Here's a success story on Christmas Day!
Maybe I'm in the slow class, but I had a dickens of a time finding price and feature comparisons for a place to live for my Mom. Yes, I tried using the world-wide information supercollider with all my advanced search-fu, but I didn't find apples-to-apples comparisons. Finally, a nurse friend told me that the discharge center at our local hospital has a brochure that has a compilation of prices and features of facilities in our area. The local senior center published it, so there were two non-internet places that had it.
Silly me - I had been looking online for 6 months, and the answer was in print.
The outcome was even better - I thought Mom was ready for AL, but we found a place that offered Independent Living in a community that encouraged a philosophy called "aging in place". Independent is way better than Assisted (for our situation) and some memory loss was not a show stopper for entry. And while we were touring, I met an old friend and his wife who live there and like the place - the fire chief of my town. Mom loved the place, and it was the second least expensive on the list. Talk about serendipity!
For all the trials and tribulations that I've had caring for Mom, as well as the joy and honor of caring for her, this is icing on the cake.