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I am sure that a narcissic person does not know what havoc they creat-my husband watching Dr. Phil on TV and said about one of the guest-I can not believe how he is acting can you? I looked over my glasses and said yes I can-he never got what I met.

years ago, I had a problem with a young adult daughter, still living at home, who was disruptive, manipulative, and slowly destroying my health due to stress. I went to see a counsellor, and asked him how to make daughter see the light and treat me better. He listened to my complaints for a while, and then said "ok, I have heard enough. Why do you let her do this?" I said I couldnt stop her, and that she was my only daughter, so of course it was my job to love her and somehow parent her through this.

I will never forget how I felt when he laughed out loud at me and said "What a load of crap!" He challenged me, and asked if I would let him, the neighbour or any other stranger or accquaintance speak to me that way. Of course I indignantly said I would never allow that, dont be silly.

"why then, dear lady, would you allow this girl to destroy your world, and she gets away with it, by virtue of genetics? You should expect MORE from her, not less."

Wow. Big eye opener. I told said daughter that we have no room in our home for people who disrespect us, and she had better make other arrangements. And she did. And peace reigned, and I didnt feel guilty. I looked after me, which also included looking after my husband's wife, and my other children's mom.

Dont discuss this any more with your mother until you have your ducks in a row. You are just inviting more argument from her, which you will never win, so dont go there. And trust me, there will be more drama. She will ramp it up, big time, since she has a pretty comfy set up there at your house. She gets a free ride, plus someone to pick on! what a deal.

Stay strong, my dear. This too shall pass. You have made some good first steps.


In other words...a person with a PD knows right from wrong but because of denial they cannot make the connection of what they do as apposed to what others do that they can recognize as being wrong.

I think that is true, sharyn. They do protest bad behaviour from others towards themselves, and then go off and dothe same to someone else.Denial rules! I have gently pointed some things out to mother occasionally, and can see the wheels of denial working. She makes up excuses for herself, or my sis, for example. Once in a long while a little light shines through. I want to bring these observations to the dysfun fam thread. They are applicable to so many of us.

Linda, my mom has been gone from my home since may. She just looks for other ways to keep the torment going.

So my dear friends. School starts tomorrow. I was only going in for 3 hours this morning for a meeting. I get a call to please come back. Last minute problems that I've seemed to deal well with over the years. I am the planner. so all the stress the boss deals with, I'm more than happy to help her out. More importantly? I know how much she appreciates me. Thanks to all of you I am able to start this year off with a lighter heart and my whole being just in a better place. Thank you my friends. I love you guys!! I'm off to bed here soon. First day I'll be there at 4:30. Everyone have a terrific evening. Feeling so very blessed and mushy tonight. Sigh...your friend, Lisa

Lisa, best wishes to you and all your dedicated colleagues for the start of school and the kids on the buses. I know the L'ville bus situation is challenging, but sounds like they are doing some good maybe lots of folks will get to have a lighter heart and easier fall.

I sure do like all you guys - thanks for keeping up with this and keeping up the encouraging words for those of us starting the harder parts of the elder care journey. Cheers, Kathleen

HELLO! I'm back. Before I even start on the wedding, just let me say a few words in regard to my catching up on previous posts.

1. Putting Lisa's mom in jail is a totally BS solution. That's just ridiculous.
2. Restraining order is not necessary.

In summary; DQ is out of Lisa's house, no one would recommend she be returned there. Lisa would not allow it. That problem is solved. It may be that Lisa's mom does not want to live on her own and maybe that type of life is just to boring for her. Not enough drama. The facility where she now lives may also decide that DQ is more drama than they bargained for and her constant hospitalizations/rehab needs put her out of the bounds of what they want to deal with on a daily basis. No problem, another living environment will come along with the help of Beth at Social Services.

In my opinion, this will be an ongoing situation with DQ. It really can't be any other way and given her history and mental health issues and it would be naive to think other wise. Nevertheless, it will work out. She's back in her favorite rehab and she'll move somewhere else from there. Lisa, just go with the flow. It will be ok.

My granddaughter, Amanda, looked so beautiful on her wedding day. I will be posting pictures on FB. She is a beautiful young lady, but I can't tell you how beautiful she was on her wedding day. Her hair was beautiful, her wedding dress was classic and timeless. The ceremony was so tender and heart felt. The looks and words she and Brad exchanged just let you see into their souls. I have never been more proud of her and I could write pages about why I feel this way.

She had a long week of friends and family flying in from out of state and she and Brad (groom) made their selves available every day and evening to be lovely hosts. I don't know how she managed to handle it all with the grace and poise she did, but the two of them pulled it off without a hitch. She was amazing and I can't help but feel that she truly picked the best guy in the world to marry. I just love him to bits.

At the reception, I watched her and Brad mingle with all who attended the wedding. They worked the room and made everyone feel special. When the music started, they had their first dance as a married couple. With the second song, Amanda took her dad on the dance floor and then her step-dad and then her grandfather (my husband). After the meaningful family dances were over, she and Brad hit the dance floor and made everyone laugh and smile with the fun they put into their dance moves. She was so beautiful, relaxed and carefree. It set the tone and we all joined them. They were incredible hosts. I can't even begin to describe how impressed I was with their ability to be so obviously in love and happy and yet make time for everyone in attendance. They danced and visited with everyone until 12:30AM.

The next day, Sunday, we met at Brad's mom's house for gift opening. This is evidently a tradition in North Dakota. Not one that I ever experienced growing up, but pretty traditional there. So we all got together, meaning family and wedding party, to watch them open every single flippin gift.

The good news is we had beer and wine and lots of food. We all shared fun stories from the reception the night before. Amanda had taken her hair down and was back to her comfortable clothes. They were both relaxed and happy. It was a perfect afternoon, all of us together, in a smaller intimate group and it was one of the best times we had together.

That evening, Brad and Amanda came to our hotel and went swimming with her younger brothers (12 and 13 years old) because she just wanted to spend as much time with them as she could as we were all leaving the next morning. So we all met at the pool and spent a few more hours together and then said good-bye.

There was no honeymoon in the schedule. Brad works full time for the city as their communications director. Amanda is a full time college student who also works 30 hours a week. There was no disappointment in their faces that a honeymoon was not next on the list. They were so happy to be with their families and give everyone an ample share of their love and appreciation. They truly were the stars of the occasion, but even more so with the genuine love, kindness and respect they extended to all who shared their wedding.

I am so amazed at the stamina, grace, beauty and love they both wove into this wedding. It was so much more than just seeing the bride and groom tie the knot. I can't tell you how proud I am to be this lovely young lady's grandmother. She is a jewel and so is the man she married.

Today she starts back to college, with 20 units to carry. Brad is back to work tomorrow. Warren and I got home tonight a couple of hours ago. I'm so glad to be home and at the same time so sorry to be at such a distance from her. I just love her so much. Nevertheless, in my heart I just feel that she has a great life ahead of her. I trust her decisions. She's an old soul for just being 22 years old. She has a path in life and she's on it. I will pray every day and God blesses her and Brad and keeps them grounded and safe.

So that's my first comment upon returning home from THE WEDDING and I thank all of you for caring about that which is so precious to my heart.

I missed you all while I was gone.


i know jail is not going to happen, the idea just gave me a giggle. orange jumpsuits and all that. trying to picture her working the laundry, or making license plates... can't you see it?

Awww cat. Your description of Amanda and brad brought tears to my eyes. Your love just absolutely vibrates on the page. I'm so happy it was magical for them, and for you and Warren too! I can't wait to see the pictures. I sure have missed you. I really am doing well with this latest drama. Just got home from a very successful first morning of school. One of the drivers was kicked in our depot by a five year old. Took off running screaming IM GOING HOME!!! they are so dam cute. Oops, got off track. Have a call put in to Beth. What happens will happen. Welcome back my friend! Lisa

Lisa I admire you being able to cope with little kids-no wonder you were able to deal with the drama queen-it takes a bus driver.

JOAN: HAPPY BIRTHDAY-enjoy your day, and pampering from DIL! we all love you ;))

LADEE: HAPPY BELATED, NOW EXTENDED, BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO! I hope it was a FAB day for you. I'm sorry i didn't realize it was your birthday. We all love you too! Hope you got to do something extra special! ;))

Judy, I hope your son's test goes well today, keeping you, David and rest of family in our prayers.

Cat, glad to hear the wedding was wonderful, it sounds so special. Glad you were able to be there for all the fun! I've never heard of the gift opening party either, but it sounds like great fun. I love how weddings recharge the romance in our own marriages. Such a special time in life. Enjoy your day being back at home with your puppies.

Kathleen-so glad you found us, your gonna fit right in here!

BkW-don't know how you do it all, hope you have just the right amount of work while your bosses are away, not too much, just enough!

All you other friends, glad you are here. On the subject of DQ n jail...OMG. I have had the very odd experience of counseling inmates; jail or prison are both environments that are just awful-everything about them is beyond what anyone could imagine. Dirty, stinking, noisey, inhumane, humiiating, harsh, unrelenting, awful food, treatment and really poor medical care. Some jails strip depressed inmates and observe by camera round the clock. How awful is THAT? I also visited and toured a Super max facility. Only one thing good there: pilot program of Girl Scouts in Prison. Not sure how much Security those little girls had to experience, but moms earned opportunity to participate through behavior, educ, etc. Observing THAT brought tears to my eyes. An experience I will never forget. But back to DQ-only if one could borrow Andy Griffith's little Mayberry cell. But just for a minute.

Lisa, I don't envy your day today, or these weeks of schedule adjustment. I'm sure glad though that God put you in the lives of all little ones who need you to get them off to a good start every morning. And glad you get such great rewards and reaffirmations of how special you are! I hope Beth can navigate a good outcome for your mom, but urge you to realize in the end, it may not go as we hope. There r many hurdles in Adult Protective Services and the guardianship process. What ever happens, don't agree to even a temporary stay with you, to sit with her for 10 min. or any transportation services-that will put u back in role of "responsible party" don't want u to get hung up or hung out. We all love you and want the rest of your life to be the amazing one you deserve;)) I remain honored to have found such great friends here-everybody have a good day, a moment of joy and a healthy (or decadent) snack! Luv and hugs, kim

Uh, everybody, I was just trying to make a joke about jail. I can envision it, without actually wishing it to happen. And, sometimes in extreme circumstances, a restraining order can be a great thing to finally get a dangerous person out of your life, at least to some extent. Have a great day everybody!

Rovana, didn't mean to make you feel bad, just rambling, I have been out of the house only twice in about three weeks. Going stir crazy here...must be feeling better!

being a school bus driver IS TOUGH! i don't envy you one bit Lisa. i volunteered/worked in schools for just over twenty years and i will vouch that kids in the last five years of that job were horrid. i didn't even like the kindergartners sometimes. kids were cruel, they were smartmouthed, they cursed like sailors, and some were physically violent. i was glad to retire.

Kimbee, don't worry - I don't feel bad. I just ought to remember that everybody's sense of humor is a little different. I still laugh about Lisa's mom at the bank though.

rovana, i made the joke too. nobody got my first one, but i got four likes when i explained it better.

Oops - guess you've got to finish a comment without going back to check on something in an earlier message...try again!

Good morning, all
Lisa - sounds like the 1st 2 days of school have gone well - at least for the bus-drivers. I think the news last night said the total miles driven for Jefferson County add up to 5 times around the Equator! Thanks for doing it.

Cat - I'm with Lisa. Your description brought tears to my eyes. My second marriage began with that same feeling you've elicited: it was in my back yard, lots of friends and family from out of town and we had a wonderful long weekend, all together, lots of gathering. 22 years later, it still brings a warm glow when I think of it. And I'm sending all of them along to the newlyweds as they begin this phase of their adventure together. Congratulations, Amanda and Brad.

Even though my siblings and I are quite fortunate, so far, in realm of elder care, I feel much more fortunate to have found this site and able to learn from you wise women. I'm off to Texas early in the morning, hoping that we can find a way with Mom that is reasonable for all of us. Probably too late for her; I doubt she'll see any reason to change at the age of 87 and think of others or decide that she should start taking care of herself. Ces't la vie; or perhaps, la guerre!

Hope all have a good day. Cheers! Kathleen

Good luck Kathleen!!! Let us know how it goes? And yes we are off to a good start this year. Already hit 40 +hours and still have this afternoon. Was asked to ride with a new driver who was having parent problems at bus stops. Unfortunately I know them well. Surprise ladies, I'm baaaaaack. And they wonder why the kids act the way they do. All of them carrying on because their stop time changed. I try to be extra careful because we had a driver drug off her bus last year and was beat badly by a mother and her teenage daughter. Still not back to work. Called nursing rehab and was told mom asked that no information be released to me. That's cool. So I will assume things are progressing that needs to be done. It's such a relief. I know that phones going to ring when things aren't going her way. It won't be answered. So tired today I'm miserable. I wish I could nap in the mornings, but I've just never been able to sleep in daylight. Hope all of you are having a wonderful day.

To Rovanna and Pam: rest easy. No ones angry or hurt or anything else. Sometimes when under this god awful stress I just have to stop when solutions are offered that make no sense. It's just sometimes hard to see the humor.

And I'm still laughing about the bank too!!!

Hi everyone: Had a care meeting at the NH yesterday. My dad seems to be disengaging from the staff. His alertness is up and down. More down lately. He is needing assistance with meals. At home he was quite capable of feeding himself, but he hasn't been doing that as much lately at the NH. There have been no changes in medications, so I think it's just a loss of spirit on his part.

It really breaks my heart to see him like this. He was at the care meeting, sitting in his wheelchair and I had moved my chair next to him. He didn't respond when I spoke to him and was dosing off and on. I had my hand on his leg and part way through the meeting he reached down and held my hand. I think it was because he could hear my voice and eventually realized we were there.

Today we have arranged to have lunch privately with him. Hubby and I are taking cheese burgers and both of our dogs. He has always been one to feed dogs at the dinner table so we are hoping the two moochers will bring a smile to his face.

Take care everyone. Cat

Lisa does that women never give up a writer could not do as well with a script-she is trying every trick in the book-I wait for her newest drama-I would think by now she would realize she is not getting your goat and give up already-reminds me of my late MIL she also was a drama queen and wonder out loud why I did not take her in instead of going to a NH-hell NO.

What you are going through is my life but not that way, shopping online, yes, out burst and threats yes, do the 51/50 and call police. And do documentation on everything. Does she have DEMENTIA, cause in my case he has DEMENTIA. You are not alone in what is happening. I know 2 other people who are going through this just like you and they are going nuts. I am in process filing papers to place him into home care facility and there is a waiting list. Has to have his doctor fill it out and get him on the list. Told not even a year waiting list to place him there. I have social workers everyone helping me out. . GO forward and get the help you need and don't stop, if you stop you will let her win and she knows how to win if you stop..Good luck

MissSassy: Thanks for your encouraging words. FYI, Lisa's mom was placed in a different home setting a few months ago. She continues to do her best to create drama, but can no longer do it from inside Lisa's home. If you have time to read the entire thread, it may actually be of help to you. Good luck with your situation.


Hi everybody, Lisa love the DQ Udate. Judy, hope u r ok. Ladee feel ur pain, maybe u could get some skates or borrow a rollator w a seat for the long travels indoors! Cat, hope Cheeseburgers and puppies do the trick! Love to all, goodnight hugs, kim

Oh Joan , didn't mean to forget u-luv u n glad u enjoyed ur birthday, hot sista!

No prob, Kim. Thanks everyone. Trying to get back in the swing - and learning to type with my new gels. Multiappointments here these days for me - getting stuff done
cat that was an amazing heartfelt account of your dgds weddng - what a beautiful young lady -does she take after her grandma a bit?
austin - sounding good
judy - thinking of you and your son - prayers
Lisa -with NO doubt you kick a$$ as a school bus driver -awesome!!!!
everyone - take care - keep tuned. I am sure there will be another DQ drama soon -
and yes, humour is good...
Have a great day everyone!

Lisa , hope you survived week 1 ok, I know you've got to be tired. We miss you round here but glad there is a kick ass woman spreading the power around to all those lucky kids, coworkers and supervisors. Hated hearing a driver was injured so badly-that is shocking and so sad. Please be extra careful w those crazy parents. Austin: DQ doesn't know the NEW Lisa-she has no clue how strong Lisa has become! RaRaSisBoomBa--GOOOO-LISA! luv u all. Kimbee

Hahaha kimbee! I love your sense of humor!!! And yes I survived ok. Very tiring, but girl, I'm lovin the overtime check coming. ;))) and girls, I haven't heard one word from DQ or social workers. So for now I'm going with no news is good news. Doug and I were talking and agree this is good that she's back at her fav rehab. She can pour out her poor pitiful me story to all that feel sorry for her. Hopefully it will motivate them. I'm loving this peaceful feeling right now. We all know it will eventually blow up in my face, but hey, I'll take what I can get. Cat: can't wait to see more pics of amandas wedding. How beautiful she is. she and her fella look so happy! Emjo: how are the new nails working out for ya? Judy: how's your boy feeling? Any news yet? Still praying. Ladee: hope you've had a terrific week! Going now to catch up on the news feed. Has anyone heard from Rebecca? I miss her!!! Love, Lisa

Smooth sailing with the DQ... I hope it isn't the lull before the shitstorm like last time. I'll keep my fingers crossed for smooth sailing :) My boy had a CT Tues. No word yet on results or a referral. Its been 3 weeks - they're "working on it". Sheesh. Must be tough work. Thanks for the prayers! He's feeling a lot better. Still has gut pain and bloating but the nausea is gone. Energy level seems up too. I've been sort of lurker here these past few weeks - I get on and read to keep up to date, but never really have much to contribute. Been busy with kid stuff - football boy with a concussion, getting middle boy moved into dorm... blah, blah, blah - nothing huge, just busy. I've missed you all. I'm glad you sound so upbeat, Lisa. Any news on Jen's house? xxx

House hunting continues. The owner refused to fix anything that failed inspection. Main problems were the roof and the electric. Chris just started a new job so they may have to wait 90 days to continue search. I feel bad for them, but can't help being excited she will be sleeping here at Christmas. Plus she will be under my ever watchful eye while dealing with her female problems. She's had some weight gain from new birth control they put her on and that really has her in the dumps. She's always wore sizes 1 and 2's. Everyone sleep well tonight and love and sweet dreams to you. Lisa

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