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When hubs comes home, In n Out.

Aerosmith or Stones ?

Neither, but if I had to pick I'd pick Aerosmith. Don't care for Jagger's prancing around the stage. But hey, to each his/her own.

It doesn't always do to see your favourite songs' lyrics written down.

Snow is cold
Rain is wet
Chills my soul right to the mar-row...

Never mind the 'you don't say' irritation, there. Souls have marrow?!

It is still one of my favourite songs and I won't hear a word against Carole the Great.


I love Aerosmith! Not a fan of the Stones...gotta say though I think Keith Richards and Steven Tyler both must have nine lives.

Aerosmith! Steve Tyler might have used up 8 of his 9 lives. Love this band!😛💕🎹🎶

Before you all get too crazy on the 4th (Thursday), remember the judge won't be in until Monday!

Happy 4th!

Maybe we could all think of some fun games to play while were in the "Waiting"room Send~

I spy?

Pin the tail?

The alphabet game. Where you pick a category and start with A naming all things in that category up to Z.
(I am not making sense. :))

Count the floor tiles.

Just bring some cards lots of card games to go through in 4 days.

I brought water pistols to the hoca lunch today - not sure the administration appreciated it
too bad the Viking didn't squirt them

Nice try anyway MsMadge~

Go fish?

Probably not...Spin the Bottle~


I love charades.
Never can get anyone to play. But Oh how it makes me laugh. I love a good laugh.

What if we get into more trouble while were waiting to get out of it?

I had that happen once when the teacher made me stay in at recess~

What kind of trouble are you looking for Luckylu?

Hope not R E A L trouble.

Today has enough trouble of it's own, imo.

Why didn't you squirt them?

Believe me Send...I'm not looking for any trouble,it's just that sometimes it finds me.

Yes, I understand.
I am just sleeping, at 4:a.m., all innocent like, and a earthquake aftershock of 5.4
wakes up Tweety at 4:07 a.m., he's hanging on the side of his cage, afraid.
Thinking that I would have slept through it otherwise.

Feeling unsettled today.

I bet you feel unsettled after that big earthquake Send,both you and Tweety&
I'm so sorry that happened.
Take extra good care~

I used to get into trouble all the time when I was in Elementary School for making the other kids laugh. I used to have to stand in the hall outside the classroom. Then my older narc sis would walk by and see me standing there and shake her head so superior like. At least I know how to laugh and have fun. (and get into trouble)

My mom gave each of us an envelope with some report cards and things like that in them. One of mine said "She is a good student but tends to act very silly at times"

It would appear nothing has changed. :)

Thanks Luckylu! It had never occurred to me that someone expressing empathy
as you do in a kind way was part of what was missing in my life, as I have always been tough on myself. And I learned from you more about empathy.

Gershun, amazing, isn't it, how we can feel so down on ourselves by the acceptance or unacceptance of others, especially family. Entering community college, the counselor showed my grades history. Thinking I had received D's and F's throughout school, I had B's and C's. That struck me as weird, after a lifetime of disapproval from alcoholic parents.
As far as "silly" goes, I now consider it a gift, not such a bad fault. If you weren't a bit silly, you would be intimidating to get to know. And so nice, getting to know you!

Both of you, I really appreciate you!

Ditto Send~I really appreciate you too!

I appreciate all the kind and caring poster's here on AgingCare~

And there are so many good people behind those screen names....
I thought I would just make a start with Luckylu and Gershun.

Thanks everyone!

Hey, MsMadge!
You could not have missed a 7.0 @ 8:17 p.m. tonight, now could you?

I am officially scared, nothing fell, but it shook a good 3 minutes plus some.


I appreciate everybody on here too. You guys help me keep what's left of my fragile sanity.

Just Kidding.............I'm not insane, at least not that I know of. Muah ha ha!

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