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Ms.Madge, The RV is gone 12 years ago. The photo is a display, from a store selling crystal.

Tatoos on your Mom? That is funny. Are you sure she is not just a brat too?

Right! with extra butter!

Yup I am a Brat. Gershun that was really funny about the uncontrollable laugh. That's something that one really gets you and I do think it happens after periods of stress. There are rare moments when my mother gets on her thang and instead of frustration or anger or rolling my eyes in my head I just see the whole thing as funny and I cant stop laughing and I even get her laughing In my head I am like oh @#$! What has happened to me and realize sometimes I wish I could just find every plain ole thing funny. Oh I just remembered I called my Grandmother once, we were real close in her old age. Anyways I was really going thru stuff with my mother and in shock when I speak to her and I say "You know your daughter is something else." Well she says "you wasnt no angel yourself you know. :)

Laughing in church...tsk tsk....Why is it that this urge frequently comes on at times like this!? I suppose there are worse noises one could make......:0

When i was a very little girl Mum used to take me to church every Sunday. Well that was pretty boring for a four year old so I amused myself by crawling under the pew in front and pinching the old ladies bottoms.

One of my youngest daughter's teachers called me and said K had given him the finger what was I going to do about it. "Nothing she gave you the finger so you punish her" When confronted. K told me he could not possibly have seen her but his son was in her class so must have told him!

Over the weekend, husband and I got into discussion about paperwork for son's evaluation for SSI Disability (autism). He admitted that putting all that together this summer and making appointments, doctor evals, etc. was a third part-time, almost full-time job. When I told him that's what scared me when his mother (my MIL) said that their lawyer said their DIL (me) could do all the paperwork when needed for MIL and FIL. Husband said - Don't worry. My brother and I will take care of it. Bratty moment? I told him "DONE! and no take-backs".

While hubby was a general practitioner in Scotland a patient's wife called and said "Send the Dr he's hanged himself AGAIN"
When hubby arrived he had indeed hanged himself and was hanging by a piece of electrical cord looking rather blue. after the man was dispatched to the hospital M found the wife sitting in the kitchen enjoying a cup of tea with her neighbor. Turns out this was a regular occurrence but the previous time the cord had snapped and the patient had tied the ends together to repair it. Unfortunately this shortened the cord so the man was no longer able to touch the floor with his tip toes.

Went into the general store in a small Scottish town to buy paint. " The saleswoman confirmed that they did indeed sell paint and then asked "and would ye be wanting black or white"?

My ex- son in law had ado while in Vet school and in their final year he and L rented an apartment.No wanting to risk loosing their deposit M asked me to take the dog on the farm. My other dog loved to hunt ground hogs which she promptly ate. The this dog belonging to my employee could catch them ut could not figure out how to kill them. Future ex- SIL's dog was fascinated but being a city dog could not get the hang of this hunting thing. One day she found the head of one of the victims and proudly carried it round in her mouth. We took a photo and sent it to future ex- SIL for Christmas in a nice frame. He was suitably disgusted. Never did like that young man.

Should have said "had a dog"

My son's godmother had a cat that thought she was a very poor hunter. Aja would go out hunting in their yard and bring back trophies. One fine summer morning, she looked out the door to a small semicircle of heads of field mice (the best bits, I guess) and the cat sitting proudly in the center facing the glass door.

Cat-Hunter trophies are the worst! Nothing quite like a barely alive baby vole being delivered to your room first thing in the morning. "Wake up, human, look what I have!" :-P

Gershun, You know that conversation we had about awarding 'trophies' for the baddest brats? Guess we are going to have to reconsider "hunting trophies",
because no matter how bratty someone is, they're not going to want mouse heads. ???

Except DDDuck, wants trophy with extra butter?
Am I misunderstanding the previous posted reference?

I know this sounds awful, but here goes... I'm disabled & I'm solely responsible for my Ma's care. We have no other family here in FL. In May, I used some $ from the sale of my house & booked an 8-day cruise with my youngest dtr's family (including 3 of my adorable pre-teen grandkids). We were to sail on the Disney Fantasy to the Western Caribbean. I begged my Ma to go with us & offered to fully pay her way, but she flat-out refused. One day prior to our leaving, Ma had a bad fall & ended up in the hospital. She insisted I go ahead on the cruise, as it was my first cruise ever & she knew how excited I was. I did go, but arranged for our neighbor to do whatever was necessary to care for my Ma. I had horrible guilt at first, and, of course felt like a major brat. But, I soon relaxed & had an amazing time... Mexico, Grand Caymans, Jamaica & the Bahamas!! I didn't even want to go home, but when I arrived, my Ma had been transferred to a rehab facility for three glorious weeks of someone else taking care of her every need!! I really felt bratty for enjoying it so much, but oh well... :-D

NnO, Respite! We call it respite! You did well, perfect timing, no guilt, a real good brat!

Yes Send
My mom is a brat but that is what keeps them going

Since someone is always trying to grab her walker away at memory care I put bright pink tennis balls on it along with a bell and a little pink beanie - peppa pig - I had no idea what a peppa pig is but I thought it appropriate because she likes to eat - she likes to joke and tell her favorite caregiver - who is kinda a big girl - look you look like the piggy 🐷

Well she's had this decoration for months but it suddenly disappeared Saturday and I have my suspicions who took it so when I go to the store to replace it I'm going to buy an xtra one and give it to this person just to see her reaction and then tell her I'm going to tell management what a wonderful job she's doing -NOT

Crawls back under the brat wire......OK OK so I am a brat and a nasty brat at that. Mum has gone from being very very poorly - with suggestion of ministers to rallying AGAIN and now she is constipated and I have refused to manually disimpact her as per orders from nurses. So what do you do when their anal sphincter wont close? I put her on the toilet using a padded toilet seat and made her a cuppa. I wont tell you quite how angry she was but it was way past very. So I made the position very very very clear - either she sat there and waited or I called for professional help. She chose the latter and they told me to leave her sat on the commode as it has a padded seat and they would be out this morning - needless to say 30 minutes later she passed said motion and I rang them to tell them all was ok.

Well all is OK except for mother thinking I AM THE DEVIL INCARNATE.. I told her I wasn't I was just a brat!

PS can I have my brat badge back please?

You have every right to receive your brat badge back. Good job! Everyone would want you to have your hearts desire, after everything you have done for your Mum.
Have you had your coffee today?

Gershun, Do you find it strange that once we mention awards or trophies, that Jude wants to come back in, just under the wire? Lol.
Thanks for your contribution, Jude, and everyone! So funny!

She should get an extra award of 4 Weeks respite, imo.

Jude can have an award. But we need more posts. The Brat committee will not give awards just by default. We need more entries.


Brat awards
1. Install second steering wheel in the car so Mom thinks she is still driving
2. Get grandpa a duplicate set of car keys that don't work,
3. Install digital lock on outside doors and don't tell anyone the combination.
4. Buy several identical sets of clothing for your loved one who insists on wearing the same thing every day
5. Fill an empty ice-cream container with a vegetable smoothie for your ice cream diabetic addict.
6. Make a recording of your voice full of Uha's, Really and Gotta go Mom see you soon for the frequent caller from Memory Care.
7. Put a set of bells on Mom's walker.
8. Put fake Money in Dad's wallet
9. Swap Mom's credit cards for ones that have expired.
10. Put fake pills in prescription bottles so you can give the correct dosage of the real ones.
There I made it to ten.
No there is one more
Print up fake checks to send donations to fake charities

Veronica you are an excellent candidate for the top brat award. Definitely in the top three.

My mom fell off the dining room chair at the memory care facility last week, trying to pick up her cane. They took her for X-Rays and nothing was broken or even bruised. No swelling or obvious problems in her legs. She has been using a wheelchair, insisting she can't walk, for a week.
Being a nurse, I know that she has to get "back in the saddle" to maintain her mobility. When I was there on Sunday, I got her up from bed and kept her standing for 2 minutes,all the while she was screaming directly in my face/ear with her mouth wide open, hollering at the top of her lungs. I felt bad but I knew "it was for her own good". I told her I was putting her in the wheelchair to go to the dining room. "I'm not hungry", she said. I took her there anyway. I told her I was leaving and, as soon as I was out of sight, she gobbled down the stew like she had't eaten for a week.
I started to feel bad, like a brat, 'cause I'm so mean with her (for her own good).

The next day I called the facility and the nurse told me she had walked to the bathroom, the nurse's station and the dining room!!! I was all a "show" for me. Damn, duped by my own mother..... and I know better.

Now, I'm GLAD I was a BRAT! ;)

Thank you Thankless!
Be a brat, Save a life!

Yeah, Veronica! Add in the tiny small print on the check :Not redeemable for cash.

Another technique: For a spouse who doesn't have capacity, hide a very small amount of cash where he can steal it from your purse, put the rest some place safe. Don't forget the laundry quarters, keep the stash small.

Back to the hearing aide guy tomorrow, for the weekly visit because the new ones have a problem ( I do believe they do.. BUT mom is driving me crazy with this) My call today was "it's my weekly phone call for Mom,,, at this point it;s about me and we need to get this fixed before I bang my head on the floor" He was laughing so hard when he called me back! But I am not kidding, at this point it;s about me!! He thinks he can fix it, but if not she is getting a replacement pair! I asked!!

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