I kinda need to vent. The leg she had the amputation on. I told her we have to get to your doctor and it was so swollen again. Well, tuesday there is a blizzard where she lives. Thank goodness the new renter plowed her lane. We went down to take her. Thank god! She even asked to go to the hospital. She was so dehydrated and her kidneys once again were not working and the leg was full of cellulitis. They admitted her Tuesday. I actually came back to Wisconsin with her dog and my husband. I didn’t have my medication either. So now we start home health again but I will have to be there at first. I was actually proud of myself for taking care of me. They wanted to release her tonight but I can’t drive late in the day. I can’t believe it but they called my brother. The nurse asked if he could help. I just said that’s not an option. Interesting though, we went by his house at 6 and it was light up and tracks into the garage. I know I have my husband but I feel alone because at least when he was in our family I knew he was there. Any suggestions?
Staff, I know you don't want to, but it maybe time for a nursing home for Mom. Looks like she is not caring for herself. So sorry you have to deal with this alone. I pray that brother realizes he is blaming the wrong person.