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ED: I think it is entirely possible and extremely likely that Lisa's mom has a personality disorder. She is mentally ill in a significant way. Lisa has no POA for her mom, no guardianship, and she has filed an eviction notice on her mom. One way of the other, her mom is out of there.

I appreciate your questions, they are good ones. It might be best if Lisa tells some truths about her mom, but not all the horror she has been through because so much of that is personal, directed at Lisa, and probably not something that would be directed at the world as a whole. More than likely, her mom will just try to find a way to get an advantage where ever she goes.

So here I am, talking for Lisa. Excuse my butting in. I'm sure Lisa will put her thoughts on the thread shortly.

Good night everyone. Sleep well. Cattails.

Sorry to hear that it seems more meanness that a chemical imbalance. My father's mother was also mean and said some terrible, cutting things in her day. My Dad has that in him and when he is up against the wall, he cuts lose too. So maybe that's what I've really seen all these years and have tried to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I wonder if there might be consequences (to you and your family) when she begins behaving badly at the new place. Whether or not they call you on your comments about her behavior, if she is not happy there, she will be herself and make the people miserable. If she gets kicked out, are you adequately protected so that there is NO WAY they can drop her off at your doorstep? Sometimes it seems that my dad goes on missions to get himself kicked out so he can go back home. Luckily, he had to move from assisted living to a regular nursing home so they are able to manage him a little better because he has less freedom. His min is all there (meanness and all); it's his legs that don't work. He could be at home with a caregiver, but his constant need for attention and having someone do for him, along with his negative behavior and complaining makes it impossible for us to set him up at home. It would be no time before he would go through all the paid caregiving staff, and then it would fall back on us. Anyway, just wanted to suggest thinking ahead to prepare in case the answers to the questions come back to mess things up. Hugs.

Thank you, Cattails. You have made me feel stronger after a tough day. Love to you, too. Rebecca

Rebecca: You have lots to share. Tons of wisdom and life experiences. Stay with us and know that we are with you. Love, Cattails.

Breakfast out with Beth sounds like a great plan. Changing your phone number sounds like a great plan too! So many great people here. So many great ideas.

You had me grinning ear to ear at your description of getting the kids to smile on the bus. Sweet. Thanks! I hope you get a good night's sleep. Have a pancake for me in the morning :)

Lisa, you have been so verbally abused for so long that you may always have brief moments when you feel like that terrified 10 year old. You are not, though, and have demonstrated enormous coping skills and strength. You have moved from victim to survivor in a very brief space of time.Always feel like you can contact us if you start feeling afraid. It seems as if a lot of us have felt the same way at times. You are not alone and this will end. Blessings for a peaceful night and a wonderful tomorrow with the children you drive. Love, Rebecca

Lisa: I understand your feelings, but you will never be that 10 year old again. You are so strong. Do you not see all you have been through and all you have found. A wonderful family and beautiful children. A family that loves you as you are now and as you were when you were just a 10 years old.

I can so appreciate how her voice and presence is a reminder of all things evil and cruel. But here you are with this wonderful husband, children and extended family.

Your only mistake was to take her in, which you did out of the goodness of your heart. Well, we all live and learn. Thank God she will be gone soon.

I know you will play if forward and you have so much to offer. Thanks goodness others will feel your goodness and understanding.

Let's take time to be on this thread together. There is more to share, Lisa. Sweet dreams to you my dear friend. Love and Hugs, Cattails.

Eldest daughter: you are so right. It just hit me what you said. Although I can't see her showing up on my doorstep unannounced, I do see her using the phone as her weapon of choice so to speak. thank you so much. Definitely something to think about.

Love you too cat, and everyone on here. Those first two post from you and jeannegibbs were my strength. and then everyone one of you joined and I became stronger everyday. To think her verbal abuse had me feeling like that 10 year old again and just going thru the motions. There are not enough words to express my love and gratitude. I will pay it forward with my whole heart. Sweets dreams my friends!!!!

Lisa, you are an angel. What a blessing you give those kids every morning and afternoon. Bless you for seeing those little souls in need of empowerment and getting their hearts off to a good start. Your Beth is a beautiful child. Yeah, if it doesn't mess up her routine too much, have breakfast with her. Or just watch her do her thing and be happy. Bring some breakfast home for both of you to share.

Lisa: I completely agree, no police. If you can do the medical without an issue do that, but if not then you will get through the remaining time the same way you have gotten through the past two years and the last month.

We love you and I just want to say how much I love everyone who has posted here.....we will exempt Sylvester the avenger/stalker. I so wish we could pair him up with your mom. Talk about Karma.


That is a great idea and I have thought of it. But Beth works second shift and she is here until 1:30. She gets tarc3, which is a small bus for adults with disabilities. So Austin, maybe her and I can go for breakfast a few days. She has a routine, and on her off days heaven help me if I mess up her laundry day. She tells everyone she meets she has a system for laundry. And she does. She's just a riot sometimes.

Dear eldest daughter, thanks so much for joining us and for taking the time to read thru. Aren't these women wonderful??? I cried thru writing my first post and haven't cried again until today. The ADHD? I posted earlier on that I believe some people are born with such meanness and so much hate. I stand beside that statement. This is not a gradual behavior. This has been my whole life. She gets off on the pain she inflicts. When she would throw in my and the middle sisters face we should have died instead of my brother, I would make my face just go blank. That was so satisfying to me because it just infuriated her more. That was worth every backhand I received from her. So it's not even worth my breath to even suggest testing her. And Rebecca, my position is what they refer to as an rod. Overdraft relief driver. As you know, the bus drivers are the first face they see and I take my job as a way to make a difference. So many children are from an unstable environment and I make a point to have them smiling by the time they arrive at their school. One of my most effective is having them wave to the woman working in her flower beds. Or the poor soul standing at the bus stop in the rain. And when that person waves back with a smile that wasn't there 30 seconds before, the kids start smiling back. And when they get to school, they tell the administrator on the loading dock that they made people smile on the way to school. Very proud of theirselves. Well I'm rambling, but I do so love my job.

Lisa just stay out of her way-maybe after your first bus run you can go for coffee with some co-workers anything to stay away from the house for the next two weeks-but if things get too bad the hospital admission seems like a good idea. Her behaivor may very well be better in the facility so do not worry about making her look good on paper-I know it is hard but you will get through this-you are strong and we will all help-you can lean on us and in time you will pay it forword to others going through hard times.

Hi everyone. Doug, Jen, Beth and Chris are excited. They told me they really did believe that it would take months. Their thoughts are we have lived thru this for close to 2 years, what's 2 weeks. I especially thought Jen would have a melt down when she heard. After I went to bed Jennifer had words with her last night. She reinforced what Doug told her yesterday. I talked with t from cas today. She told me be very careful on having police remove her. She will be denied if they get wind of it at cc. She told me she's seen me in action from the many " clean ups" I've gone thru. This is a piece of cake. And the paper I have to fill out? It has nothing to do with finances. It's all about her. Is she verbally abusive? Is she disruptive and rude to others? Does she live clean and keep her space tidy? So I am going to have to lie to these people. Bad karma. But god forgive me, I am going to do it. I will lie, and Doug can fax it to them in the morning. I haven't seen her since she left here this morning. She's medicated and sleeping it off. I felt like I was going to just break this morning when he called me with the news. I just want to keep crying and lord would that just thrill her. That's what she likes.

Rebecca: Bless you. We all love you too. I think this thread may continue. Love to everyone. Lisa, Jeanne reminded you that this was a small set back. She's right. It's going to happen.

Love Cattails.

I am so sorry,Lisa, but was afraid of this. I like the hospital idea. Be dramatic if you need to. You have certainly watched her be dramatic. I am praying for you and lighting a candle tonight. We do this as a family for my family members that are ill,deployed or going through a crisis. This one is just for you, and we are praying. The end is near for you and your family. Why don't you get some paint chips and wander through your Mother's room? Measure for bookcases. It might make you feel better.:) I am mentioning something here that I rarely mention. I have Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome due to abuse. As a result, I have had to create my own ways to make me feel less afraid. You can do this. I promise. I sense the strength in you. We all love you. Rebecca

Eldest Daughter: Welcome to our thread and thanks for taking the time to read all the posts and lend another voice of support and understanding. Cattails

eldestdaughter, I have to agree with you that this could become quit a book. I myself have this feed running in the background on my computer at work. So many stories to tell. I am new to this sight but I have also been a caregiver to my mother, grandparents etc. I now work for a couple of NH's and I know what many go though as they try there hardest to do the right thing for their parents. Lisa, just know that we all stand a united front for you.

Hi, Two hours ago I started reading this thread. I was hooked, as the mom sounds and acts a lot like my narcissistic, alcoholic, father. I was dismayed because there were more than 200 posts and I wouldn't let myself skip to the end to see what happened....but I've made it through and feel like I'm on the journey with you all. I was glad to learn that the latest post puts today at the day when the fruits of all your collective hard work should go into action. I'm thinking of Lisa and Doug, and standing shoulder to shoulder with the cheering section, ready to send up a unified cry of celebration to their freedom.

One thing I would like to share is your mother's need for stimulation...drama, arguments, persistent computer games, QVC...and especially in this final 24 hours...that she is picking fights and being brazen about it. First of all, I'm guessing she believed that you would back down at the last minute and never really thought it would happen. If she is like my dad, she is a master manipulator and when all else fails, she rails with a vengance that breaks the person who is facing off against her. Just keep smiling and ignore her (but keep your eyes on her). She could be pressed to a physical response.

The stimulation issue that I've seen in this thread, along with the drug addiction, makes me wonder if she could possibly be ADHD. I have it and believe my Dad has it. The dopamine levels in an ADHD person are off kilter, so in order to get the stimulation, folks either self medicate with caffiene or tobacco, or they engage in behaviors that increase their adreniline levels...which provides compensates for the low dopamine levels. My husband has accused me of arguing for the fun of it.....and I finally realized that sometimes he's right. It was about me being bored or needing some kind of adreniline kick. It is my personal believe that many people with addiction problems are ADD or ADHD or have other chemical imbalances that are hard to diagnose...and they try to medicate themselves and then the cure becomes worse than the symptoms.

If you end up hospitalizing her, or even as she receives intake at the new facility, you might consider asking them to screen her for ADD/ADHD. Medications might be able to help her balance her chemicals and start to improve. Of course, after a life time of bad habits, and relying on negative behavior to get what she wants, she might not be interested in changing.

One more thing....have you considered any kind of restraining order to prevent her from showing up on your doorstep...via taxi or nephew? If the facility allows free movement, ie she won't have to sign out to leave, please think about how to make sure she doesn't start harassing you when the new situation sinks in. Rather than take responsibility for her own actions and consequences, it will be easier for her to blame you and Doug and if she is able to freely come to your home, there might be new problems. I dearly hope not, and I don't mean to rain on your parade....these are from my own life from when my dad went into an assisted living facility and the staff could not prevent him from leaving and going wherever he wanted....

I look forward to your post that your mom is safely out of your home and I cheer you for having the courage to reach out to a bunch of strangers and taking the leap of faith to empower yourself, protect your family, embrace your sanity, and make lots of new friends. I really *DO* think this thread should become a book..and that is evidenced by the fact that I've been sitting here for 3 hours just to get to this point in the story. Best wishes and great job to all the gals!

Lisa, this is just a small setback, not a major roadblock. Another several days may seem like an eternity while you are living it, but really, look how very far you've come in just a month. I'm impressed!

Ahh Lisa I'm so sorry. Maybe time for the breathing treatment. Why not call her doctor and see if he can schedule it..

Lisa: Can your mom write a check now to cover her rent from the move in date through June? You can explain to CC that your mom may need to go to the hospital for a few days and possibly rehab for a couple of weeks to assist her breathing issues and you want to be sure the room is held so you can move her things in and have everything ready for her, should she have a short rehab stay. Tell them the rehab thing is not for sure, but you want to be prepared and have everything paid through June.

If they say yes, have nephew get the check from her and hand deliver. Call her doctor and move forward with the hospitalization.

These are just my thoughts. You and Doug discuss this and see if it sounds workable.

I hate to ask this question, but does your mom have a criminal background? No problem if she does, you have the eviction order in place and she can go to the hospital and Social Services can take it from there.

My heart goes out to you and your family. The end of her in your home is coming, so don't lose sight of that. Love and Hugs, Cattails

They are sending me a landlord paper with my nephew. It will take 1 week for a criminal background check. I'm so upset. The move in date is a week from Saturday. I'll check back in tonite. I need to pull myself together so I can go back to work.

Update- nephew called. Just finished with social worker. Everything went well. Now they are meeting with the business manager who decides the move in date. Stay tuned.......

Hang in there Lisa: We are all praying for you. Don't forget, if there is any snafu with her move in date then it's time for her to go to the hospital for a little breathing therapy. Just make sure the rent in paid. Love, Cattails

The prayers are coming, and your story made me smile. I just retired from teaching and would do similar things in the classroom when I received calls from the hospital about my father.I actually took my class out to recess an hour early one day, we laughed, and decided to do our language lesson outside with chalk and then go play. I bet a lot of kids started their day smiling because of you! Hang in there. Rebecca

What a morning. I've just been so distracted I kept passing up kids at their bus stops this morning. Kids thought it was hilarious, and the boss wanted to know if I was having continuous brain farts. :))) they left for the meeting 30 minutes ago. I called my nephew into my kitchen and made sure we were on the same page with move date. I told him to make sure they pro rate her rent for this month so she can move in immediately. There should be no reason for not having the apartment ready. They have known she's coming. I'm trying to be optimistic, but so scared they will make her wait till the first. I just can't bear that. Hopefully I can report good news to everyone before I go back for my afternoon run. Keep the prayers coming my friends.

I'm also noticing that it's a month to the day from your original post. Look how fast you've moved! It may have felt slow, living through it, but you have stepped through your part so quickly and gracefully. What an inspiration!

Lisa -thinking of you and hope your life will be better soon.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you today for a speedy move'll soon have peace and a room to reclaim, and sleep.

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