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Thanks smeshque~

Does anyone else want to scream when someone says "You're still young. Once this is over, you can have a life for yourself. You can do anything you want!" "This" would be the deaths of my mom & my husband, each suffering from a different type of dementia.

Thursday morning:
M 6.3 - 284km WNW of Bandon, Oregon

Thursday about 3 a.m. (I was up)
Two EQ within a minute in Mentone, CA
3.0 and 2.5 magnitude

Still feeling the earth move, under my head....

Wishes for safety for Florida

Praying for Florida.

I wonder why someone would send someone they know, a gift that person would not use nor enjoy.
For example gardening gloves for someone who does not garden. Or jewelry to one who wears absolutely no jewelry.
So frustrating to me the thoughtlessness of my siblings.

Smeshque, I think sometimes people get gifts based on what they like. I once served a relative a mixed drink in a Flintstones glass mug (from McD's) since it was close to the size of a rocks glass (about 8 oz.) We had young kids, so I didn't bother trying to have matching glassware (except for the set of 8 FIintstones mugs) since glasses broke routinely. So, for several Christmases, I received barware from this relative...decanters, daiquiri glasses, champagne flutes, wine glasses. What they didn't think about is I rarely drink and DH is fine with our everyday glasses for beer. :-)

Linda, I really thought you were going to say you got Flintstones crap for the rest of your life! I am surrounded by people who like to get me "themed" gifts.. as in,, I have cats,, always have. I now have enough totchkas cat related to open my own store. Yes I have a cat or two ( not counting the ferals we feed) but I DO NOT collect cat items,, pictures, figurines, clothes, napkins, mugs,, you get it. But now I apparently do! And so does my local goodwill upon occasion.. wink wink

Linda, you should start serving all your dinners to people on paper plates and using plastic utensils, then they might gift you china and silver :) Just sayin

Queue the clowns. = Get them to line up.
Que the clowns. = Send in the clowns.

If my people
Who are called by my name
Will humble themselves and pray.....

Praying that the Lord will turn the storm away, decrease it's power, save and heal our land.

8 p.m. Sunday.

Thank you Lord, for answered prayers! You are the God who calms the waters.

Pam, I have the same issue with cat things.

I also remember getting gifts items used around the kitchen, even though I hate to cook. Sorry, but a blender isn't going to spark my interest in culinary doings :P


A friend of dds, who dropped by a week or so ago, while they were out having a coffee said to my daughter, "How nice your mum dresses up and has a boyfriend."



I always dress nicely and have had a man around for much of my life,

She comes from a background of alcoholic parents who died in their 60's and has worked in a senior's home, so I guess, in part, that explains it.

I told my dd to tell her that my mother was still doing volunteer work in Haiti aged 85 She can also add that my sister in her 80's, recently remarried and they have traveled extensively this past year.

This is the lady who grabbed my arm as I was walking downtown on the way to lunch with her and dd last winter. I thought she was afraid of falling on the ice. She assumed I needed the help because I was 80, I didn't. SMH!

My house is full of rabbits~
Even fake rabbits multiply.
Just because I decided to collect them as a child.

175 cows. All materials. All colors. All sizes.

Why didn't I say I collect diamonds or rubies or pearls or.....

My SIL had a friend pass away (I didn't know the deceased) and she actually live-streamed the funeral on Facebook. I have never heard of such a thing. Apparently it's done through funeral homes sometimes as a means of allowing loved ones who can't attend to view the service in a closed forum, but just recording the graveside service and putting it on your Facebook page? This seemed kind of morbid and tacky to me. Yes, this is the same melodramatic SIL who went on for 2 weeks on FB about my husband's uncle's death, and she wasn't even very close to him.

Ugh. Just because something can be done doesn't mean it should be done. That kind of reminds me of how some people would take pictures of the dead lying in the casket back in they day - who wants to preserve that kind of memory?

Really?? Record a funeral and have it on fb?! Is anything private today? Morbid indeed!!

My hIsband has lost 5 family members on his mother’s side in the last 6 years-2 uncles, both grandparents and his mother. His uncle, that had been away in psychiatric lock up for years (mentally ill, went to prison for stabbing someone) was the first die. They had a graveside service for him. And same with the other uncle. And one of the cousins brought a camera to both services and photographed the services and people posed for pictures afterward. And they posted open casket pictures too. My MIL was very upset when she saw pictures of her deceased brothers on Facebook and made it very clear that when she died, we were NOT to post anything on Facebook. When my uncle died, taking pictures never crossed my mind! At my husbands grandparents services, they did take pictures again but I don’t recall people posing the way they did at the uncles services. It’s a foreign concept to me. We’ve never ever taken pictures at a funeral in my family.

I remember a photo my FIL showed me once of his GM. She was dressed laid out in bed with her grown children circling the bed. She was dead. I think she died in 1927.

And today there are drive through funeral homes where the deceased in casket is available for viewing.

The night we were at the funeral home I pulled out Mother's dress she would wear and the Cross that my Father had given her that she wanted to be buried in and my 2 brother's got out their camera and took pictures of the necklace and it was so disrespectful and tacky to me.
The next day,one of my brother's called me at home and told me to bring Mother some shoes.That he had looked in the casket and saw she only had on socks.
That was so disrespectful.Who opens a casket and you don't need shoes in Heaven.

I honestly had no idea that people took pictures of the dead many many years ago! I guess I thought it was something that us younger folks started doing now that most everyone has a phone with a camera on it! My gosh 1927 was almost 90 years ago!

Luckylu I’m with you—who needs shoes in heaven? My MIL was not buried in shoes. You just reminded me though, when my grandmother died I tried to open her casket after the funeral! I was only 6 though and I just wanted to see her again. I don’t know that she was even in the casket, she was cremated but I don’t know if it was before or after the funeral. My uncle saw and quickly stopped me. I’m horrified now—not only because of my blatant disrespect but if my grandmother was in that casket and I opened it, my family would have been so upset!

Today we went to the Italian festival. It is an annual tradition, we go with my husbands best friend L and every year we would run in to his parents there so we would all hang out together. Last summer his brothers family moved back to the area so now we all meet out there and enjoy good food, good music and good company. We all look forward to it every year. Today was not a good day though. Started out bad and ended even worse. We started out having great difficulty finding parking because they had shut down the surrounding streets because of the parade. After that debacle, we walked down to the festival and had to stand in a long slow line to buy tokens for food and drinks. They no longer allow you to pay at each booth, this year they had a very confusing colored token system. We first went to get an Arancini (rice ball that is fried and stuffed with meat and cheese & covered with sauce) and a pasta & meatballs plate. Got annoyed when we were told to move several times while we were eating, or that alcohol wasn’t allowed in that area (the guys had a beer). We all ate and then some of us went off to look at the vendor booths or get in line for ice cream. Our friends dad, D, went over to sit under a tree by the bocce ball tournament. He had complaining that his stomach was hurting after he had a sausage sandwich. His wife and daughter went off somewhere. My husband was talking to some old coworkers. I went with our friends brother to get the kids some ice cream. He got ice cream for the boys and I had to get more tokens so I got those and then had to stand in a very long ice cream long to get my daughter an ice cream. So I got her ice cream and we are walking up the steps torward the bocce ball area and I saw a bunch of firefighters and park rangers standing around D! I sprinted over there and everyone was with him-his wife, his kids, my husband. Apparently he and L were standing under the tree and D said he felt nauseous, like he was going to be sick and then he just turned grey and clammy and collapsed! Thank God L was with him, he caught him and called 911. D refused to be transported so his daughter took him and L & his brother R were gonna meet them at the hospital. We don’t know what’s wrong with D yet. He is 83, he’s been in great shape but over the last 2 years, he’s really started aging and having problems. Today he was using a walking stick because his leg has been giving him problems. He was standing up and talking when I got back with the ice cream so I am hoping it is nothing too serious.

Here's a musing...
My mother gave out her Medicare number to a cold caller scam artist this week. Come to find out, she can't see well so she read him the wrong number.
In other words, she inadvertently scammed the scammer!
Serves him right.
I told her not to pick up the phone for numbers she doesn't know. And if she inadvertently does, to start talking about her bowels... lol That should get him off the phone real quick!

No shoes needed in heaven:
" remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."

Yoda is ......

Took my brother to new ophthalmologist this morning. His Parkinson’s is affecting his eyes and he had a fall which caused some vision problems. He saw a new young woman, graduate of Harvard Medical School, did residency at University North Carolina Eye Institute at Chapel Hill, NC. She found early signs of macular degeneration. She gave him the usual macular instructions. But added sit out in the direct sunlight wearing sunglasses daily. The sunlight slows progression. She said this is also now recommended for nearsightedness. I was a little skeptical. I called my mom’s former specialist at Cincinnati Eye Institute. He agreed said a lot of good newer research had indicated these findings.

Nurse phoned tonight and said the Viking had a fever - she never runs a fever - usually below normal

I asked her to check BP and respirations - both were lower than usual

feeling guilty for not going to see her after work but it was late and she was sleeping

I'm sorry MsMadge - honestly, you turn your back for ONE minute and...

Hope it's a blip and she's feeling better very soon. What will Hoca do to keep an eye on her, did they say?

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