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oldcodger2 What exactly do you mean by this "We don't even do that to our pets" Usually when people say this they are referring to euthanasia. If that is the case read your link There is no mention of killing the patients off so they wont have to suffer. G...d forbid if euthanasia does become legal in our state then it would not even be safe to go to the hospital for any reason.Hospitals nursing homes are already not safe because of attitudes like yours. It is one thing to manage pain without killing the patient but it is another thing to kill the patient off when the staff decides to do it. Even if the person is dying. I know of some elder people that were put in hospice who where not dying they had critical health problems but were not dying. Then there are people who should not be put in them at all. So hospice is not supposed to be a death sentence for anyone even the dying.

oldcodger You are right grief is not easy I have had to deal with it in the past my dad was in hospice and was given only what he needed he was not helped to die. He actually died on his own. He was not given sedatives and enough pain meds to die faster. That is not right, now days people are going into hospice that should not be there. I guess if the hospital is getting over crowded they will go in there to be killed off what ever the reason it is just to be murdered for no reason other than their age. That kind of murder is impossible to deal with and there is no justice these sico murderers are getting away with it, when they really need to be in prison for life. There are actually other countries where people who do killings in the hospital will be put away for life not in our state hospitals, nursing homes and hospics are the perfect place for a murder to kill cause they get away with it.

gully 81 My message got cut off, I hope you can have someone with her at all times.24 hours. I would make sure that they do not give her haldol and adivan and other sedatives. My mom was getting better from being off of the sedatives slowly but surely until she got the next overdose. I was the only one that could stay with her. I left like I had done before cause I trusted that hospital. The last time I left there was a nurse aide there that said it would be fine for me to go home and take a shower like I did last time. My mom was worried and did not want me to leave. I see why now. I said she would be fine like the last time. I left her while a nurse aide kept her company while I was away. When I came back she was drugged into a coma that lasted until the hospital staff and hospice staff killed her. If I was you, I would take pics, keep good notes. I would try not to do it in front of them cause they may be insulted and say they don't allow it. I would find out everything that goes into her iv or is given to her. My advise to you is never let your guard down that is what happen to me. I would tell them that she does not need haldol and adivan and other sedatives and make sure she does not get them. Even a little bit of sedatives such as haldol and adivan can take a month to recover from. My mom was always trying to recover.The sedatives cause the person to look like they are deteriorating. They can develop other complications from these drugs.The nurses used to tell me that these were not dangerous or that all meds have have some dangers but they are not safe.I still told them I don't want them and she also told them she did not want them when she was not too drugged. They are not safe. Good luck to you

I know that my brother died a few days after entering hospice. BUT - he was going to die - one way or the other. He was at the end of the road and Hospice made his last days pain free and the facility was beautiful and the staff caring.

People go into Hospice AT THE END OF THEIR LIFE - what do we expect - that they live forever? No, we expect Hospice to do what Hospice does - make their life less painful.

I have often wondered why anyone would want a loved one to live on in pain. We don't even do that to our pets. My brother had excellent care - the pressure of care was taken off his wife's shoulders. She could just sit and hold his hand. Sure, he soon went into a coma. Dying people do that! It isn't always the meds.

I agree. Hospice does a great job. If a loved on is not ready for Hospice - don't call them. Simple.
Taken from wikipedia: Hospice care is a type of care and philosophy of care that focuses on the palliation of a chronically ill, terminally ill or seriously ill patient's pain and symptoms, and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs

I am sorry for the grief and sadness that death brings. I have experienced it. Lost my parents, a son and a dear brother. Grief is not always easy to bear. We must give it time. Hoping that you all get the love and support needed to grieve well.

gully 81, make sure they are not giving her haldol and adivan other powerful sedatives hopefully someone will be with her 24 hours to guard her even if you think she I would never let my guard down. In my case it was just me. When I left the hospital to go home and take a shower, there was an aide with my mom and she said it would be fine for me to leave. I was able to trust the last aide that that I left my mom with the last time before that.My mom was worried and wanted me to stay. I should have listened to her cause when I came back they had put her in a haldol adivan cocktail coma that she was in for 2 weeks until the hospital and hospice killed her. That was the last time I got to talk to her. She was recovering from the sedatives before that slowly but surely. When I asked the nurses when she would wake up from the haldol cocktail they did not know. The investigators found that they had drugged her so severely that would have caused her great bodily harm and death. So just watch everything they put in her iv and give her and ask about everything they give her, keep notes, take pics. try not to take pics in front of them especially if the staff is being nice. They may get insulted, but your grandma needs to be protected cause it is a jungle out there.

gully 81 That is fantastic news. I'm so glad you guys have a good hospital just keep a good eye on her.

jeannegibbs, I was wondering the same thing. Thanks for asking that question.

Gully81, not to scare you and hope this isn't the case for your Grandmother, but it is not unusual for a patient to rally, be up and around and ready to go home, only to slip back into their pre-rally condition a week or two. Again, I hope that isn't the case with your Grandmother.

cwillie My dad had died naturally he was young and had cancer and my grandma lived almost to 100 and died on her own.Both deaths were very hard and I loved them both so very much and it was extremely difficult to lose them but I accepted it and moved on. The only difference is that my mom was murdered and her killers are still out there to hurt and kill others if they want to that is the difference.So imagine if you can one of your loved ones being murdered and the killers were free to walk free. Imagine that the murder was ok, one minute your loved one is fine, the the next they are murdered and killers are free to walk, so now you have no justice either. I'm not sure you would have such a carefree attitude as you have now if something like that happened to you. I know it is very difficult to put yourself in someone elses shoes. I never ever would have thought that I would ever have to deal with a murder accept hearing it on the news.

Update: My grandmother has done nothing but gotten better since being admitted to the hospital Wednesday morning. She is now ready to leave and go home but we are keeping her here a day or 2 more. She knows exactly what is going on, she is eating and drinking. Both things hospice claimed she could not do. She is not terminally ill and I'm unsure as to how she was placed on Hospice in the first place.

Back in the 90's we were having a health care crisis in Ontario as the wait lists for surgery were getting longer and longer. My dad was having recurring unstable angina and his family doc didn't push for him to be bumped higher on the lists so he suffered a heart attack at 75 and died a few hours after we agreed to disconnect him from life support. At the time I was angry, I blamed god and the health care system for his unnecessary end.
Today I care for my mom, now 95 and living in the twilight zone, neither fully living nor ready to depart. I no longer "rage, rage against the dying of the light". I look back and see my father had a good death, and thank god he is no lingering like my mother. So many here are fighting tooth and nail for their loved ones in their 80's, 90's and beyond, railing at the injustice of their untimely passing. I'm sorry for you all, and I hope some day you can make peace with it.

My mom got put on hospice for not even a day, she was not terminal,she could have came out of her haldol adivan coctail induced coma. She was so strong.The only thing else that she had was an untreated hospital fungal skin infection that had become serious only due to it never being treated. That needed to continue to be treated with anti-fungal meds not antibiotics.The medical staff knew this, that is one thing that hurts so much. It had been treated only for a couple of days at another medical facility when it got very serious. The treatment was supposed to continue even though she was doing well aside from the haldolcoctail coma she was in. Everyone knew about it yet this hospital the same one that never treated it before continued to not treat it, They just used antibiotics which only caused it to multiply.At the very end when she was swelling up in the hospital under hospital staff then hospice staff from the antibiotics and no fungal meds. They not only kept the antibiotics going instead of fungal meds but they also put it in a vein in her neck and took the food from her .She had a picc line for food and fluids ever since the last overdose. She was comatose from that one until they killed her.Hospice kept the fluids going even though she was swelling up and took away the food.They also gave her as much insulin as they could put in.The last place she was in, always checked to see if she needed insulin and she never needed it. The last place also did not give her fluids when she started swelling up. The only thing antibiotics did was make her infection multiply. I found out later that they diagnosed her with all kinds of terminal diseases that she did not have so she could go on hospice to be killed from an infection that was very treatable even when it is serious as long as antibiotics is kept away from her. no antibiotics and fungal meds would have been a nice treat so we could have had her today. Her problem was that she was severely overdosed cause she had a dnr. They were able to give her all the sedatives that they wanted to and keep the meds away from her that she needed.Then give her ones she did not need that only killed her instead. In there sick little minds they did not ever have to treat her since she was a dnr and were able to do what they wanted to do. Hers is not the only case. I think hospice is charging for all kind of things when they get patients in. They don't have to do anything but they can still charge if they make up things,They are just corrupt like many hospitals and nursing homes are. They may not always intend to kill but when you give that much sedatives and pain meds and dont use meds that work only meds that don't then most likely the patient will not survive.Thanks to the dnr they were able to get away with not ever wanting to treat her or treat her properly and force her to die. Even a very healthy patient can not survive that much overdosing leave alone an elder one. So my mom lost her battle to the medical staff. Even the healthiest young person could not survive what she went through. It has been pure hell ever since this has happened.I had to deal with the most horrible monsters that I did not know exists. They were ok about taking my moms life not just hospice but the other medical staff as well. It would have been hard enough to lose her naturally, but for her to be forced to die was just cant even describe it.the only thing I can say is how could they have done what they did and be ok with it.I dealt with lots of extremely evil medical staff.I will put in one positive note, the doctor and his staff at the other medical facility that she was at were good and very helpful people. They were the ones that she should have stayed with.

Jeanne, you're very naïve. Unfortunately I saw it first hand with my own mother. You do realize there is someone coming right behind the patient that passes? These places aren't hurting for business.

The bed doesn't even get cold.

Talk to nurses who have worked hospice, they will tell you they have "angels" and you have "devils", there are some sick people who go into nursing and like the control over life and death. Some end up in a hospice.

We had issues with the hospice my mother was in and I reported them to the state, and the state did an onsite inspection and there were violations found in regards to rules and care.

Horrible experience, I still beat myself up for my mother having to suffer like that. I tried to get her out of the place and we were in the process when she passed. She was dying, I understand that but the "care" was awful.

And I do believe the nurse she had was evil. She said horrible things to both my father and I. For example to me she walked up behind me one morning(I didn't even know she was there) and said "your mother was spitting up blood this morning" and kept walking. Why say that?

I was rattled. What was the point of saying that? Other than to rattle my cage. I can't say the word on here that applies to her, but it rhymes with runt.

Hospice may have started out with compassion, but now it is big business. I would tell anyone go with a private hospice if you have to, and stay away from the corporate run ones.

I don't understand how people who are not dying would get on Hospice in the first place. A doctor has to state that given their diagnosis and prognosis they are not expected to live more than 6 months. Healthy people do not get onto hospice.

And what would be the motivation of hospice to murder patients? They get paid only while the patient lives. If they have nasty motives you would think it would be to keep the patient hanging on to extend their own pay.

Anyone explain this?

Here is something about patients who are not even dying. May have dnrs

I just tried to reply to you gully 81 but my comment did not go through. I'm glad you got your grandma out of there. Same thing happened to my mom, that is why I want the whole world to know about these atrocities. My mom was also just elderly and even in good health. I had even told the staff in great detail that she can not have adivan and haldol because she had a sensitive reaction to it. It was even written in her chart. These kind of sedatives are deadly for elders. I cant begin to understand how and why the staff are allowed to get away with either attempted murder over and over again or murder. This really needs to be stopped .You have to be careful cause I have heard of people complaining that the medical staff will put a dnr in someones chart,The medical staff get away with so much that it would not surprise me if they get away with that also. I used to think that medical staff were all saints now I know that there are some very creepy murders in there and I just want to find a way to make it harder for them to harm and kill patients.I think punishing them would be a good start That is if they can be brought to justice and serve time.These kind of murders are difficult to take down.Right now hospitals hospices nursing homes are just not safe. You have to stay with the patient all the time in any of these places and hope they don't take your loved ones life.I have heard things like this happening all over but U.S. does not do anything about this.In parts of Europe they at least recognize that it happens and the people are trying to do something about it.In U.S. many people don't want to believe it even happens.

I'm dealing with Hospice nearly killing my grandmother. Not terminally ill, just old. Talking last week and everything. This week they started doping her up on Ativan and Morphine and she was basically in a damn coma. Tried telling me she couldn't swallow anymore and was shutting down. After a heated argument with the nurse we had the ambulance pick her up. 2 days later she is eating, drinking, and talking. This lady fed me well my whole life. There is no way in h*ll they were gonna starve her to death with me around. I don't know how much life she has left but she is getting a chance to live and not wasting away given no chance at all.
I think what they were doing to her is down right criminal and that won't happen again.

It is to talk about the hospice doing their best to relieve pain. My husband did not sleep for nearly two years, average 2 to 3 hours a night. After the 'comfort med' were given, he slept for 3 days! I look forward to hearing from you. Cassestar

I know that hospice staff and hospital staff killed my mom and I also know that our family is not the only family that this has happened to, so dagabon you apparently do not know what is going on in different hospices, because medical staff in hospitals nursing homes and hospice have actually killed patients and family can not always prevent it because they may not have gone through medical school. That is why they rely on the medical staff.Then there are cases like mine where we did nothing short of begging them to stop the sedatives because it was killing her. It was even written in her chart etc etc. Did they care no they did what was convenient for them cause she had a dnr so everything and anything was fine even if it killed. Actually she was a very strong woman and I don't know how on earth she ever survived even one overdose leave alone how many she got.

Alarming the police will probably tell you to go to the department of health or the medical board or jointcommission/about/contactus.aspx there is also the nursing board it depends who is doing something illegal stuff and who you are reporting about you can also be a whistle blower if you saw someone or have proof of someone or a company doing something illegal. these are just a few agencies that may be able to help you.

can you tell us more about yourself and what is causing you concern

Office of long term care, Medicaid or Medicare fraud hotlines are also possibilities. Make sure your facts are straight, and at least consider using the posted grievance procedures or the ombudsman first unless you have good reason to believe that is too dangerous.

Alarming, "illegal stuff" covers a lot of things, some more serious than others.
If you witness a crime, you call the cops. If you hear rumors from others you keep your mouth shut, because others are known to set people up for a fall.

Where to report if you know someone who works in a hospice care who does illegal stuff?

What happened to me and my mom is that when she went on hospice, they wanted to stop all her regular meds and just use morphine and phenergan round the clock. I did have to tell them that was not the approach we wanted; we kept some of her other meds then and skipped the phenergan entirely. At the very end, I was very grateful for the morphine because she needed it for the severe angina. Hospice staff may assume the goal is just to get things over with as quickly and humanely as possible rather than to have as many good days as possible, but I think that should be a very individualized decision, and deliberate overdosage never has to be part of the plan...I think you give what is needed for comfort, and occasionally that is gong to be enough to stay sedated...I think you also have to realize that "regular" doses may be accumulating in someone who can no longer metabolize them as rapidly, or just that in the elderly in general much lower doses are going to have the same effects.

The problem I see is that not all hospice providers are going to value every life and every person's uniqueness, and some may take a top-down, cookie-cutter, we-know-best approach to all care and medication. The best care deeply about each and every person and their experience and their family.

flowgo, I'm sorry for your mom's passing and your experience.

I can't read one hundred comments back, but why was your mom on hospice in the first place?

It relieves the suffering. I don't call severely drugging up a person and taking an innocent life relieving the suffering. That is what my mom experienced.

Hospice is good! It relieves the suffering!

Hospice was called when my 99 year old father could no longer eat or drink due to mouth cancer. He had suffered terribly from December to February. Hospice came into his home on Friday and he passed on Monday. I feel in my heart that it was the heavy drugs that took him on out of this world but I'm not sorry for that at all as it is terrible to watch your loved ones suffer so greatly. He was ready to go. I had a brother-in-law that had lung cancer and the doctor gave him morphine to take as needed. My sister found him up rambling in the medicine cabinet late one night so the next morning she called his doctor to ask if she needed to hide his morphine because she was afraid he might OD on it. The doctor told her he gave him the morphine for a reason and she was to let him use it as he needed it. I feel that the doctor told him when the pain got so bad he couldn't take it anymore there was a way out. He was terminally ill. I know some don't like to talk about this but it's life....I pray Hospice is around when it's my time. My doctor knows I what no life support and she has promised me that I will not suffer. That's life and I'm so ready to go when it's my time. I don't believe in going into a hospital to be put on life support to linger my suffering. There are worse things than dying!

To veronica91 I know it is scary, I myself am beyond scared and completely shocked of what happened to my mom. However sometimes we need to learn about things no matter how scary they may be, so that we can protect our loved ones from these situations when they are in a vulnerable position.

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