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I am sorry if my comments offended or upset anyone. But it won’t happen again. I’m tired of the PM’s I’ve received. Three batches of attacks from the same four posters. No more for me. My life doesn’t depend on Aging Care.

I'm glad I missed it, I knew that anything I had to say there, no matter how well meaning, would not be well received so I purposely stayed away.
As for cliques - some of us have been here for a long time, we know each others back stories and have followed along through each others caregiving journeys. I think that it's natural and normal that some people resonate with us more than others and I think it's kind of cool that I "know" so many people from such diverse places and walks of life.

Send, I was told by people in vintage motoring circles that the exclamation "Gordon Bennett!" originated in the early 20th Century with a famous playboy, racing car motorist and yachting enthusiast of that name whose boisterous style ruffled feathers in gentlemen's clubs of the time. I believe he was involved in establishing the Americas Cup yachting trophy, but don't quote me; certainly he was a real (and presumably quite vivid) personality.

I was delighted beyond measure, back in the 1980s, to see from a noticeboard outside our local church that the minister in charge was The Reverend Gordon Bennett. I still have the photo I took.

I do love the whole theme of names and naming. I love the story that Samuel Longhorn Clemens picked "Mark Twain" as his pen name having so often heard it called out on the Mississippi. I can just picture his ears pricking up as the river pilots hallooed "Mark Twain!" out across the water, and him wondering to himself who Mark Twain was and whether he ever answered them. [I have been told this story is mere picturesque myth, but I refuse to believe so. It is *exactly* the kind of thing that would have appealed to him.]

I’ve been on AC for over a year. I read everything but rarely comment. What has been described as a “Tongue in cheek” post from Send about posting a lie to get followers to me seemed very accurate in the context of all the meanness that was going on that day. I have asked one or two questions in the time I’ve been on the forum. One question was answered by a couple of posters responding I was troll or some using a second identity. I have read a lot of posts that are very helpful and sincere. I wish I had had the information when I was caretaking my parents. I’m down to just my MIL now and she is in Memory Care.

Oh this is rich.

And I’m talking about the person who deleted their account in a huff after saying someone admitted to trolling, and then came back and posted under another ID. That right there is trolling.

I guess I tend to not connect the dots because most of the time IDK who or what you are all talking about😖

So very sorry you feel lost.
In keeping with the original spirit and intention of this thread:

Can you still find your way to an In N OUT burger place?

I can't find the pets behaving badly thread,, so here I go.. My puppers Chloe ate an entire sweet baby pickle today!! She is a little food begger, and normally I let her sniff the nasty stuff, like onions.. then she goes away. So I was making deviled eggs, she was up my leg.. so I held a pickle down for her to sniff,, and just like that it was GONE ! Off she went, hubs and I were amazed and laughing, trying to get it back.. nope.. down the hatch it went in several bites.. That was the family laugh for today..
And I had a mamogram today, it got lost in the shuffle of moms hospital stay and my dental work.. my ladies are fine in case you were wondering.. LOL

Found this online:

Super Bowl LIV
Feb 02, 2020
Hard Rock Stadium
Miami, FL

So, a website has leaked the top 18 commercials for the Superbowl. That will really be something to watch! See the "Typical American" ad by Budweiser!

Using criticisms towards Americans, it is very encouraging, when truth is demonstrated. You will have to see it.

I hear some SoCal cities are cancelling lunar new year celebrations this weekend due to the threat of the virus - should I be wearing a mask?

Only if you've already been wearing one to avoid catching all the other strains of 'flu that are going around, MsMadge.

It isn't that I don't understand people's anxieties, or governments' anxieties not to be accused of not doing enough to "control" the pandemic; but I keep wondering - how many people worldwide have died of 'flu or 'flu-related complications this year that haven't attracted the media's attention because it's just the average predicted outcome? Let's get excited about that for a few minutes: they do say "a change is as good as a rest."

Of course wear a mask, MsMadge, it is part of the celebration! A beautiful happy, colorful mask!

I nearly bought a birthday card in town today that read:

"I saw this card and thought f*** it, that'll do."

It made me laugh to myself all afternoon, but who could you possibly send it to?

Countrymouse that's funny! My sister once got me a Birthday card that said "I know that this card isn't much but then neither are you"


my husband recieved a card:
I ordered you a computer online for your birthday.
But it crashed!

The cards come printed with those 'funny' sentiments.
Gershun, that wasn't a funny sentiment.

CM was right. Who, really, are we supposed to give them to?

Wouldn’t that be an interesting job to have? Writing cards? I couldn’t do that job! Some are great and some are not so great. So many people do the online cards. Not the same for me as a nice card that arrives in your mailbox or attached to a present.

I stopped mailing Christmas cards. I used to send cards to people who still send them to me. I stopped that too. Kind of a pain. Some people love sending them. I hate those letters in some of them. Hahaha, sorry but I do. They all sound so rehearsed and contrived.


A pickle? That’s hilarious!

We have a "special"mustard jar in the frig,I always hope someone will open,because a big surprise pops out when you open it,kinda like a pickle.....

I have been away from the forum for a little while. Not sure what happened recently but I agree with all who acknowledge how personal this journey is for everyone. I myself have dealt with having my parents care and estate hijacked by a selfish family member - not even a sibling. We were lucky - we were able to get her out of the picture and all the legal damage reversed. We persevered through that nightmare by always doing the right thing and for the right reason. With that, YOU CANT GO WRONG.
Now comes the rest of the journey. There again, in caring for our parents we are determined to give them the end of life experience they want and deserve. We are on our 3rd agency for 24/7 care and my parents are very happy with them. They both have Alzheimers and are still mobile and able to make their wishes known- they just need help and supervision. Even with 24/7 care, it sure feels like something comes up every day. One or both not having a good day and trying to send the caregivers away, clogging the toilet b/ c they put something in it they shouldn’t have, agency not able to replace a caregiver who called out (hopefully that’s resolved), MD Appts, etc.... we fought so hard to get our parents back it’s hard to be cynical about those things- so far.
I truly believe in Karma and even if you were never close to those you find yourself responsible for, doing the right thing for someone else will change your life
I know my boys have a whole new respect for the elderly and for putting others who need help before themselves. If that lesson Is the best gift I ever give them that’s fine with me.
As for my parents, they will have everything they need and as happy a life from now til the end as possible That’s the best we can do for them. What an honor to be given that responsibility.


After catching up a little on here, I have no idea what happened. In our family it is code word "Bambi". I think it was Thumper the bunny that said "If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say 'nothin at all". If somebody is getting mean we say "Bambi". But moving on this Kansas girl says Go Chief's! Whoops we may have just lost it right there. Dang. Goodnight my loves! I love you all!

I hope they haven't lost it BootShopGirl.......COME ON CHIEF'S~

Hey Here we go luckylu! K.C. Chief's for the win! How 'bout our boy's tonight?!

They did it!!!
And the Show me State has shown 'em!!!

Interesting game. Never liked the 49er's or the Chiefs being a Bronco fan. But, I was rooting for the Chiefs, haven't won a Super Bowl in 50 years! Good to see a different team win. Congrats you Chiefs fans!

Kansas City Chiefs....are in Missouri?
o m g .
They are not in Kansas anymore?

Dorothy and ToTo are still in Kansas~

History lessons Luckylu? Following the yellow brick road.....
Still the same places, states apart?

Today Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri remain two separately incorporated cities but together, along with a number of other cities and suburbs, are part of the Kansas City Metropolitan area.

Where does the Tin man live?

The Tin Man lives in Munchkin Country in the Land of Oz and he provided shelter for Dorothy and Toto their first night in Oz on their way to Emerald City.

The problem with going so far back in history, is that the original cast members have died.
"Are there any cast members still alive from the Wizard of Oz?
No. All of the principal cast is dead. As of the 24 May, 2018[1]passing of the last living Munchkin, Jerry Maren (who portrayed one of the three representatives of the Lollipop Guild) at age 98, every actor who received an on screen credit or spoke dialogue in the Wizard of Oz is dead."

Sad news.

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