I read so many posts here with excellent suggestions about facing the need to place a loved one in a facility, going to major medical facilities for specialized psychological evaluations and more, for us, and, I am sure for many others, these options are not possible financially. My bank account is overdrawn now, on the 11th day of the month, and I still have incontinence supplies to buy, have spent so much money on equipment like shower benches, walkers, bedside commodes, and more, multiple co-pays from regular Dr. Appts and two trips to the ER. So far our med costs have been good, but everything else is killing us. All of our small savings gone. I blame no one but us because we never planned for this. We were, and still are, in the process of paying off credit card debt, trying to sell our very small, (923 sq. ft.), home, and move closer to his daughter. We never go out to eat, see a movie, have not had even a weekend away since 2012, no vacations for 10 years and then just that-a weekend at the ocean at an inexpensive B&B, to celebrate an anniversary, the only cost of living raise in SS and RR retirement of about $2 a month and just lost our only car, (a 2005 Jeep complete with many repair needs still being paid off and the many dents -up repaired damage due to husband's "fender-benders" prior to getting his driver's license revoked). If the insurance company totals the car the most we might get will be low book-not enough to buy anything. I have stopped newspaper delivery except for weekends because it was costing $84/month, have tried to keep tv including sports channels because they mean so much to my husband. I could go on ad nauseum, but the point being, if I could afford the best, he would be getting the best, but I can't afford anything other than keeping him at home and facing a very bleak future. I am working every day to access various resources for help. And I am deeply appreciative of those who do offer help.
Have you applied?
Have you asked your local Area Agency on Aging for a needs assessment. They can provide information on local resources!
If you need any equipment in the future, ask one of your doctors for a script and contact a DME supplier; Medicare might pay for it. I don't recall that we ever paid for our wheelchairs, nor for a rollator.