but you seem to bounce back quickly. Enjoy steak with the family tonight!

Hi all. Lisa, good for you! I had a busy day. Hope you enjoyed your family company. If u think u are going to cave, what was it u were going to remember when the going got tough? Good time to use it....Also, Kentucky is a participant in controlled substance drug monitoring, so doc's can check on what scripts their patients are getting, and how often--I'm sure that's how the pain clinic knew she'd been getting med's. at hospital, or on discharge. ER doc's are used to drug seekers, in fact, they call them frequent flyers, and often, if they are sent home without any drugs, they will call around to alert the other ER's the person is out drug seeking, and may be by. It may take a little longer since she can do the little old lady routine, but as others have said, they will get it. Don't be embarrassed by "kicking your mom out" DQ Mom's behavior and abuse is the reason she's not there--it is NOT because you are not good enough as a daughter. You are a decent and wonderful person, and a great mom and daughter. SHE is the problem, don't you forget it. There is an Alanon saying that applies that might help you: "you didn't cause it, you can't cure it and you can't control it" another that may help, of course besides not my problem (which belongs to the lovely ladies here, rather than to Alanon) is "Let go and let God" He can deal with mom and has probably been trying to get her attention for a long time. Not your problem,-today, tomorrow or the next day either. She has created her problems, and she is a big grown up woman. Let her live with them or make changes. Plenty of pros like jane haha around to help her if she wants to improve her miserable life. She threw away her chance for you to help her--best chance ever! Stand strong my sister! Love you all, kimbee

Lisa: Excellent!!! I just want to tell you all that I had a great day today. It was all mine. I walked with my neighbor and am getting back into those 2/12 mile morning walks. Came home, worked in the yard, then mowed. My hubby and I each got our riding mowers....5 hours job for one person....and we got it done. I love to be outside and it was a beautiful day. I was so happy to be able to help him with the mowing and feel like we can work together to get things done that give us both happiness and satisfaction. It's really nice to be able to enjoy the simple things and get so much happiness out of them.

Hugs and Love to all, Cattails

Lisa, something else that is not your problem, people that post a suggestion that have not bothered to read the thread..... or at least get an idea of what's going on.... that also is NOT YOUR PROBLEM, they will figure it out .... or not..... and as far as what the others have suggested....there is nothing you can do.... and you will learn... and notice I said WILL learn, that her and her choices have nothing to do with you and are not a reflection on you..... this is a process, to unlearn all the knee jerk reactions this woman has controlled you with.... you are doing awesome,,, and you are learining when in doubt, don't make a move..... you have come so far... and we do understand how you feel, and you will continue this part of your journey, with all of us being your cheerleaders...... Go LIsa... clap clap...... you get the idea... hugs and angels sent to you for one more obstacle that you are in the process of removing....

Good morning everyone!!! Had a wonderful dinner last night. Had so many phone calls from the emergency room yesterday afternoon. After the fifth one I answered on the sixth call. Snicker snicker snort snort. Seems DQ really showed her ass yesterday. First question the poor girl asked me was the strength of pain pills she is normally prescribed. She thanked me and and we ended the call. 30 minutes later it rang again. Seems mom wasn't happy with the prescription, tore it up and threw it on the floor. So they had the dr write another one. She told me she's been released and she requested we call you to pick her up. We will hand the prescription to you when you arrive. Ummm, I am sorry, but no you won't. I'm sure she has her purse with her, so you will need to call her a cab to see her home. As for the prescription, call it in to her pharmacy and they will deliver it to her. She told me ok if that's what you would like us to do. She seems very angry. I told her sweetie if she gets angry when you tell her, just remember you can run faster than her. Heeheehee if for some reason she didn't take her purse with her, call me back and I'll make arrangements with cab company to be paid. Hour later she called me back. DQ safely in cab, prescription called in and will delivered by five. I'm feeling so good today!

Hey, I don't mean this to sound rude, but why do you answer the phone at all? If you didn't answer, they'd find DQ a cab, right? And she'd be stuck figuring out her prescription on her own (I can't believe she tore one up and the doctor actually wrote her another). She's still having you called so that you can pick her up or arrange her ride, and even pay for it if she has no purse along. Just a thought. I'm glad you had such a nice dinner and are feeling so good today. Starting the day off with a smile is such a great feeling. Good deal!

Lisa, Well done. Loved your advise to the nurse, "Just remember you can run faster than her." AND, it was good that DQ was letting her personality shine through for all to behold. Hope they are making notes.

So you had a lovely dinner with family and today is a new day; a great day and you are feeling so good. I am so happy for you.

Do you think she tipped the cab driver?


Not sure about the tip cat, but I'm pretty sure there's a cab driver sporting a wicked twitch today thinking he wished he could get his hands on the bitch that wouldn't take that woman home!!!! ;)))))

Haha, loved the "you can run faster" comment too! If you do feel the need to speak to the ER or other Doctors, ask them to notate in her records her behavior and mental attitude. It could help with any questions that may come up if or when you need to prove her need for someone else to handle her decisions.
Please be patient with people who wish to try to give support for your story. They probably don't have the time to read the whole post, especially if they have their own caregiver problems. Even the smallest kindness can help them through their day.
I am glad your FIL is doing well with the chemo. I know you research things, but maybe you could ask the people at therapy what her can do ahead of time to make it easier physically for him to handle the chemo. Can he take anythng for nausea before leaving the house? Is it better if he eats certain foods the night/morning before therapy? Something OTC he can take? etc. And for you MIL, maybe it would be better if she only had smaller bills in her wallet for now. Better to "loose" another $5.00 than another $50.00.
Hope all you ladies have a quiet, healthy day. ((((((((hugs)))))))) all around! :0)

Nah....he only had her for a few minutes. He was feeling sorry for the people who had to deal with her regularly and, I'm SURE, he would say GO GIRL to what you have been able to do!

One of the hardest things for to get past is the feelings of guilt...even when *we* have done nothing to create the conflicted situation. There are days when we're am great holding up for ourselves, sturdying our boundaries against chaos, taking time to do things for ourselves and loved ones...but then something is said or maybe just a thought crosses our minds and the positive strides we've made take a hit from our psyche and we are zapped back in time to start the battle for our sanity again.

I don't know if anyone on the thread has suggestions for methods or exercises to deal with turning down (or even silencing) the voice in our heads that allows our good energy to be diverted, but if so, I think it might be useful. In a few of the most recent posts, Lisa, you've said things that show a discomfort about being identified as the gal who threw her mother out (hospital staff) or the "bitch" that wouldn't take that woman home. Also, in reference to the anniversaries of your sister's birthdays and passing, I sensed a great undertone of guilt and sorrow-just remembering with such detail all those dates suggests you are likely re-living those terrible events and emotionally draining yourself with some measure of guilt. Finally, when you said you wished you could help your sister's children stop feeling guilty because they didn't answer the phone....those are wishes of kindness and compassion....but what I'm thinking is that *you* might still be feeling a great deal of guilt for the same situation, and you can't help the kids past their guilt until you are able to work through your own. Maybe you can do it together...?

Maybe I'm off base here or being influenced by my own stuff...but it seems that just taking the steps to put up the barriers and muster the strength to stand up for ourselves does not get us all the way to the finish line. There is the part of learning to disassemble our guilt...rationally, deliberately, and with compassion and care...and replacing it, piece by piece, with statements of love, compassion, and truth. Those replaced facts can then empower us to continue forward with our new plan of interaction with our loved one, rather than letting that uestioning voice derail everything we've worked for (or even worse, keep us in constant turmoil because we go back and forth). I think that saying "Not my problem" might be a great place to start on this journey. When I say "Not my problem," the words allow me to disengages\ me from whatever is happening at the moment, but later, my thoughts go back to that moment and I begin an internal argument on whether I was right, out of line, selfish, confused, frustrated, etc etc. I have a hard time being knocked back in time to where the conflicts live, and then steering through all the history to get back to my own decisions of empowerment that exist now. Well, who *wouldn't* be exhausted if a such a trip through that whole series of events takes place every time we question ourselves due to guilt?

Better to really take it apart and reassemble it in a way that will help us rather than hinder us. And when we get through to the other side...write ourselves a mantra (which can still be *not my problem* but with MORE this time), or a brief letter or paragraph or something that will reassure us that we are doing has been thought out logically, taking emotions into account but not allowing them to sabotage us. Using those words as a touchstone, that is--not allowing ourselves to dig back in time past what is written in the words, can prevent us from having to go dig in the muck every single time to get to the truth. Maybe something deeper, with *more* tangible meaning...something that we can recite to ourselves or go and read from a journal when we need to remember why we worked so hard to save our sanity in the first place.

Maybe it will be a top 10 list of all the things that the person has willfully done to sever your relationship. Or maybe it will be a clear definition of your boundaries-the summation of what you *are* willing to offer to the relationship in order to *preserve* the relationship, without sacrificing yourself. Then, when you are in a new conflict, you can take the issue at hand, run it through the boundary checklist to get a more rational handle on how to respond. You just read the list or letter or whatever you have offered yourself for emotional guidance, and determine quickly and clearly (without having to spin for hours or days) what the truth of the relationship is and the choice you have made for your sanity. You can get re-empowered, dust yourself off, and go back to your life without having to drag your heart through another trail of broken glass and barbed wire.

I just had a thought...condensing the history of this relationship and it's heartaches and conflicts into a brief document or journal entry reminds me of how I made it through "reading" all those classics that my high school English teachers forced upon us. I would rather be outside having fun, so I took a different tact. Kick Ass Girls, I invite you to experiment with the therapy of writing "Cliff Notes to Sanity" (I'd better copyright this, huh?) to see if, when crisis occurs, you can refer to the cliff notes to get your direction back without having to navigate every twist and turn from day one over and over again. The Cliff Notes to Sanity becomes a touch stone and you don't have to go back any earlier than the moment it was written. Thoughts?

Wow eldest! Where do I start? First, feeling discomfort as being recognized as the woman who threw her mother out. Well of course I feel discomfort. That day at the hospital when I had to go thru those horrible looks of contempt from those dozen people was HORRIBLE! people who didn't know me from Adam was sitting in judgement of me. People who had not, and I pray will never have to walk in my shoes. Secondly: you really are way off base thinking I feel guilt in any way over my sisters deaths. Or how they lived their lives. I do have regrets. I regret that I never had an opportunity to have a loving relationship with a mother and 2 sisters. How great would that have been. I do not feel guilty for shielding my children from them their whole lives. I feel no guilt because of the way they died. And I feel no guilt because I could never shed a tear. All 3 of those women chose to live the life they led. All three were horrible to their children and each other. They led destructive lives. And I sure as hell don't feel guilty for paying over and over to make sure those nieces and nephews had heat in the winter. No guilt for making sure they had food in their stomach. I do feel guilt that it took so long to make the county see that they were neglected and abused. It took both sisters leaving town together and leaving 4 kids in the care of a 14 year old. The oldest nephew called me and asked me to bring food because they ate the last can of green beans the night before. So finally! They were removed. And I could go on and on with horror stories. But I can tell you this. I am so blessed. 3 out of those 5 kids have turned out to amazing young women and man. I helped do that. They knew myself and Doug were and will always be here for them. Since both sisters deaths we have forged a larger family. A loving family. So eldest, no guilt. And yes I will continue to my dying day to help my niece and nephew to let go of that guilt. It has no place in their hearts either. I hope this answers some of your thoughts on this. Love to all, Lisa

One more thing. The dates I made a comment on. Does anyone else here remember the dates a family member died. Mom last year was a lunatic and kept herself medicated. The reason I mentioned the dates were because we were holding our breaths waiting for the phone to ring, and her start spewing her venom. Lord, I'm sorry now I brought it up. On a more cheerful note, Jen and Chris made an offer on a house tonite. They were getting so discouraged. I told them you'll know that perfect home for you when you walk thru the door. But hey, who listens to their mom? So please keep your fingers and toes crossed that they accept their contract? Love you friends! Lisa

Lisa, have I told you lately? You ROCK! Thank you for being the wonderful and special person you are, and for filling in the gaps for those innocent children. They wouldn't have had much of chance without you and Doug. Great to hear they have turned out well. I wish you didn't feel residual hurt from those judgemental ones at the hospital; they were out of line. Later they found out why DQMom is so hard to handle, if I remember right. Your progress has been nothing short of remarkable, just keep going girl! Cause you DO rock! Luv you, kim. (Hi everybody else, hope everybody had a good day, and yes Joan, prayers coming your way)

Been wondering how the house hunt was going, glad they found something, and hope it's meant to be. Lisa, mention anything you want! The fact that you know those dates was good. I think your instincts are spot on; mom apparently did crash and burn, but at the hospital, and she did ask them to have you come get her (triangulating) but you knew something might be happening any day now, so you were prepared to respond cautiously. You've survived another "mom test" and didn't let it be your problem. Pat yourself on the back!The other stuff isn't what you have to worry about- I promise!

Missing our friend... :((

lisa - don't be sorry you brought it up - the dates of the deaths of loved ones are huge triggers for our grief. I have no sympathy for your mum and her antics, but i have huge sympathy for any mother who has lost any of her children, never mind two. The pain we, who have lost a child, experience, is beyond imagination, and is life changing. Again, let me be very clear, that is not excuse for the DQ's behaviours, in general. I go a little crazy from grief at times due to the triggers of dates or whatever. It is wise of you to watch the calendar and expect worse behaviours than usual from your mother - if that is possible. I can't begin to imagine what is going on in her mind.
Not sure if I am making much sense, the day are winding down to 10 years since I last saw my youngest son alive, and it seems a bit surreal.

So glad the house hunt is being productive for Jen and Chris. You will get smarter as they get older, lisa ;)

kim - thanks for prayers - working through a pile of emotions right now, hopefully with at least some success.

cat - you can mow my lawn anytime

love and hugs to everyone

Emjo, I really do wish those days were triggering grief in her. She just dosen't have it in her soul. She uses their deaths to benefit her to gain sympathy. Every single hospital visit over the last 2 years she works those drs and nurses till I just wanted to scream at them to stop with their sympathy. She never even showed up to their funerals. We walked in from the viewing 2 years ago and she was sitting at that computer playing her games. I wish I could make people understand the mean, the hate, the just plain evil in her. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. The seller on the house sent back a contract and Jen and Chris just accepted it an hour ago. It's looking like they have their home. Keep the fingers and toes crossed. Love everyone! Lisa

Yea!! glad you're back. Good for Jen and Chris-I hope it will be smooth sailing through the paperwork and inspections all the way to moved in and happy! I don't know if everybody gets how mean and troubled "mom" is, but I know some of us see it is far beyond pathalogical and into the realm of exorcism territory. You are a miracle. Drop some rosemary over that phone and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Hi to family and Congrat's to Jen :)). Love you guys, kimbee

I hear you, lisa. Mother uses things too, and has used Gordie's death to get at me. That hurts. However, I do think your mother is worse than mine by a fair shot. My sister is more subtle than your mum, but her son has referred to her as evil, and I know why - so I understand that.

Yay, Jen and Chris have a house!!!!

Toes and fingers crossed

love to all

Joan: I think you make perfect sense. May not apply to Lisa's mom, but it does make perfect sense. I am keeping you in my prayers as you work through the things that are on your heart, mind and spirit. Love, Cattails

Thanks cat ((((((hugs)))))

Emjo: I love hearing you talk about your gordie. Not for a minute could I ever imagine the grief of losing a child. How wonderful you honor his memory by introducing him to all of us little by little. Your love for your child just pour thru with every word you type. I wish I could grab ahold of you and hug hug hug you. Love you friend, lisa

Eldest: Some of the things that apply to our lives don't apply to Lisa. I think her very last post is chilling when she talks of the evil that resides in her mom. And I believe her completely.

There is room here for you to share your personal experience. I've got glimpses of you on another thread and I know you have suffered doing your best to help your mom (I believe it was your mom) and you couldn't do all you wanted due to a rigid system that caused more suffering than relief. This is coming from memory, so I hope I've got it right. I just remember your anger and I equate that to anguish. So I think the things you were talking about were steps you took to help you cope.

We are a compassionate group here. I wish you would come back and tell us your story. We would all be interested and we would all care. Hugs, Cattails

Thx lisa It is unimaginable. I will use a pic of him instead of me for a while. so you can see him. I do that. He was/is handsome too, though he didn't know it which added to his charm, and a very generous soul, though he had his own issues to deal with. I know he is better off where he is, and don't argue with God's timing in his life. Until I see him again, I will miss him. receiving your hugs - joan

Joan: I would love to see a picture of him. That would be awesome!!!!!

Eldest: Would you adjust your profile so we can post on your wall. I'd appreciate being able to send you a personal post.

Hugs everyone, Cattails

you can check my face book pics too - oops - there used to be a link tomy face book page on my wall - I guess they eliminated the links when they changed the format - search for emjo2002 on fb if you like

I love jeannegibbs answer and such good suggestions!You go girl!I know it takes a while for the assistance wheel to start turning and this is way past time!Good luck to you.

Yes eldest!! Please come tell your story. I've been able to tell so many things that I would never ever speak of out loud. I have with the encouragement from everyone here been honest with my husband and children what my mom was putting me thru. It helps so much just to be able to speak of it. I feel like I'm healing. What I've learned here at ac is everyone's stories are different, but each and every one is as important as the other. So please talk it thru. We are ready to listen!!!

Thank you lodestar!!!

Happy Sunday everyone!!!! My sil came in this weekend. She took my mil shopping Saturday, and the first stop? Eye doctor. I never knew they had eye drs in a sears. Hahaha it will be at least a year before cataracs will be ready to remove. Mil hadn't been to eye dr in years, and her prescription changed dramatically. She's pretty much been blind as a bat with the old glasses she had on. She was furious with sil, but soon got over it when she took her for a spaghetti lunch. So I get to take one for the team wed. I just had my hair cut two weeks ago. But I told mil I think I need a trim, because I wasn't happy with my last cut. (I actually loved it) would you mind if I go with you wed and try your woman? She agreed my cut was not attractive, (ouch) and she would set the appointment up for both of us. So now we are able to get her to the hairdresser without causing her stress and she is just so excited. She's already called twice this morning reminding me to remind her to call her tomorrow. This will be so much fun! As long as this woman dosen't come at me with a can of hairspray, this could work out using her regularly and mil will never have anxiety getting there to do her hair. Dougs thrilled too as long as he dosen't feel like he's crawling in bed with a replica of his mother. Hahahahaha!

Next: the phone has rang off the hook this morning. Just listening to messages. She's back at the emergency room. Weekend social worker called. This time she's claimed rectal bleeding. Do I believe it? Not for a minute. But could it be? Absolutely. The sis who died 2 years ago who's colon died was rushed in for exact same thing. She bled profusly. Very common with the pain med abuse. So I'm just going to wait for the calls and listen to the messages. Doug went on to PIL to do the yard work and garden. I'm going to fry my chicken wings and make honey barbecue wings. The colonel has nothing on me. While at PIL last night I mentioned them and mil said that sounds so good. So I'll take them some and probably get fussed at again. Heeheehee. Love to all! Lisa

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