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hi all - sick seems to be the order of the day - with me it is an allergic reaction to the meds that are finally curing the infection i have had for over 2 years - it made me a little off balance, light headed and stuffy sinuses so hopefully I don't need it anymore. Heading out of town for a few days Tuesday to see my grandson, and get a hearing test. Not driving, as my head is still a little strange.

Lisa, you take the cake (chocolate that is) which is great. I gather that your mum is feeling better as she is causing more trouble - sigh - sad that it works that way.

Sounds like fil is surviving the chemo relatvely well, I suppose getting mil evaluated is somewhere on the list. That was hilarious about the elevator. LOL

I don't mind the miracle noodles (after they have been rinsed), and spaghetti squash is great! Sometimes I just eat the sauce and a salad. I got 10 lbs to go before I am the same weight I was over 35 yrs ago, before I had Gordie. It all went downhill after that.

everyone - stand your ground - look after you. I don't think I will even tell mother I wil be in town. She is as good as she can be, so a visit can wait till next time! I don't need to hear the rants again. I know them by heart. ♥

I am new to this! But I have been following Lisa's story and just finished reading all the threads. I am amazed by all the awesome support you ladies have given. I never knew this type of forum was out there. I had just typed in a google search field a question about "what to do about a parent refusing treatment?", and one of the results was this site for aging care. I am at the end of my rope and trying to deal with my mom and her ways. She as numerous of health problems and it is only my dad and I. I will start my own thread!

Lisa, you are an inspiration to all of us! GO LISA! You have come along way and I am proud to have read your thread and to see that hurtles you have taken. Ladies, all of you keep your chin up and your head held up high!!!

KimC1121: Glad you read all of Lisa's thread. When you start your own, come back here and let us know. We will support you any way we can. Hugs, Cattails

Emjo: Sorry to hear about your reaction to meds. Hope they have done their job and you can give them up soon.

Lisa: I don't think anyone has been locked up for laughing. I agree it's Not Your Problem.

Kimbee: Get well.

Love to all, Cattails

I have started my thread called "Frustrated with my mom! I am at the end of my rope!" Thanks, Cattails! Hugs back at you!

Kim welcome and if you can stick around with us Kick ass ladies we have a blast and I will see you on your thread-this site saved my sanity 4 yrs ago and the husband died 3 yrs. ago but I stick around because of all my friends here and want to use my years of unwanted experience.

Hi everyone. Still feeling blah. OTC Meds maintaing but not improving so I guess I'll head to immediate care center. I answered her freaking phone call this morning. Pissing me off. It's what I thought. Wants me there wed for meeting with detective and she's out of depends. Come get her card and stock her up for the month. Told her no I will not be there wed. Already talked to him as you very well know. I'm sure he told you. Secondly order your depends and have them deliver them when they bring your groceries. Stop calling this phone repeatedly. Your only pushing me to block your number. Yes mom, I know I'm a bitch. I LEARNED FROM THE BEST!!! Lol (no snicker snicker snort snort today. Fraid my head will blow up) heehee

Lisa I am proud of you not getting sucked back in-she sure has staying power after calling you a bitch-of course you ran right over-not.

NOT MY PROBLEM !!!!!!!! YAAY!!!!!!
Way to go, Lisa!!! Hope you get what you need and start to feel better. I think my problem is with flavoured coffee, and a few others but not the straight water processed decaf type. That's a relief.
Good to se you here KimC1121. Hang in there!
Cat - I am off the meds - head got too weird - I see to be OK so far. I will try to liquid form and see, just in case I need it.
austin - your sanity is very much intact, and your years of experience are helpful!
kimbee - hope you are getting over that thing u have -
I hear a nap calling my name
(((((((hugs))))) all

Lisa: I'm sorry your mom stresses you out and I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Nevertheless, there is something about your mom's reappearances that makes me LMAO. She's like a Jack-In-The-Box with a faulty spring. You never know when she's going to pop her head up and start her blathering. How fast can you slam the lid back down? You are certainly getting fast!!!! Snicker Snicker Snort Snort. Is she back in her apartment now or still at the rehab center? I'm guessing home because Rehab would have depends. It think it would be nice if the detectives interviewed a certain bank manager, you know the one with the permanent twitch.

Your mom could have her own soap. Not so much here in the states, but the BBC could work her in and the brits would tune in regularly to tell her to bugger off. I can see her arriving by cab to the local pub, coming in with her walker and sitting down to a nice bit of steak and kidney pie. One bite and she goes off on the waitress and then the bar tender, etc. So many twitches, so little time.

I hope you got to the care center and have some meds to help you kick this cold/sinus thing. Sorry about my imagination.

I am no glad it is NOT YOUR PROBLEM.

Love and Hugs, Cat

Kimbee: I read a post you sent to Lisa. I am thinking you didn't get the responses to your post on Caregiver How Are You Thread. I posted there immediately. Many others posted on your wall. It sounded to me like you were waiting for replys, but didn't get them for some reason. Next time, post here. We are all here for you, love you to pieces and, what can I say, you are family. Hugs, Cat

Lisa, take care of yourself!!! Those colds are buggers!! Hope you feel better! I am cheering for you right now about how u handled your mom! RAH RAH RAH!

Cattails, LOVE the jack in the box comment. LOL!

Kimbee: Hope your feeling better as well!

Austin: Thank you! Everyone has made feel at home here! I think I will hang around awhile. I am already feeling better about my situation cause I have found I am not alone!

Cat, never be sorry about your imagination. I LOVE IT!!! we all do. I just read that to Doug. He is lol. Yes, I made it to the care center. I tried some generic allergy medicine and it sure didn't agree with me. Sinus infection was just that. An infection. I have some antibiotics and I'm not sure but I think the shot had steroids in it. My house is spotless and all the dogs bathed. Just been full of energy. Heads already feeling so much better. DQ picked the wrong weekend to ring that phone off the hook. I've just had it. One message today from same detective. Came a couple hours after I talked to her. He's just gonna have to wait till I feel better. I'm feeling just mean today. I'm trying to remember that man has a job to do. This next time when I talk to him he will be left in no doubt what my involvement will be. I was telling Doug earlier I think I just pick the worse times to start laughing. But I simply can't help it. I had that bank scene flash in my mind and I just lose it. I wish I could get the video and post it so all could see. So maybe that is why I'm not taken seriously? I got the mans message and I just feel that dam knot forming in my gut. So no way. I am never going back to that feeling again. I'll let you know how it goes when I call him in the morning. Love you friends! Lisa

((((((Lisa))))) glad you got something to kick that infection and you are startng to feel better
I use a diluted peroxide rinse for my sinuses - stings when it hits paydirt, but it keeps me away from antibiotics which uspet my gut

gotta tell you a couple of stories here - when I need to get in THAT mood I recall a couple of playground incidents - the first one was when Gordie was about 3 and the boys were playing in the payground around the corner from the house, One of the boys ran home and told me that another kid was threatening Gordie with a crowbar. Out I matched - part of what my daughter called the polyester pant brigade - hair in curlers, pink polyester pants and a t on and fluffy pink bedroom slippers. I went over to the kid, grabbed the crowbar and said "You want crow bar. I'll give you crowbar, and poked it in his directio. ,He turned around and started running home. I followed him all the way to his house, waving the crow bar at him all the way. There was no more trouble with crowbars or bullies on that playground. Some times you are in the ZONE and nobody better fool with you! Even better than that was the story of a very meek and proper lady who wouldn't say sh*t if her mouth was full of it, who told me that her youngest was being bullied on a playground, She went over to the bully, and told him to stop or she would beat him up, and then go to his home and kill his father! That was the ultimate threat. It is amazing what we can do when we are aroused!!! Kick Ass Ladies!!!

Ha! That's priceless Joan. I love it. I've got one for you too. My Beth tended to be bullied when she was young. One incident just broke jennys heart. She just couldn't stand her big sister being reduced to tears. So one evening there came a knock on the door and it was the police. He was holding jennifers hand and she was standing there with her scraped knees and elbows. My Tom boy climbed a tree next door when she saw the girl bullying Beth riding down the sidewalk on her bike. When she was under the tree Jenny jumped outta the tree right on top of her, knocked her off bike and started whaling on her. Jen was 7 and this girl 11. Doug and I were so intent on making Beth feel better and stronger when these things happened that we completely missed how bad it was hurting Jenny. That was a very valuable lesson we learned in parenting and as a family. I'm so glad you told us that story. Because it has made me realize that holds true still to this day. What my mother put me thru, that person I was while DQ was in our home had the same effect on my girls having to watch me spiral into that dark tunnel. I wish I could take it all back. Just as Jen played Indian and jumped out of that tree, she was taking that jump out of that tree when she stood by me at that hospital enduring the contempt with me, stepping in and just being my strength. I am so very blessed. I'm so proud we raised our girls to be strong women. Thanks for always letting me put my thoughts and feelings down here. You know I've never really had sisters. And now I have so many. I truly love you girls. Now I've done gone and lost my mad mood for this phone call in the morning. Can someone say something to get me pissed again? ;))))))

Lisa, that was so from the heart.((((((((hugs)))))))) We put ourselves back together piece by piece. You and Doug raised AWESOME daughters - so much love! jenn is amazing - good for her!!! No one is going to push her around, or her little sister, or her mother!!!!

Lisa, they have seen you come out of the spiral, emerge from the tunnel, stronger than ever - that is what counts. the past is gone, but we can learn from it. Please don't feel bad.

Sisters are great - I have many but not blood related. Couldn't have survived or survive now without them.

Lost your mood - think crowbar - you want crowbar, (or whatever fits), I'll give you crowbar. I have another story which is worse. I was leaving the college one winter evening, and some kids grabbed my rear bumper for a slide on the ice. This is very dangerous. I stopped the car a couple of times to chase them away, but they came back. Finally i got far enough away and left them behind. A few hours later, I had to go back to work and there they still were - in the parking lot. I drove the car up and managed to pin a couple of them against the wire fence. Then I got out and said - "You want to die under my car wheels, then I want to watch!" I let them go and we never saw them again, Sometimes you gotta let them have it.

Lisa: Try this on for size. You are in the tree and your mom and the detectives are blabbing away, your mom is doing her sailor bit and they are on the way to your front door. You are in the tree and you yell, "YOU WANT A PIECE OF THIS" and then you jump. KABAAM!!!!!! BONSAI!!!! BUGGER OFF!!!! NOT MY PROBLEM!!!!!

Sorry, I'm on a roll. Stay strong. Love, Cat

Omg!! You crack me up!!!!

That's great, Cat! Awesome idea. Lisa the tree ninja! If that doesn't work, Lisa can try to pin them to a fence with the car! Emjo.....danggggggg! I'm never going to piss you off! And, actually the tree ninja thing reminds me of the "falcon punch". My boys tell me that this is when you jump up in the air and punch someone in the head on your way back down. I think the tree ninja is positioned well to give a few falcon punches. Go Lisa!

Lisa: I guess you will have to change you name once again. Tree Ninja.

Judy: Your boys are to funny. Can't imagine where they get it. Falcon Punch!!

I guess the kick ass girls are going to have to get matching outfits. We can stuff our cottage cheese legs and our zip code butts into blue tights; put tuna cans over our boobs and go clear out a bar. Emjo can be the driver. Oh, Emjo, don't forget the crow bar. You know those stupid tennis shoes that had springs in them. Might work for the falcon punch.


Tuna cans? On our boobs? Hahahahaha! You are sooooo mental, Cattails! I love it. The Kick Ass Tree Ninjas. Who falcon punch.

Falcon Punch? Sounds like a potent beverage.

One that'll certainly give you a headache....

Ok, I think the whole dam bunch of you got ahold of those OTC Meds that sent me loony yesterday! I want so bad to wake Doug so he can read this. And emjo, I'm betting crime in your neck of the woods is non existent. Tawanda!!!!

Cattails started it with the DQ Jack in the box. And, then, you added the story about Jen the tree ninja, and Emjo added a few stories. Top that with a falcon punch and putting our boobs in tuna cans.....and...well... it was all Cattails fault when you come right down to it.

I'll take my share of responsibility. I am a little disappointed that the BBC pub incident didn't get more traction. Maybe I should has used bubble and squeak (another British meal fav) instead of steak and kidney pie. Come to think of it, I'm sure DQ can bubble and squeak with the best of them.

Glad to know you have my back, Judy. Hahahahaha

Damn, I hate it when I have to sleep and miss all the fun... thanks to all of you for a great " wake up laugh".... I'll be thinking ninjas, blue tights, tuna cans, (tho for some of us it will have to be garbage cans) and falcon punches to get me thru the day.... love ya'll....

You kick ass ladies kill me-I am going to suggest to my son the city he works in as a police officer could use you guys the sisterhood of kick ass ladies to keep crime down the bad guys will head for home when they see you all coming and I will photograph it-hay I am not a fighter-you guys made my morning.

tuna cans - that got me to!!! hahahahah - don't think they make them big enough, but I'm all for the metallic look, crowbars and all - and springs on the tennis shoes
too funny!!!! now I am having images of what sized can I could stuff myself into :)

Hey girls. Got up with Doug for coffee and read a little to him! He said just perfect. Instead of sitting at his desk seeing numbers, he's gonna have a visual all day of a bunch of dam women stuffing their tithes in tuna cans!! Hahahahaha! he told me to remind everyone how important it is to take their Meds. Omg! I'll never make it thru this phone call with this cop without busting a gut. No fair cat! You were supposed to piss me off, not have me rolling. Heeheehee what a nice morning to just wake up with a smile on my face!!! When dougs asks what's for supper, you know I'm gonna have to tell him tuna!!!

I swear I think the woman has a radar that tells her when I wake up feeling great and looking forward to my day. One call. One message. Ems just took her back to er. Trouble breathing. Really? Imagine that.

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