Does your Cat (or any pet) misbehave since caregiving your loved one?
Have you been required to take care of your loved one's pet after they have passed? Does your pet have cute antics that entertain your loved one?
And finally, has the cat or dog transferred their loyalty to your Mother?
I'm happy that there are kind people like you out there. It's too bad vets don't offer to help pay vet bills for their old pet shelter animals then maybe more people would adopt the older ones.
glad - that's how Rocky was. She only ate dry cat food to begin with. Never had a cat like that. Pumpkin loved her wet cat food but when I put a dish down for Rocky she wouldn't eat it, so I stopped giving it to her. Then I found her cleaning up Pumpkin's leftovers. So I gave Rocky a little. Now she eats both wet and dry and is branching out to human food - as available! She likes a small treat of some vegetables (potatoes, lettuce), and, now, some human protein. Go figure. I had one cat that loved olives - would go nuts for them and another that would play with almonds in the shell, then crack them open and eat the almond.
Anche - a roaring rabbit. That's funny! He sounds like a handful, but entertaining!
Thank goodness boiling raw chicken is pretty easy to do once a week. In the past, we use to have to go to the grocery store at noon when the hot roasted chicken was ready. "Jesse" would enjoy that for a week. Oh, the boiled chicken needs to be organic :P
And they find me.
All other cats could care less that I exist.
I have been looking for a recliner!
Thankfully, the owners were found.
Your feral mama captured your heart, too. There's something special about some of them.
I knew you would have an explanation.
I still miss the great personality of the feral cat who had kittens on my enclosed back porch. She chose to move in, I could not deny her when she was ready to deliver her kittens. Years later, she saw me when I was visiting family, and came over to say hello.
Looking forward to your success as you will be graduating!
I told my bro this -- that I would "try" him and then if it didn't work out, I would take him to a well-reputed shelter. I think that's why bro went back on this the next day, because he thought I was going to take him to a shelter. He read me right. I had no plans of keeping another cat long term, but I was open to it if Lilah and Simon got along.
They seemed like mostly nice cats. Simon reminded me of Divo -- the way he came right up to me for rubs and was sassy to other cats. They all looked clean and healthy, and tipped ears indicated they're fixed. Simon didn't hiss/scream at or connect with the other cats, just ran them out of his immediate area when they came up. He has a 'tude. lol
He didn't seem like a mean cat that would attack others (my previous roommate's little nightmare was one of those cats and showed it RIGHT away), but was more puffing and flexing on Simon's part... ruler of the roost... big cuddly guy who wants to be the boss. Lilah is mostly shy/sedate and Divo and her clicked in their opposite personalities. I thought I'd try it out based on Lilah's history of being a bonded pair with a similar personality.
But, yes. It was to help others, and not what I wanted to do.
It was an interesting day. I sat there wrestling with my own feelings of not wanting this responsibility, as I petted the cats, but I had my way out planned in my mind and figured it would be best for the cats and bro.
*Lilah was feral as a kitten. I don't know how old she was when re-homed. She's been a great pet; an ideal indoor cat because she's always so calm and easy going. Agree that some feral cats can be great house cats!
Getting Lilah a new cat companion is a good idea after your sad loss. When you are ready, and it sounds like the desire is there.
So many cats to choose from, with Lilah's needs in mind. Not a problematic male feral cat that harassed and chased the others around. Your generous heart for animals (and your brother) may bring trouble to your now peaceful apartment.
Like Pam said, a feral kitten can be socialized into a house cat. I brought a pregnant feral into my home and had the whole experience, the worst was finding a home for the kittens. At this time in our lives, we just need to take better care of ourselves, even though I love dogs and cats .
I think you know that, but your story was interesting. But I was wondering,
what were you thinking?
My daughter in law, who is working from her parents' home in Wisconsin while helping raise her SIL and brother's 4 little kids (he is deployed in Iraq) had to put their 18 year old dauchshund down on Tuesday morning.
Very hard for her and my son to be so far apart right now.
Newest roomie is so pleasant and considerate, and loves cats. I can see 'LilahBean has a new friend and I'm happy that's a good fit.
Wishing everyone happy memories -- Barb, Golden, and everyone else who's lost their pet this year. Chriscat, that was a really nice thing your hubs and neighbor shared. Gershun, it would have been the supportive thing for your sis to say something, anything, to acknowledge your loss. Your unsupportive sibling is just doing what they do, sounds like.
I'm sure Arthur appreciated all the love you gave.
Arthur will be remembered by all the pet lovers here.
Sorry that you are missing him,
and picking up his ashes.
Sorry that Daniel could no longer be with us,
but he is,
in memory on this thread and in our hearts.