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Can't help turning the channel to CNN all day. Hurting so bad for those families.

you are ALL SO WONDERFUL..I REALLY LOVE YOU..God bless..and i will keep you in my prayers..i had the dreaded call last night. they want to release him. they can't find anything wrong..i feel like..from a biblical prospective..,and i'm new at this..he's demon possessed. he can't take care of himself at all. my brother said, my mother said she feels sorry for him. i am just praying , praying...and will make calls after my 3 hour job in a school with first graders. i am sure that will be an emotional scene. i can't think you all and ((((((hugs))))))) marylee

(((((Lisa)))))) I hope I don't upset anyone with this, but these are my views. Heaven is very real to me. I have had a lot of time to think about it since Gordie died, and also because I had a near death experience just after he was born. I believe the little children are safe in heaven, even if they had some horrifying moments, they are being comforted by the Great Comforter. The families, friends, colleagues, police, etc. left behind are suffering indeed. I know the pain of having a child die at the hands of another, though not in as brutal a fashion as these young ones. Despite the pain, and not in any way to deny the horror of it all, I have seen good come out of Gordie's death. My belief is, as Romans 8:28 says, God can make good out of this. There is so much we do not understand. Why do tragedies like this happen? Why does God allow them? No one has the answers to these. All I can do is deal with what is before me. There is human suffering all over the world. Some of it comes across my path. That, I can respond to. Be it little girls with tooth fairy problems, be it a neighbour in trouble, a teen needing reassurance, lobbying for better mental health care for families, or people here in this website needing support, I can respond. I cannot solve the world's problems, though hearing about them can change me, for the better, or for the worse. I can become hardened by the pain, or more sensitive to distress. I have choices. I already know your choice. Despite the pain you have experienced, or perhaps because of it, you are more sensitive, caring, and loving. May God bless you as you bless others. You have made the right choice.

(((((((marylee))))) . Is your dad in hospital? Have you spoken to the doctors, and or social workers about doing a thorough evaluation of his needs and ability to live alone? Document what has happened and share it with them. I agreed with this disease being demonic, but I would not include that in your documentation. Be objective about what you write down, and show that your dad's behaviours are getting worse, and that he cannot care for himself. Earlier, you mentioned feces. If he cannot care for his bathroom needs, he certainly needs help. Document that. If he is increasingly emotionally abusive to your mum and other family members, document that. Again, be objective in what you write down. Please rein in your emotions as much as you can when you are talking to the professionals. I believe that you will get more cooperation if you are calm. If you anticipate an emotional scene there is more likely to be one – self-fulfilling prophecy. You are advocating for your mum, and for your dad. I know the "hurt child" in you comes to the fore, but if you can assure that hurt child, that you, the adult have decided to stop the abuse to you (which you say you have), and that you are keeping "hurt child" safe, then, as the adult you can do your job as advocate. Is your brother and/or other family members involved in advocating? Work out between you who is the best one to represent the issues and needs. Breath deep, decide to be calm, do the best you can, and anticipate success. There is a solution - keep pressing for it. ((((((hugs)))) and come back and let us know how it goes. Joan

Good morning all! At least it is +3 and not a minus number here. The deer were on the lawn again looking for tender shoots. My cedar has been trimmed again. The snow removal crews have been working since last night ( not sure if they took a break) and there is a huge windrow of dirty snow in the middle of the street that will be removed eventually. Off to get my thyroid checked today. I am wondering if it is high, considering that I am up and at it, before finishing my first coffee. ;-)

Some good news. As well as mother giving me the number of her friend so I can find out about this move, my dd, has invited us to join them and others for supper after Christmas. I obtained tickets for "The Buddy Holly" story, and we will leave for the south from their house for a couple of days in E'town and the dinner theatre. Hopefully we can arrange a Christmas visit to mother too.
Thinking of everyone.
Cat, I know this Christmas will bring up many memories for you, and some "missing".
Jude, do some good things for you - just for you. Not your kids , not your mum, nor anyone else - just for you. You deserve that.
Kimbee - I miss you!! Hope you are managing well. I know you are terribly busy.
Jeanne, I know this Christmas will be very different for you without your beloved Coy. Have you something planned? I remember the first Christmas without Gordie. He was the elephant in the room that no one would look at. I think you will do better than that.
austin - having that tragedy so close to you must make it harder, and you are still grieving over your mum's death. No matter how negative the relationship has been, there is still grief to deal with.
Everyone - love, hugs and prayers, and have a good day. Joan

Thank you Joan.

I know that conventional wisdom says holidays are the worst times for the recently bereaved. That must be true in many cases, maybe most. What I experienced when Dad died was a little different. My family of origin is large and when we get together there are 20 to 30 people and lots of little kids (it used to be our kids and now its our grandchildren). There is so much happy chaos that there really isn't time or energy to miss one particular person. So holidays weren't the worst times. When my sister held a cribbage tournament then it was sad to not hear his funny exclamations. When I'd see something in a store and think how much he'd like that then I'd be sad. Or when I'd have a meal that he really liked.

Back when plans were being made I told the kids to go ahead with whatever suited them and not to count on me, that I had no idea what our situation would be. They picked Dec 24 as the get-together date but they were having a hard time finding a place large enough. (Places we've used in the past were booked.) After Coy died I told them we could hold the party here as long as I didn't have to do a lot of prep. If they wanted decorations they could put some up, just as they would in a rented space. They are bringing finger foods and it will be a game-night party, focusing on camaraderie rather than food or presents. This part of my family is also large. I expect there will be 30 people or more (depending on who brings friends). That will certainly keep my thoughts distracted!

I think that things would be very, very different if this had been a sudden unexpected death -- if Coy and been healthy and died in a car accident, say. (I doubt I'd be able to write coherently in less than 3 weeks after the death.) But I have done my mourning over 9 years. Each holiday I wondered if it would be our last with him. It may be harder for the grandkids this year since they wouldn't have had quite the same perspective. So we'll see what unfolds, but I'm not expecting that the next few weeks will be the hardest time. (It is all hard.)

I'm pretty sure that Coy won't be the elephant in the room. Of course his passing was expected and very different than Gordie's.

All of us who are grieving this year have to do it in our own ways. May we each find comfort in doing what needs to be done.

Hugs to all.

KAW (and cmagnum and any other gentlemen who follow this thread), Cindy Laverty has posted a new article here called, "Losing a Spouse Causes Personality Changes." OMG! Really? I kind of mostly like my personality. And the ways she says it will change are not attractive at all. She says the changes are "common for the elderly". Hmm. When does "elderly" start? Maybe I'm safe.

Is this really common? What has your experience been with the widows and widowers in your families?

I have written to AG and requested a title change to "Losing a Spouse Can Cause Personality Changes." I sure hope it isn't mandatory!

Jeanne, from what I have seen in my family and friends is this, The basic personality is still there, if you were a loving caring person, it does not change, only
the way you are presented changes a little. My friend and SIL's all lost their spouses to cancer, after the depression of the loss they became the fun loving person again. I believe that our spouses enhanses us but they don't make us.
What I don't like is the labeling that goes with the loss. God Bless and have a wonderful holiday with your family.

Diavalon, I agree 100%. Jeanne: how profound your statement, " I've been grieving for 9 years." when our granny ford died, after 7 years living with ALZ, we buried her on Christmas eve. We all came back here to my house. Yes, there was sadness, but I think that time we spent together that evening brought us closer. If that's even possible, because we are a very close family. We celebrated her life that evening. Her passing wasn't a surprise. She was suffering no more. Glad you wrote ac.

And ladies, rays cancer has returned. His numbers are worse than they were. I can't help thinking they just didn't get it all. He will be starting chemo again in January. We all held our breath, because he has said last time that's it. But he told Doug the simplevtruth is, " your mom needs me here. She's taken care of me our whole life together. Now she needs me to take care of her." for the first time since his health and marys has turned, he actually asked me if I can make certain meals. He wants my homemade veggie beef soups, chicken soup. Those two settled well with his stomach last time. So I'll get started on them and freeze portion size bowls in their freezer after Christmas. We are so scared. In just one year our lives has changed for the very very best, and at the same time we've been smacked with some hard realities. It would help a lot if dougs brother would step in and help with all they need, but ya know what? It is what it is. No changing him, but I still love him as we all do. I just think that some people just aren't wired to face certain trials in life. His fears are hard for him to face. Love you gals sooooo much! Lisa

drive by for me tonight - found out my thyroid is a bit low - so tired already -need to get into the doc this week if I can - hopefully I will be more alert and have time tomorrow -
jeanne - you are doing very well and it is all normal
lisa -so sorry about ray -but I like his attitude -what huge changes in a year -from one end to the emotional range to the other
hugs to all -I am off to bed Joan

Hello My Loves:

Jeanne: I read your post on Caring Bridge today. Let me just say there in nothing wrong with your mind. I am amazed at how disconnected I am in so many ways. Last night I put some clothes in the wash. A couple hours later I remembered them and went to put them in the dryer. They were already in the dryer and they were dry. I have no memory of putting them in the dryer. I meant to ask my husband today if he put them in the dryer which I doubt completely. But, gee, I forgot to ask him. I think I am missing my dad and my mom this year. They are both gone now, my dad just less than 3 months ago. After having them in my care for over 7 years, it's just a big change. I don't feel devastated, just befuddled. I hope you enjoy every minute of your family gathering. Don't be upset if you don't remember all of it.

Lisa: My heart goes out to Ray and all of you who love him. I don't know what to say, but at least he has a goal and that is to be there for his wife. Maybe I am feeling a little fatalistic tonight, but I think that the writing is on the wall with your parents-in-law and the best you can do is be there for them. Be the best family advocates you can, but accept that in time you will be giving them over to God. I pray that their love for each other can give them comfort and that all of you can share in the abundance of the years of love they have shared with all of you. I know it's difficult, but try to prepare yourselves for the difficulties that are coming and just know that the love you hold for them and the support you all will give is the same as they have given each of you over the years. What more could anyone ask.

I've noticed that Kimbee has not posted in a while, so I am concerned for what is happening with her mom.

Joan: You are a tender soul and we all appreciate your thoughts, feelings, remembrances and your wicked sense of humor.

Judy: I've missed you. Just not posting like I use to, but I can't stay away from this thread.

As for the shooting in Conn. What can I say. I am so heartbroken and angry. Warren and I have a meeting with our senator this Friday to discuss the issue. I am so tired of people who do not secure their guns in a safe. Anyway. we will put our two cents in, in written form, and piss in the wind and see what slaps us in the face first.

Diavilon: Sending you hugs and best wishes. You are a compassionate soul.

Marylee: Welcome. Keep posting here. People care about you.

Ok, enough from me. Sending love to all of you. You are the most amazing woman.

Love, Cat

Cat, I'm laughing at the dry clothes. I know EXACTLY how that feels. I don't mind so much discovering that I did something I should have done, but the not knowing whether I did what I should have done, such as take my insulin, is a bit scary. The other meds are at least easy to tell -- they are either in the pill box or they aren't. But how can I sit there with the insulin pen in my hand and not be sure whether I've given the shot or not? Arghhhhh.

I'd be more worried if the rest of the family weren't going through the same things. I honestly never realized that part of being in mourning could be cognitive impairment!

Please tell me that this hasn't been constant for you for three months! I hope that you were back to normal and are just having a relapse at the holidays. I need to go back to work next month -- and I think for a living!

My mom has been gone now for a little over 3 yrs and at the holiday season I seem to miss her sparling eyes with all the busyness of the season she would just smile. One year on Christmas day my power went out and thank goodness we heat with wood so the house was warm but it made diner a little lets say interesting, We wrapped my mom in extra blankets so that she wouldn't be cold even though she kept telling us she was hot.. I thought well I will hear about this one for a while. Too my surprise mom told everyone that would listen what a wonderful Christmas it was and that it brought back memories of her childhood. She was thrilled. That was her last Christmas here on earth. Oh how I miss her. She was almost 98 yrs young. Thanks for listening. HAPYY HOLIDAYS to ALL!!!!

What a charming story! Thanks for sharing it, diavalon.

Jeanne: I think it's the holidays. So many other details to juggle. Getting back to work for you will be a good thing. I think you will find you can focus on your work. You may still have problems with the laundry, but I think you will do fine at work.

Maybe you should do your insulin in a specific spot with a pad of paper where you write down the time and does, etc. Don't do it in a comfortable place because that can lead to distraction. Go in the garage if you have to, but do it someplace where you want to finish, record and go back to the usual.

I find if I am up and moving, my memory is sharper. It's when I'm engaged on the computer I tend to blank out other things. I guess it's an escape and boy, does it work.

Diavalon: My mom has been gone 4 years now. She passed on her birthday, Dec. 18th, so the anniversary of her death was just a few days ago. I remember one winter when we had a power outage. Fortunately, we have a gas stove in our house so I could cook dinner and take it to their house next door. They had a gas fireplace for heat. We had dinner and played Sorry by lantern light and stayed warm with the fire going. My mom had such a good time that evening.

well, to all the people who care about. me...all i can say thanks..and i need father is back in the hospital..and back to being "dumped" out..the problem is insurance and diagnosis..i did get through to the governor's office..and i will follow through tomorrow...but who knows..he'll be dumped on my moms doorstep..this tell plan properly for the future..but knowing me..a brain hemorrhage, brain surgery..and head on collision survivor..i never plan more than one second at a love and hugs for all of you..i feel like we're part of a family..dealing with past hurts and pain..and now future worries..i care about you all..each one of you is special...and a very merry christmas..or whatever you marylee ps with everything, and my new found deep faith in Jesus...i can't let this consumme. me...satan is a liar , a thief and a divider..and he's always hovering over my shoulder..

Marylee: Don't think about Satan. Just focus on God.

Joan: you can never upset me or anyone here. Your words are true and heartfelt.
Marylee: agree with cat. Keep your faith up front and center.

Jeanne& cat: I'll give you an example of a big big brain fart. I had an appt to have bandit and angel groomed today. I get there, walk in with my elf hat on. Chris and his mother were smiling and looking at me very puzzled. I FORGOT THE DOGS AT HOME!!!! I was so embarrassed. Poor Beth was ringing my cell phone and it aggravated me because she knows I won't drive and talk on the phone. Doug said she called him and he could barely understand her thru the laughter. When I FINALLY got them there and went to pick them up they both hollered don't forget the dogs. I'll be 51 next Friday. Yep, thinking my brain outrunning my age! ;)))))

hi my friends! was thinking positive..the had all the "stuff". my father was discharged abruptly from the back up care provider...i've been on-line looking for some last minute help. my mom is depressed beyond words. my dog had major surgery..over 5000! has had major set-back. no travelling anywhere for the holidays. will have to try and get to upstate sometime next week. i know...breathe deeply..power of positive thinking...i'm trying ..really i you guys!!!! oh...i'm i'm over the hill...and i forget my name...:) marylee

ps you all know i had brain surgery..i cringe when i read back what i wrote..ugh

Marylee, I, too, have renewed my faith in Jesus. Keep the positive of having Jesus on your side ALWAYS! Satan? Forget about him. Happiest of Holidays that you all may partake in be the best you can make of it..

hi all - got a higher thyroid dose today - hopefully it will help.
It has been quite a week. I can't even remember if I told u that my friend of 44 yrs needs a second mastectomy - she is my age and had one a couple of years ago, but no radiation or chemo. This one sounds worse. I feel like I am losing her in pieces. She uses a walker due to arthritis and will be in a wheel chair soon, I think. As well, a few days ago my dil revealed her childhood abuse by two of her brothers, and the whole story - ugly stuff -she has been diagnosed bipolar, and the meds are playing havoc with her health. I wept on the way home after hearing it. They have invited me to come to their house and go to Les Miserables (the movie) on Christmas day. I invited them back for turkey after G gets back from seeing his kids. His oldest daughter has had some problems with her pregnancy so all are a bit concerned. She will be induced around Christmas. Mother is now rethinking her arrangements. She will do what she will do.
love the stories of dinner by firelight
thx all for supportive comments - I am a bit of a basket case right now emotionally, Christmas is always hard and I think of Gordie more -the empty chair thing, then all of the above
marylee - keep looking for solutions, Know all about expensive pet surgery -but what do you do
yogi good to see you here
jeanne - grief is very physical as well as emotional. As I have learned it mourning is the outward manifestation of grief - the behaviours. If you feel like you are going out of your mind you are normal - you too cat. I know you both will be reminiscing and feeling the loss this Christmas. Jeanne the hard tears that you think will never stop don't last that long though they can be scary when they happen, however, usually you feel better afterwards.
Lordy Lisa -forgot the dogs - thats a hoot
wondering about Kimbee
Jude -where are you???, austin ditto
G is very stressed from work and the upcoming trip to see his kids. His ex is always there too with them, and there are still hard feelings.
Looking forward to a nice time at new years and the dinner theatre.
Love and hugs Joan

It is hard to be happy this year for the holidays because of the school shootings not far from hear-churchs were asked to ring their bells at 9:30 26 times for each of the people killed I did not hear them but others at our senior center did-they held the funeral for the teacher who while protecting some of the students was shot yesterday. I think my grandson knew some of the families because he lived in Newtown when his mom was married and also lives there in an apartment since his mom got divorced-he goes to school on Cape Cod-so he will be sad-most of the funerals have not been held yet-the local radio station is helping raise money to build a playground and a memorial garden in memory of the children that were killed one week ago.


Marylee: I am praying for your dog. I hope he/she gets well soon. It sounds like it had some very major surgery and holds a very special place in your heart. I have been there. My dogs mean a lot to me and I'm sure yours does too. Hoping all goes well. You hang in there and remember to keep your eyes on the light. God will take care of the rest.

Marylee that is what mwe do here give hope and love.


Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. May you be showered with blessings from above.♥♥♥ Lots of love, hugs and prayers - Joan

Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy your families, friends and hold them close!

It's Christmas Eve and I am wishing all of you peace, love and happiness. Sending love and white light to each of you.


Merry Christmas...may we all find peace and joy this holiday's not always easy...but the reason for the season still gives us to you all..and i'm here for you too...God bless you all...hugs marylee

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