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It’s a warm 18 degrees here.



Are you cold Cwillie?

I am sure you would wish MsMadge a warm sunny SoCal day, since she is coughing?

BTW, Gershun has told me, you don't have Sees candies in Canada.  So sorry!

Whenever I feel a need to whine about the cold I check the forecast for Golden in northern AB, then I dance in relief that I do not live there LOL


How hot is it now?

It is a hot hot 25 degrees now at 9:45pm. Lol!

Good you're in the middle of a heat wave Sharyn. We're chilling here at -10.

Pam and I are at the hospital. She started coughing up a little blood. She has had it before during chemo. ER doc says it seems to be minor. Scheduling her for appointment on Tuesday. Says to come back if it flares back up. Quick visit...just waiting on paperwork. Pam's friend will here to stay with her for about 10 days. She and Pam are lifelong friends. Sue is also a nurse which will make me feel better having her with Pam.

Hope everyone is having a good evening.

The Viking is a bit restless in the hospital tonight and won't close her eyes - says she's afraid to go to sleep

She keeps looking at the red pulse ox on her finger so I keep putting her hand under the cover - she keeps pulling it out

Nobody likes being in hospitals, so I don't blame her for being a little bit agitated, Madge. Just wish you could get a break. Hang in there. Hope the cafeteria food is good.

I just sent A/C moderators an email about that nasty piece of work Prolife. Felt good. Madge, my mom always rolled her eyes at the pulse ox thing, she thought they were fake. Never could figure out why.

Hope the Viking heals quickly!

The Viking was discharged today and is now sequestered in her room at hoca for a few days which I find a bit odd since everyone else who is sick is roaming about including staff - the caregiver who helped get mom transferred back was visibly ill - sneezing, sore throat etc

Feeding mom in her room is a little challenging without a table to set anything on - made 3 or 4 trips down the hall to heat her soup, fetch juice, jello and such

With the holiday weekend and a couple of my private caregivers feeling tired, looks like I'll be kept busy and I'm coughing more than mom at this point

Fred Hoyle had a theory about viruses actually coming from space and every year it crosses my mind to wonder if he might have had a point. Half the world getting showered with asteroid dust would explain how come everyone goes down with the same colds and D&V bugs at exactly the same time a lot better than six degrees of separation does.

I am not just ill I am dead. I can't believe I did this. I left a voicemail for Daughter 2 and accidentally called her fiancé by her ex-boyfriend's name. Oh God. And it's recorded there for posterity, for the rest of time, and she is never going to forgive me. We're not even allowed to refer to ex boyfriend at all let alone do that. Aaaarrrgggh. Help.

Is this a landline voicemail?

Can you sneak into their home and erase the message ?

CM, call back and leave other messages, increasingly incoherent and jumbled. Your daughter will be so worried about you, she won't care about the blunder. When she calls you to check on you, you can say your cold has completely taken over your brain (not untrue...) and you just need some rest. Mumble a few non-English words, but assure her you just need rest and fluids and you're on your way to all better.

I mean... if she's not going to forgive you if you apologize, then you need a diversion. ;-)

That h as g o t t o be t h e best behaving badly advice all year!

I so sympathize with you feeling so bad, you think you will die. Call ul and start pushing buttons until the erase code is broken.

The Gilmore girls actually had an episode where Lorelei snuck in to erase a message to boyfriend Luke.
Hope you feel better soon!

Still laughing.

CM that is so funny!! I would just leave it. You know how when you try to fix things and end up making them worse.

Your story reminds me of something that happened to me once. This was quite a few years ago. I was at my Mom's place for dinner. When I got home one of my kitties was missing. (different cats than I have now)
The weird thing is I did hear her meow when I turned my key in the lock. I phoned my Mom up and she drove over and started looking around the neighborhood. No luck so she came up and I told her I think my cat is in the apartment across the hall. You see at the time I had a real crooked landlord and he used to go into people's apartments all the time when they weren't home and snoop around. He must of let her out and she somehow ended up in the apartment across the hall. I knocked and knocked on their door but no one answered so I went and got the landlord. He said no at first but I persisted. So, he opens the neighbor's door and out runs my cat into my place.

The funny part of the story is that my neighbors were home. They had just been sleeping. They woke up to my landlord creeping around their place. He told them he was just checking to see if their bird was alright. LOL. Guilty S O B! My Mom and I had such a giggle about the whole thing.

So CM maybe don't go over there and try to erase the message. You never know what could happen.

That is cruel, going from apartment to apartment, letting pets in/out. So funny Gershun, he could have never fixed that one.

Yes, Send the crooked landlord ended up getting fired eventually for stealing people's mail etc.

The week after that incident I was coming home from work and a nice little old lady who lived down the hall from me said to me "Did your kitty get back in safely?" She said, "your cat was sitting outside your door all afternoon. I tried to get her to come with me but she wouldn't leave your doorway" The neighbors across the way finally brought her inside their place cause they felt so sorry for her. Stupid landlord! Just think if she had gotten lost or something. Alls well that ends well but I still get mad when i think of it.

Do you ever wonder where a creep like that goes afterwards?

Maybe there is a place where creeps go Send. We don't know where it is cause we aren't creeps. Any creeps out there who want to fill us in?

Profile?.................You out there?

Oh CM just tell her the dog did it.

You have done it again!
Profile/Prolife? You out there?

Lol, only Gershun can get away with that!

The Viking looks to be getting delirium again from being in the hospital and now solitary confinement -
refused to take a nap, her meds, say her prayers or I love you and told me to leave her alone -
this after I went to three stores looking for a warm mist vaporizer and liquid Vicks to help her breathe easier

(((((hugs)))))) madge. I hope she settles down soon .

Happy New Year, Ms Madge!

Can she be put in a wheelchair? Isolation should be over......they are so incompetent at Hoca, who is going to know?

Happy New Year everyone! May 2018 bless each of you!

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