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hi smeshque - great that you're continuing to exercise. My arm is better, but still weak. I'm still doing the stretching exercise that the PT told me to do. It does help. I can move my arm much better, it's just the strength that hasn't come back fully. I'm going to see the PT in a week and will ask him what to do to regain my strength.

Last night, I did some squats and karate kicks. Will do some more tonight.

Massage and range of motion exercises needed for the pain.
Outside......not so much.
But I love the exercise buddies!

Today I took my coffee over to the nearby park to watch the kids at the splash pad and, swings and climbers and I thought - why can't grown up fitness equipment be fun like that?

Remember any exercise is better than no exercise.

Motivation: Our health and well being

Just did some squats and stretching...

Imagine trying to get down on the floor next to the bird's cage, (during an earthquake), and finding your knees no longer bend enough to stay there.
That "squat" is all I was able to do.

A reminder to increase my walking, and any exercise I can possibly do.

Hello exercise buddies!

Every time I get down on my knees for any reason I remember my mother telling me how one day she couldn't get up again after getting a can from the back of her lower cupboard. I guess she must have found a way somehow since she wasn't on the floor when she told me the story🤔.

Polar bear,
If you do the arm/shoulder stretch in the warm shower, add a massage, your arm will feel better sooner. Imo.

I know, because when I say I can't walk at times, it means it hurts so very much to walk, and I need to hold on to the walls, or just sit down for awhile, try again later.
Being more physically fit would help. Reminder: In a disaster emergency, we will be YO-YO. Getting up and down on our own.

YO-YO = You are on your own!

I would love to. I struggled with anorexia and now I am 50 still thin but I really want to gain muscle back. How can we do this. I am all in

Staffbull- we just take it one day at a time. Do as much physical exercise each day. And check in with one another just to see how things are going. Try to encourage each other to move it, move it.

So you know your limitations. You want to build muscle, you will need strength training. Working with weights.
I really like the power 90 workout, it is cardio and strength.

What do you like to do? Turn everything into a workout. Takes a little effort, but doable.
Glad to have you as a buddy. If you need some help getting started, let us know.

This group(minus me) is full of great ideas.

Welcome. Now get moving.

Today, read in a magazine that easy exercises can build muscle strength (needed as we age), (muscle loss called sarcopenia) with a recommendation for free Videos @,AARP.

Rarely, (never in 15 years), read those magazines offered at the checkout stands (Wal-Mart), however, could not resist Woman's World, July 8, with headline article: "She lost her belly at age 66". (I was shopping alone for earthquake supplies) Article shows the exercises, and pictures of food to feed your muscles. I will try it, since I am already eating the same food recommended (except the quinoa and corn on the cob).

Feeling so encouraged, hoping it is not "hype".

Hope this helps you Staffbull, and anyone else interested.

Yes, Smeshque, "Move it, Move it!
A song reference in the movie Madagascar.

Later Exercise buddies!

Madagascar 2
 like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
We like to move it!
I like to move it, move it
She like to move it, move it
He like to move it, move it
We like to move it!
Keep on jumpin' off the floor
Dancin' 'til your feet is sore
Party hard just like it's Mardi Gras
'Cause that's what life is for (Yeah!)
And we don't party hardly (No!)
We just party hard (Yeah!)
And not because we bored (No!)
We party 'cause we born to party
We gonna move our bodies
With our hands in the air
And wave 'em all around
Like we just don't care
Moto Moto in the house
I'm about to turn it out
And you know it's going down
I'm physically, physically, physically round
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like…

Do not try this at home alone, unless you can put your cell phone nearby on the floor to make that call: "HELP! I've fallen, and I can't get up!".

I think Bob Segar's rock & roll never forgets would be more my kind of way to move it. They'd have to have the lights way low to get me out on the dance floor today though. A little liquid encouragement wouldn't hurt either.

Cwillie- you can Stand Like a Rock, against the wind, down on mainstreet. :)
That will be a good workout.

I was a big seger fan back when. DH introduced me to him.

Went off the rails in May and June.

Feral, mindless eating and no exercise. Stress at work was sky-high (not to mention long hours) and self-care went out the window.

In-laws were on my last nerve, too. Nothing new there.

Started reigning in my eating on July 1st. It’s all about habits. Change a habit. Replace a habit.

If it comes in a bag, box or plastic wrapper, I tell myself that it’s not special and I can eat a _________ any damn time. Therefore I will not eat one now.

Weather has been a bit brutal for outdoor exercise. Need to get back to yoga or Pilates.

One minute at a time, that is how we approach this.
Some days we do better than others. In eating right you can allow yourself a cheat day. Not to overdue it, but to have those little treats you love, in moderation. We can't beat ourselves up when we fail the standards or rules we apply to ourselves. We just get up from that fall and try and do better. As long as we keep trying, that is not failing.
And eventually, yes eventually something will connect in our minds that keep us on track better. Until then, never stop trying.
The heat and humidity is a Bear. Do exercises and workout inside air conditioning. But don't let the heat tell you, it is ok not to do anything. Little bits add up.
Maybe find a good workout video you can do. I am a big promoter of the power 90 it is a great workout. Alternating strength and cardio. Now keep in mind, your first week of it, is getting use to moving, finding your coordination, and building up. And the goal is to do it for 90 days. And you will have great results. I know for certain this is true. I haven't gotten to get back to my video, because with farming you are always working out. But maybe this winter I will. I cycle for hours every evening as a release of the day and get rid of energy so I can sleep. Plus I love cycling. Find something you love.

You can do it Blackhole. We are all here to help each other however we can. Do it for you. You will feel so much better, I lie not,

You too Mik

Got up early and got dressed to go for a run. Went out in the yard and started puttering in the garden. Came in for a coffee. More puttering. Lunch. Computer time... now it's 1:30. Oh well, at least I thought about it.

I love seeing all the new posts here!

It’s been so hot and humid, it’s hard to exercise! But, I walked three times last week. Would be best if I could escape to go to the gym one day a week, in addition. I’m hoping to do this on Wednesdays!

Well, I am closer to my happy weight. So I just keep doing what I have been doing, it seems to have cracked the code, thank the Lord.
I havent had the energy or time to add anything else to my workout, but I continue biking nightly, vibing, and just the work around the farm.
This heat is rough. Before my parents moved here, DH and I would work at night around the farm in the hottest of days, and nap during the day. Now we cannot do that because of our situation, so we try to get in the work in the mornings and evenings.
I hope you all are pressing on, getting stronger, more motivated, healthier.
I often wonder about you all and how you are doing, especially in this heat.
Just keep moving and hydrated, everyone.

Smeshque, I am very curious, when you would work the farm at night did you ever have meet and greet with any critters?

I would be worried about interrupting a skunk or coon having dinner.

I would definitely get good exercise running for my life after I jumped 6' in the air.

We put a critter cam up and we have a big healthy bobcat as a regular visitor. Could be good cardio running into him.

I have to remind myself that I'm not trying to run a marathon or anything I just want to get in at least 15 to 20 minutes of cardio, otherwise I get discouraged that I'm not improving my distance and endurance or losing any weight.

And for all the people dealing with the heat - beware of all the pop, sweetened ice teas & coffees and all those other high calorie beverages!

Thanks for the reminder CWillie, as I have been desperately trying to find something more than just water to drink. Putting some lemon juice in my bottled water would have worked, if I did not add s u g a r to it.

Keep on moving everyone!

Isthisreal- Lol. Our dogs pretty much keep all critters at bay.
The skunks are rare to get close, not that they don't at times. But while we work our dogs are always by our sides, so they do their job very well. Even if that means taking one for the team, and smelling like a skunk.
But really have not encountered any varments working at night. Thank the Lord.

Have you ever heard of “activation energy”? Those first 5 seconds after an idea comes to you when you almost jump up and do it, but if you hesitate, then all the reasons why not to do it flood in and wash it out to sea? It makes logical sense then, to take advantage of your activation energy to make positive changes in our lives.

So... that’s what I’m trying to do. I watched a TedTalk about it a couple days ago and thought it was a great way to stop procrastinating. Last night, I got out my running gear and put it by the bed with water. This morning without thinking too much, I put it on and after settling my hubby where he’d be safe, went out for a 10 minute run/walk. I’m sooo out of shape! Lol! But, I did it!
Ill do it again on Wednesday. Without thinking. Just do it.

That is great Julia, keep at it.
And thanks for the info on activation energy, completely makes sense. We sometimes hold ourselves back with hesitation.
Best wishes! Keep moving.

Thanks! Today was a dialysis day, so I went for a walk to the nearby pond. I’m definitely feeling those muscles I used yesterday! I usually develop shin splints quickly, so I’m trying to strengthen my foot arches to try to prevent it. 🤞

How are you doing with your goals, everyone?

It was already in the 80s this morning, so rather than struggle through my intended 10 minute walk/run, I opted for a ballet routine with Lazy Dancer on YouTube. I almost did nothing. But then I thought of this discussion board. And I thought of my flabby legs and getting out of breath walking places. I do want to change. So, I danced/stretched in the living room.

When the weather is ugly, what do you or can you do to keep up your exercise routine?

Just came back from the pool with the kids. I did some swimming, exercising in the water. Feel much better afterwards.

My annual physical exam is coming up in 3 months. I want to improve on my numbers from last year: AC1, weight, cholesterol, etc. So, that's my goal. I'm going to put that on my phone calendar to remind me each morning.

How's everyone doing?

PB- that is Great!
Stay Motivated you will get it done. Swimming is great exercise. Its like exercising and not knowing it, I haven't got to swim in many moons. So next time you go do a lap for me.

I just continue cycling and vibing and working.
Getting there.
Eating right for the most part, with the exception of the 5 Reisons I have just munched down. :)

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