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Thank you Summer, it is funny how something can sneak up on us like a drinking problem that started out so casual. In the past 5 months, I have fallen 3 times, this last time was a real wake up call when I saw the horror on my dear hubbys face as I stood in the kitchen covered in blood. I don't want to see that look on his face again. Thank you so much!! Hugs to you.

Sharyn~ Sending lots of positive thoughts your way and wishing you the best in your journey toward sobriety! ~Summer

Shaking~So sorry you fell, wow...maybe a nightlight will can't use that much energy can it? I fell a week ago Thursday but for different reasons. I was drinking, the yard waste can fell on me cutting my forehead open. I refused to go to ER for it since I was drinking. It was not gaping open so I know they would not stitch it, most likely they would use glue. Anyway, it has healed up nicely, even my hubby was impressed and agreed that not going was probably the right thing. However, it gave me a wake up call about my drinking. I fell off the wagon on Monday, but am back on it since. My accomplishment is today is day 4. Yay!!!

Alison~ Snow? Even flurries can be discouraging after such a snowy winter! I don't mind a heavy snowfall but would prefer it melt away after a few days. The southern states are looking better all the time. My husband and I talk about moving south but leaving our children and grands wouldn't be easy. Living next to the ocean with family close would be heaven..:)

lol, you know the song by now..

oldest son wrote and apologised for pushing me out of his life for a few years. i wrote back and told him that im such a belligerant control freak that i should apologise to him , but i wont because im a belligerant control freak . lol
he has a right to push dad away and live his own life ,lve got wide shoulders , im undamaged..

im pleased with today . got my truck torn apart , have paid a body shop , plus a tip , to get my parts . he doesnt care enough to answer his phone . i reordered the parts off of ebay . ill take a 300 .00 loss before ill let him upset me . flipping out would get me taken off of hepc treatment . aint makin that mistake again ..
ednas tired of sitting around her apartment . shoulda thought of that while shes been running and having breakfast every day at my expense for 3 months now . she aint too old to learn a lesson about using people..
my brain is working well , i aint to be f' ed with..

EPIC FAILURE: It snowed in Chicago today. Mother Nature is on my bad side at the moment.

Accomplishment: Got a doctor's appointment for dad handled this morning. Dad's going on blood pressure meds and then we have to go back in a month and see how his BP responds to the meds. There's nothing I can do about him having health issues, so sooner I get them dealt with and stabilized, the sooner I'm *hoping* the med appointment activity will subside… And someone's coming later to put whole house generator back in operating condition, that will be one more thing checked off my never ending To-Do list. :-)

i had a customer a couple years back refused to give me a draw , tried to use my draw to leverage me to get his work done quicker . i told him i wouldnt continue working and extending credit to him , pay me up . after sending him the email to that effect i went back to newsing around on the web . read a story by a self made successful businessman . he said , # 1 , stand up for yourself or youll get stomped .
yea, thats what i thought.
the customer in a few minutes wrote back , apologised , and left me a check . i made his deadline anyway and the work was really nice ..
so yea, being nice is wonderful up to the point someone tries to climb atop of your head .

I guess my success & failures today are one in the same:

Failure: Lost my cool with older sister who demanded my mother's 1/16 share in a gas well, which produces all of $400 a year in income for her, be bequeathed to her and my other 2 siblings upon mom's death, instead of being given to me, per mom's explicit wishes. Mom is still living, so it's not like this is going to happen anytime soon, but I am meeting w/attorney tomorrow about these things. Mom wanted me to have it to help support me after she's gone, because I'm the one caring for her now. I completely lost it and bawled like a baby for a while - was just so hurt. The gas well will be split between my 3 siblings - I'm stepping out of that one - they can have it. The other 2 sibs don't care what I do with it and were flabbergasted that older sis was being so pissy about it.

Success: I was brave enough to lose my cool with my sister over the above issue and speak my mind. I never would have done that before, but I guess I'm getting cantankerous in my old age. LOL I did calm down after a while, and am no longer seeing double of everything, and have managed to *almost* catch up on my work after losing about 2.5 hours to this nightmare. I think my BP is finally back down to a reasonable level.

sometimes you make a good decision without even realizing it . i busted the small truck apart to replace body parts and only today i realized that edna hasnt contributed to fuel or meals for nearly 3 months. this is working out fine . we wont be going on the country rides for at least a week and maybe she'll stop being such a tightazz .. im kind but being taken advantage of a bit'
going all out with dinner tonight -- fried chicken livers . lol

Accomplishment: Went to Small Biz Admin to get feedback on my biz. It was positive and she gave me more leads. Used most of the day cleaning my desk and the desk spillover piles around my kitchen and living room. After an awful winter, I have some work now and made enough to catch up on bills, and plan dental work. Allergies were awful today: blurry vision, head aches, tearing, nose woes. Made a great dinner from a few ingredients, and am almost ready to take a break and see Mom in nearby apt.
Failure: when it was time to try an exercise class, I cooked and ate dinner! Nah, not today. Next week.

all my liver readings are that of a normal person except my ETOH , its dangerously low. the girls were pretty smiley , i think theyre having as much fun as i am .. came home from va , slept three hours and exploded a gmc truck all over the driveway . ugh , im not a body man . wait , of course i am , screw those slack joweled " parts changers " .. there ISNT a good time to bust a truck up and replace body parts so today is as good as any..
SONDRA lectured me about sun exposure and refusing to eat food . i just thumbed at lilly without looking at her and told sondra , " yea , ive been hearing all about it " .. told em there were people in the waiting room three times darker than myself . yea , ill implicate another race entirely to take the heat off of myself .. ( b**ches ) ..
extraordinarily hot looking b**ches , but still b**ches ..
i love them , theyre going to get tears out of me eventually and we all know it .. so far , pretty good though ..

Successes today:
-We are knee-deep in renovations to the house (refinishing floors and painting walls), so I am knee-deep in moving furniture and getting rid of clutter. Today I moved a pantry cabinet into the bedroom, bagged up yet another batch of my late Dad's clothing (darn, that's hard), and put several things in the van to go to Goodwill on my next trip there.

Failure: I didn't cook today - at all. Fast food, sandwiches and such. I hate days like this, but some days, my schedule just doesn't allow for cooking. Need to get groceries tonight, as there's nothing quick to fix in the house and we're out of fruit - again. I swear, mom's going to turn into a chimpanzee at the rate she goes through that stuff.

Locked my cat in the laundry room because I need to get a urine sample from her (don't ask). Had her there for a few hours, she escaped when dad went in.. he and I caught her, put her back. Explained to Dad she HAS to stay in there. He went back in when I was not looking to (shave for the 4th time) and he left her outside... Oh well, tomorrow is another day...

Had a failure today but I have forgotten what it was so that must be a sucess

wish the h*ll i could have a beer.
been up all nite recording some more music. my computron blew up if ya remember. va in a couple of hours. i love that place, its full of cool , common folk. ww11 vets and such.. if the team gives me any crap i plan to stand lilly in the corner , stomp my foot and hiss at cassie, and SONDRA, let sondra make it up . shes old enough to take control..
doc bill still gets drop kicked clear to 46166 . heads up alison, arrogant phsyc doc coming over .

Well Cap my failure is that yesterday after I took my daughter to airport so she could go home....I fell...drank my beer and cried. Today is an accomplishment as I start day 1 all over again.

im waiting for " blunt man " to ask me for money . hes not going to , he knows where were at right now.. i dont mind bad habits but choking down an entire pot cigar is just silly . i refused to lend him a truck back during the winter. told him hes smoked enough weed in 6 months to buy two used trucks. isnt parenting fun ?

yaya51 - I find it so funny that she calls me and complains of kids not doing homework, being rebellious and mouthy, not wanting to help watch their younger siblings so she can make dinner, and then not wanting to eat the dinner she made....I just sit there and listen and try NOT to say, "Not fun, is it?" LOL

Haha Countrymouse! Hilarious!
Susan, my daughter (33) is a single mom with a 14 yr. old son and she's constantly apologizing to's WONderful!

when i started wearing a beret in my beard it embarrassed my youngest son. how often do you get to embarrass your kid ? yes it keeps my beard out of my eyes while bike riding but that doesnt explain why i wear it in the wintertime. it bugs the kid , thats reason enough..
lol , mouse AND susan..

bahahaaaaa! Countrymouse, that was FABULOUS! I'm laughing my butt off over here.

I always told my kids when they became obnoxious teenagers and young adults and got themselves into trouble...."you know, I love you, and I always will - that's my job as your mom. But there's no law on the books that says I have to LIKE you, and right now, I don't!"

Last year, when my daughter moved in with her boyfriend and became an instant mom to his very rebellious teenagers, she called me one day, with an abject apology about everything she'd ever done to me when she was a teenager. LOL

Karma is not always a bad thing.

Not sure if this is a shameful failure or something of an accomplishment: I seem to have offended all three of my children in one go. A Facebook friend posted what I thought was an amusing banner that said "my children accuse me of having favorites, which is insane because I don't really like any of them." Tee hee hee, I thought. So I shared it.

Oops. I don't think I'll be getting any Mother of the Year awards this decade.

I like this thread - somewhere to celebrate the good and whine a little about the bad without judgement. :-)

Successes today: I managed to roll out of bed at a relatively early hour and got laundry started, took care of the critters (dog, cat and 2 birds), made breakfast before 10am, which is saying a LOT, given my schedule and nailed down some decent billable hours with my clients.

Failures today: Didn't exercise much at all, other than going out to rake a little in the yard and doing laundry/dishes. Didn't get any housework done, work schedule with my clients was too busy, but I'm working on it!

Juddha, I think you and I may have been separated at birth. lol I keep telling myself there's no longer any excuse for not walking with the dog - the 3' of snow we had on the ground and multiple inches of ice on the road are long gone, and the weather is gorgeous. I've got to 'just do it', but I'm also working about 12 extra hours a week to help finance the renovations to the house and vacation...and I have to sleep sometime! Worked til almost 2am today, slept until 6:45am, then back up again...fading fast here. Maybe a walk would help. hmmm...

man , just fixed my fridge. been icing up , fridge portion wont stay cold enough. just had a fan locked up in the freezer compartment. cleaned up and oiled the fan and shes workin great. getting energy and reasoning power back . my blood has been so full of virus and murdered blood cells that i havent been getting enough o2 for 25 yrs.. aint no tellin what might happen around here..
thanks gilead pharm / va ..

Successful day with Mom: took her to get a computer battery and then we decided to go out to Boston Market for dinner. We hadn't been there for almost a decade. Although we both felt bloated afterwards we did enjoy the rarity of eating like that. Yesterday as the Spring was bringing on the birds and new leaves we each had gone into our apartments and cleaned out our wardrobes. She gave me a bag of hers to try on if I wanted anything. Some things went to the garbage but many I kept, so that was nice.
I had some computer and camera problems but solved the issues.
Failure: oh yeah, another day of no exercise, outside walk, and probably no meditation. Got to edit videos and make some bucks to pay for upcoming dental work.
Note to self: woman, get thee to an exercise class. Look like a cow from the side.

finished one large portion of my stone job today. 35 freakin ton of stone bars .
got my new truck fenders today , gonna visit va tomorrow then take a couple days for the fenders.
now i gotta go listen to " god of thunder " by kiss .
been bugging me all day.

Hard o get accomplishments done when my mind is on my sick brother and my sick cat but did get some cleaning done and hired my granddaughter to do some also. Captain you keep things interesting for sure and lighten my load nicely.

note to self ; man you suck even when your'e being civil..

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