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Hey, I was accused of being in a clique and to make it even worse the same person told me everyone in my so called clique were bashing me.🤣

Oh to be so popular!

I've spent my while life feeling like I don't fit in so if no one gives me likes I just think life is as it's always been. Cest le vie.

I still have fun!

On my mind, the petty passive aggressive behavior displayed by posters that pretend to be something they are not. I think that they only fool themselves, everyone else can see the passive aggressive hateful posts.

I hope that I don't become a bitter old women playing junior high games with people's hearts.

Woooh, I feel better getting that off my chest.

The New Moon is already at 2.3%, a waning crescent.

we have statistics?? What the heck are they Cwillie? I just like things so people know I read them and agree with them,, not because I like them ( although I try to like everyone!) As I said before on another thread,, it just lets me know who may have thought I was useful,,or not.. LOL And if I don't "like" on a thread, sometimes its just because I missed it.. or I know the poster already knows I agree. I don't get that people think it is a popularity contest, to me this is not what this forum is about. I have also been accused of being in a clique.. don't really get that either.

The PM was just a thought. Wouldn't expect one to do it about a comment they liked. When I am not having a very positive day such as today due to issues with my mother and now to top it my daughter has her almost 2 year old son in or with a ponytail, it can help to correspond with someone i feel a connection to. I try to be open minded but he is the cutest little boy without a say in the matter. Anyway criticize away if you feel I deserve it or care to.

Haircuts for boys continue to be a sensitive topic, huh?
When my son got a job in high school, and later grew a little 'tail' down his neck, I knew better. He first got in a fight at school because of his hair! His first fight. Then his manager at work said cut your hair, or don't come to work.
Those were the days, yeah!

As his grandma, you just 'know' better.

Coming off a 5 visit with my parents. My dads pulmonary embolism seems to be ok, his bloodwork is great. Moms breathing is bad :(
My brother managed to not piss me off this time. Like I thought, he had started drinking again for about 5 weeks around Christmas and that’s why my dad stayed home with the dogs instead of coming down with mom. He went to rehab for 5 days while she was hospitalized.

I took mom to the lab to get some bloodwork done this afternoon and we had a conversation about my brother in the waiting room. And the woman next to mom was listening to us and at the end she told mom “you really need that little girl to help you. She’s got balls.” And then she apologized for listening in but it was really no biggie to us! Mom was lamenting on the fact that she hasn’t told my brother that the painter is coming next week to re-paint the great room. She wanted it light grey and the color they picked out and that my brother painted the room in, is BLUE and mom hates it. My brother never even finished the job (that he was paid to do). So mom says he’s going to be mad when she pays a professional to do the job. I told her “why does he even care? It’s your house and your money. You haven’t lived 71 years just so he can tell you how to spend your money and how to life your life”. I forget what all was said but I said I wondered if he thinks he’s going to get to stay in the house after they are gone and she said she thinks he feels he should get the house because he lives in and that they’ve told him everything is to be split 50/50. Then the subject of his drinking came up because I had bought a cheap bottle of Cabernet yesterday, to make an au ju for the prime rib we had for dinner and I intended to pour the bottle out when I was done cooking but got sidetracked. He took a few swigs, I could tell, when I finally did get around to pouring the bottle out. Anyway I told her he came in to the kitchen looking for the wine after she went to bed and that I told him I poured it out and that he thanked me for it!
I am glad the lady in the waiting room said what she said. I know my mom isn’t capable of tough love when it comes to my brother but I know that hearing someone else agree with what I tell her, is good for her to hear. Most of her friends all have a child that is in a similar situation as my brother so they are all in the same boat and don’t tell each other the things they need to hear!

My only gripe this visit is that I found out my cousin E is a paranoid schizophrenic and my brother had the nerve to sit here and act like our cousin is all messed up and he isnt in the same situation basically. I haven’t seen E since my uncles (his dad) funeral 10 years ago. And at that time he was struggling with drug addiction and there a lot of drama because he was stealing family members opioids. Anyway he has stopped showering and he starts to smell so bad his mom has to tell him to take a shower. So he showers and gets dressed and then doesn’t know why he’s dressed and apparently hes making life rough for his mom. And my brother, who has suffered drug addiction and mental health issues and is on Xanax and has personality disorders, sat here laughing over our cousin! For a while my brother had symptoms of Schizophrenia himself! So that just chapped my hide! My brother is really not better off, he’s got his own demons he’s fighting. He ought to be sympathetic to E. I haven’t processed the news yet. We grew up together (our parents were twins) But he moved to Rhode Island with his mom not long after my uncle died and I’ve wondered why he’s never pictured in the photos posted on Facebook by our Rhode Island family.

On my mind...Sam lost his battle today with cancer:) My Sig Other's has had Sam for 17 yrs. I had to watch my sweetheart's heart break today as he lost his buddy:( Today is just a sad day. Hopefully Sam is at peace and with my fur babies. RIP my lovable Sam; you will be missed!😢🐱💔

I just want to thank everyone for your prayers and support and all your love. Thank you for always be here:(

Oh Shell, I am so sorry. So difficult losing a fur buddy.

May God give you both grieving mercies and comfort during this difficult time.


I am so sorry. It’s like losing a child. They are a part of the family. I can’t even bring myself to get another dog or cat because I don’t want to go through watching another animal die. It’s heartbreaking!

I watch my daughter’s dog for her when she needs me to. He is so sweet. He loves me. He doesn’t like everyone.

Sadly, her little pooch was abused before she rescued him. Also sad, her ex boyfriend was cruel to the dog. Thank God the boyfriend is gone. He didn’t deserve my daughter or the dog. She’s with a great guy now.

I don’t understand how someone can abuse an animal. It’s horrible. They love us. All they want is to be loved.

I am allergic to dogs and cats but I made sure to take my allergy meds. I can tell a difference in my allergies since I don’t have an animal in my home all the time.

Thank you NHWM and Isthisrealyreal so much.

NHWM, I don't know how any one could hurt animals either. They give more than they take. They really just want love from us.

Isthisrealyreal, it really is hard to lose a fur buddy. My sig other really loved Sam they went through so much together.

So sorry for your loss Shell.🐕💕

Thank you Gershun. I hope you are doing well. I think of you and of Daniel often. 💗

Thx Shell. Speaking of Daniel. He finally has the cone of shame off. He had that thing on for two whole months. He and his brother are back cuddling again.🤗


I think it’s nice that Daniel has his brother to cuddle with. They do keep each other company. I had a couple of cats as a kid and a dog. My mom was good about that. She loved animals too. My dad tolerated them but he wasn’t as fond of them.

I don’t think daddy had animals growing up so he had no frame of reference. My mom had dogs and a cat growing up. I did have hamsters too. My mom did not like the hamsters but my friend down the street gave me three babies when her hamster had babies.

My husband had a couple of dogs but only wanted one animal at the time. My daughters had mice and fish too.

I went to the store with my daughter to buy diapers for her elderly dog to wear while she is at school or work and I hadn’t been to the pet store in awhile. This isn’t a chain. It was an independent store with all kinds of specialty items. Some of it I don’t get, such as vegan food for dogs. They aren’t vegetarian. Of course, they jumped on the CBD oil band wagon.

Wonder if CBD oil would have calmed down my little schnauzer! She was cute as a button but needed to chill out. She was a high strung, nervous Nellie type, which is the opposite of my husband and me. We gelled better with our greyhound. Greyhounds are even tempered. They are laid back, relaxed and so sweet. Greyhounds are sometimes compared with cats. They are very quiet. They don’t bark like my yippy yappy schnauzer did.

"The new word for loneliness is Selfie. You take a picture of yourself by yourself. Just to post it to people you will never meet and wait to see how many likes you get"

--T.D. Jakes

Nashville 🙏


Interesting...Selfies are popular. I think of vanity with selfies more than loneliness. I also look at it as the new photo albums of today’s world. Older generations did photo albums that turned into expensive scrapbooking.

Shell, they could care less about the likes. Those likes translates into money for them. The famous people get endorsed for anything they do! It’s a paycheck for them. The non famous people is a different story, could be loneliness in some cases or pure vanity.

Hahaha, I don’t do selfies or scrapbook. I’m so boring, right?

I _love_ it! The cell phone with a rotary dial!

Did anybody have to go out to their car this morning to find out what time it really is?

Thank goodness, it is the right time again!

I asked my hubs to draw a clock with the right time on it, just as a test. He drew a digital clock. No wonder his doc thought he was still normal.

I actually remembered how to change the clock in the car without looking it up - I've had the car 10 years now so I guess it's about time😛

Yes, the time in my car was off too.

Moon is at 99.4% waxing gibbous.

WOW AC Admins...
A special section 'Protecting Seniors Against Corona Virus!'

Thank you! You are awesome!

A pregnant lady here in town went into Walmart for some toilet paper when suddenly her water broke and she gave birth right there on the toilet paper isle to a beautiful baby girl.Firefighter's helped deliver it and customer's cheered.The lady never did get her toilet paper,but she left with a new baby.

Oh wow, that must have been some speedy birth if she couldn't even make it out of the TP aisle 🍼

It was a speedy delivery cwillie,it all happened in 45 minutes they said on the news.
She was really lucky.There happened to be a lady shopping that was a delivery nurse who offered her help and knew what to do.

Feeling like I hit the Lotto! Got out early, was able to get TP, wanted to find a thermometer, no luck there. So a small lotto prize. ;)

Oh, and tylenol too!

gladimhere, good for you!

Someone said they found toilet paper, too ~ $100 for a few rolls.  Maybe toilet paper is the new gold standard? to be stored at Ft. Knox?

Bought a number of things at wally world, bill was $56.00, not unusual. Not the tp I usually buy now set for probably 4-6 weeks, maybe more.

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