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Oh Judy, I love you too.

You girls are the coolest. I love reading all your post. Today, I am just reading and getting my mind off of all the things on my mind. Have a grand evening ladies.

Uh, hellooooo, cat?????

Oh, tooth fairy update. Took child to her house today and had mom come to bus while big sis took Dallas inside. Told her of the experience this morning with her baby. Mom was as distraught as daughter. Seems the dentist pulled the tooth, and he gives every child a tooth fairy necklace to put it in. Dallas put hers under her pillow with the necklace. So mom pulled the necklace out and put 2.00 in it's place, not ever thinking Dallas would be so upset. She told me " I just don't know how to fix this. I laughed and told her you put that necklace back under the pillow with a note from the tooth fairy. Dear Dallas, while opening your necklace I broke it. So I took it back to my castle to sprinkle my special fairy dust on it. So here it is like brand new. Love, the tooth fairy. Lordy, she walked right up on that bus and hugged me. Poor thing had tears in her eyes. I laughed again and said awww, just years of practice lying to my children. Look me up at Easter, I've got some doosies. Love to all!!!!

Lord have mercy, you are a needy bunch of broads. Lisa, I love you too. Same to everyone else. Hahahahaha. You girls are the light when I need it.

And, Cat, you are a great friend, who we all love right back. Lots.

Yep, lots and lots. Did I mention lots and lots?????

Lisa: Thank you for the wonderful words you shared with the tooth fairy mom. Broke my heart open and tons of stars just poured out. Forgot how beautiful magic can be.

Love you..........., oh shit...........and everyone else too. Cat

Lisa that was such a kind loving answer to the Mom-you rock girlfriend.

Tooth fairy update: thank goodness I had the same run today. Sweet little Dallas face was shining this morning as she ran to the bus. WEARING HER TOOTH FAIRY NECKLACE!!! look ms Lisa. Then went on to tell me the tooth fairy broke it, but she fixed it and brought it back. Each and every child she showed it to had a look of relief on their faces.

Lisa you are such a good person-way back when I was a kid we had a husband and wife bus driver team-only needed one bus then and I remember them so well for their kindness in those days there were no snow days and times when the buss got stuck in the snow we never were afraid because Mr. and Mrs. Latansey would take good care of us-Dallas will always remember you and your tender heart.

I took a city bus to school. Never had the opportunity to have a schoolbus driver. I did have one city bus driver though who always waited for me, if he saw me running to make the bus from down the street - he wouldn't just take off, or he'd wait if he didn't see me board, and ask other kids where "bright eyes" was. Sweet. I have no idea why he said that because I have boring blue eyes, but I loved it. Made me feel special. So, Lisa, you WILL be part of this little girl's nice memories. Lucky you.

Lisa: I'm so happy for Dallas. Awww, I can just see her little face beaming. Good job, Miss Lisa. Keep working your magic.

Austin: What a sweet and touching memory. That you remember their names says it all. Glad you had them in your life.

Judy: Blue eyes are never boring and neither are you.


Back in the early days of his dementia when Coy often couldn't remember how to find the bathroom or what we did last week he could remember events from childhood well. And one of the people he talked about was his kind school bus driver. Lisa, know that you are making an impression on these kids!

Lisa you are making a great impression on your charges.

Thanks girls!
Austin, great memory. I love it when I see students thru ele and they see me at their middle school and holler, hey ms Lisa!! The feeling is indescribable.

Judy: boring? You????? Snicker snicker snort snort

Jeanne!!! Wonderful to hear your voice. I so love hearing wonderful memories from others who have lost loved ones. There dosen't one family gathering that I can remember that someone dosen't bring up memories of granny ford and grandma rose. So imma gonna share one bout granny ford. Doug and I went to the family reunion for the first time as a married couple. Granny ford used to walk the food line so she knew she had talked to and held the hand of every family member. She came to Doug and I and put a hand on each side of my face and said "honey, when will my next great grandchild be here?" my first reaction was embarrassment. Oh lord, my stomachs fat. Then dougs cousins started laughing and congratulating us. I just kept trying to explain to everyone thru the day. IM NOT PREGNANT. Went home, made the appt. I WAS PREGNANT. 7 weeks. We went to ray and marys that evening to tell them. Rays reaction? Well girl, mom told you a baby was coming. Still gives me the chills when I think of it.

There's my rambling thought. So glad yur here Jeanne. I hope you are doing well. Love all of you!!

Joan and everyone, where are you????

I'm here in Toronto and I walked to school -wind, sleet, hail or snow -no days off, walked home for lunch, back again, sometimes crawled over the railway bridge (we walked to school along an old railway track) when it was too icy and looked between the ties seeing the cold cold water raging below. They made us tough in thse days! It was before the days of school buses, and no parents drove their kids to school -pardon me -once when it was 35 below

Lisa you are a marvel. love how u helped that little girl and her mother.

typing the the dark here - G has an early morning - ,more tomorrow Love and hugs J

Emjo: Reminds me of my dad as a child in Wales. His father was a deacon in the church and on Sunday's my dad, age 7, would have to go to the church at 5 am to get the coal fire going to warm up the building. Then he would have to work the foot peddles to pump air into the organ during the service. One morning he fell asleep and the music stopped. My Uncle Trevor told me this over coffee and cookies when I visited him in Wales. Yep, not everyone had a beloved bus driver. Glad for those who do.

cat - great story!!! The church I went to as a child has a pump organ. Yes, glad for those who have a great bus driver - and great stories from the others -austin, jude... Dave my middle son knew the bus drivers so well, Once one of our dogs escaped- a husky cross who was the friendliest dog and an escape artist. The bus driver saw him (Mooch) around the block, picked him up and dropped him at our house telling me he knew it was Dave's dog. Once the bylaw officer, rather than giving us a ticket for Mooch digging under the fence and lying in the alley on the end of his chain, left us a note saying what a nice dog he was and would we please keep him in the yard.

jeanne so good to see you posting still. You have such valuable contributions,
austin you too, where's kimbee, book? pam, judy - u maniac! - punch, sharyn and everyone I have forgotten but not intentionally
I have been on another trip - 5 HTP which is supposed to help fibro, suppress appetite and help you be calm and sleep better - I wanted to eat everything that wasn't moving, became very emotional and anxious, and it did not help me sleep -sent G about 20 texts, and nearly broke up with him, and then got extremely horney -OMG u have no idea, and at my age!!! Almost worth it for that, though G was stuck off in the boondocks somewhere. Apparently I have no shame lol. As he said - "Timing is everything". I stopped taking them and within 24 hrs suddenly realised I had not been in my right mind, but was again. One benefit thoug, it did, in fact, bring up some feelings I needed to deal with, and I have. I apologised profusely to G who said he is going to burn all my pills. Toronto is snow-less thankfully, the pool and whirlpool are good, and I am relaxing. having a good time, Who ever thought 75 was going to be like this? Not me!
have a good one everyone - if I am giving TMI just let me know! Gotta have a little fun in life. ;)

Emjo~You made me laugh so hard I coughed up a lung, I am glad I bought some poise when I went to the store, Lol!!

Keeping away from mom this week cuz I have bronchitis/sinus infection and while my new computer was delivered today, I am as excited as I can be but my energy level is like a wet paper bag stuck to the side walk on a windy chance it will fly in the wind, Lol!! Gonna go have some chicken noodle soup and take a nap. Have a good day everyone!!

Joan: You are so funny. I hope you didn't jump the postman in your leopard patterned earrings and negligent. "Would you like to try some chutney, big boy?"

Glad you have recovered and enjoying your time in Toronto. Keep having fun!!!!

Love you, Cat

Sharynmarie: Get your rest and feel better soon.

Glad you enjoyed it Sharyn. I do in the retelling, but at the time it was awful. Please take care -bronchitis/sinus will knock the dickens out of you. Chicken soup sounds good, and a good laugh always boosts the immune system. Enjoy the new 'puter.

cat, i got the giggles last night in bed, i was posting here in the dark, G was snoring in harmony with himself, his head hits the pillow and he is out cold, This bunch are in the go all the time, and they discourage partners from coming so I have to stay under wraps. Today I had a couple of phone calls G needed to take care of, by tonight, and saw him in the lobby, but he wouldn't stop. Aaaargh!!!! His work cell won't receive calls, He is supposed to get a new one. Now, I am not digesting my supper well. Maybe I will go out for a walk. Next time I come I maybe will get my own room!!!! Leaving to stay with my friend tomorrow thankfully.

Hi everyone! Tomorrow I take ray to have the skin cancer removed from his face. As I've said, five month delay because of chemo. We are praying no skin grafts are needed this time. We were there nearly 15 hours last time. I get a knot in my stomach thinking of the pain he was in, and marys confusion trying to take his bandages off to change them in the middle of the night. But we have that covered. Doug stays tomorrow night, I'll take Friday, and sil will take sat.
Went into work this morning and was put on a route with a new driver. We have a woman who we have all suspected is unstable. Her behavior has escalated over the last year. She was out of control screaming at the kids yesterday afternoon. Our new driver came in after the run and told our boss most were crying when they exited the bus. She has been grounded pending an investigation. This is not the first time I've been taken from another run to ride with the children she's treated so badly. I know all of these children, and they poured their hearts out to me. So I could only go in and recommend that this is beyond my expertise and they need to get the counsellor at school to have them all together with her and discuss their fears. These kids love me, and I saw the complete trust in their eyes when I told them she will never treat them this way again. Lord, what a shitty day. My friend will ride in my place tomorrow who the kids also love and trust. Can't wait to see them Friday. So hey, send a little prayer rays way that this procedure is fast and no skin grafts? Love you all!!!!

Sharyn, so sorry your feeling bad! Take care of yourself. Love, Lisa

((((((Lisa))))))) what a difficult situation and heartbreaking when thinking of the kids. maybe the forces of nature were better than a crazy woman, So glad they have you and your friend.

Hope Rays surgery goes well, Good for all of you staying there to see him through the bandage changing. I will pray for no skin grafts too,

cat -she is a mail lady and I wouldn't jump her in anything -the first decent mailperson we have had in a long time.

I got hit by a flashback to my mother and my sister walking past me in the street and refusing to acknowledge me - still haven't caught my breath. This PTSD stuff is hard to get rid of. Anyone got any ideas how to do that? Wish life was less complicated sometimes. (((((hugs))) to all

Joan: sorry bout your flashback. Wish I could give you a hug when it happens!!!

Thanks, Lisa. I wish u could too. I can feel it. At least I figured out last night where the feelings were coming from. It was all part of one of the summers from h*ll, and came after a couple of months of being raged at daily. Never could figure out for what. It was in the middle of my university years, and I will never know how I finished my degree, and in fact did quite well. I have wondered how much better I would have done had I not been subjected to that abuse - not that I was held back from anything I went for. I know you must have some bad memories too. I wish I could distance myself from them more. The more I distance myself from my mother, and sister, the better it is for me. On the one hand, it doesn't seem right to distance myself from a 100 yr old, yet, on the other hand it feels necessary for my survival. She may be the next 116 yr old, and I can't afford to give up the next 16 yrs of my life. I have lost too much to her and sis already. (((((((hugs)))))) to you, cyber-sister, and all the others out there. It helps knowing you have my back. Much love Joan

Hugs to you Joan. Isn't it amazing that something that happened so long ago can still be so vivid today? Fortunately that works for good things as well as bad. Some day Lisa's little lost-tooth bus rider will be an elderly woman and she'll suddenly remember that kindness and smile. Memory is an awesome and mysterious part of human makeup. I hope your memories of abuse are less and less frequent and that you can cope with them to minimize the pain.
I just talked to the funeral home person. She asked who will be conducting the memorial service. I told her I would. She said, "No, I mean who will do the speaking?" I assured her that I would lead the service and that other family members would share memories. She tried to talk me out of that. She reminded me that this will be a very emotional time and that I might break down. Yup, could happen. But I'm doing it.

Be thinking of me on Sunday afternoon, please!

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