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Shell, frustration happens to the best of us, simply apologize, tell her you love her and were so tired a moment and get on with the day, you are a great daughter and Caregiver! We would be superhuman if we didn't get upset now and then, and we are not!

It is a beautiful 70 degrees here today - wonder how many people will want to move here after seeing the parade tomorrow?

So crisp and clear today! A bit windy where we live. Just heard that California is losing a congressional seat (they say first time in history) due to people leaving the state.

When people say: "First time in history", I take that to mean this may not be a true statement.

When I was living in San Francisco area, there was a rumor that fog covered the Golden Gate Bridge. When it was often clear, most of the fact,
I understood why the rumor, so too many people would not visit or move there
if there was that much rumored fog.

Just cannot say how beautiful all of California may be. It is probably not as nice as today, or even as nice as we say!

It will be much colder tomorrow for the parade, with temperatures dropping to 48 degrees F overnight (poor parade goers camping out)!! And tomorrow's high only 66. They will never come back to California now. Yay. One just cannot trust California!

It happens to the best of caregivers.
I started boiling several eggs at once, so I would not have to stand in the kitchen cooking and drive hubs, as I was rushed and trying to get ready.
It was then that I would get irritable.

An online instructional refreshed my abilities to make hard boiled eggs, starting with cold water, once they start to boil, cook 10 minutes. Eggs for 3 days!
Your Mom won't need to cook.

Took a lot of pressure off of me. Sometimes, I even peeled them for dH.

2020 is going to be a better year, as we ourselves learn, and learn, and

Oh Worried, if your mom is like mine telling her to wait for you would have been pointless.. Mom is always saying "I can do it" when she obviously cant do it.. She gets out of the car and takes off while I am coming around to get her, and I swear she goes faster if she knows I am coming! Like you my new truck is high off the ground,,she sort of slides out.., I keep waiting to have to get her up off the ground,, Its like a toddler..

Staceyb, Thank you for your kind words. Frustration does get the best of us at times.

MsMadge, I wish it was 77 degrees where I live. Here it is 27 degrees with the real feel being 11. UGH

Send, 66 degrees is great outdoors weather. I would be happy if it was 50 degrees. LOL!!

Happy New Year's everybody. I hope all of you have a safe and a great new year. God please let 2020 be better then 2019! 🎆🎉🌟🎂😁

Pam yes my mom is like that but if you use the right words with her, she’ll let you help her! The only thing she doesn’t like doing herself is walking, go figure. And I hate complaining about it but she’s gotta stay mobile and active! I know with her breathing, it’s HARD And it SUCKs being short of breath but she is wanting to walk less and less! So the only thing she wants us to do to help her is drive the car right up to her so she doesn’t have to walk. I wish she would walk a little more and let us help her get in & out.

it is 55 here today. I wish it was 66! It’s cold and foggy. I had to turn the heater on an hour ago because it got down to 62 in here!

happy new year everyone!

Shell was your mom trying to make a fried egg then? Those egg cups sound like a good solution for her.


She now makes scrabble eggs with oil. Why? I have no idea! She uses to much oil or butter and has the heat to high. This is not how she use to cook and this is all she can make. I keep telling her that she shouldn't cook anymore, but she loves her eggs. So now, I will buy her those egg cups that you scrabble the egg in the cup and put it into the microwave. I hope she likes them.

My sig other took off one of the nobs on the stove, but you can still turn the burner on. Go figure!

It is really hard to tell some one that was a good cook that they can't cook anymore! She thinks she cooks like she use to and doesn't believe me because in her mind she is find and we are wrong! Ugh!(

I think that might just be the worst part about this disease...they just don't see what they are doing doesn't make sense or isn't how things are done!(

Anyone watching The Rose Parade in Pasadena California, started at 8 a.m.
48 degrees F.
KTLA 5 online.

What's on my mind tonight are low life grave robber's~
My Uncle put 2 beautiful fresh cut Christmas wreaths on both sides of our family's headstone at the grave and yesterday,when he came by,he told me that someone had stolen the one off his parent's side.
He said he hoped they were enjoying it and they mustv'e needed it more.
I'm just sick for him and I'll never understand how grave robber's can live with themselves.

So sad. Sorry about the wreath being stolen.

Me too NHWM, Thanks~

I've tried lots of cleaners and candles and scent diffusers but whenever I return home after I've been away I still get that first whiff of old people smell, and mom's been gone long enough now that I can no longer blame her. While searching online I found and reread the AgingCare article on nonenol which states that it begins to show up when we are in our 40's... so it's me then, sigh.

Nonenol article....I read that too.
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize in 2020!

Aren't candles, scent diffusers, and perfumes just what the elderly love to cover up odors? I blame those products, once the scent is in the home, they are going to expire, get old, deteriorate. So I do not spray scents around the home.

Your Uncle's attitude about the theft is admirable when he says:
"They must have needed it more".
I am going to copy that!


That is just sad. I just don't understand people that can do these type of things!!!

Lucky, that is just awful! I really cannot believe that are lowlifes out there that will steal wreathes and flowers from the dead! So far nothing we’ve left at my MILs grave has been stolen. I must admit I was a little taken back when I went out there one day and my SIL had left a nice vase (my husband for some reason chose NOT to include the vase option on the headstone) and she had taped a note to the back of it saying it belongs to MIL and should not be taken or thrown away. Now I see why she did that and I put the same note when I leave a vase.

Unrelated.....on New Year’s Day the local news stringer posted video footage he shot of the CHP out with a drunk driver at around 4 in the afternoon. It was a homecaregiver still in her scrubs who said she had had a few drinks. I can’t help but wonder...considering the timing....was she drinking on the job? She looked younger, maybe late 20s early 30s and this sadly isn’t her first DUI.

Send...I guess the grave robber needed the holly I left in the coffee can more too,because I just drove by there and it's gone too and I guess my Uncle didn't tell me that to protect my heart.
There were wreaths and fresh little Christmas trees on other graves,I saw today,but for some reason,they stole ours.

Here in Vancouver people steal the copper inscription off of headstones so they can sell it. Pretty pathetic.

Interesting article on ALZ...

Techie I had already read that there are many more people with plaques and tangles than there are with ALZ, this was made abundantly clear in the UC Davis Alzheimer's study featured by 60 minutes (funny I can't find a link to it, but it must have been almost a decade ago?). This is one of the reasons it irritates me that social and political attention is so focused on ALZ rather than "dementia", it think it will likely be discovered that alzheimer's is not necessarily what we think it is - we already distinguish between early onset and other forms - and that the less well known dementias and their risk factors play a greater role than we currently give to them.

Is this close?
60 Minutes
CBS This Morning
Morning Rounds
Decade of Decline

They followed the patient and her husband for 10 years.

I saw that Send, but what I'm thinking of is an episode where they detailed a UC Davis study and several of the participants. I think I remember that the participants had been part of a study of some kind for the previous decade or longer and it offered a unique opportunity for the researchers because of all the accumulated data.

Just thinking and dreaming of Springtime.
Spring is right around the corner.
Planning crops, and ordered more bees. I can't wait for Spring. Flowers, birds and butterfly migration, planting and harvesting.
Maybe I will hatch some baby chicks. (I love baby chicks :) )

It will be here before we know it. :)

I love spring too! I was married in the spring.

Hubby out of town for work. He will be gone all week. Boo hoo. I miss him.

Isn't it amazing how quiet and empty the house can feel when we are missing someone? My 5 year old grand-nephew visits Mom and I at least a couple of times most days. Friday night he "slept over" with one of his friends so they could play together all day Saturday. I must admit I enjoyed a Saturday morning where I knew I could clean out the fridge without a small partner asking me what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. By late Saturday afternoon, even though I was enjoying the NFL playoffs, I missed not seeing the little guy and it hadn't even been a whole day yet!


It’s true. We are used to our routine. Hubby travels. I’m used to it. Sometimes I like the solitude but there are times I miss him and want him home.

He’s in Vegas at the big tech conference.

We have been married for 41 years!


Yeah, crime is bad in New Orleans but I am so sick of hearing about the crap that happens. People are heartless!

Watching the news...A person shot and killed in Walmart. Another person was injured. Glad that I don’t live anywhere near that Walmart. Don’t shop there. Feel awful for the employees.

My gosh. So sad. Cameras are now in church parking lots because of the car break ins while people are in church! 17 cars broken into over the weekend! Horrible...Can’t even pray without crimes being committed. Grrrr

My hubs is away again for three weeks as of today. The first few days are nice but then I start to climb the walls a bit.

As for crime. Yes, it's getting to be so you can't feel safe anywhere. Then there is what's going on in Australia and Iran right now. I look twice at people now cause ya never know. I've always been a trusting sort of person and like to give people the benefit of the doubt but that is starting to slowly change. It's sad. I don't want to be a cynical person.

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