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Anyone tried the new Halloween skittles ?

I prefer to save my allowable calories for real food MsM. Like chocolate.

More muttering under my breath at the fashion pages - today's advice? If you're a short-arse (my ears prick up) you can make your arms look longer by not wearing a wristwatch.

Ears down, as you were. Ffs rhubarb mutter hate grumble what's wrong with these NUTjobs...

So no necklace and you'd look absolutely giraffe-like. No socks, like a orangutan. Just think of the possibilities.

I always felt too tall so I guess then the solution is five watches on each arm. Okay..........

I don't read fashion magazines by the way. Too depressing.

Carry on.

Tall is beautiful!
My grandchildren are tall. One boy, o n e girl.

Half of the Viking's socks are missing their mate

someone overheard staff say residents are all wearing mis-matched socks

Tall can be beautiful Send but I reached my full height of 5'10" when I was eleven. I definitely did not feel beautiful then. I just wanted to be small. Now I've started to shrink and am 5'9". Maybe I ll still get my wish.

Madge, things were always disappearing at my mom's nursing home. Socks, makeup, a nice comforter I bought her. I never said anything cause it wasn't till after my mom had passed and I was clearing her room out that I noticed. By then I had other more important matters on my mind.

I always wanted to be tall! I was tiny as a kid and still tiny. But my grandfather built me a pair of stilts as a kid and I could step off my porch onto them.

I practiced and practiced until I got it and I became so good that I could walk around the entire block on my stilts. I felt so tall on them! I loved those things. I could have joined the circus because I got to where I could walk anywhere on those stilts. The other kids in my neighborhood wanted some too and grandpa built some for all the kids.

I couldn’t reach the pedals on my first bike. I had to have wooden blocks attached to reach them.

I desperately wanted to make it to 100 pounds when I graduated but never did. Stayed at 96 pounds. Not too much more than that now. I got sick of being called ‘bird legs’. Been that way all my life. I was always very active though. Guess it’s my metabolism too. Nowadays I ride an exercise bike because I had a terrible bicycle accident in my 40’s and had to have steel rods placed on both bones in my arm.

An ER doctor once told me that he saw lots of 40 year old women wipe out trying to in line skate with their kids! Hahaha. I never tried those things. My kids loved them and skateboarding.

Santa Ana wind driven, indiscriminate fires are transcending jurisdictional boundaries in Southern California.
Last night @ 9:30 p.m., 15 acres had spread by jumping freeways which are now closed-empty freeways, a profound sight in L.A. Area- spread to 75,000 acres by
about 1:30 p.m. Friday. Freeway closures are the 210, 5, 405, 118, 126, S. Rt. 14
Additional fires are in surrounding counties.

Power outages are expected throughout California due to the Santa Ana Wind conditions. s Stay safe everyone. We are safe here.

Correction: 7,500 acres.
Sorry, there are conflicting and confusing reports from the news.

Horrible, Sendhelp.

Nature can get scary.

Wearing mismatched socks can be a fashion statement.
When I read about it, I did try it a few times, on purpose.

I must begin to partake in that fashion trend! I have so many socks that one will develop a hole in the toe or heel or disappear completely! And I keep them, do not wear them. But getting over my aversion to mismatched socks would solve that problem!👣👣👣😆

I love my socks, very colorful patterns, bright colors. No better gift and my kids know it!

My friend suggests slipping your glasses inside a sock, keeping an extra pair in the kitchen to read a recipe.

The fires have some containment, the winds have calmed. It is a sunny day, with most of the smoke far away. We are okay here.

I bought wine to take to dinner tomorrow but I want some now, would it be bad if I only bring 1/2 a bottle?

Well Cwillie, you can always drink 1/2 and fill it back up with water.. like we did when we were kids and didn't want the folks to know we sampled the booze... UH Not that I personally did that.. wink wink

What a flipin freak show at hoca last night and it was only the full harvest moon eve

still don’t have the Viking’s lab work back and I have a care meeting tomorrow with what’s left of staff

I ran into the market today for some basics

the woman in front of me must have had ten pounds of carrots 🥕

i was feeling sassy and asked her if she had a rabbit 🐰

she said, no, it’s for juicing

I replied, oh good for you - I’m buying candy - they are two for a $1

of course, I remember when a Hershey bar was ten cents

Ha ha, everybody knows those in bulk carrots are for horses.

A Hershey' s candy bar is still ten cents.
It is just that it's the smaller Halloween treat size.

But I do remember the houses that were giving out full-size Hershey' s at Halloween when I was just a wee trick or treater. Lol.

I must be old.  I remember when candy bars were 5 cents!  We buy candy we like for Halloween, so that we have some leftovers for us.  In rural areas like ours, kids are driven to homes for trick-or-treat, and only to those they know are safe.  When did dangerous candy start happening?

The doctor said it is medically necessary that I lounge on the beach for a week.
Also, I am calling myself 'the doctor' these days...I do that sometimes.

Dr Send, can you write me a script for a week in a high end hotel with room service and good TV? And no family, only my dog? I have a $10, copay?

The Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel just for you, Pammzi!
(About $799 per night).
Not covered by your insurance, and my advice is free.

The Hotel Del Coronado with Sunday brunch in the Crown Room

but you if you can't make the trek to San Diego, then rent the old Some like it Hot with Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe - it was filmed at the Del

One would have thought last night was a full moon at hoca

a new resident was having a melt down (rightfully so imo).

another resident said the principal told her to ask me to take her to her room, which I did as no one else was around to do so - her closet was bare, no nightie - staff had removed her clothes since she packs them in a plastic bag to leave otherwise

for the second week in a row, the Viking was left alone and not given dinner. Staff called the new head nurse who pretended to be aghast - meanwhile her staff is overworked and quitting

by the time I got mom out of solitary confinement and a plate she was in no mood to eat -

another family member found her bed bound mom in a wet bed with a tray left in the corner of the room

by bedtime, the Viking said no to prayers and fought falling asleep saying, don't you dare leave me

As awful as I felt about institutional care at least I knew that mom was (mostly) well cared for. Maybe you and the other family members need to arrange a protest complete with media, and all the residents could hold up signs detailing the care they are not getting.

Oh Miss Madge......So Sorry Hotel California is not feeding the Viking. I want to lick someone with my boot!

(((((((hugs)))))) madge

Wishing the Viking could have the moon!

Jimmy Stewart quote:

"“You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down."

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