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paul: Wow - so sorry. Fibromyalgia is painful. Sister in law had it, then was magically "cured" by a holistic dr she paid big bucks for. I didn't buy it when she previously was dx'd with the disease.

All - sorry I do rant a bit. You're right though I can't keep on at my wife all the time about it to be honest.

I think I know some of you quite well now lol. If I'm annoying just ignore me! :-)

Paul, feel free to rant and vent here. It helps lower the blood pressure. Also, I feel like I know you well, too. Others probably feel the same.

polar - ha ha probably because I've irritated you all for so long!

STAND your ground! You are right, once you cave, the jig is up!

"I just refuse to be manipulated like that. I know it sounds mean because Dad will be alone this weekend, but if I do it once, then both brother and Dad will know it works and just wont stop.

I'll be forever getting calls expecting me to visit at last minute "oh you're brothers working can you come"

How's that poster/saying go?
"Lack of (or poor) planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on MY part!"

"I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look good either..." (cat wash day is coming up too... sorry!)

You know what food/supplies he has, so no emergency there.

Anything that comes in the mail is NOT emergency, and he has a voice and a phone. Deal with it pops! It's your account/service/doc, whatever it is, it is HIS and HE should deal with it.

Anything not working that is critical (fridge, freezer, heat or AC, plumbing *could* be considered emergency, but there are people who are closer and better equipped to "fix" whatever is broken or that he messed with. Same for TV/phone/internet - NOT your job.)

"He made it worse by saying my lazy wife could take her turn too because his wife would."
What a major DICK! I wouldn't be talking to him either!

Sunday b'day/kid sitting - don't forget, Sundays are cat washing days... =^..^= They do take a long time to dry!!

Finally - this is the place to rant if you still need to. It would be best if you could just banish those thoughts as they start to creep in, force the mind to something else, something pleasant, fun, or some old tune you like that perks you up. If you need to rant, better here than at wife or others. They will get tired of it and start shutting you out. Lesson I learned long ago. Once, twice, here and there, but after a while they do start distancing - they don't want to hear it anymore than you want to deal with it - BANISH it!

I did a quick search on 'anticipating bad' - there are a lot of hits, maybe some can help you and others. I like the final thought from this site (don't let the "women" reference turn this away!):

It does talk about how doing this actually affects you twice - once in anticipating the worst and twice in having it happen/affirmation. BANISH the thoughts!!! Drown them with good thoughts, of previous good times, and future good times!

In the Final Thoughts:
"Also, how about trying to have more positive anticipation in your life. Having things to look forward to is a wonderful way to add spice in your life and fight off stress and worries."

P.S. your last post just popped up. IF you irritated any of us, more than likely we would leave too.... We're still here! You have made progress. Improvement of anything is an ongoing task, in many ways, including improving ourselves! None of us is perfect... As my kids learned long ago, there's only one thing in this world that is perfect... a$$holes...

Dear Paul, of course I’m not irritated with you, I wouldn’t keep nagging if I didn’t want to be here. However if you go somewhere stupid and get Coronavirus, I will be Very Very Cross. Avoid Bournemouth (worldwide picture, I presume you've seen it)! If you and your family get it, it will be no consolation to know that you are the tiniest statistic known.

margaret - 3/4 hours drive from Bournemouth I am. Miles away! Well it is for us in the UK lol.

and thanks disgusted..... :-)

I have been sort of there, a bit different. My family are not bossy or demanding BUT they did push a lot of what they couldn't/wouldn't do onto me. Even then, the pressure onto my brain space was horrendous. This only lifted when I got truly honest with them, warned them I would quit, then DID quit. First another chat;

Look, you need to eat. So you buy food. If you can't shop yourself - do a phone or online order & get it delivered. If it costs to do that - then you pay for that. That's how it works. I am happy to help out for an emergency or course, or after an operation, but if this is a regular everyweek occurrence YOU must sort yourself out.

This went for groceries, letting EMS in the door, travel to appointments, booking appointments & on & on.

It's so very entitled to expect someone not living with you to do all that. It's also so very entitled for a sibling to expect you to be his casual fill-in whenever he needs it. I absolutely stand behind the decision to block the brother's calls. If he is not willing to see or hear Paul's point of view - bye-bye.

As for Dad... I would seriously consider telling him straight out. Dad, you need so much help to live alone. If you want to keep living alone, you will need to get more help in. I am ONE person & I am not able to do more. So get more help in. Or move into a home. They are your choices. Hire more help. Or move. Repeat at every new demand.

I do feel for the old guy. Probably can't plan enough to actually arrange his own help. (My sister really can't. But that didn't mean it was MY job. Meant a new plan was needed).

Paul, vent away here.

My goodness, I would have seriously lost my marbles if I had not found this site & started saying no.

Beatty - thing is with Dad is he thinks he helpless and hes not. He copes fine.
He won't listen to anyone, he wants things how he wants things.

And he used this to try and make sure I visit.

I've got plenty on my plate at the mo with Dad and MIL. Wife has told MIL THREE times already "no you don't need to come up sunday and stay till friday, we've got things sorted, I will see you TUESDAY".

Thats bad enough lol but I'm a little unimpressed shes pushing like this with no thought for some space for us.

(Not that dad has any boundaries!)

Well he took that well NOT.....

As soon I said, I can't make it but will visit one night in the week, his tone changed. Suddenly I had the old "I've been so ill I'm going to phone the doctor today". Yeh right that old chestnut.

I asked him a few questions - got to make sure its not covid. All pretty much non-specific made up or age related stuff. Fun outing for the doc tomorrow then! Dad is already got his bag packed and said he'll phone me if he gets admitted to hospital. Total fabrication AGAIN.

Oh and I had to bite my lip. FIVE times he said the words "Im SO disappointed you can't come today". OMG. Give me a break will you? Who says that to someone? Guilt trip or what?

So disappointed I didnt get my way more like....

I'm here now just fuming mad....

I didn't have to lie too much mind - Im not on call but they guy on call lives in scotland and someone had to go into the office in cardiff.

The other person I work with is there but it could have been me. And I have spoken to him this am to help him.

Oh and another one - "if the doctor gives me a prescription can you nip out from work and get it for me on monday?" 25 miles away mind, I',m sure work will be happy with that 90 min round trip.

I offered to speak to doctor/pharmacist arrange to get it delivered if needs be, even if it costs, or sent to pharmacy near me so I'd bring tuesday evening. Nope not paying, dont want all the "hassle" of that....

Good try to get me there again when there are alternatives...

Wow. Too right suggesting he get it delivered!

Your hourly rate at 1.5 hours + fuel costs would be (insert price here). Tell him that! He wouldn't want to deprive your family of that income now would he? Oh, he's ok with that? Says he's more important than feeding your family? Well Dad you've become very unreasonable. My answer is no. Stay polite. Say no I can't do that. Pause. Let him argue with the silence. Let him sort it out.

Beatty - we've had this cost argument before. Not that its be all and end all of course. Can guarantee he'd say "oh I'll pay you if lose money - £20 ok? lol". Im not saying but its more than that by quite a lot.

As I've said, I'm a consultant not an employee of wherever I work. Most places are pretty good but you don't get as much slack as an employee if you know what I mean. If a plumber came around, then said got to go and left your toilet in pieces, you know what I mean?

Its not just the money its the bad feeling. Everyones human and I expect it'd be ok. But just how many father emergencies is my client gonna go for?

"I've got plenty on my plate at the mo with Dad and MIL. Wife has told MIL THREE times already "no you don't need to come up sunday and stay till friday, we've got things sorted, I will see you TUESDAY"."

Good for the wife! I hope you took this opportunity to praise and congratulate her for pushing back! You DO need to reinforce this any time it happens! It'll make more sense in my next post, but GOOD FOR HER!!!! Give her a high five and a nice big hug and a kiss!!!!

Clearly from past discussions and descriptions, he's not into spending his money and thinks everything is overpriced, BUT refusing to let you have something delivered because of the "cost" is just a bogus excuse. His tactics were to get you to go there and they didn't work as expected, so then he has to blame it on cost and regroup, moving on to the next tactic (packing for hospital stay.)

If the medicine is all oh-so-important, it needs to get there asap. Having it put up near you is fine, BUT he needs to know 1) you won't get it to him right away and 2) make up a delivery charge for yourself, more than what he's offering (I would imagine the Rx delivery would be a lot less than what he offered to you! ~$25 American money. So clearly that's a tactic, not related to cost.)

If UK has charts for mileage (usually covers gas + wear and tear), use that PLUS an hourly rate - doesn't have to be your rate, he doesn't need to know what you make, it just needs to be more than he'd be willing to pay!

Let's see, his offer $25 so consider that the hourly rate and multiply by 1.5 hours plus mileage (current rate for business in US is $0.575/mile - at 25 miles each way, that is $28.75.) Total, not including time to/from pharmacy plus gas to get there and back plus wait time, would be $53.75, or just under 45L. So tell him it'll cost him 45L (unless you think it would need to be more... just enough to ensure he won't bite.) He complains about how high that is, tell him he's getting a family discount! It's your work time, this is what you get paid (so he thinks) and you're losing that much time, gas and pay by having to do what the pharmacy can do in minutes! Not only that, as you noted, clients won't take kindly to multiple cuts into their time! You could end up losing your job - he might relish that, until you tell him how much you REALLY make and that you will expect him to pay THAT amount to provide his "care" - bet that would choke him up! I'd also bet that a "home" would cost a lot less!!!

If he injures himself again, now or at any time in the future, I would also warn him that the doctors can tell it is self inflicted and self harm is considered a mental health issue and they *could* lock him up for that!

"Beatty - thing is with Dad is he thinks he helpless and hes not. He copes fine."

I don't buy it. He doesn't think he's helpless, he thinks he can fool you by pretending he is. It's how he's gotten you (and possibly/probably others) to jump and ask how high in the past. Don't know how long he's been doing this, but it'll take a long time (if ever) to train him out of it! If something works and one gets "rewarded", one tries it again. The more times rewarded, the more deeply ingrained it becomes. Ever watch kids pester over and over, pushing the limit until mom or pop capitulates? They WILL do it again and push MORE each time, because they've been "rewarded."

This is also about the anticipation I posted before - you anticipate he'll do this, this and this and THEN you're "rewarded" when he does it (justification for thinking it.) For you, the "reward" isn't worth it! It's why you have to work on stopping the anticipation. Focus more on saying No. Don't think about what he might say or do, focus on No. When he changes tactic, THAT is your reward - you won that hand!

I related a story about my kids and grocery before. Brief reminder: first time they ask about getting candy, I said "I'll think about it." The second time they ask, my response was "If you ask me again, the answer is NO." They were smart enough that IF they remembered at check-out, they'd meekly ask if I'd thought about it. Different question/tactic! Sometimes I'd say yes, other times no. So there was NO guarantee if you didn't ask, but there WAS a chance... They were pretty SMAHT cookies!!

Another time standing behind a woman at a pharmacy, two pre-school kids were picking up various candy asking can I have this, can I have this and she kept saying no until it was her turn to check out, then told them to pick out something! I could barely restrain myself! I wanted to slap her across the back of her head and shout YOU'RE TEACHING THEM TO DO THIS! I can't imagine how things were when they got older - eeesh!

So, he tries his various tricks, resorting to those that've worked. I'm out of food. I'm ill. I need someone to deal with <X> issue. He's gotten you to do these things. Might've been okay before when younger, no family yet, more time, etc, but now he's learned and is using those same "techniques." Clearly he doesn't NEED food, medical treatment, medications when you offer to have it delivered and he refuses saying he won't pay. It isn't really about the money or whatever he says he needs. It's all part of his method. The "need" is to control you. Stick with the standard responses and he'll cycle through his tricks, but get nowhere. You win!

The more you say no, the more he'll resort to the next "tactic." Don't fall for them (or anticipate them.) Learn to tune it out and just say no. He asks for a visit, you say no. He says he needs food (you know he doesn't), offer to have it delivered, No. Then, oh I'm so ill. I'll ring the doc for you. No. When he resorted to ill - you DID fall for it a bit, and "rewarded" him by asking questions. If he says he's ill, tell him to call the doc, nothing more. If it's the virus, he'd likely be short of breath and/or coughing. My response would have been 'Gee pop, you just wanted me to visit, now suddenly you're ill? Should I be visiting if you're ill? Shouldn't you call the doctor?' Don't ask any questions about him. I understand the concern, but you KNOW this is his typical modus operandi, so don't buy into it, especially when he was expecting you to come and was disappointed when you said no. So, still no reward of a visit by saying he's 'ill', so next ramp up the illness (because it DID get a minimal reward!) to push for what he wanted. You even saw that: "And he used this to try and make sure I visit."

"He won't listen to anyone, he wants things how he wants things." So, again, the answer is NO. No explanation, no questions, just No. He won't listen anyway and it's a waste of your time. Let him cycle through and you win!

"FIVE times he said the words "Im SO disappointed you can't come today"."

No question guilt trip. To answer your question, plenty of people do this. Too many people fall into the guilt trap and give in. You have your own trips planned, you don't need to go on his!

My response, every time he said that:

Me too dad (smirk), me too, sorry, ta ta!

It's good that 'disgustedtoo' has fresh enthusiam for nagging. I hope you appreciate it, Paul!

disgusted (and everyone else of course) - thanks again.

I think you're spot on. I phoned him yesterday. Didnt call the doctor afterwards, hasnt mentioned food.

Hes done this many times. Backs down. As if he lost the battle and needs to retreat. After all, what is the point of telling me hes ill now and calling the doctor - I've already said no. Its counterproductive to argue with me further now.

I fully expect brother is spitting feathers now. His "plan" to get me onto his rota failed. And it will continue to fail.

Im going to see Dad on my terms tonight. With me WFH all day, its easier to do on a week night now. No traffic. Frees up my weekends with family too. To kill 2 birds with one stone, my MIL is around today for a few days again (Arrgh!) so wife and kids have got her to themselves.

The money this is funny. He'll often offer £20. Not sure how much he thinks people get paid? (Minimum wage in the uk is close to £10 an hour).

Of course, I'm not employed either. I've got VAT, employers tax (NI), accountant fees etc etc to pay out of the "gross". And of course, with no sick pay, holiday pay, pension etc its got to be more than normal (or it wouldnt be worth doing).

Dad would have a real shock if I told him his £20 for half a days missed work is probably about 10% of what the real cost is. Which is why, in the past, when he wants me to collect him from hospital, me paying a £10 taxi fare is much better option.

Why don't you tell him the financial fallout, Paul? Surely the 'real shock' would be a good thing?

margaret - I've sort of tried in the past but I don't think he believes me to be honest. Hes got little grip and idea how much things cost to be honest.

Also, I'm a little wary. He already thinks my brother is the "hard done by working man" and I'm pretty much the "pencil pusher who gets money for nothing". I don't want to make things worse.

To put into perspective, my poor wife is nurse. Its not well paid. She works 22.5 hours per week not full time. BUT even so, I earn more in a week than she does in a month. I feel so sorry for her because its so hard work..

Can't even imagine telling dad that... Like I said, he offers me £20 to cover "lost wages". You can see what I mean!

"Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it"

While I do understand some of the "economics" behind it, I still find it odd that those who do the hardest, and sometimes dangerous and/or drudge work are among the lowest paid... Even worse, those who "have" look down on them as if they are less than human, regardless of skin color! I value everyone, and until they prove otherwise by their actions, everyone has value. It is disheartening to see those who DO judge others, more often than not without justification... Rude awakening might be coming for many of them (several have been harangued and lost their "nice" jobs!)

I actually saw some of this in action when I took on a second job at HD (big box hardware/lumber store for those not in the US.) Several woman talked "down" at me, even though I was doing my best to meet their "needs." One of those even went to management to complain about me! Another woman was trying to be nice when she commented on my "flair" (reference to Jennifer Aniston's role in Office Space - and yes, I expressed myself and my "flair" often!), referring to the "Cashier College" badge I had to wear... I already had one college degree and was working on another, even while working 2 jobs and raising 2 kids on my own! Most people were nice enough, but there were always those few who had to be uppity. That was many years ago. and it's even worse now... Trash people? YOU make the trash! Septic and sewer workers? YOU make the stuff they have to work on! None of us is better than another and we all deserve livable wages, EVEN the migrant workers who pick your fruits and veggies (far from stealing American jobs, THEY help put food on YOUR tables, and there are very few Americans who would stoop to this kind of back-breaking, tedious, hard work for a pittance of pay!) I don't dispute that some earn more pay because they have educated themselves and worked hard to get "up the ladder", esp as I was one of them. But these people who get ludicrous money for "running" a company, and even get big payouts when they leave in disgrace, is disgusting. How many millions or billions does one family need? Then to look down on those who just get by and blame it on them? Pshaw!
(apologies for the rant... however this does apply to the forum as well - the hardest working people at facilities or for agencies are among the lowest paid people in the whole care industry!)

I'd still push back on those delivery charges, esp for the medication. Those poor "working slobs" need to be helped too, to ensure the NHS stays afloat (sure, all the money raised recently helps, but still...) They are just like your brother, working hard, not "pushing pencils" and trying to make a living. Dad's arguments against paying them, to me, is pissing into the wind! Of course for him this isn't just about the money, whether he is out of touch and/or cheap, it is about controlling you.

"Hes done this many times. Backs down. As if he lost the battle and needs to retreat. After all, what is the point of telling me hes ill now and calling the doctor - I've already said no. Its counterproductive to argue with me further now."

One can hope (a GOOD anticipation) that this will become more the norm... He may be figuring out that his "tactics" are no longer working... Keep at it! I think you are winning some of these games and might just win the trophy!!!

"I fully expect brother is spitting feathers now."

Good. Makes a nice visual you can switch to instead of anticipating dad's next move! Should be enough to bring a smile to your face!!!

Oops, some bad math was done earlier!!! I added the original $25 offer to the mileage, skipping the 1.5 hour multiplication! So, that would be more like $66 or almost 54L. Either way, MUCH more than paying for delivery.

The point is to drive YOUR cost for doing his "bidding" to a ridiculous amount that he won't want to pay. Clearly 54L is more than double what he was "offering." Hopefully his penchant for squeezing nickels (or pence) would make him gag at this amount!

Just now thought, gee, VP's name is Pence... does that make him the next to lowest coin in the drawer??? Or if ha'penny in considered, third from the bottom? ;-)

Paul - you should be proud of having a successful well paying career. I'm sure your wife is proud of you.

I'm proud of my husband for being able to earn enough to support our family of 4 and a fur baby, several feral cats, and a few hens. I used to work full time and made a decent salary, then we had kids, so we decided that it was best that I cut back on the hours. So, now I'm working part time from home. The nice thing is that my work (Accounting/Bookkeeping) allows me to work any time of the day. We have a garden that we grow fruits and vegetables. We also have eggs from our chickens. I told my husband that we're living off the land. He said: "Yeah, my name is Land." Haha...

As for your dad, I understand why you don't want to tell him how much you earn, he might just pass out.

disgusted - yeh I visited last night and all I heard about was my brother, whos been laid off again, and how hard it is for the "working man". Didnt even ask me how my job was going....

polar - I remember someone saying once "In the USA, they see someone with a nice car and think, how do I get a car like that? In the UK, they see a nice car and think lucky b@stard"

I dunno how true this is for the USA lol but its true in the UK.

Yeh I probably had the worse start to life you could have. Early 70s this was - no mother, single parent, awful council estate, really poor school, deprived area. So yes I aint lucky.

If I told Dad he'd think I'm showing off. Or that I'm lucky to have that which I dont get.

I remember once him saying "So you get paid to sit in the house, doing nothing, and you get paid just in case someone calls you?"
"Yes Dad that's how oncall/standby works"
"Wow you're SO LUCKY".

A few weeks later
"What? They expected you to go to work at 2am in the morning?"
"Yes Dad, it was urgent, I was there for 18 hours too".
"NO WAY!!!! There is no way I'd let my employer do that to me, I'd refuse to go in".

My point was proven there that we live in different worlds.

Paul, I reckon your Dad is playing games about not understanding some of the concepts like casual work. It gives him another way to wind you up. I suggest that you tell him that if he gets himself taken to ER for no reason, they are likely eventually to give him a test for mental competence. That will include questions like ‘what year is it’ and ‘who is the Prime Minister’, and also explaining things that are relevant to his life. Good examples would be ‘casual work’, 'on call', 'child support', and any other examples you can think of. You might enjoy the reaction!

Big fancy SUVs may get a comment like: "Nice tractor. Hope you learn how to park it soon".

Fancy sport cars seen in rough/social housing areas may get "business is good for that drug dealer" comment (quietly said of course).

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