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Yes, Veronica: TLDR
There is way too many smart alecks on here-I don't often get this stuff until later.
So for those who have not watched "Fight Club", The reference to rules was:
"The first rule of fight club is: You do not talk about fight club." 1999 Brad Pitt

Thank you for being so very bad-azz! The both of you!

Sendme did you really type rules cause they did not show on my computer or was that the point. Am I being dumb? It wouldn't be the first time.

No rules, Gershun.
1) Thought it was funny enough when there were no rules, none posted.
2) Then, Churchmouse posted, and Veronica, making it very clear that I made a funny reference to fight club without knowing it. It was those two who made it funny.
3) Then, still wondering out there, where in llll are the rules? Others wonder if it was a typo, and what are the rules, when will we know, and what is that big, blank box?
4) What is wrong with these people, anyway. Inquiring minds want to know.
Maybe they are all blonds?
5) Ahh, lets all make Sendme the butt of all the jokes, she's a blond, right? Make her explain it. The joke is on her, ha ha ha.

Proof that none of us get out into the world enough, imo.

Gershun ~ You're not being dumb, of course not. Send made a funny. It's more difficult to get the gist of things just from dry text on a computer screen. The rules weren't anything but a bunch of ellipses. I'll repost the rules here for clarification:







Those are the ones I remember. (((hugs))) all, hope you're enjoying the weekend.

Re-posting the blond joke:

7 days ago:

Why we all need a good diagnostician:
A young brunette goes into the doctor's office and says that her body hurts wherever she touches it.
"Impossible," says the doctor. "Show me."
She takes her finger and pushes her elbow and screams in agony. She pushes her knee and screams, pushes her ankle and screams and so it goes on, everywhere she touches makes her scream.
The doctor says, "You're not really a brunette, are you?"
She says, "No, I'm really a blonde."
"I thought so," he says. "Your finger is broken."

Poster # 500 on the Caregivers Behaving Badly thread.

It has really been an interesting experience, living between the vast expanse between socially acceptable and socially unacceptable.
I call this new place to reside the socially exceptable space.

Where have you been, Gershun?

Ali, That is just the way I remember the rules too---a big blank box!

Is that how you all remember it too?

Around the town Send, doing weekend errands etc.

A husband comes home from coffee hour at the senior's centre to find his still beautiful blonde wife sitting at the kitchen table in tears.
"What's wrong, dear?" He asks. Through her tears she says, "well, I've been trying to put this puzzle together all morning and I just can't seem to figure it out! It's supposed to be a tiger."
He looks at her and in his most sympathetic voice says, "sweetheart, let's put the frosted flakes back in the box."

Saw this today:

"This too shall pass. It might pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass."

Bob Newhart is 87 today. It was by listening to The Driving Instructor that I first discovered that just talking could be funny, and I will love him forever.

Cwillie, That story about Tony the tiger was really kinda sad.
Tears now.

Are we even allowed to talk about the Eskimos?

You mean the Canadian football team lol? (Yes, we do have a football league up here)

Apparently it is still PC for you Americans to talk about Eskimos, it is only here in Canada that it is a dirty word.

CW, there was a BBC reporter being all smug about himself because he knew better than to use the E word and kept talking about the Inuit instead; then he got his ear chewed off, because these particular indigenous people were not Inuits, and I was so busy cackling that I didn't catch the right name. What is the correct term in polite circles? I know in Australia it's First People - it's Australians who have no sense of irony, btw, not Americans - but I imagine the Asiatic-derived communities in Canada have a more sophisticated concept?

Our northern indigenous peoples are Inuit, the southern tribes prefer to be referred to as First Nations.

The Eskimos have the Eklutna Tribe.There are many Eklutna cemetaries there.Many Spirits!

Way too old to learn to be politically or culturally correct-I have alway tried and succeeded in at least being polite and compassionate. When treated with disdain by narcissists and bullies, there is a time when one has to either speak up, or learn not to give a ***. There actually is a book that I suspect many enlightened folks on the forum have already read, or at least are aware of the title. Which reads, (the uncapitalized version): thelife-changing magic of not giving a *&@*:
How to stop spending time you don't have with people you don't like doing the things you don't like doing. Without rudeness, without being a jackass, the book's author, Sarah Knight, admits her writings are profane and giddy, and uses the Not Sorry Method. Don't actually have the book yet, but just the title is liberating to me.

No offense to a poster on here whose screen name is SorryNotSorry, and I just cannot apologize to Eskimos to whom no offense whatsoever is intended, further, disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer for anything whatsoever.

E S K I M O pies, they're GRrreat!!!!!

I just love Eskimo's............:P

Let's all get out our Eskimo Yo-Yo's!!! OR We can give Eskimo kisses!

Lucky, Are the E-yo-yos a food, a toy?
I think the E-kiss is rubbing noses, or was that just in cartoons?
Researching now, because my neighbor told me her son was tested for MRSA prior to surgery-the nose is where one carries the MRSA.
(methicillin resistant staphyloccocus aureas.), a dangerous infection difficult to clear.

Thinking I will just get out the frosted flakes, spread them all over the floor, and "pretend" that I am walking on eggshells. lol.

crunch crunch Gershun and Send walk on eggshells. Otherwise, life is just golden.;)

Now, the pieces of the puzzle will be oh so small. We may never see Tony again.
Gershun, have you seen the e a r of the tiger?
What about you, Cwillie, Luckylu? Do either of you have the tiger by the tail?
Have you seen my paw?

What movie was eye of the tiger the theme song ? Band ?

C'mon gals - first prize is a trip to Alaska

Rocky 3

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