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Not sure this belongs here, but I was playing Google Dr. and I started to type in urinating less, Google thought I really meant urinating in lederhosen. lol

Kellse ~ HAHAHAHAAAA! That's hilarious! When there are auto-finish suggestions like that, it means someone out there is searching for it... but it strikes me as an unusual search, this "urinating in lederhosen" query. Maybe I live in the wrong part of the world.

I just discovered this thread and you are all so bratty. Of course before I knew there was such a thing I assumed you were all talking about The Captain's brats.

Countrymouse, I am exactly the same way. I lose it laughing about something and have been know to start laughing on the bus or in the grocery store lineup. I used to worry that people might think I'm psycho but now I don't really care. Is that a sign I'm getting old?

jiglebts I am missing the Captain and his brats. I hope he is just fine. And by the way I too get those laugh moments. Sometimes to tears its not off but it feels good when it does. I sometimes think its a breakdown in a way. Maybe to make room for more bs I dont know. Or a natural cure to built up stress we relive or remember something that tickles us over and over.

Gershun: No ... it's a sign that you still have your sense of humour. I told CM in a PM that my mum and I used to read the same book (Three Men in a Boat), she at 35 and I at 15, and there was a passage that neither of us could get thru reading aloud without laughing ourselves boneless (yes, an Anne Tyler I fan I am too).

I have a similar gut-wrenching laugh far less now. In fact, the last time I recall having it was with my grandsons, when I threatened them with "the wrath of Gamma". They fell over laughing, so I laughed myself boneless too. That was early summer.

I laugh far too little now.

DDDuck: I miss him too ... what's going on, Cap'n?

I think it might be a cure for stress too -- at any rate, you feel so much better after. Dunno, but I wish I could laugh like that more often.

When my mom was in her speed dialing phase I took my phone number down wile I was at work and posted my brother and sisters numbers - now that she doesn't have access to a phone in memory care and they don't visit I'm thinking of giving her her cell phone back and putting their numbers in all the speed dial numbers

captain gave a hug 8/30/2016 at 8:25 pm
eh , im doing fine . were getting a portable saw mill out at the farm . being a stone mason , im not particularly interested in lumber but it assures me of plenty of forest work this fall and winter .
our three colonies of bees are doing well . we arent likely to harvest any honey in their first year but if a good spring nectar flow is realized , those bees can produce an absolute LOT of surplus honey .
saw a funny comment in a brit newspaper yesterday . the story was entitled " how do you know when your marriage is over ? "
one wiseass commenter said he knew his marriage had ended when he tamped down the last shovel full of dirt . LOL

Brats are the wurst!

Aaarrgggghhhhh! Evil! Terrible! Send that is vile - I will send it to my daughter immediately!

Very careful to laugh myself silly or should I say "wetty" If you don't know what that means ask any elder who has had several kids!

I was a caregiver for years. I didn't complain. My body ached - I was in desperate need of sleep - but I kept going. I couldn't stop - they needed me. Now I am in a nursing home and being abused physically, verbally, mentally, emotionally. They are sick SOB's here. And it starts withe the top admin. Where can I get help - PLEASE.

Victim1952: sorry this is happening!! Advice 1. talk to the Ombudsman - Long Term Csare requires names and numbers to be posted; and 2. **start a new thread on here** - you picked a thread where people are going to sound like sick SOBs but are really not, just acting up a bit to let off steam.

Perfect answer, perfect explanation for this thread.

Now, can you please explain the new thread posted, "Negativity on this site"
posted to divide caregivers against caregivers, to make negative remarks about the negativity on this, the brats thread?

Starry, starry night, the're not listening, perhaps they neved will......

"Negativity" is just about expressing hurt feelings over disputes on the site and one of our regulars going MIA, no worries for you Send :)

thank you vstefans - and there is nothing wrong with you venting about being a caregiver - it's a thankless job - you get no relief - everything piles up on you - and you have lost your life and your identity - God bless you all and give you the strength you need to carry on - you are doing God's work - caring and loving - don't jump ship - vent and let it out - I pray daily for all care givers - I know what it is like. Blessings to you all.

Hey, guess what? The pj's turned up. Someone very kindly sent them to the laundry. The glasses, however, remain MIA. I went to Costco and got three pairs for $20. Beats the $700 + from the optician.

Cwillie, it is not often these days that I laugh out loud but I did so when I read your comment about the woman and the nightgown! (Did you know that your avatar auto-corrects to Chillies?)

I am going outside, in the dark, looking for worms to eat, waiting for the brat hostess to show up-where are you Gershun? Come in good buddy, ten four brat?

Is that a holloween costume or rainmom's raccoon?

"I am going outside, in the dark, looking for worms to eat"....

Reminds me of the little song my dad taught me.

No body loves me, everybody hates me, I'm goin' out and eat worms.
Great big fat ones, little tiny skinny ones..oooh, they make me squirm!

Gosh, haven't thought about that in years. I miss my dad. Thanks for bringing back a smiley moment. 😌

Well now that song is gonna be stuck in my head 🐛🐛🐌🐌

Wow, Thankless!
It's not that I am unthankful, but that song was so very bratty that when Rainmom posted it,,the post was taken down. Lol, ha ha,ha. I was thinking of the song when I said eat worms. Hoping your ditty is not removed, but don't worry, it sounded so much badder when Rain said it. joke folks. its funny to me.

Ms. Madge, my avatar is a photo of a real racoon, from a magazine cover. If I kept a racoon like this, I would be training it to steal Rainmom's cigarettes. Kind of rare, exotic coloring.

How are the brats tonight?

Tomorrow is mom's 93rd bday and marks her 7th month in memory care - we are changing her meds from seroquel to Risperadol (sp)? In hopes of keeping her inner Viking at bay - the old gal is still a formidable warrior

I spent my Saturday night going to three different drug stores to enlarge an old photo of her and her friends playing golf to give her as a present - she was about my age now in this photo

I wish I could go play golf but with work mom and exhaustion I guess I'll just eat worms instead

Happy Birthday to Ms. Madge's Mom!

Thanks Gershun, that is a red panda! How did you know?
Guess everyone's cigarettes won't get stolen from my racoon.
Don't worry.!

Everyone! Here are the new rules for "Caregivers Behaving Badly", please write them down so you won't forget:

So are we even allowed to talk about Caregivers Behaving Badly? Cool!

Surely you have something to share, you are one of the brightest brats!

Too many rules did not bother to read a single one.

Mom loved the custard the hostpital had but she hated Splenda.I never told her it was made with Splenda and she lapped it up.

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