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MsMadge, presumably the advertisers are thinking (correctly?) that iPad users are younger and richer than ploddy old desk-top bound people like me :)

Where are the Brats at tonight?! Roll Call!

Usually I don't enjoy secondhand embarrassment but I got a door to door campaigner today who managed to misinterpret ALL of my political opinions...and I think he thought I was I didn't feel as bad about being snarky with him!

He was quite the gymnast; never seen someone walk down a driveway with both feet in their mouth before!

My dear dH handed me a paper with a word he had written down and said it might interest me because it was about curvature of the spine,called peyronie's disease,so I looked it up on the computer and it was bent alright,,but it sure wasn't the spine....

Did you get lost in the new site again?

Follow Gershun's popcorn trail back here

Lol, Lucky! Is your DH always that good at anagrams? :)

CountryMouse...My dH rearranges ALOT of things around this house and in his mind~
I Never know what twisted thing he'll say or do next~

MsMadge...I think Send must be lost too. I sure hope she finds her way back-SOON!

Yes, I've been missing Send too...........Send!!!!!! Send!!!! Come back to the five and dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean!

Oh, sorry, l lost it there for a second. ............................Send! Send!

Where is Send? Should we send out a search and rescue dog? Private investigator? Psychic?

Ms Madge, I need the Viking’s unique skills; male nurse who comes to take BP and temp shows up every time I get sound asleep. Perhaps he needs a good pinch.

Mom and I were watching the news yesterday and there was a story about toddlers "making up" words for things they could not remember. The two I recalled were "Halloween eagle" for a crow, and "dancing in my pants" for ,,, passing gas. We laughed so hard,,as did my friends when I told them this.. reminded me of dad with his ALZ... So toddlers are like ALZ pts or vice versa.. but we all now have a new code word for "passing gas",,LOL

Any day at the beach would be a victory!

Here I am, missing all of you!

It is an ongoing internet thing, as ours is no longer supported or upgraded at all.

I'm so glad you found your way back Send. We were the ones missing YOU~

I had just finished giving the Viking some apple juice and tucked in again when staff came in for a diaper change - they throw on the lights pull off the blankets and lift up her nightie - the old gal was not pleased

Staff told the newbie caregiver to be careful, saying, she'll pinch you

Is it any wonder ?

Thank you, Luckylu!
Last night, dH was tinkering everywhere with wires, called tech support too, which is why we knew that the equipment is no longer supported. But why then, is it working a bit better now?
A loved one in AL wearing a catheter...My sis asked me to look up swim therapies....But I am now doubting everythingthing I thought I knew. Can a person even swim with a catheter? The brat thread is the only place to ask this dumb question, I am sure.

Becky, count yourself lucky that the male nurse that wakes you to take your vitals doesn't have some sort of body-part fetish. During one of my hospital stays several years ago, there was a young male nurse who had to take my vitals every couple hours during the night, and would wake me up to do so - and then comment on how small and cute my ears were as he put the thermometer in one of them - and he did it every single time he came in the room.

Gave me the creeps.

On my 1st surgery here on island, the nurses did vitals around the clock. I hated it when they woke me up and say loudly, "It's time for your vitals." So, on top of the surgical pain, the constant sleep interruption and then have to deal with family visitors during the day. I remember resentfully wondering why the hospital wasn't enforcing the 'no visitor' hours. My family just came in, stayed all day, TALKED to each other while I tried to rest from my surgery. When the surgeon walked in that 1st night after surgery, he saw my numerous family in the room. I was sitting up on the bed looking sooooo miserable. He asked me straight out in front of them if I wanted them to leave so that I can rest. I nodded emphatically. He shooed them out.

On my 2nd major stomach surgery in Hawaii, I had complications. The only time I was woken up at night was the morning after my 5pm surgery. The nurse was concerned that I didn't wake up All night. She said that I was very very pale. She had me blow into this plastic thing to make the black ball flow up. Couldn't even do it. She said that I must keep blowing into it until the ball reaches that point. Do you know how hard it was to try to get that ball to even go halfway?! Other than that, I don't recall being awaken at nights for the vitals.

Becky I don't think a catheter would prevent swimming. They fit very tight or they would slip out.
I know I can not swim or use a hot tub with my J tube in case water gets in which it could and slosh around in my intestines and cause infection. I don't know about colostomies.
Anyone out there got one and goes for a dip?

MsMadge gotta love that Viking.

Many many years ago when male nurses were as rare as hens teth in the UK one came in to check my B/P all the while stroking my arm.

The worst part was in major hospital where most of the aides were Eastern European refugees often with medical degrees. Gues you can get used to anything when one gets a bath!!!!!

It was the psychic that did it....woke me up in the middle of the night, saying you had surgery?
Hope you are feeling better soon.

I see Send has woken up
I was going to send one of those St Bernards with the barrel of brandy round his neck

My internet was working all day today. Found out about a 160 acre brush fire burning at the I-5 and 14 FWY. And found that I missed the 150th running of the Triple Crown June 9th at Belmont, "Justify" winning. Did you know MsMadge?

Thanks for the thoughts Veronica!

Really hate fire season---it is already summer and so very hot.

Mais quis, Send

Had free tickets including parking and program for the great race place - it wasn't a race to bet but what fun to see Mikey win the triple crown at the age of 52 - wish I could have taken the Viking to see it too

That would have been a lovely event MsMadge!

Just finished watching Seabiscuit on HBO - Gary Stevens was the Viking's favorite jockey

Had free tickets to a local concert.
Recovering from a bladder infection, I did not go, even though dH would have rolled me out in my former wheelchair.
Feeling bad because I now know that it is me, not taking advantage of any fun times.
Instead, stay home to figure out tough finances?
What is wrong with me?

Think maybe I will put " visit Santa Anita, The Great Race Place " on my bucket list if I ever get around to making one.  Mickey Rooney was seen making bets at the turf club many years ago, and he was old then.

Does anyone have a bucket list?

For me, everything's on hold til retirement (3 years, 7 months but who's counting?). Then I'll have time to do bucket list things.

I'd like to be certified in TESL or TEFL (Teaching English as a Second or Foreign language). Since we'll be retiring in Mexico, I'm sure I'd stay busy. I don't want to teach in children's schools (because they "have" to take the class and aren't necessarily interested) but to anyone who really wants to learn it. I'll take a plate of enchiladas as payment. 😋 🌮

I'd also like to 'seriously' study Spanish. I can speak it now but I'd like to be wonderfully fluent.

I want to volunteer for a "good cause". (Whether women's shelter, animal shelter, soup kitchen, etc.) to give back to others for all the blessings I've received.

I want to go diving again before I'm too old and my body gives out.

Loose weight.....hahaha

I'd like to meet the little girl I sponsor in the area near Mexico City.

Nuff stuff to keep me busy for awhile.

I threw my bucket list into the bucket.

My parents had worn me out to a point when I come home from work, I stay home.... no energy at all. Heck, going to Target for me is like going to Disney World, that's about the speed I am at now :P

One thing I always wanted to do was visit all of the Presidential Libraries. Not going to happen :(

My favorite jockey was Laffit Pincay.

DH suggested we go to Target yesterday, and I just could not go!
Stopping by a closer market on the way home. We both slept the heat of the afternoon away, barely able to get dinner at 8 p.m. due to the heat.

Here is an idea who's time has arrived:
Marriage licenses should have an expiration date.

Divorce is way too adversarial and expensive. It is easier and cheaper to get married, once the first license expires. Here, fill out this form:

__ Put an X in the box if you want to renew your license.

Couple could make a financial plan accordingly.

The government could get a fee for the license renewal.

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