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Now that spring is in sight things look better. My honey had his surgery and is doing well a piece of cake after taking care of the husband all those years and so many surgeries -this hospital had a tracking screen you just checked the pt's number and it would tell you what stag they were in-it was neat and helped avoid the worry of when the surgery ended.

after the scene that went down between cuz sharon and her son " big dumb " ive been asked to take edna to her doc appointment today. theres a lot to be said for remaining calm in the face of controversy.
i helped my masonry helper replace the mangled dipstick tube in his blazer transmission yesterday. it was childsplay to me but a life crisis to him.. hes worth investing in. hes the type who will return favors. i rumbled with his barking doberman a week ago. dog phsycology. i locked eyes with him, stated my intentions and walked up on the patio with a hollow steel broom handle and made a murderous scene yet the stick only made contact with his nose one time. the porch spindles provided the bulk of the ruckus. im now the alpha male who is too crazy to screw with and he not only dont bark at me but were pretty good friends and i congratulate him for being such a good boy. dogs are so easy to train that it makes ya want to bi**hslap the owners sometimes.

thx veronica,
got all my bathroom floors done finally, got bedding etc. together for the young men who will be renting, packing almost done -have to switch purses and you ladies know what a chore that is, but other than that, packing up the laptop and cleaning up a bit more in the kitchen I am ready to roll
cap I am not over and done with the caregiving, but the pressure has decreased considerably since mother is in the psychiatric hospital and I am feeling some renewed energy
hope everyone is doing well

id just like to share that when caregiving has ended you get your own self determination back and life begins again with a renewed vigor. i knock down so many things on a well planned daily circuit sometimes that id sound like a boastful teen if i listed them all. during caregiving there seems to be no future -- but there is.
today im going after an ongoing " running rich " situation on my smaller truck. ill end up at ednas apartment later and we'll test drive it a bit.

Sorry you were not well. Glad to see you back

accomplishments - up to walking a good 30 minutes now and found one pair of shoes I will not bring with me on holiday.
failures - an infection and now a cold, I think. Better get over them by next Thursday when we leave for warm places!!!
watching Gypsy with Ros Russell. Love those old shows.

cap't I know you make your own rules-your neighbors must never be bored. Since our last storm never materialized we are promised one for Monday when our Senior Cent party is planned

well, back to the massive stone landscape bars today.
gonna stone a house for this doc this or next year. ive located some 3 " thick granite stones the size of an automobile hood or bigger and im determined to use 3-4 of those on each side of a house. the normal sized stones become subservient to the monsters.
i like to make my own rules for the thrill of later breaking them..

Got most of my kitchen washed down...prepping for fresh paint. Still have the ceiling to do and one wall of wallpaper to remove. So tired of wallpaper, I want walls without wallpaper.

not trying to take away from your fun story stegman but i actually pulled a worse one many years ago. our family of 4 were riding thru a small town on the big trike on parade day no less. the ex was driving and the right carb was pizzin down her pantleg. whoof.. up in flames on the main street of monrovia with a million bystanders. i thought the wife had a little pantleg fire that would run out of fuel pretty quickly so i expended my efforts on beating the engine flames out with my jacket. a bystander tore off his own jacket and put my wifes fire out. she had a rather small but 2nd degree burn on her leg. i still have no qualms about putting out the bike fire. ike hauls over 8 gallon of fuel and many people were in potential danger if the bike had blown -- which wasnt going to happen.
i was married for 16 years but have been riding the same bike for 30 years. the bike was the better investment as hes still here and shes not.
my latest trike ( the short bus ) hauls 11 gallon of fuel. im taking that sucker straight over the bering straights someday and probably go punch putin in the face. i like him ok, he just talks too much s**t and needs a reality check..

Took mom for testing at urogynecologist. She did great but, naturally uncomfortable as there was a series of four catheter inserted to look at bladder. It was stressful for me too, until I told mom I hadn't had that view of her since the day I was born. She thought that hysterical, it sure lightened the mood and gave all of us something to laugh at.

Slept like a log last night. First time I slept well since my little beast buddy went over the rainbow bridge. Decided to think of done chores rather than my to do list which seems endless,

I connected with mother's hearing aid people and got things set up for them to invoice me when she goes for her new set, and also with the social worker and got a few things sorted out re the earing aids, mother's keys and her "in trust" account at the facility.

Working on what to pack for our trip (coming up sometime) which is causing me to do a quick sort and discard of clothing I am not using.

Made turkey necks and sauerkraut for tomorrow and hot italian sausage/tomato/pasta dish for G who will be home late.

It smells like spring outside though it is still pretty cool.

Captain, IF Linda Lovelace was still alive, she would be 65. That visual ought to make YOU gag. "Panheads Forever" (1982 DAC) haha yes ! I spilled a Sportster while learning to ride in '93. The owner rushed over, righted the bike, looked her over front and back for scratches, breathed a sigh of relief and then said to me "Oh. Are you OK?" when I got up.

shoveled 5 ton of # 2's today.
probly shovel 5 more tomorrow. at least i dont live with a fear of death. life is whats h*ll, death seems breezy by comparison.
ive bout done it all in my lifetime. in fact im the only mf in the whole dam world who could make linda lovelace gag.
* sigh * , yup, been listening to david allen coe again..
i particularily like the panhead song by david. very pretty ballad about the love of his life. lol, his panhead motorcycle..

Hmm M has hired someone to help him sort through his piles of paper and file essentails. Trouble is he treats it as a social event so I don't know if it is a failure or accomplishment. I can see the top of the coffee table though

im taking a break from the big stones today and hauling some driveway stone. not much of a break actually..

Here's my 2 cents. My sister came to visit for a couple of days, so I figured "wheeeeeee" .. well in the night, my 2 adorable rescued kittens got into my sister's knitting and .. 7 hours later I still haven't finished unraveling it .. oh well, I'd rather be doing that than listening to my mother criticize me !!

Got up early and got dishes done and picking up feel goododay wil go to the senior center for exercise and lunch then to my craft group ten out for coffee with some of the gals then a quick supper with my honey-tonight is soup and rolls then to church a small group get together on Wed nights-I do not go from Nov until the days get longer. Once a week we have sandwiches and another night a prepared meal -just to cook then cook real food the other 4 nights. We are expecting snow and ice later tonight so may not get out tomorrow.

may i suggest that when an elders mind is nearly gone, they appreciate one thats more affirmative if not " powerful " ?
and loving..

i sure have fun with one of my favorite lines. bought edna a a sweater that i liked, told the helpful girl employee that id punch her in the face and make her wear it. same thing tonight with the furniture inspector girl. i told her edna needs something decent to sit in to which the girl agreed. but, i said, she is a cantankerouus hor to which the lady also agreed. i told her id punch edna in the face and make her sit in the recliner. surprisingly neither girl was surprised or for that matter impressed by my threats. it just is what it is damnt..

now im trying to get in the insurance ladies pants. all she can do is mace me..
phoooo !!

two successes today. changed insurers recently to save a little money but the gal lied and kept raising the price. finally they sent another bill for 133.00 . told em i wasnt paying it and would return to my former insurer who left me an open invitation to do just that. ill be dam if she didnt call today and told me to disregard the 133.00 . lol. the first thing you learn in business is to stand up for yourself.
heading home and saw a laz e boy recliner sitting in front of a furniture rental shop for 129.00 . sent my buddy mick in with a hundred dollars. lol. edna got herself a new chair. she really needed it, her couch was bunk.. comfort is a big deal at 89 yrs old. its a nice chair, i checked it out mechanically and for bed bugs. i hope a meteorite strikes my selfish sis in moms new chair. the dumb b****h has only learned to take, hasnt grasped giving yet..

yesterday didnt go well for me either. got too close to a cv boot on the small truck and damaged it with the torches. i dont need the truck this week but its still a bummer. meant to get all 4 ball joints replaced in one day. nothing worthwhile is ever easy..

Time for some rest for the weary. Have you got help now so you can get out. if not hire some ASAP. If it was possible before do it again. Money is just that money. YOU are more important. Relieve your frustration and lower you stress. I don't know how strong you are but do some thing physical. At the vey least take a hammer and break some china. take the rugs outside and beat the h*** out of them. When the Capt is frustrated he breaks some rocks or chops wood. pummel a pillow and have a good cry. Anything just let it out.Blessings and many many hugs

@norest ((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))

Failure: "Lost it" when something broke tonight. Normally I am oh well.... just a thing! Accomplishment: Realized my reaction was an accumulation of frustration, letdown,being putdown, sadness, stress, anger, fear, fatigue, all which I have not addressed lately but tried to bury.

my youngest son is brilliant. hes ony 25 and has the thought process of a 50 yr old. hes going to thoroughly appreciate the balls i leave in a SD box for him. he will know what they mean. s**k b***s from cap, beyond the grave,..
that really means, your a badassed individual and have the greatest of future in store , but eat my dust beotch, im raising the bar every day.
oh F**k . my crack lighter just quit. ( har, crack lighter is just my vernacular for tommaco lighjter. please somebody, send me a crack lighter. i can take a lot but lighting dried spaghetti off the electric range i just dont deserve.. thats loser talk..

oh my, try calling in a favor when theres skint knuckles and some thinking involved. im on my own with the ball joints.
had a cuz when i was younger. id lie in crap to help him with auto repairs. one night i came by his house with a brake master cylinder that wouldnt work for another moment. cuz said hed cram a light out the door but lying in the snow helping me was beyond his " integrity " . cuz killed himself at the age of 34. or i snuffed him for his selfishness and made it look like a suicide. the former is the truth but the latter would be almost understandable.
caregivers, im suggesting letting hopeless, beyond repair relationships go. course i can say that, ive got oxy acetelyne torches that says i can do most anything by myself. the old smokewrench. lol

i have to replace 4 ball joints on my small truck today. its a pita but it sure smoothes an older truck right out.

lol, i have a cartoon on my bulletin board that i just treasure. its an obviously beyond his prime hippie banging on a guitar and singing " on the cover of the AARP " . lol

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