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Ralph's is selling a dozen pre-dyed eggs for $4.99

But are they c h o c o l a t e dyed?

Just do not know what it is about traditions from childhood......
Hard boiling those eggs (except for o n e ), dyeing them all.....
Learning to cope by spinning any egg you plan to eat because your brother is most likely to have given you the uncooked faster spinning egg.

Instead of hiding eggs, I have always had to hide the chocolate bunnies because they would be eaten by others.


I washed my plastic eggs last night - per the instructions -
and was getting ready to fill them when hoca called to say the Viking is getting sick - congestion and cough - they're also short staffed given the holiday and I only have one private caregiver for 2 hours at dinner for her

I'm gonna need more jelly beans to get through today

My much older siblings thought it funny to crack their hard boiled eggs on my little head
I did not

Put a Claritin inside the Viking's egg, MsMadge.

Then add 3 red jelly beans for her.

Happy Easter MsMadge.

Happy Easter everyone! Enjoy this day.

Easter; a full moon; the blue moon; April Fool's Day; National Atheists Day; Pay the rent the next day/day;

Looking at the Farmer's Almanac, they report on the best days of the year to do some things, like planting, harvesting, cutting hair to encourage growth, cutting hair to discourage growth, and, April 13th will be the best day to quit smoking, for those who need to.

"Rows rise over loved ones' ashes" is a headline in yesterday's paper. Oh dear, I thought, and read on.

According to the unnamed reporter, Mike Smoult, a member of the wills, trusts and probate team at Gorvins Solicitors, says he has seen a 68 per cent increase in people reporting underhand tactics in order to avoid letting the executor take control of the deceased's remains.

The reporter goes on to quote Mr Smoult verbatim as having said: "... A number of clients have reported that ashes are not always in the possession of their chosen party..."

And there I paused. From whom are these reports coming, exactly? And via what medium?

Someone mentioned this penguin post by private message.

It is significant to note when our best people on here can come alongside a new poster with a serious answer to help them, everything seems right somehow.

Since I was not feeling very serious, I did not answer, but maybe some of the other "brats" might want to view this:

". My penguin is $1080. Am l aligible for Madicaid?"".

(ruined by autocorrects' spelling feature on flippin' phone).

I'm assuming.

Still trying to figure out that newspaper report! "Rows rise?"
What, stalks of corn? Rows of tulips?

I thought you were going to burst forth with a spring poem or something.

Heh heh heh.

Maybe that report came from the ashes themselves, through a medium.????

I thought rows of corn
🌽🌽🌽🌽 hum. Probably not.

As per the dictionary; a serious dispute.
"Serious dispute arises over loved ones ashes."
Let's speak English for this century, shall we?

Row rhymes with now.
So who owns the rights to proper english if not the English? LOL

Smoult verbatim as having said: "... A number of clients have reported that ashes are not always in the possession of their chosen party.

According to the UNNAMED reporter-Mike Smoult.....
I guess the unamed DOES have a name!

Wow, the ashes have a chosen party-not the chosen party has the ashes?

Well, where in Heavens Sake, ARE the ashes?

What publication was this?
They should get the Golden Gufus award! 🏆

What is the brattiest dessert one can make for a Saturday night?

Will it have to be popcorn, the only snack left in house?

Just do not want to go out.


I lucked out on snack's tonight. PJ and I went to a faculty dinner dance at the Faculty Club. They had a big variety of canapés at the cocktail hour. One of my students worked as a server for the dinner. She packed us up a big box of leftover canapés and a box of the bite size desserts.

How nice Becky~
There's nothing good at our house tonight,not even any expired popcorn.

Keeping miniature quiche in my freezer has helped with snacks at anytime.
Luckylu, your suggestions about jello and applesauce snacks, keeping them on hand now has really helped. Having low blood sugar, not eating, and required to cook for hubs at his convenience was a problem for me. Two of us suffering from low blood sugar is bad.
There has not yet been a good time to shop in this month, but I guess it could be today, when hubs gets home from church, and he forgoes his 5 hour nap.

Self discipline, increasing efforts of survival helps.

Regarding "Rows rise", I learned from the British comedies that "row" means an argument.

Gosh, FF, I would have sworn an oath I've heard 'row' used like that in American films and tv, haven't I?

That's row to rhyme with cow, not as in paddle a boat.

You don't have row to mean a terrible loud noise, either?

I was surprised that nobody had heard the expression, it might not be too common anymore but I understood it right away.

Looking for somewhere to unload my growing hatred of smartphones. I would add "and their users" but I'm trying to hate the sin and not the sinner.

We have an art installation going on on the north front of the cathedral just now - a stream of red poppies, flowing from a window at the top of one tower all the way down to form a pool of them on the ground. Very touching (it's all part of the Great War centenary commemorations) and very nicely done.

The trouble is, the small daily crowds who congregate to see it are smack in the middle of our dog walk, so Dog and I have to thread our way through them to get home. There is another way round but it's longer, and anyway humph. We live here.

I wouldn't mind if they were standing and looking at the installation. But they're not. They're standing and staring at their stupid iPhones, eighteen inches in front of their stupid noses, with the result that they're completely oblivious to man or beast around them, then they step forward back right left trying to frame their shot, like it's some kind of masterpiece - and not just one more of the 17,000 images that they will NEVER look at again - and we're both fed to the back teeth of getting trodden on.

I'm starting to fantasise about snatching a few and stamping on them.

maybe you could teach Dog to growl on command and get him one of those collars with the spikes. Or maybe yell "Coming through watch out my dog bites" Or maybe walk with a friend and remark in a loud voice. " You know those smart phones give a lot of people cancer i would never use one" Folloed by "Heel dog don't bite that young man he's only taking a picture with his expensive smart phone, pity he couldn't afford to buy pants that fit and not show his bum, wonder if he gets chilblains" by which time friend will have rushed into the cathedral in embarrassment and you will be staring down a girl with a mohawk and and rings through her tongue. "Oh to be in England now that April's here"

Took the Viking to the dentist today since she wasn't too cooperative with the hygienist last time -
although she's a long time patient, I didn't recognize the new hygienist, so I try to clue her in that 'dementia is in the house'
She didn't catch my drift

Mom is doing her very best, and is basically opening her mouth as little as possible and yelling aahhhhhh
as I handle the rinse and spit cups and try to bribe her with pancakes

And, then mom can do no more and cusses a bit, not bad but enough to startle the poor gal, who looks to me and says are you surprised by this ?

I said, yes, she's doing so well, and she hasn't even tried to pinch you 😆

No wonder it was a new hygienist, I bet you get a different one every visit.
All the others have written in their notes.
"Never schedule me with Mrs Viking again. If you do I quit"

Mwah ha ha ha, so very funny. Your take on it is so funny, and Veronica's response is so funny too.
Today, I am going to the ophthalmologist, after 5+ years.......hmmmmmm.....

Send, I saw my ophthalmologist just yesterday. My gosh the drops they give you, my eyes were blurred and everything was so bright for hours afterwards. Told my boss I was just going to do paper shredding because I can't see much of anything else :P

I have issues with double vision since I have gotten older, and last year was the first time a prism was used in my lenses, and it was a great help. No more seeing people walking outside with an identical twin. My Dad had double vision, too. in his later years. This can be inherited. Ah ha, when looking at a photo of my great-great-grandfather as a teen, I could see a slight "lazy eye".

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