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I don't blame you! Have to agree with you about the news reporters!

I have had my fill of the news reporters. Not all of them but a good majority seem to get some kind of illicit pleasure out of reporting bad news. Yeah, I guess that's why they chose that career. Maybe? But my gosh..........repetition, repetition, repetition. I watch for five minutes and then when I realize it's the same newscast from the night before I turn it off. What did they report on before Covid19? I wonder.

I can tell by my mood whether I've been exposed to too much of it. Even the "delightful" reports of how parents are entertaining their kids and so on get on my nerves now.

Just heard my dog whining from somewhere in the house, which is very very unlike him. Went to investigate and found him in the kitchen standing at the back door which was open but blocked by a kiddie gate, and there was a very large and very sweet black dog standing on the other side of the gate! Guess the dogs didn’t get the memo that we are supposed to be social distancing? Turns out the other dog was my next door neighbors PUPPY! Boy did he grow fast. I saw him a few weeks ago and he was maybe half the size he is now! Totally didn’t recognize him at first & had no idea whose dog was trespassing in my garage. I felt bad breaking up the party because they seemed to want to play together but my dog is small and he’s 16.

Also today a very generous large produce company here gave the police dept 60 boxes of produce today. My husband brought home a box that had multiple lettuce variations, celery, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, radishes, green onion, red onion, cilantro and broccolini. We gave half to the next door neighbors because it was way too much for us! What a nice gesture! But go figure...I went out for lightbulbs and salad kits this afternoon and then my husband comes home with a box of salad fixings! Could have just stayed home and sent him to ACE for the lightbulbs if I had known LOL!


What a wonderful surprise! Fresh veggies are so yummy. Enjoy!

Shifty eyes. Has anyone ever known anyone that literally shifts their eyes back and forth a lot? Seems to be happening when this person is trying to figure out how to push back or disagree. Strangest thing I have her seen. Doesn't help with a trust level.

WorriedinCali: Wow - good for you getting all those yummy fresh veggies! 😀

Glad: Shifty eyes - Ha Ha - may be nothing or may be something.😀

I'm getting a little ticked off at all the "thank an essential worker" stuff I keep running into.
Thank a trucker - great, but for most of them it's business as usual and at least they HAVE a job, and I can't imagine anyone safer than a person sitting by themselves in a big rig.
Thank a doctor/nurse/first responder - absolutely thanking those in urban centres and working in high risk areas, but my local 19 bed hospital got parade of fire trucks and ambulances and we have only had ONE person pass through with CV 2 weeks ago. Yes it must be a pain to work with all the new restrictions but for the most part the hospital and medical centres have cancelled everything else, it's like a ghost town around there.
You know who isn't getting a shout out? Staff at retirement and nursing homes - it's got to be h3ll working in any them let alone the ones that have CV.

cwille, it's not always so safe for the essential workers. Yes, they have a job but often their hours have been reduced or greatly increased and they are at increased risk.

I have a friend and a family member driving big rigs. Although they are relatively safe in their trucks, they still have to stop for fuel, sometimes in areas of active CV community spread. With restaurants closing or moving to only drive thru service, truckers are having problems getting a meal on the road because big rigs and people are not allowed at many drive thru windows. Some showers at truck stops have been closed too and motels just don't feel safe anymore. And when they come home, they must worry about the possibility of bringing CV back to their families. My friend is staying in his RV and hasn't touched a family member in weeks. My family member is older with no kids at home and his wife has decided to accept the risk so he actually gets to sleep in his own bed when he's home on turnover; he recently worked 27 straight days.

We have 4 health care workers who were infected at one of our smaller community hospitals (the one patient and the 4 health care workers the only confirmed infections in that county); the 48 year old doctor is now in ICU on a vent fighting for his life. Our health care system has laid off 1300+ workers (with continued health care and medication coverage) in admin, general care, and elective surgery departments and temporarily closed 6 urgent care centers; the system is projecting to lose $155 million dollars in just 90 days. That doesn't even count the nurses and techs furloughed from doctors' offices.

My brother (66 and taking an ACE for high blood pressure ) is an essential worker with reduced hours. Because he is working with 180+ people from 4 counties, he cannot visit my home beyond leaving groceries on my porch. He's out there taking a risk each time he fuels his car and enters that factory complex. He works with some younger yahoos who think social distancing is a joke, so his risk might be higher than LTC care givers.

The essential care givers in our LTC facilities are having a very difficult time. One facility I know about has increased the shift hours from 8 to 10, using the overlap to help replace volunteers at morning and evening meals. Four facilities in my area have announced they will be engaging some of the staff laid off from the mainline health care system, after they complete isolation and testing. These workers are at reduced risk of being infected because of the no visitation rules but the increased workload is almost unbearable. No LTC facility in our area has been infected yet and we seem to have enough testing available to keep the risk low, but we know from the outbreak in the facility near Nashville that once CV gets a foot in the door of a LTC facility, many of the residents and the staff will be infected and several will die.

Today, I got a delivery order from my local Walmart. Whether pickup or delivery, the people bringing those groceries to our homes or cars are taking some risk too. The essential people who are stocking shelves or preparing food and running checkouts are taking a risk so the rest of us can have food (and sometimes toilet paper).

Our first responders are out there still coming in contact with people who are respecting social distancing and with the people who do not. Perhaps they are coming in more contact with the people who are not observing social distancing. When subduing someone or pulling them out of a wreck, all the safety guidelines cannot always be followed.

I know this is a trying time for everyone and things do get on our nerves _but_ I think we really do need to thank our essential workers. All of them are taking an increased risk both for themselves and their families. The rest of us just couldn't cope very well without them.

Techie I don't need a lecture on why I am wrong, I mentioned on my thread asking who was still working that all of my relatives are still working - the one who is probably most at risk is crammed into a truck with one or two others delivering furniture, but there ain't nobody clapping for him, in fact some people have even tried to bully them into delivering into homes under quarantine. My oldest nephew is managing a big construction project and has a newborn daughter he hasn't seen for a month because his wife was afraid he would bring the virus home with him, nobody's clapping for him either. My sister is 69 and still going to work at the nursing home because she's a scheduler and somebody needs to be there to beg people to please come to work. Another nephew figures it's only a matter of time until he is exposed - he's a cop. Like I already said - I fully support kudos to those on the front lines who are actually suffering hardship, what grates is lavishly praising some while totally disregarding others.

Sorry cwillie, my intention was not to lecture. I felt your original posting in this thread did under appreciate the risks being taken by some essential workers like truckers, where there are a couple of people near and dear to my own heart. I still feel you are just a little bit extra "grouchy" on this subject. I understand that; there are definitely subjects I'm extra grouchy about during this stressful time too. I'm hoping this one becomes less irritating to you in the coming days and weeks.

Bless you Techie, "Grouchy" is exactly what I am!
BTW I've got some truckers in my family too (cousins).

CWillie I totally agree with all you said. :)


I get it too. Everyone is important.

Today is my Birthday and there is no where to go...oh well, maybe I will treat myself to a movie rental from Dish Network!😳

Happy Birthday Shell 🤗🎈🎂

Happy Birthdah Shell!!! Enjoy your day!!!



Possible treats you can enjoy for your birthday:

Take a long relaxing bubble bath.
Take a nap
Eat your favorite dessert
No cooking for the day
Order take-out or delivery of your favorite food
No chores for the day
Binge watch your favorite shows
Put on your favorite music
Give yourself a mini facial spa
Put on your favorite body lotion
Pamper yourself any other way you can think of

Happy Birthday again.

Thank you Cwilly and Worried! I will try!

Thank you Polarbear! I will do all of them! LOL!!

Happy Birthday, Shell! 🎂 Treat yourself. 🍦🌺

Happy birthday Shell!!

Happy Birthday Shell! (((HUGS)))

Happy birthday Shell, May you get your hearts desire for your present.

Thank you guys or should I say gals. You all have made me feel special!

Hugs back!!💜💕😉

CW - why isn't your sister scheduling from home, though? Her employers should have set her up with the right hardware and communications equipment. Can she really not?

Our bloody manager is pregnant so she's not allowed out of her house. It means she has eight uninterrupted hours a day to worry about us and dream up supportive ideas such as - you won't believe me - calling *every* *one* of us during our rounds to spring a quiz on PPE on us. You're standing there waiting for your client to finish her meds. Your phone goes off. You curse under your breath, fish around under your flimsy plastic apron, wrestle your phone out of your tunic pocket - discreetly excusing yourself the while - scoot outside the room, and "Have you got a few minutes?" pipes up a cheery little voice.

Not really. Especially not now that I have to remove my gloves, wash my hands, dry my hands, put on new gloves, dispose of the old gloves in an approved container separated for 72 hours from household waste and stored in a secure area, and get back to my client who I hope has not choked on her 14-strong px...

I'm sorry, Shell - a very happy birthday to you!

I think Dominos Pizza are still delivering, so perhaps there's someone near you who would. Might go nicely with the movie. *Maybe* they'll even pop some candles on one for you..?

A very happy birthday to you, Shell! 🎂

Thank you CM. I made dinner and my sweety gave me some candy yesterday, which I am enjoying right now. But thank you for your idea!

Thank you NHWM.

There is a new "Sendhelp", who's screename is Sendhelp82.

I do not know why anyone would want the same screename as me, it has such a reputation! Lol.

Should I change mine? It appears the new poster is older than me (82), and I have been taught to defer to my elders.


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