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Kim, please go get a second opinion. This has gone on too long. Worried about you girl! Love ya, Lisa

Oops... Mom fell out of bed Sat night, quite the struggle to get her up, she had to pee, and of course we couldn't help but laugh as we tried to use our new training to get her up, contorting this way n that. Poor mom, she managed to hang on until we got her to the bathroom. She can't remember falling n irrationally doesn't want me to get up at pm to help her to the bathroom. So, monitors cranked up full blast, can hear every rustle of the sheets all night long. Up w her 3x last pm, n DH announced at 5am, he heard her up at 3, but didn't wake me as I asked him to, since she was already out of bed. But she was brushing her teeth w the supersonic elec toothbrush, obviously not safely back in bed. Since she doesn't know if it is am, pm, or any other time, she sees toothbrush n uses it. So today I am buying Infrared bed alarm that sounds when feet enter preselected zone which I will set as 1st " of side of mattress. Then back to PT for last session of outpt. n I can ler him know technique didn't work as she cannot tolerate her weight on replaced knees, nor move her foot in place to begin to get up. I am going to rearrange her BR furniture a bit. I previously saw an inflatable fall rescue thingy, like air mattress, but goes up flat to seat height, then back of "mattress" part comes up behind their back to make a chair shape, from which u help them stand. DH didn't think we would need, but I did, was sure saved to my fav's. But not there. Anybody know about these? If so please post name of it or company. I looked n looked online, but did not find. I am amazed that w 3 falls , no injuries. We have beat odds, but that that won't last, so trying to scurry to better solutions. Your valued opinions would be welcome n helpful. I'd like input from u all to add to my meeting w geri manager thur. too. Gonna roll, n get ready for DME shopping n PT. luv, hugs, prayers back to all of you. And thanks all for the great effort to move MAT-EW outta our sacred spot. May it "find" Ladee's THANG for next target.Hahaha. Kimbee

Kim, you and Doug think alike. He said he wished he would have kept it and thrown some dog poo in it and personally deliver it to her:)))))

Doug, stop by junk shop, n get one, she won't kno exactly what it looked like since she was busy hiding the shit BEHIND it! I think it would be something for DA Jane to handle between reuniting families, there at the facility!!!

Yes, seeing my internist this time, other visits were w NP in same office. Have had recurrent problems like this in past, usually ea fall/winter, rarely in summer. So I will ask for steroid shot n to go back on steroid nasal spray. Prob need asthma tx too. My best docs ever, thought this was related to sub clinical asthma issue, and prior unknown long term exposure to mold. Past house, went on vaca, turned AC to warmer setting, returned home to find black mold growing thru wall of guest room. Had apparently been there all along, cooler AC setting keeping it at bay. Was a rental I lived in for five years, not knowing. Threw away everything I had n moved. So usually I am ok in summer but have problems w this in the fall that hang on till spring. Thanks for caring bout me-def tired of being sick, cannot tolerate another antibiotic, I'm sure. K

Kimbee, get better. So sorry this has gone on so long.

Lisa: Dad is taking his time, but losing ground. Very thin. Eats breakfast, but must be fed. Lunch is of no interest to him, maybe a couple of bites at dinner. I'm leaving in a few minutes to spend time with him. Just sad to see.

Love you guys, Cat

Cat-I had wondered what was new with your dad--hang in there. we're all thinking and praying as you can tell. xo

ding dong the witch is dead!
which old witch?
the wicked witch!
ding dong the wicked witch is dead!!!

*does happy dance*

i just had to sing that after i read your post Judy! thank you for looking for matt24s obit!

Kimbee, "it' did find THANG.... daughter told me today to start delegating some of the housework.... alrighty then... told her all of us but THANG has our hands full, so maybe she could sweep and mop a few times a week and do the dusting... she was all for it... she will tell her... not me... I don't speak to THANG as it will get twisted, tangled and I will be told lies on... so If I don't speak, then she has nothing to repeat.... morning started with me driving up and hearing the dryer running... Omygoodness, don't tell me she did something besides SLEEP all night... she didn't... the girl before had so much to do, she asked THANG to finish drying the clothes and fold them.... uh no , she left them for ME to do.... alrighty then again.... so her punishment for being a lazy bitch, she gets to do the housecleaning I hate... with me she would get stupid, with the daughter she will kiss ass... so wanted to tell the daughter this was all a blessing from Futew24242424.... I would never have been able to explain it anyway....
love ya'll more later...

*Love ya'll comma more later* not the way it sounded lololol

PAM: You have had a very difficult life, not just your parent's but you husband too. I learn about your life on different posts/ different threads. You know you are family here and we would all be open to you telling us about your life. Share it you are up to it. Just know you are loved. Cat.

Thank you cat. i have a habit of being the tmi girl, and it's something i am trying to change about myself, lolz. i have actually scared people off in the past by sharing far too much, so now i am learning to be quiet.

Kimbee, I read your comments earlier. It's kind of hard to Google/Search for the inflatable lift cushion since I don't know how it really looks like. So, I gave up. You may want to try it yourself since you know what to look for. I had googled: inflatable lift cushion for elderly. Protective cushion for elderly. etc....

With regards to your health and mold, I just read a thread from which a poster said she's allergic to mold. She bought this expensive air filter that really works. Please go to the thread: How Can I Deal with the Smell from the Commode While Cleaning it? = Answers 11-20 posted by HappyHuman. You can post to her for more information.

Kimbee, I think that this is the inflatable chair/cushion you had in mind. I came across it when I was looking for a lift for my husband. Sorry I cannot hyperlink it. You will just have to copy and paste the web address.

Don't know why the website address did not show! I will try again

Cathorn. You will need to spell it out.

Please do not post websites that are not .org or .gov. Those are the community rules.

Thanks for understanding!

The Team

karieh, is there a way we get useful information to each other? is it possible to send websites to the friends we have made here personally instead of posting them directly in discussions?

oh, and websites i have posted that are .org or .gov do not post either.

prism medical has air lift cushions and another is camel air lift cushions.

Prism medical is the company I was referring to. They have companies in the US, UK and Canada. The manufacturer is Mangar. The name of the product is "inflatable emergency lifting cushions and chair". If you Google these words the information will come up. Watch the videos to see how they work.

Sorry, Karieh. But I did check this site first to see if you had that lifting cushion. Understood! ;-)

Hi girls. Good day and a lousy day.

Good day: Doug took ray to the dr to hear his test results after kemo. They look good, but not quite where they want them. But they believe that they will come down more since kemo is still present and fighting. he will go back in 3 weeks.

Lousy day: I called Mary to check on her and to make sure she's ok till they get back home. She said she wasn't feeling good. Was having a hard time breathing, and her chest was feeling tight. Well I've already grabbed my keys and in the car. Said I'm on my way. PIL only live a 1/2 mile away. Ems gets there and she refuses permission for them to check her out. Bottom line, she will not be taken back to the hospital again. I told her she could have another stroke. She looked straight at me and said if that's what happens it happens. It's my time. I have a living will and there's nothing any of you can do about it. She at least let them check her blood pressure. It was fine. So I called the others. She called me an fu&&ing tattle tale and she would never tell me she felt bad again. All I could think is the F word must really make her feel empowered. The other three arrived and she was just nasty to everyone. Bitched at fil about me calling for help. We just don't know what we can do. Her breathing did ease up and she ate a good dinner. We went out back and I told Doug and sil that I think there may be nothing we can do. I am absolutely convinced she will refuse to go to these dr appts lined up for her. First ones Friday. Sil is taking her, but now I think it needs to be all of us. And dammit on top of that, Friday is her birthday. Any ideas on who we can talk to in case she refuses medical treatment? Lord, what do we do? Who do we call for help? Every reaction from her up to this point has been positive. Now this. Love you guys, Lisa

Uh oh karieh! Now you've done it. You've posted here so I guess this means you are one of the KAW!

Ouch, Lisa. Your mil must've hurt you with that nastiness today. I flinched reading it. I'm sorry. It must've cut like a knife.
I have no idea what to say about her refusing medical treatment, except that its her right, I think. Someone else will know far better than I do.
As for Friday -. I'm not sure everyone going to her appointment is necessarily a good thing. She sounds like she's feeling angry and resentful and doesn't want attention, and maybe the last thing she wants is for more people to be there with her at an appointment. Mil's old life was pulled out from under her feet, so maybe that's why she's lashing out and saying she doesn't want medical treatment. I'd be pissed off too. I think I'd give her some space. Maybe she just needs to adjust to this new normal?

I know your right about the appt Judy. We just think it will take some convincing to get her there. Believe it or not I'm ok with what she said to me. I am very secure in the knowledge of how much she loves me. She's had something very traumatic happen. I am so frustrated with her though. I try to put myself in her place and I just can't. I've never had a trauma like her. So we will have to deal with each day as it comes. Sil here pulled me aside today and told me she would like her to go into a nursing home now. I could only look at her in shock. I don't think for one moment mil is at that point. Further down the road, absolutely. So depressing. I told Doug and he hit the roof. Like hell!!! Mil can still make decisions. Just hope she treads carefully here.

Lisa, please accept that I am saying this in love. I'm afraid it is going to sound harsh.

It is her life. It is her right to decide how much medical interference she wants to accept. When your time comes, it will be your right to decide. What is the point of having a living will if it isn't going to be respected?

But ...

Her judgment is impaired. How do you know if it is the "real" Mary that is making these decisions? I think you have to rely on what you know of her life outlook, religious beliefs, and specific attitudes about medical matters before she developed dementia. Are the current decisions consistent with that? If she has a living will drawn up before dementia, that should provide ample clues.

And, not all medical treatment is created equal. I like to distinguish between treatments intended to extend life ("quantity") and treatments intended to improve or maintain quality of life. Perhaps when Mary adjusts to the new normal she can be gently guided to accept quality measures, even if she firmly rejects quantity.

Here is an example: A few years ago a test for something else spotted an internal growth in Mother. Her geriatrician asked if she should set up further tests. Mother refused. She said, "I've lived a good and long life. If cancer is the way I'm going, so be it. I would refuse treatment, so I don't want the tests done." Her children had to accept that. But we are all over her case and moving heaven and earth trying to ensure she takes her blood pressure meds. Why? Cancer is a quantity of life issue. Having a stroke is often not fatal but has an extreme impact on quality of life.

Another example: We do A LOT of doctoring for my husband, including annual trips to Mayo Clinic, and to a sleep disorder clinic, as well as frequent visits to his wonderful geriatrician. I've taken him to ERs more than once. He takes a very long list of medications. And yet he has a DNR order that he feels so strongly about that he had his defibrillator device surgically removed. The pacemaker is OK -- that is about keeping him comfortable. The defib was not OK -- that is about keeping him alive. He has rejected a recommended feeding tube, and more recently rejected a special diet. We make all medical decisions based on QUALITY OF LIFE, as best we can. I'm glad that Mary allowed a blood pressure check. Perhaps in time it won't have to be all or nothing when it comes to medical treatment.

Also, as a spouse I feel VERY strongly that it is my responsibility to honor and implement decisions as I believe Hubby would want. I'm willing to listen to imput from all of our children, but ultimately I will decide if/when to place him in a care center, whether to take him to ER, how to feed him, what drug regimen to follow, etc. etc. I know that our children love him and want the best for him, but I am the ultimate decision maker. I hope that you wonderfully caring children are giving Ray support and input, and not expecting to get to make decisions democratically by majority vote!

Mary reached out to you in pain and fear. And, by her lights, instead of offering comfort and company you betrayed her and called in the EMTs and then tattled to the rest of the family. Yikes! Maybe you would do the same thing the next time, but with this experience behind you, do it in a slightly different way, leaving her feeling more in control of her own life and that her wishes are at least acknowledged.

It isn't true that there is nothing you can do. You may not be able to force her to accept medical treatment against her will and her beliefs, but you can assure her she is loved, she is respected, and that she still is as she has always been highly valued by all of you.

I think Judy is right. Maybe giving Mary some space is what would be most helpful next.

Hugs to all of you!

Oh my. sil is having trouble coping.

Lisa, I don't know what to say. I know you are OK with what Mary said and she does have the right to refuse what ahe wants to, including even going to the appointment. She knows her rights, and she is only being consistent with her previous behaviours of not wanting to go to the doctor. You know, I have some sympathy for her position. She wants to live her life the way she has, and not be given a lot of medical intervention, and when she goes, she goes. I understand that. However, the reality is the she may get ill, not die, and then, as earlier, be carted off to the hospital where she may be subjected to all those procedures -again. it is what they have to do, as far as I know. She was not in her right mind when she was in before, and I am sure all of you were agreed that she was to have all the treatment available. There are no easy answers here. She has to do what she wants to do, she has a living will. The medical world has to do what they are trained, and committed to do, as much as possible, should she land back in hospital. And you and Doug, and sils and Ray are caught in the middle.

Jeanne your poiint about it being fil's responsibilty primarily is well taken. He has his marbles, and he knows his wife better than anyone. How does Ray feel about this, or is he still in a form of shock about it all?

So much has happened and is happening so quickly.The questions are huge, and the answers not obvious.

Prayers for all to sort out priorities and yes, allow Mary control over her own life, and respect for her decisions. It is terribly hard, as I am sure Jeanne can attest to, but it speaks of love rather than fear.

I know the shock of hearing that a loved one will never recover, and if he lived would not be himself, nor have any semblance iof a normal life.. I know the pain of making a life and death decision, and the confusion, and anger that goes with it. . But the decision had to be made, and it was. Not the same circumstances, but some similarities, and the hardest decision I have ever made. Life does go on, not the same, but it does. Love, ((((((((hugs))))))))and prayers Joan

Lisa, it was normal for you to react that way out of your own fear... but I completely agree with what is being said.... she has to have time to adjust to all this... as you have said, she has always been the one taking care of things, people and situations... apparently she is a very strong woman... We have no way of knowing what she experienced when they had to restrain her... we don't know what was making her so hostile either..... and she must remember some of this even unconsciously, she possibly only remembers the terror or the feeling of the restraints.... and yes, it is her choice... Granted, she may not be thinking clearly as ya'll wish she would... but I know if it were me, I would want the time to think some things thru... I would go nuts having someone around all the time,I would feel as tho I was under a microscope... and the bottom line, if ya'll are there 24 hours a day, you could not stop something serious from happening.... you may be able to get her treatment to lessen the severity of another stroke.... but in the end, it's her choice.....
My personal opinion about your sil's statement, she was simply expressing her own fear.... fear of not doing enough, fear of doing too much, and simply the fear of having all this new responsibilty... the rug has been jerked from underneath ALL of you... Each of you have your own adjustments to make.... your own acceptance of this new normal... it's all very frightening and overwhelming... for everyone.... Plus with your FIL's health issues.... it's like it's all up in ya'll's faces all the time... possibly ya'll can giver her some space and time, and do the same for yourselves..... fear makes us do things that a little common sense would be better implimented.... no criticism here, none, and I hope you don't take it that way... you have barely had time to process the mess with DQ much less all this....
Everyone staying in 'panic mode' is only going to stress you all out, exhaust you, and then no one is helping the situation.... and MIL will come to resent it, even if it's done out of love...
You are doing an awesome job here, and love does take control and we do things, that with hindsight, we learn how to handle a little calmer the next time....this is all new for you too.... so just know that you are loved and supported... and let MIL know the same things... and honor her wishes....I would certainly hope others respect mine when the time comes.... sending you lots of hugs and angels to help lighten your load....

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