Hello I am 50 years old taking care of my aging parents both have various health problems. They are well enough to leave alone during the day while I go to work I average 60 to 70 hrs a week. But need constant care such as going to the doctor, shopping cleaning and normal every day chores. My mother does not remember any thing example going to the store she does not remember what she has bought and goes back and get the same thing all over. My father has bad heart problems and can not walk far and incontience problems. I know this does not sound like much now but I fear it is only ging to get worse and dont know how I will be able to take care of them. Right now I can not go out with any of my friends with out feeling like I should be doing somthing for them. I know other people have it much worse. But I dont knwo if I will be able to deal with it as it gets harder, but I know someone has to do it and who else my only sister lives 1500 miles away. How do I have a life of my own and still make things good for them. I know this sounds selfish but Ijust dont know what I should do.