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It will be weeks before I can accept what time it really is.
Tweety has his own internal clock, and his schedule affects mine.

Yesterday I went to work after being awake all night with a sick puppy ( better now), so by the time I got home I had been up over 36 hours,, and I do not recommend it. I almost called out of work, but I was not raised that way, and luckily I did not as we had two callouts, the on call refused to come in, and my carpool buddy was also not feeling well.. ( no patients were harmed,, I promise) I fell asleep in the car ride home ( luckily not the driver) and made myself stay up until (the new) 10 PM. Slept like a log, been a long time since that has happened. So I feel more "back on track" today. And lucky for me the 2 days I work this week are not 12 hour shifts.. instead a training session at the Inner Harbor from 8-4.. so I can finish regrouping!

Thanks for your examples about how to control your sleeping schedule.

Self-discipline is always the key to a better life.

What’s up with the long lines at Popeyes chicken

I drove past one with a long line both early morning Sunday and late tonight

I saw the picture of the chicken sandwich but it looks like a fried piece on a hamburger bun

are they giving them away for free ?

Madge, I googled Popeye's promotions. And it seems that I have heard there is quite the competition now between Popeye's and chick-fil-a. Google came up with coupons for this new sandwich. I love Popeye's chicken, the spicy variety. Haven't had it in years. Now I am hungry.

Breaded chicken on bread, not even for free.

Have you tried In N Out special order? Open late, very late.

Double meat, double cheese, PROTEIN STYLE, Whole grilled onions,
(spread or mustard instead), Extra lettuce (comes in whole leaf) (wrapped around your burger), extra tomatoes, chopped chilis, and a side of pickles, to go, eat in car, comes in a box.

Has anyone tried El Pollo Loco's new tamale chicken bowls?
Look good in the coupons received by mail.

Send, those sound good!!! I have not tried them yet, didn’t even know they were a thing! I love their protein bowls. If the el pollo loco’s here have the tamale bowls, we’ll have to go there for dinner one night this week!

need to whine for a moment. I am stuck in endless cycle. I go a few months eating reasonably well and excercising regularly. I feel great physically and mentally and sleep better. Then something happens and I fall off the wagon, start eating poorly, sleep like sh**, and stop excercising because I feel tired all the time. This weekend, after a long “off the wagon” period, I got fed up with feeling so poorly and got myself back on the wagon. This means clean eating, portion control and NO nighttime snacking (my worst habit) as well as cutting back on coffee. I was drinking 2-3 cups a day which I don’t think is a lot BUT i put 3-4 tablespoons of creamer in each cup so the calories add up.

So i was expecting the hardest part to be hunger while getting used to smaller lighter meals and no night time snacks. Boy was I wrong! It was cutting back on the coffee that nearly did me in! For the last 2 days I had a bad headache that started when I woke up Wednesday morning. I had one cup of coffee Wednesday morning and took some Advil that afternoon and got a little relief but it never went away. Also felt foggy. Yesterday I had one cup in the morning and still the headache persisted. I had a cup of green tea in the afternoon and took some Advil’s and still it lingered. I was starting to worry I have a brain tumor! Woke up this morning and my head still hurt but as soon as I had my coffee, it went away completely and knock on wood, hasn’t come back! Must have been caffeine withdrawal!

I got those coupons, too

havent had a tamal from el pollo in years, but it was a far cry from an authentic east la tamal


I’ve felt like that too. If a young person dies I suppose we feel that they were cheated out of a full life.

It gets to me when I hear of babies dying. That is when we ask ourselves, “Why? Just why?”

Sorry about your mom’s neighbor. He was very young. Sadly, the upcoming holiday season will be very rough for his family, friends, coworkers and neighbors.

I have weird thoughts at times. Sometimes I wonder is it better to die young and have lived a great life, no matter how short, rather than a long tortured life.

Even stranger thought, if we were given a choice of whether we want to enter this world or not, would we? Hmmmm... If we could have had a sneak preview like they show at the movies.

Do you think as humans we would be so curious, so adventurous, that we would automatically jump on the band wagon for the ride?

Dreams have always fascinated me. Is our existence after we die similar to a dream like state? Or is this life the dream like state?

Those who have had near death experiences have said that while in the near death experience they actually felt more alive than ever before.

The other thing that blows my mind is some people think we choose the family that we are born into. Oh gosh, what about reincarnation?

There are so many beliefs and theories. Age old questions. There are those that believe in the Bible word for word. Some people believe in only parts of it, feeling that it is dated or not completely true. How did we get to having a bazillion different denominations of religious beliefs?

Okay, I need to find a philosopher! LOL

NeedHelpWithMom and Tacy,

This morning three ambulances passed me heading towards the hospital, and four more passed me in the opposite direction heading towards the active shooting at a high school incident, where teenage children died.
This afternoon, on the same route, Party/Event trucks were headed with many chairs to the same area for events to be held as the community mourns their losses, and the Sheriff's truck and Emergency vehicles were headed back to the station.

If we think on this, maybe we don't need a philosopher?
Your thoughts are not weird.

I just know that God is very near to the brokenhearted.


I totally agree. God has to be incredibly broken-hearted. There’s no words to describe something so awful.

I can’t begin to imagine how the families and friends feel or the entire community there. I’m so sorry all of you are experiencing this hellish nightmare. 😢

Will pray for all of you.

What saddens me is I remember when these stories got front page and now barely a mention. I know the news people don't like to mention too much anymore because of copycat shooters. But how sad that we even have to worry that some troubled person out there will watch the news and think I'm gonna go out and do that.

It's a sad, mixed up world we live in.

Thinking of former posters here - Motown, Ali, Veronica, Bookluvr, Becky

Yes Madge, I've been missing people on here too. If any of you former posters are out there lurking come on back! It's not the same on here without you.

The lost of a young life is _always_ a tragedy, particularly to the family and immediate friends, regardless of the reason. I have never gotten the whole "more" tragic thinking; whether a drug overdose, car accident, alcohol poisoning, suicide, drowning, allergic reaction, sports injury, accidental electrocution or shooting, a young life has been lost. My mother's first cousin lost one granddaughter at 19 when she and her drug dealing boyfriend of 2 weeks were shot execution style by his "colleagues". Autopsy proved she didn't even use drugs, but she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The cousin also lost a grandson at 18 in a car accident when he wasn't wearing a seat belt. How they died doesn't matter. They are both just as dead from "preventable" causes. The years of promise in an adult life are forever lost. Their parents and grandparents and siblings must live the remainder of their lives with a big missing hole where those young people should be.

I am getting out a lot since my aunt died and I've recovered my health.  I have decided to close my account here. Thank you everyone for help, your insight and compassion. Blessings.

Good bye GrannieAnnie - Go and enjoy your life. You deserve it.

Goodbye Grannie Annie, may God bless you.

Hugs Grannie. 💗

" ... fresh woods and pastures new!" I'm delighted for you, GrannieAnnie, may you always travel hopefully :)

Today is my father's memorial service...This is going to be a tough one for me today. Me and mom are doing ok regarding Dad's passing-We still struggle from time to time but we are doing a little better than what we expected.

The memorial service went well. About 30 people showed up. I cried a little but that was expected-We weren't there for a happy occasion.

Anyone heard of this? Hoping!

Glad, So far they’ve treated one patient. I saw an interview and she says she noticed a slight change in memory retrieval and also in remembering a specific word. She’s a nurse with the University. They have more trials and tests planned. The neuroscience center is also experimenting with Parkinson’s essential tremors. The center was founded by the Rockefeller family. Sen Rockefeller’s mother Blanche died a few years ago from Alzheimer’s. University of Cincinnati Neuroscience Center is also doing a great deal of Alzheimer’s research.

My younger brother was was diagnosed with Parkinson’s several months ago. He has applied to the WVU program.

A sad, horrific violent crime happened in my city today and enough is enough! A mentally ill homeless man stabbed a young woman death near her own home, while she was on her way to work! She may have been pregnant too (neighbors are saying in the crime group that they heard she was, a witness said he thought she was too). We have a crisis in this city and enough is enough! Too many mentally ill people on the street and they need help that they aren’t getting! And now an innocent young woman is dead.

worried, we have the same problem here in Vancouver. In fact today I was waiting for the train to come home after doing errands and a man was screaming at the top of his lungs and running for the train, his pants falling down and just acting crazy. When I got to the train platform he was being escorted away by transit police but with someone like that you never know what he may have done if they didn't get to him first.

One of my elder brothers is schizophrenic so I know what it's like to be around a mental illness but it still never makes you feel safe when you are out in public. and see it.

Gershun, I hope that man got help. I don’t know the situation in Vancouver but down here in California there’s not much the police can do. I knew something like this was going to happen too. It was only a matter of time. A lot of these poor people are so out of their mind that they don’t know what they are doing and they are volatile. If they commit a crime, the jail won’t take them anymore (not like jail is where they need to be anyway). The hospitals can’t keep them on a psych hold but for a few days so they always end up back on the street. The city gets all this money to help “the homeless” but they do nothing to address the mental health aspect of it! Or drug addiction which is another crisis amongst our homeless :(

worried, I know. We have tent communities here cause most of the homeless population can't fit into the limited shelter space and a lot of the homeless are drug addicted with mental problems. My own brother fits into this category. We have tried to get him help but he always ends up back on the street and that seems to be where he chooses to be. It's very sad.

Glad, I got some more info on the WVU Altzheimer’s studies. They have developed technique to get thru a blood barrier into the plaque that causes Altzheimer’s. They’re developing techniques to break up the plaque. It uses ultrasonic probes in a special helmet. So far they are working with patients with early onset

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