
The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee voted to advance legislation introduced by U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Susan Collins (R-ME) to support the health and wellbeing of family caregivers. The Lifespan Respite Care Reauthorization Act of 2019 now heads to the floor for consideration by the full Senate.

PS: Thank you all for what you do for your loved ones. It's not an easy job, that's for sure.

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its firstly ' no shave november ' .

i can wait till december then shave it for you myself if youd like .

i'll be gentle .

NOW IS THE TIME TO WRITE TO YOUR TWO UNITED STATES SENATORS AND ASK FOR A YES VOTE on the Lifespan Respite Care Reauthorization Act of 2019 which was passed by the House and has been introduced to the Senate.

Ask for a YES vote on: S.995 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)
Lifespan Respite Care Reauthorization Act of 2019
Sponsors: U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Susan Collins (R-ME) (Introduced 04/02/2019) Cosponsors: (2) 

Look up your Senators here: <>

Tell your Senators what's its like to be a caregiver and the kind of life you have as a caregiver. Tell them how much you need support for what you do and how helpful programs and activities that will be funded pursuant to section 2902 will be.

Read the bill:
Text: <>

Blueberrybelle, sole caregiver to 100-year-old Mother!


Happy Caregivers Month to all of you on this site. Wishing you many blessings on your caregiving journey.

Happy Caregivers Month to all. May God richly bless you. May you receive rest when you need it. Hugs and love to all. 💗


How lovely! Now you can make a ‘proper’ pot of tea! Go all out. Buy loose tea leaves and a tea ball to place the leaves inside the pot. The flavor is wonderful! I’m partial to Darjeeling. Add some treats, fancy sandwiches and sweets!

I love fancy tea outings! We have The Windsor Court hotel here that serves fabulous tea.

There are Super Heroes in lots of fields of work.
The Fire Dept. have been working hard, and truly are heroes.

I want to reach out and congratulate all the Caregivers on Aging Care who are
The Super Heroes for their parents. Or a spouse. Or a sibling, another relative or friend, or a client. So good for you! And thanks for staying with the other caregivers on here. Just thanks! I will not single anyone out, and I think they know who they are already. You all are greatly appreciated! By me. And I am sure, by others. Caregivers all!

And Happy Caregiver's month!

Thank you!

Well I had a very nice time at the tea! The speaker was a former minister/engineer/and now life/relationship coach in this 70s at least, who had cared for his mother, He spoke about how words effect us, and I saw myself in a lot of what he said,, so now to see if I can remember to speak in a more mindful manner.. The food and fellowship were great, and they send us all home with a beautiful teapot from the Rea Drummond collection. I don't make tea in pots but this may inspire me to!!

My friend who is Caregiving her hubs, and he is currently in the hospital recovering from pneumonia, has invited me to go to a CG tea on Thursday. A speaker, treats etc at a local AL. I've never done anything like this,, she goes a lot when she can find them. So I am excited about that!

For everyone here that caregiving has been the major or only mission in life, know that you are appreciated, in spite of how it may appear. Others can be so cruel.

Those of us here, really do understand. GREAT JOB! Do something special for you this month.

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