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It shouldn't have to be a choice between regular diet or puree, there are levels of modified diets:
NDD Level 1: Dysphagia-Pureed (homogenous, very cohesive, pudding-like, requiring very little chewing ability).
NDD Level 2: Dysphagia-Mechanical Altered (cohesive, moist, semisolid foods, requiring some chewing).
NDD Level 3: Dysphagia-Advanced (soft foods that require more chewing ability).
Regular(all foods allowed).

And there is no reason they can't feed her the real or less altered foods just as easily as they help her with the puree.

(believe me I know it isn't that simple, but it d**ned well SHOULD be)

I Can't SEE!
Help me! I can't see!
Sudden onset of vision symptoms-a black circle only in my right eye.

Went to show my dH. Poor thing had that deer in the headlights look. What could he have done about it anyway? He started to panic, quietly though. Afterall, his wife was crying out:
"I CAN'T SEE! " Over and over.

Never eat Pizza in bed.

A tiny black olive slice fell on my glasses. It stuck there, so when I put on my glasses, all I could see was a black circle in the center of my rt. eye.

He says, " Now that was a senior moment!" lol.


You had me going for a sentence or two... SMH (LOL)

While I was in the car this morning I heard a talk radio show discussing that the band Hedley are the latest to be accused of sexual misconduct, resulting in them being dropped from the radio and Juno awards show. Wait - Hedley has a new album? I wonder if it is on YouTube. Yes!!
(well I guess it's true - there is no bad publicity)

Bad olive. Bad, Bad Olive...

Wondering what most people think is sexual misconduct.
I hope it is not just having sex.

Yeah, you shoulda been here to see hubs face. And then, his laugh, leaving him with a smile. He also said similar: "You had me going there for a minute".

I still ate it.

Why are you eating pizza 🍕 In bed in the afternoon?

Send, you stop that! You gave me a little nut!

CWillie, yes, Hedley, one of those bands that will never have International success and probably have lost their Canadian fans too.

Can anyone be surprised that a bunch of boys in a successful band were out s***ing around with anyone that was willing? Shouldn't we start calling out mick jagger & paul mccartney et al too?

Oh give it time CWillie. While we're at it lets wake up the dead from their graves.......maybe Errol Flynn, James Dean.

We have been buying out a lot, eating out much more to stay away from home during the asbestos demolition in our neighborhood. There were no construction workers today, so I was resting from being away from home so much.

Family tale that way way back in the last century my aunt - the Viking's sister - was at the beach and Errol Flynn was there and took a liking to her- never-mind my uncle was with her
Flynn had his bodyguard put my uncle in a trash can so he could get my aunt on his boat 🚣
Swashbuckling pirate

Well, get this. Clark Gable was a bit of a rogue too. Apparently, he pinched my Mom's bottom. When she turned around, all affronted he had the nerve to wait for it..............Can you guess? Okay, I'll just say it. "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!
This is just a rumor mind you..............May or may not have happened. But with all these stories going around........everyone is suspect, right? :)

Lol Gersun!
Back in the time, I don't know how a woman could feel a pinch all that well what with wearing girdles and all.

Took the Viking to the dentist for a cleaning today - she wasn't in the mood

I tried bribing her
that didn't work
I tried holding her hand
that didn't work

So I gave up and let her cuss a bit then scolded her

When she was done and we were headed out
The receptionist said the patients in the waiting room were
Getting scared

MsMadge, I laughed out loud at the end of your comment. I would have been one of those scared. One time, I was in my dentist chair waiting for the dentist when a child started crying hysterically. The longer I laid there, the more scared I became. Almost fled but ... I made it this far, I might as well finish it.. But I'm still chuckling, imagining myself in the waiting room.. hearing an ADULT cussing!

I expect James Dean was far more sinned against than sinning.

MsMadge, why *wouldn't* you eat pizza in bed in the afternoon with your loving SO? Certainly beats eating it on the sofa in the evenings with your (pizza-)loving dog.

I don't know much about James Dean. I was just trying to be funny.......:P

You are funny Gershun.

Happy Birthday in remembrance of your lovely Mom, who shares a birthdate with Luckylu's kittens, today one year old.

Imo, that remark was very unprofessional coming from the receptionist.
If you wanted to behave badly, you missed your chance to say to the waiting patients,
"Run, NOW, don't go in there!"

When I was five, I was having wing bite x-rays. The dentist said “bite down hard”. I did as told. The dentist screamed and pulled his finger out of my mouth dripping blood.

For their Birthday todaySend,weve been playing cat games all morning.I poured a whole bag of catnip all over their 4 scratchy scratches and they playfought for a while and then all crashed out.When they got up,we put on the music and did The Beanie Baby Boogie and then they had their favorite treat,a broth with anchovies and now they're crashed again.There's more in store when they wake up again.I love them so much and I'm so grateful they came and now my husband is too.He even brushes them sometimes.

My husband is building an Arby's in Oklahoma. Some people took him out to eat in a town they called hoca for short on the lake. All I could think of was Miss Madge and the Viking lol!

I hope his meal was better than the Viking's hoca fare - 😂

Becky - we had a dentist in our small town that had that happen too - kid bit him, he slapped the kid, the mother slapped the dentist and a lawsuit ensued with the mother suing the dentist and the dentist counter-suing for the injured finger and assault charges against the mother. What a mess. Never heard the outcome of the lawsuits, but he's no longer a dentist here. He left town.

I bit a dentist when I was about 7 or 8. He put his fingers in my mouth to force it open. He realized his mistake and I did not get my filling. This was a school dentist and he had a foot powered drill and we were sat in a hard wood chair with the head pushed back over the top. No local anesthetic in those days either.

Thus proving Veronica has always been a real tough cookie and the same smart girl today. I love her stories! Especially the old nursing stories!

Speaking from experience, old nursing stories are fun now.....but they sure weren't then!

Sue here is an old nursing story that will make your hair curl. I promise I had nothing to do with this one. The night nurses on one ward which consited of four side rooms of six beds.
Doing rounds they went into one room and found a female patient had died. They were terrified of what night sister would do when they called her. The patient had been dead a while and was very cold.
So being resourceful girls they filled the bathtub with hot water and carried the body to the bathroom. they let her soak for a while till she was nicely warmed up , put on a clean gown and carried he back to bed. Night sister duly arrived when called and pronounced the patient dead. As she was leaving she turned back and said " Funny how did her hair get so wet?"

The Medical student on pain of death were forbidden to set foot in the nurses home, but their residence looked out over some of the nurses home windows. On morning there appeared  a mysterious set of  white footprints on the wall of the nurses home and appeared to enter a room on the 4th floor. No one ever found out who did it. Matron was not amused.

Wow, I would never have thought of the bathtub! Eewwww.

Thankfully I went to college the "regular" way but my days in Catholic school sounded a bit like that nursing dorm. 😉

There have been so many advances in nursing that we could probably write a book.

Remember when;
Glass IV bottles?
Needle and syringe choppers?
Metal bedpans coated with white enamel?
Flat bed sheets for the top and bottom?
When smoking was allowed in the hospital?
Glass (Mercury) thermometers?
Manual blood pressure cuff and a stethoscope?
Cooling someone down with an alcohol bath?
With ice added if Temp. over 106*?
A mortar and pestle to grind meds?
Charting on paper (in a hard bound chart) with black pen (day shift), green ink (swing shift) and red ink (night shift)?
Those crazy "Flying Nun" nursing caps?
White dresses (uniform) with white stockings and white nursing shoes?
Medicine cards with patients' name and drug that sat in a little slot behind the paper med cup in an aluminum tray?
Showers lined up in a row...down the hall from your room?
When we used soap and water to clean our hands?(instead of antibacterial gel)
Fingernail inspection every morning by the nursing teacher? "Nail polish hides a multitude of sins", she'd say. She also checked the size of earrings (tiny or none at all), length of hair (off the shoulder) and proper stockings.)
"Latex" gloves?
Etc., etc.

Sometimes progress is a good thing! 💉

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