Does your Cat (or any pet) misbehave since caregiving your loved one?
Have you been required to take care of your loved one's pet after they have passed? Does your pet have cute antics that entertain your loved one?
And finally, has the cat or dog transferred their loyalty to your Mother?
I guess you can't really blame them. I wouldn't want to eat my meals next to where I just had a poop! :P
Maybe, but a mystery to me. Whatever works!😽😽🐈
I need a cat whisperer. About five minutes ago I hear her running through the house with something stuck on her. Sounded like a grocery plastic bag, she is scared no doubt. But I cannot find her. Didn't know this house had somewhere that good to hide. Will look again in a bit.
This will help to keep the worst of his funk -- which really isn't all that terrible to begin with but he's just not a clean cat these days -- to a minimum.
Thank you for all your kind support.I really appreciate it.
Last night I lost this dear old boy,3 years after I lost Mom.He was there for me through my grief and now I hope he is with Mother in Heaven.I will miss Odom who brought me so much love.I was blessed he chose to be my cat.
Our other cat, who is 13, can't wait for when the bed sheets are washed and dried. I have a clothes-line rope that I use to drag around the top of the bed. But first I put on the bottom sheet to which Rosie will dive underneath.....
Once I get her out from under that sheet, I throw the top sheet over her and drag the rope on top of it. It is so funny, you see feet kicking all over the place. She loves this. This only works if the sheets are light colored so the cat can see the shadow of the rope. Be careful, the cat may dive at you so you need to be quick.
In fact, any time she thought she needed a baby wipe, she could come into my bathroom and "ask" for me to clean her.
This was good, because when Katie had a stroke, she needed me to use a lot of wipes on her.
They are both eleven now and it's a feat getting them to play. Hubs is really good at it. They just want to cuddle with me. I'll take it. :)
I think that booger gave me a cold. I didn't know THAT was a thing, either! He had been sneezing lately, and he never sneezed before, and he likes to lie very close to me in bed so he's sneezing on me, too. And then I wake up the other day with a mild cold and I wondered if I can catch from him? I suppose germs are equal opportunistic little things... Hmm.
So good to hear your cats have bonded with you.
I was not aware they needed baths in their old age.
I'm looking up online some ways to do it. He's going to be very (VERY) unhappy with me if I try to bathe him but he needs to stay cleaner. I noticed he's not scratching himself as much now that he's been cleaned up. This is better for him.
They've been staying with their previous family for a week while I was out of town. They came back tonight. As the previous mom dropped them off she said something about... 'thinking the two cats were upset because they thought they were going back home for good.' Au contraire, I say. Old Man Cat was all over me and purring... and he doesn't purr all that much. He was kneading, even. He was clearly content to be around me and glad to be here.
Both kitties are in bed with me, it's midnight 2019 just now so there are fireworks... and my kitties know I have it handled so they are hanging tough through the scary noises. Here I sit with my little family of cats... who are very happy to be here and love me a lot... for a cat. lol
Happy New Year, best wishes for a cat-fabulous 2019.
Where would I even spank his little tush? I could never!